Xiling Empire

Chapter 951: Fugitive

Chapter 951 The Fugitive

(Nah ... Do you know if there is actually a forum for the empire's forum? The forum for the Hilling Empire (official website?): Abandoned garden, the address can be found from the custom link in it-because I forgot the specific address . [Wu Qian Qian Kun] Friendship Reminder: The forum belongs to the senior area, please refer to the character ...)

The two sides confronted each other nervously from the beginning. Not only did they not show any signs of relaxation, but they were even more tense because of another unidentified juvenile soldier. Of course, speaking of confrontation actually seemed to be one-sided by the other. We There is no meaning of attack here, but ... the other party obviously does not think so.

The name of the alien who looks a bit like an insect evolved is called Tuo. According to him (now I can use "he"), that apparently has surpassed the speed of sound and violent impact, and installed on its forelimb. You can judge that you are a melee melee warrior, and the young soldier with a gun obviously uses long-range attacks. The two may be a combination such as a combat squad. Now they are ready. They all have the expression of desperate ashamed--I mean the face of the unknown young soldier is treated as if of death, as for Tuo's expression ... well, the expression is very isosceles triangle.

"Well, can you lay down your weapon first, we don't really like anyone pointing at this with this thing."

I pointed at the strange rifle in the young soldier's hand and said helplessly, but the opening didn't matter. The other party obviously took my action as a signal to start a war. He subconsciously activated the weapon, and a bright blue light turned on me instantly. ... The energy shield in front of him didn't break the defense at all, and then the other person was startled in surprise: "Ah?"

I looked at the almost imperceptible ripples on the shield in front of me, and threw a blindfold at the young soldiers: "Just like you, in my army, you need to be closed for seven days on average every week-first before firing Use your brain! "

"What a new trick," the young soldier turned a deaf ear to my words, and instead looked at Tuo with a confused look, still holding the weapon tightly in his hands. "How did they tell me about the Imperial soldiers I heard in school? It ’s the same? It ’s different from the guys you ’ve met before. ”

"They are very cruel. I don't know. The things in the school may be out of date. The imperial soldiers usually don't talk more nonsense. The language communication is really troublesome. I have asked for support. Don't relax your vigilance." Things, continue to face this side with a light knife.

Sandora and I looked at each other and saw the same message from the other person's eyes: they might be two masters who couldn't get in.

But even though the other party's oil and salt didn't go in, I planned to talk about it first, so I showed a quite kind smile and the other party was almost like: "Then you know who we are, right?"

...... As soon as this sentence was finished, I felt that my intelligence might be a little bit closer to Dingdang. Even if the other person thinks of the empire as a viper, I even took the initiative to raise this stubble, which is almost set, and it is thousands of miles away ... ...

"Huh, of course." The young soldier didn't shoot again, but his fingers were white on the weapon, and his body was obviously shaking. This was definitely not caused by excitement, but even then the other party didn't look back or yield. He couldn't even hurt a target ’s hair with a shot just now. Such a huge difference in power can be seen by anyone with a clear eye. In this case, he still holds the weapon tightly. "You are The Empire, the Spirit Empire ... the most dangerous enemies, the invaders and the destroyers, wherever you pass, they are indifferent to life and charcoal, and this is how they are taught in the school! You do the same! Today you are going to carnival again, right? "

Sandora's face suddenly became unsightly, but it was fleeting, and she quickly reverted to her cold expression, only watching the young soldier asked coldly: "I'm really curious about you What is taught in the school-the 'glorious record' of 'us'. "

"Do you still need to ask, you know better than anyone?" The young soldier was unexpectedly quite easy to get out of. This may have something to do with the other person's age. It looks like he is still at 12 o'clock in the night from the dormitory. When the building jumped out to the Internet, it ’s easiest for a child in this state to tell you all the secrets with a firm face. "You destroyed the Toberu civilization, burned the sky disk galaxy, and slaughtered hundreds of billions of Yunads. , And the Osa Empire, the Human Federation, and the Seventy-seven World Alliance. You destroyed them! And then you chased us for so many years! Attacked the fleet non-stop! You killed a bunch of people, now Finally decided to fight against the last fleet, right! Huh! Murderer! We will stand dead! And definitely pull you back! "

"It was done by a fallen apostle ..." Sandora's face still looked like an iceberg, but she whispered in the spiritual connection, her voice was heavy, with almost undisguised sorrow, "I should have thought of this ... "

"How many kingdoms did he mention?"

I had no hope for this question, but raised it just to divert Sandora's attention, but I didn't expect her to nod slightly: "A small part of it has been in contact, in the old empire ... they used to It is also a powerful civilization that fights the abyss, gradually contacting us because of the expanding empire's ruled area. They are the last batch of abyss rebels who have not yet joined the empire-led front at the end of the old empire. , But it must be the same situation ... after the old empire was controlled by the abyss, they became the first victims ... "

"Now you can't do anything about it, it's irreparable."

I interrupted Sandora's memories. These things can be discussed later. Then I looked up at the young soldier. "Take us to your leader and ask you, the supreme commander of the fleet."

It has been seen that this juvenile soldier and his alien comrade named Tuoyi may be just the most ordinary patrolmen. What he knows is absolutely limited, and he is still two dead-heads who ca n’t enter the oil and salt. No more, so I decided to get in touch with the opponent's superior as soon as possible-if I could talk directly to the Ghost Fleet commander, everything would be easier.

But as expected before, the young soldier refused without thinking: "Unless you kill me! Don't want to go through this gate!"

In fact, I really want to tell this child that there are at least twenty ways for Lilina to pass through the gate where he is standing without resistance, but I do n’t think this sentence is very effective here. Serious, so I didn't say.

The other party didn't mean to let it go. No one was surprised by this. Sandora frowned slightly, and then suddenly released her powerful mental power. This power swept through the metal barriers around it and spread all the way to the core of the planet. In the past, because we were already at the bottom of the "intermediate" of the fortress of the planet, the energy interference of the starship was negligible, and Sandola's will filled the whole planet in an instant-if she wanted to, I would control this The fortress was not difficult, but she just wanted to say a few words.

I do n’t know what Sandora said. Anyway, the young soldier in front of him quickly glanced at the suspected communicator in his chest, and was surprised after talking a few words to the superior opposite the communicator. Looking at it uncertainly: "You guys ... you must have done something!"

"You don't need to worry about this, anyway, we can go in now, right?"

There were still a few golden particles flying in Sandora's hair, and she quietly glanced at the young soldier and asked calmly.

The other side hesitated, and nodded reluctantly, "Well, I'll open the passage below."

Under the leadership of the young soldiers, the people passed through the gate that was temporarily closed. Below the gate was a wide vertical shaft. The original cold wind in the shaft was also stopped. I would like to ask whether these constantly agitating winds are What's going on, but the other party obviously has no interest in chatting. In fact, he doesn't even want to keep a distance of less than ten meters with us. He and the praying mantis celebrity named Tuo (incorrect) each ride a floating aircraft in front of us Twenty or thirty meters away lead the way, all the way is as fast as trying to get rid of the chaser behind him, I'm afraid the other party really think so-for a group of exiles who have been chased by the imperial soldiers for many years The feeling behind the Spirit apostle must be terrible.

"What's your name?"

I quickly ran to the young soldier and asked loudly, but the other person did not expect the person behind him to do this, exclaimed that he almost fell off the aircraft, and I quickly helped him to stabilize his direction, using the elders to teach the younger ones with a strong mind, Speeding, kid, harm yourself-don't you have any traffic laws? "

The young soldier looked at me with horrified eyes for a few seconds, and muttered a word with his head down: "Gold."

Then the other speeded up and ran to me again.

I reacted for a long time before I realized that "Jin" might be his name. The child speaks very concisely. Of course, his father and mother gave him a concise name. Anyway, if he writes a novel, he would definitely not like to use this name. It ’s too bad to fight for the full attendance, so Sasaki Kojiro is more popular, and the worst is called Ouyang Qingsong ...

Soon we came to the end of this shaft that looked like a range hood wave tube. It felt good to be down to earth. At the front is something that finally looks less twisted like a piece of meat: it is an alloy gate with a distinctly imperial style, and even a cross indent on the gate!

Apparently, the dent was once inlaid with a group of crystals, but the crystal that has been used as a military emblem has been buckled. Even the remaining grooves have been scratched by people, as if they were drawn in a mess with a thick pen. With those fierce scratches, I could almost imagine how the people who did this gritted their teeth and cut their teeth.

Noticed that our eyes swept up and down the groove. The young soldier snorted coldly and said nothing, but he hesitated when he took out his identification card to open the door. Obviously, A group of "very fierce imperial soldiers" entered his home, which seemed too strange to him.

However, his hesitation did not last long, because before he used the identification card, the metal gate opened actively-it should be that the controller above had received a direct order to let us in.

A lot of people were already curious about the scene ahead. In this weird planetary fortress, there are so many strange scenes, so much that we are guessing how many weird things can still be in front, such as a continuous film. Lairs and the like, so without waiting for the door to open completely, everyone rushed over, and then ... exclaimed one after another.

"This is ... is this a city?"

She is running at the forefront. There is no way. This girl really wants to be the first one. You can't catch her even if you have been running since the Jurassic era. When you see the big lights at your feet, she is calm.

After coming from the gate, I thought that I would see a large number of war factories suspended in the air like a planet warship, or a huge ship corridor, or any other huge military facility, but I did not expect that it would appear to be another A piece of earth and sky.

At our feet is a wide alloy platform suspended in mid-air and connected by a metal cylinder with a diameter of tens of meters and the steel dome above. This metal cylinder is obviously the shaft that everyone passed through from around the platform. Observation, the extremely high place is the gray-black sky, and a little "stars" flicker on the sky, which is the inner wall of the starship "interlayer" and the lights on the inner wall, and a few kilometers below our feet, it is The ground lit by lights can see dense buildings and well-ordered streets, and various types of transportation flow between these buildings.

From a distance, you can see a giant pillar of alloy standing on the ground every other distance, like the Optimus Prime used to support the sky in mythology, connecting the ground and the "sky", those gray-black alloy pillars There are bright light spots running up, each light spot is a strange aircraft, they seem to be maintaining these huge pillars supporting the starship's shell. All this is shrouded in a dim light, the whole world, as if in a polar night where the end can not be seen.

This is a twilight world, wrapped in a steel sky!

The scenery in front of you is shocking. If it were not for you, you might never imagine what a planet surrounded by thousands of kilometers of metal spherical shell looks like. This magnificent scene is such a desolate scene I do n’t know how long people in this world have lived in this environment, but from the whole world, the heavy depression and desolation are still moving enough. I was silent for a moment, looking slightly nervously to the point of tension With vigilance, our young soldiers: "Kim."

"What's wrong?" Said the other impatiently.

"... It's okay, take us to meet your leader."

"The spaceship in front is here to pick you up, but Tuo and I really should follow."

King checked his weapon and brought his insect comrades to the edge of the platform. A small, fat, small spacecraft stopped in front of him. I noticed that this extraordinary mission did not have a frigate, and it was returned at the beginning. It's weird, but I'm relieved soon: If you use it to pick up our group of people, what frigates do you arrange differently ...

The small transport ship looks small, but the space inside is very wide. It seems that some kind of space expansion technology is also applied to this thing, but it is somewhat different from the space expansion of the empire. In the spacecraft, you can still feel a sense of contradiction. In addition to us, there are some soldiers in the transport ship. Some of these soldiers are humans, while others are insect-shaped alien life forms like Tuo, and some are never seen. They come from other races.

Obviously, the composition of this exile team is more complicated than we think. I really do n’t know how many countries it ’s composed of ruined races. As we have seen so far, maybe such a ghost fleet will bring us The moral pressure will be no less than the hundreds of races of the civilized community-each of them may carry a history of blood and tears, and these blood and tears history will undoubtedly have to be paid by the empire.

As the transport ship flew to its destination, I could feel that every soldier around him had thrown at us a vigilant and frightening look. Of course, there was also a bitter hatred mixed with these emotions. Obviously uncomfortable, but fortunately everyone kept calm, which saved us a lot of trouble. I started to thank Lin Xue for the prediction again, otherwise at this time, maybe we have no violent incident ...

The spacecraft quietly flew for ten minutes in the dim dusk, and finally landed in a place that we did n’t know anyway. An unusually tall and thin female officer met us on the landing platform. I was ordered to stand by near the landing platform, and several of us followed this female officer and walked into an alloy-made building that still looked like a "bulk" style like a curdled meat mass The only information I got along the way was that this design style was created by the Tobelu people, the Toberu people, and those alien life forms that looked like insects evolved have amazing super technology, They are the backbone of the Ghost Fleet.

The crowd followed the leading female officer in this huge metal fortress, and the complex passageway like an ant's nest made people feel dizzy. In the end, we arrived at a huge hexagonal hall, and the female officer who brought us nodded bluntly to us: "This is the parliament, you wait here."

Leaving such a sentence, the other party immediately turned his head and fled away.

"It seems we are not very popular."

Lilin laughed cheekily on her cheeks, did I say this is nonsense? According to the information leaked by the young soldiers, the group of fugitives who were scourged by the lunatic apostles after the collapse of the old empire is not light, and it is still so light now. It ’s hunting down ~ www.readwn.com ~ Generally I do n’t know for sure to confuse the new empire with the fallen apostles. If we had n’t fired the gun first, the ghost fleet would have chosen to run away instead of fighting in the first place. The boys are almost out. In this case, do you expect to receive a warm welcome?

Actually, when I entered with Sandora, I expected it to be worse than now ...

"Where is the parliament that the man said just now?" The elder sister looked around and said curiously. The hall is quite large in size, at least equivalent to an indoor stadium, and the surrounding walls are not the common gray-black alloy on the outside, but Ordinary white makes the whole space very bright. In this environment, I feel much more comfortable, but except for the bright, there is no one in the hall, no communication equipment, and it is a completely empty room. Can't help but wonder what happened to the parliament that the female officer said earlier.

After waiting for a few minutes, we started to speculate whether the other party was going to starve our deadly enemies here—of course, this is impossible. Sandora is fully capable and has the courage to eat a passage from here. Go out, but just as we are about to lose patience, the lights in the hall suddenly dimmed, and then we saw a lot of moving light spots in the surrounding air, these light spots are accumulating faster and faster in the center of the hall , Gradually formed a human shape ...

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