Xiling Empire

Chapter 952: Misunderstanding ... Um, let ’s temporarily lift it.

Chapter 952: Misunderstanding ... Well, let's consider it temporarily lifted

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The expanse is like an indoor gymnasium. There is nothing in the hexagonal hall. Even a table and a lamp cannot be seen. It is as clean as a shiny metal box. We looked around in this empty place for a long time. Seeing what the other party said about the council, however, just as I counted whether the other party was planning to throw some of us here for the pigeons, the surrounding space suddenly changed.

The originally bright indoor lights dimmed for a moment, as if the voltage was not enough to cause the lights to turn yellow. Countless white lights appeared in the surrounding air at the same time. The white light spots like these fireflies bounced cheerfully in the air. They gathered faster and faster towards the center of the room, and after a few seconds, these rays gathered into a human shape formed entirely of energy.

It was a young woman in her twenties with a graceful expression on her face, she was wearing a white patterned robe like a certain religious dress (of course, only white, she was formed by white light from beginning to end. , Only the bright and dark lines make it possible to distinguish the outline of its shape), wearing a complex crown on her head, holding a scepter equal to the height of her hands, she has focused her eyes on me and On Sandora, there were no other movements until the surrounding white light spots completely formed the details of her body: she raised her scepter and stepped back cautiously—I can swear that the expression on her face has not changed. , As if this action is the instinct of a creature.

"Um, it seems you are the representative of that council."

I noticed that the atmosphere between the two sides has become a state of confrontation and uneasiness, so I plan to calm down a bit, but as soon as my voice fell, the young woman formed by the white light shook her head gently, with The peculiar voice of the multi-composite sound replied, "No, I am the council."

...... I feel that this thing is so amazing that it should be included in one of the most recent incontinence incidents. The tall female officer who brought us in said that she would bring us to the parliament. I thought I would see a group of people sitting on high backs. The uncle on the chair, and the old man in a white robe with a gavel, the least need to have a house, but people did not lie to anyone. The person she brought us to meet was called parliament ...

"You are thinking, hesitating and hesitating," the young woman who claimed to be the parliament frowned in confusion. "You are an empire, but it is strange that you declare that you will not attack our ship. The parliament feels very confused. Your actions It ’s not the same as Empire, and there are a lot of anomalies. Are you here to kill us? Or are you planning to start another game? ”

"Wait, you can kill everything if you open your mouth," I quickly waved, "Listen, we are not the same as those fallen apostles, we are the new empire ... Um, I'm afraid it will explain for a while. I do n’t know. In short, you can confirm that the imperial ships outside your fleet are harmless. In addition, regarding the identities of us and the openness that we need between us, we can now slowly say ... uh, by the way, your name is quite Chic. "

I'm still a little curious about her name now. It is indeed an alien in the ghost ship. Even the surname is "Yu" ...

"Name?" The other side was confused again. "You talk a lot and use a lot of vague words. You don't look like the Empire. I don't have a name. I'm a council. Council is not a name, it's an identity."

I was completely stunned, Sandora saw the clue beside me, and touched my arm lightly—maybe she couldn't see me and continued to break with others here: "Ajun, she is a spiritual unity."

"Spiritual integration?" I asked in a low voice.

"Like the Overlord, the life form of pl-15," Sandora explained in a low voice. "I found a lot of chaotic spiritual feeds around her, and it felt like thousands of people were standing opposite. Human-like, this is a phenomenon in which many souls are mixed together. Maybe she is a new consciousness born after the fusion of countless wills, led by this new consciousness, and other souls are used as a database or memory inventory in my soul ... The scan results look like this. "

I understood it, and then quickly replaced the brain of the woman who claimed to be a parliament with a mother-in-law overlord, so that I could understand it better.

"Imperial man, you just retrieved my spiritual world," just then, "Parliament" suddenly looked up at Sandora and said that what she said should be questioning, but her tone was as if she was stating the facts, like She believes that Sandora is doing the same thing for the Empire, "What did you find?"

"Your spirit ... no, yourself, should countless souls merge?"

Sandora was a little surprised that the other party was aware of her mental spying, but instead of showing it, she calmly stated her conclusion.

"That's right, I'm a parliament, and in the Nad parliament, I'm 23,500 Nad."

"Yunards?" I involuntarily repeated this somewhat familiar term, and then suddenly remembered that the word had been heard from the young soldier named "Gold" not long ago, so I immediately looked stunned. "Ah, I see, you are ..."

"In the Nadgau race, the survivors after your slaughter were 23,500 people. We fled the mother universe by the last void boat in the home world. To ensure the continuation, the survivors used the Nadgau race. The special talent sacrificed himself, the soul gave up its autonomy, and finally became one, becoming the last council of the race. I ... We were able to survive in the void environment after the energy of the void drifter was exhausted, until we joined this escape. Fleet. This is the origin of the parliament. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, the parliament considers it necessary to explain these things to you. Now based on the topics mentioned, the parliament feels it necessary to confirm one thing again to you-the Empire, do you Ready to kill us again? If so, when will the killings begin? "

I can't help but face each other, and now we are facing a very difficult problem: the other party clearly believes that the Empire fleet appears in front of itself to continue the hunt, and on this basis, all our actions are preparations before the slaughter No one knows that the new empire and the fallen apostles are actually two organizations, and they don't seem to judge the target by "infecting the abyss".

"We said that the emperor is not hostile. We are not the same as those fallen apostles who chase you," I scratched my hair, then added, "What, do you believe it?"

"Evidence is zero," the parliament shook his head, "there is no substantive evidence."

"Did you not notice that we were not affected by the abyss?" Qian Qian asked her face to face in front of the others. She might just think that it was fun to speak, but she stepped back and forth in frightening council: Infection can only prove that your life forms are normal and cannot prove your behavior trend. After the disaster, all the information about the Spirit Empire has been reset, and the council cannot verify the authenticity of any sentence you say, nor does it confirm any of you. Motivation for action. Also, you are not completely without abyss reaction, she has significant abyss power in her. "

The council said, pointing her finger to Sandora's direction, and then behind her appeared a large holographic projection, which was the Empire fleet on standby outside the Ghost Fleet. "There are also units in your fleet that have abyss reactions, some The spaceship is exactly the same as the Imperial battleship that attacked our home ... "

She refers to those special warships of Veska. Veska uses his controllable abyss power to transform his spaceship. The self-proliferating nature of this power allows the controllable abyss battleships to be mass-produced. Now these mass-produced types Apparently, the elite spaceship was regarded by the Ghost Fleet as the one that destroyed his homeland.

But even if they are not there, the "Imperial Fleet" is the fundamental problem: in the eyes of Parliament, the Imperial Fleet is the executioner, without distinction.

Sandora sighed, knowing that relying on language and weak evidence can't prove anything now. The ensemble of tens of thousands of souls had a near-immutable impression of the empire when her home was destroyed. , And we obviously don't have enough evidence to reverse each other's thoughts.

"That being the case, why are you letting us in?" Sandora looked at the other person's glasses. "I talked to you with my spirit and got only an affirmative answer, but you didn't explain. I thought you could tell the fallen apostle from emperor."

"The council does not know what the fallen apostles are or what the new empire is, but you do behave abnormally, allowing you to enter only out of curiosity-and based on a scan of your energy, the council concludes that any No means of resistance can prevent you from entering the fortress core. In order to avoid premature casualties, you can allow you to enter. "

This was the case for a long time, and Sandola's face was obviously a little upset: "Well, since you insist that the emperor is here to destroy you, insist that we are here to entertain you, what are you going to do next? If we If you do launch an attack, are you planning to fight back in front of me? "

"Yes, the exile fleet has prepared all self-explosion instructions. This need not be concealed. I believe all of this will be exposed to your sight. The exile fleet will confront the emperor in a head-to-head battle. No one will have the opportunity and need to plan. We will If you destroy yourself before the destruction, if the entire exile fleet detonates at the same time, you will be hit hard. "

A few of us at the same time wondered: what a bachelor's speech!

The elder sister couldn't help laughing, she looked at the parliament with a weird expression, and she seemed to have a lot of words to say. I didn't know where to start, and at last I could only mutter a sentence: "What's the point of this, you have these civilian ships and some warships to fight at all. But our regular army, and the emperor has not fired yet, why don't you believe that we really won't hurt you? "

"It doesn't matter," said the parliament. "Your actions have nothing to do with us, and our counterattack has nothing to do with you."

I found out that this person may be the most bachelor of her life, and her style must be in line with Bingtis.

The current situation is really weird to say. You see, the Empire Fleet stopped just outside the Ghost Fleet. It looked like a large army, and the Ghost Fleet silently placed a dense array in front of us. Each ship The spacecraft removed the fuse of the reactor. The crew of the latter firmly believed that a decisive battle was about to erupt, but the leaders of the two fleets are now standing opposite each other in this hall and chatting. We believe that we came with goodwill and the other party But I firmly believe that the emperor is crazy. I do n’t think it ’s a fight now, but it ’s not peace. The most ridiculous Fireline danger in history is this: One side is just passing by, and the other side is tying explosives. At the same time, the two leaders are still chatting!

"Let the fleet retreat from the airspace of the Ghost Fleet."

I suddenly sighed and gave a direct command to Sivis through the spiritual link.

From the command link came the surprise message of the fleet commanders. Although this command was executed perfectly immediately, Sivis couldn't help confirming it with us, and then Sandora repeated the command with me: The Imperial Fleet retreated into the void, completely out of sight of the Ghost Fleet.

Of course, on the surface, this looks a little risky. After the Empire fleet was withdrawn, only a few of us were left here. At most, it was a small team of heroic combatants led by Vega, but there were tens of millions of ghosts outside. Fleet, these spaceships are not the cannon fodder of ordinary civilizations that they encountered before, even if they are not as good as the Imperial battleships, but if there are so many of them, it would be really difficult to get rid of them, even if we are a family.

However, with the prediction of Lin Xue, I believe that there should be nothing. Although these fugitives have the determination to share with the Empire fleet, they do not see the will to take the initiative to attack. This is the typical psychology of the fugitives: Desperate situation may be desperate, but if there is a glimmer of vitality, they will not put their group to death.

Of course, what is more important is that it is not too difficult for some of us to evacuate if the situation is not right. Although we may not be able to figure out such a huge ghost fleet, it is two absolutely different concepts to destroy the enemy and retreat completely. I still have jingle in my pocket. This can be used as a resurrection coin warehouse ...

"Now we are sincere," I shrugged, "Of course you can also think that the emperor is paralyzing your nerves and preparing to launch a destruction attack later, I know you must associate in the worst direction, After fleeing for so many years, the lack of mind has also trained the nerves of the wind and the grass, but at least we have expressed sincerity. Can you always answer a few questions? "

The sudden withdrawal of Emperor's entire army was also a surprise to the "Parliament". I can't see the trace of her communication with the outside world, and I don't know what the Ghost Fleet is doing now, but obviously she can know the situation outside the first time, a few minutes Then she nodded: "The emperor's fleet has returned to the void, you ... weird."

"Of course weird, we have said many times that the new empire and the fallen apostle are two concepts," Sandora muttered, covering her forehead. "Well, do you have any means to read a lot of information directly? I think I'm sending you a copy of your information, it's not clear, your mental barrier seems to be forbidden to connect. "

"Parliament" nodded, and a general-purpose data platform was raised from the ground in front of her, which turned out to be very close to the model used on the Imperial Starship. She told us that she could read the Imperial data terminal, but the decoding table was a bit Old, still the rules of the old empire, so Sandora used a minute to upgrade the new decoder of the "Council", I suddenly felt that this scene is a bit like when I upgraded the storm video ...

When Sandora and the parliament exchanged information, I contacted Vega, who was on standby on the back of the metal sky several kilometers high, and knew that they had merged with several other reconnaissance squads. Now they are all in a large metal They are stationed in the cavity. At present they have not touched the other guards of the fortress of the planet, but Vega reports that she has found several vague scanning feeds. Obviously more than a group of starship soldiers are staying near them. They just met us. The two fluffy soldiers on board were different. Neither the Starship soldiers whom Weijia met dared to act without permission. Of course, the latter may also have accepted the death order of the superior. After all, the energy response of our group of people has already been It is enough to illustrate the identity of the top Apostle of the Spirit. Now a large group of cutting-edge combat forces are staying at their headquarters. I believe that under this circumstance, any officer with a higher IQ than the table would not dare to shoot his men. Go provocative. So the two people were facing each other without any embarrassment. Everyone on both sides knew what their existence was, but everyone pretended not to find the opposite person. Wei Jia said in the spiritual link that she felt that the situation was bad now. Obviously, the neural structure of armored scorpion is not suitable for this kind of task that needs calmness and tolerance. Raven 001 euphemistically expressed to me that she hopes to fight with Weijia: Sister Scorpion is used to being in the carapace under a lot of pressure. On the sharpening knife, she is almost annoying ...

I think it is a huge mistake to let these two living treasures perform the task together and throw the only ola that can intervene on the ground.

A few minutes later, Sandora and the "Parliament" completed the data exchange. I know the data they exchanged-the process of the collapse of the old empire and the details of the new empire.

Of course, there are several of us.

"This is amazing information. I ca n’t believe it." The light on the "Council" flickered, and Xiao Qijing, who was playing next to it, immediately stopped and flashed along with her frequency. "Emperor, The Supreme Leader of the Spirit Empire, we cannot determine the position of an Empire person in your entire ruling system, but it is impossible for any of the Spirit Apostles to falsify on this topic, then your identity need not be doubted, so you The credibility will be very high ~ www.readwn.com ~ So many senior empire leaders have come here, which makes me very confused-if your information is completely correct, then the new empire should be at the critical moment of recovery, Hilling The apostles will not waste time. According to the rules of the Emperor Team's actions recorded in the database, you will attack directly to destroy the "Ghost Fleet" that has touched your territory to improve efficiency, instead of wasting time with the Supreme Leader himself and me. . "

I stared at Sandora for a moment, and the latter smiled awkwardly and nodded slightly.

Well, it seems that in the old empire era, Sandora would really make such a decision: no matter who is opposite, confirm that the empire has been threatened, and he will be swept away. From this point of view, the "parliament" in front of me knows more about the empire than I do, and he is indeed a survivor who was survived by the empire.

"You don't know enough about the new empire, of course you will make such judgments," the older sister smiled warmly. "I think the current Apostle of the Spirit has realized that there is actually a more effective way to make the empire recover quickly. That ’s your friend—now you have a comprehensive understanding of our history and the history of the old and new empires. After the demise of the old empire, all the Spirit Apostles of the new empire are in deep standby, and it is the abyss army that attacked your home. "In exchange, can you let me know your past?"

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