Xiling Empire

Chapter 953: History-of course, it's black

Chapter 953 History—Of course, it's black

There is one thing that we have always known, but no one wants to bring up. This is only under special circumstances, and Sandora and I will discuss. That is what happened to the crazy fallen apostles after the collapse of the old empire. What a sin.

No one wants to watch his former comrades-in-arms fall from a glorious warrior to a murderous twisted executioner. Especially for the Spirit Apostle who regards the abyss and glorious battle as the highest honor of his life, is controlled by the power of the abyss. The slaughter of former comrades-in-arms or other fighters fighting the abyss is the biggest shame and dirty act they can think of. Therefore, every time I talk about the destruction of the old empire, what Sandora is most unwilling to mention are those How many crazily fallen apostles have destroyed the worlds of the same faction in the past-even if those worlds were not part of a large army led by the empire, they were still enough to be called comrades-in-arms by their actions against the abyss. However, after the Apostles of the Spirit became lunatics, these "comrades in arms" must be the first to suffer.

The old empire is vast and dominates tens of millions of worlds. These worlds are not necessarily military zones. There are also a large number of colonial universes, resource worlds, logistic worlds, or simply vassal race home worlds. Endless military stations and cosmic fortresses. In the past, these military stations were a solid line of defense to protect the universe. A world can be peacefully developed because of the empire's military stations. No matter how ruthless the empire is in terms of military, in the eyes of civilians in those worlds, at least These soldier stations are a symbol of peaceful survival.

However, with the outbreak of the great disaster, the former guardian instantly became the demon of the slaughter, and the disaster spread from these soldier stations that were the Great Wall of Steel.

Countless worlds have been destroyed by the artillery fire of the fallen apostles, the magnificent kingdom built by the old empire over billions of years has collapsed at an incredible rate, a large number of tribal races have been killed, galaxies have been ignited, and the universe has been deleted ... almost all across the world The passages are under the control of the empire, and the ordinary races in the universe have almost no chance of escaping the birth, or even worse, some weak individual races have also become monsters under the influence of the abyss power, and they also destroy themselves when they go to destroy others. The road, this is a rapid and desperate chain reaction. Almost everything is turned into a broken wall under the impact of the abyss broadcast to the entire empire network without time difference, just like Sandora once ruled. Like the land, only the desolate and distorted space fortresses and broken starships are left in the universe, and the descendants of a very small number of vassal races who have survived the disaster and have revived almost from the primitive people, as well as the distortions transmitted from generation to generation. story.

Of course, not only the empire was destroyed by this devastating storm. In many worlds close to the empire's territories, the impact of this earth-shattering disaster was almost no less than the territory of the empire: the fallen apostles who destroyed their own country did not stop. After they realized that there was no material world to destroy in their sight, they resolutely set their sights on the other worlds in memory-those who did not join the Empire camp, fight the abyss or remain neutral in the ordinary world.

Because the dramatic changes in the empire are too rapid, and the empire itself imposed an extremely tight military blockade on its area of ​​administration, no one knows what happened in the days when the unprecedentedly powerful civilization suddenly fell silent, even with the The borders of the empire's ruled areas are directly bordered, and even ordinary civilizations that do business with the latter on weekdays can't imagine what a terrible scene across the world channel that suddenly fell silent in the noise. When the "Emperor" dark warship rushed from the void angrily, splattering fire and death on every innocent world that appeared in their sight, all the civilizations that were struck were perplexed, and they could not even react to this. What's going on, the doomsday came so quickly that many civilizations quickly and painlessly ushered in the end of the world ...

Some of the remaining reactions are high-level advanced civilizations with vast voids, and the abyss attacks every orderly world without distinction. Naturally, it is not limited to the territory of the Protoss and the Spirit Empire. Of course, civilizations that oppose the abyss also have more than just stars. The two camps of the domain and the spirit, many powerful ordinary civilizations are also fighting the abyss, and the civilizations that are qualified to fight the abyss have at least reached a level that can cross the universe and modify the laws of mathematics. This type of civilization faces the suddenness of the empire. The attack, despite heavy losses immediately, persisted in having a chance to breathe.

The fallen apostles who madly attacked other worlds were slightly hindered in the face of these powerful skirmishers, so they had the later ghost fleets-they were all at the end of the world when they seized the last line of life from themselves Survivor of the Universe Escape Born To Heaven.

After all, even if the ordinary civilization of the third camp is so powerful, it cannot be compared with the giant of the Spirit Empire, especially a group of crazy empire soldiers that have severely burned their brains. Under the almost frantic attack of the crazy aggressors of the fallen apostles, no matter how many The powerful lines of defense could not last for a long time, and the World Independence Army, which hurriedly organized the resistance, did not have to stand on the front line for a long time and had to start arranging a fleet to cover the race's last survivors to flee the universe.

This is a great evacuation that has taken place in many worlds at the same time. Numerous Nether Escape Fleet broke out in the chase of the fallen apostles, the homeland universe on the verge of collapse, plunging into the equally dangerous void, these The size of the escape fleet is huge, but the number is quickly reduced. The huge downsizing is not only due to the pursuit of the fallen apostles, but the more important reason is the viciousness of the void. Many civilizations are not mature in the technology of void navigation. They may have The void is a bridge and the ability to jump into another world, but there is absolutely no anti-sky technology to survive in the void for a long time. However, the situation was that almost every world they could find was shrouded in the fire of the fallen apostles. None of the worlds in the navigation map are safe, and no matter where the escape fleet is parked, only the imperial battleships will be met.

And the same sky-high artillery fire.

A part of the escape fleet jumped into the universe they thought was relatively safe, and most of them made the choice. The fleet was torn apart by the empire's overtime fire, and the remaining part was in the void. Wandering, when energy is exhausted, slowly disintegrate.

In the end, it persisted for a long time in the void, and persisted until less than 10% of the number of evacuation ships in exile escaped from the influence of the fallen apostles, and almost all of them were severely damaged.

The parliament tells us this history. She is directly connected to the Starship Database because of life form mutations. When she tells these things, she has almost no emotional fluctuations, like a straight story.

"It took the fugitive fleet nearly a thousand years to temporarily escape from the emperor's pursuit. The survivors were less than one-tenth of the time when they set off. Some of the fleet was unsustainable. The large troops did not have extra starships and resources to continue to support them. Before the starship disintegrated, they ventured into the main material world. Most of them fell into a desolate universe, lacked resources and population, and had no essential basic industries. These leftover but still lucky exiles found their new home in a hurry and started from scratch. Their own civilization. They have maintained contact for more than a thousand years with the only void equipment on the battleship and the large troops still on the wandering journey. The final records show that many of them have been reduced to a planetary civilization, and a part They were destroyed by the cosmic environment. The remaining fugitives continued to wander in the void, because no one knew how long the emperor would hunt, you ... they never knew what to give up, and no one dared to stop in the face of such an army. The Yunads merged with the entire family after terminating communication with the last batch of starships that were left behind, creating a council. Otherwise, when they set off We have been battered by the Emperor will also become one of stragglers.

"Wandering for quite a long time, even the most powerful civilizations are starting to run out of resources, and fewer and fewer starships can continue to operate. Although those imperial warships seem to have given up hunting, the wandering fleet is about to be swallowed up by the void. Once the huge starship cluster was integrated again and again, only five joint fleets remained afterwards. The five top commanders finally decided to split their actions and endlessly drift to five void 'quadrants' that no one has ever explored until The entire fleet was depleted, and it broke out of the void on the spot. At that time, what kind of universe would fall into and be completely entrusted to destiny. We firmly believe that the void is vast, and there is always a 'quadrant' that is a safe area that the empire cannot find.

"After that, tens of thousands of years have passed. Although the five fleets have split up, we still do everything we can to keep in touch. During this period, our fleet, the fourth joint fleet, carried out the largest and most adventurous Reorganization: Abandon all the respective warships and use all the remaining resources to support the Toberu Starship formation. The Toberu, or the Toberu Higher Zerg, is the civilization with the highest technology and productivity in the fleet. They It is also the only living body with psionic talents. When it was discovered that the fleet was becoming less and less efficient, and the ability to sustain development in the void was zero, the parliament determined that only Toberu was not afraid of psionic radiation and had mastered the Void Lab. The life form of technology can promote the development of the group again. As long as possible, the endurance of the fleet is as long as you can see, and the end result is, as you can see, there is only one type of spacecraft left in the Wandering Fleet, which is the Toberu starship. History. "

I was silent for a while, and whispered, "There are four fleets, they are now ..."

In fact, you do n’t need to ask this question, because the young soldiers have previously revealed the outcome of several other fleets.

"The first, second, and third fleets encountered Emperor and were destroyed," a bit of pain flashed over the face of the parliament, but they soon recovered. "The fifth fleet's situation is unknown, and only the fourth and fifth fleets survived. We remained in communication until 600 years ago, when they had wandered into extremely remote areas where no one had ever reached before, in a large area of ​​desolate, densely populated native areas, and communication between us was intermittently maintained. After more than ten years, they still lost contact. I do n’t know if they still exist. I hope they still survive. The final population of the Fifth Fleet is almost twice that of the Fourth Fleet. Maybe they can finally succeed. "

"That is to say, within the currently known void space, you are the only remaining exiles."

Sandora sighed softly, looking at the parliament complexly.

The other nodded silently.

"By the way, I remember one more thing," I suddenly remembered a detail that I was concerned about earlier. "When I came here, I saw some empire marks, residual empire equipment and the like in your fortress. What is this? What happened? The fallen Apostle battleships you captured in the crossfire? "

"No, they are something brought by the" legacy "," the parliament shook his head. "Although the emperor is our enemy, we have to admit that their technology far exceeds the United Fleet. In order to survive, we will make use of Everything, including enemy weapons. "

"Adherent?" The sister could not help repeating the word, "What admiral?"

The council closed its eyes: "It was the former empire family. When the catastrophe happened, the imperialists attacked all targets, including their original servants. However, in general, the empire family have very sophisticated technology for nautical navigation. These technologies directly Coming from the empire, they have a higher chance of escape. Many empire families escaped from the empire. They brought a lot of technology and warships together with the joint fleet. At first, a short battle broke out between us. Then we understood a little bit about what happened in the Empire of the Spirit. The battle ended. The two sides formed an alliance. The empire equipment they brought was used to enrich the warehouse of the combined fleet. "

The explanation from the parliament made me realize that no wonder there would be traces of the empire in this planetary fortress. It seems that at the time of the catastrophe, not all tribal races were as unlucky as those indigenous people in the world of Mobrador. And, the vassal races, who also have a large number of empire equipment, escaped the ascension, and then they merged with the fleeing fleet. I think that the status of those imperial survivors in the joint fleet must have been very awkward.

My guess was immediately confirmed by the parliament: Although the descendants of the imperial relics are no longer discriminated against in the United Fleet, in the early days, there were conflicts and conflicts between the imperial relics and the exiles. Mainly originated from the latter's hatred and fear of the fallen apostles, and the survivors who were once the minions of the empire were regarded as the spokesperson of the demon. This conflict lasted for nearly thousands of years, until basically all the first-generation imperialists and exiles Until all the people drove to the west, the relationship between the two parties was greatly eased by the efforts of the next generation of new citizens. The imperial relics used the Void technology inherited from the Empire to greatly extend the life of the United Fleet in the Void. The exiles Then try to help the survivors to correct their technology tree and reshape their development capabilities-we all know that under the control of the empire's intentional or unintentional technological yoke, the vassal race will basically distort the technology tree once it leaves the empire "Blood transfusion", it won't be long before they will become a group of primitive people who only know how to switch on off-the-shelf machine tools.

We already know about the general situation of the Ghost Fleet. Sandora groaned a little and said, "Basically I already understand, so about our information-what do you think?"

"The credibility is less than 100%, but we do n’t seem to make much sense," the parliament was as bachelor as ever, and she dared to slump out as narrative as the narrative. How much influence we can only guarantee an absolute counterattack when you launch an attack. "

"That is, as long as we don't attack you, you won't get in trouble, right?"

Sandora asked gently, and immediately got a positive answer from the parliament: "There is no need to hide on this issue, the United Fleet did not actively attack the Emperor."

"Now, what do you plan to do in the future?" Miss Lin, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Will you continue to stray?"

"If possible, the Fourth United Fleet will continue to wander, and we will drift deep into the void until we have to stop. Of course, the premise is that you can really let us go."

"I'm afraid I have bad news for you," Liliana jumped over and whispered, "After many years of silence, the fallen apostles have actually resumed their operations. Where you are now is Attack range of the fallen apostles-you are still alive until now because it is also the monitoring area of ​​the Star Protoss and the territory of the new empire. In other words, if the exile fleet continues to move forward, once it leaves the empire and the star domain You will immediately be attacked by the fallen apostles-just like when you left your homeland many years ago. "

I have to say that the guy from psychology is not the same. Liliana's mouth suddenly poked at the scar.

The council immediately fell into a state of entanglement. Obviously, logical judgments told her that the credibility of what our group said was relatively high, but another logical judgment also told her that even in the matter related to the empire, even one percent The mistake is also a fatal factor, even if the credibility of our family members in her mind reaches 99.99, that 0.1% of the unreliable left is enough for her to ponder for a long time, shallow is an acute, see The other party began to calculate again. After grinding for a long time, he did not make up his mind. He immediately jumped on his feet and said, "What are you wandering about! The outside is so dangerous! Our home is a big place, so you can live it!"

As the empire's mother, she is also arrogant. She obviously can only be satisfied with a set of three bedrooms and a living room, and now she dares to give people Fengjiang soil and hey!

"The ultimate purpose of the exile fleet is to find a stable home," I tried to show affection to the council, although I don't know if the other person's emotional model is still the same as ordinary people, anyway, I said very sincerely, "Although I I dare not say that it is absolutely safe in the new empire territory, but at least safer than the void ~ www.readwn.com ~ The fallen apostles have indeed reactivated. In this case, continue to wander, or lead so many aging, even the crew The ghost ship that can't get up is wandering, and that is really a disaster at any time. "

"Emperor of the Spirit Apostles, do you mean to let the United Fleet settle in the territory of your empire?"

There was no expression on the council's face, but it was asked in a very serious tone.

At this time, I also found that I might be missing something. This invitation looked nothing to myself. It seemed too sensational to the crew of the exile fleet, let alone, after the end of World War II, you let a Jew borrow. Try it in the old Nazi's house. Whoever hits the brain the next day is considered a natural phenomenon ...

But at this time, I ca n’t take it back anymore. I just nodded my head daringly, hoping that the superintelligence of the tens of thousands of souls in the council could think about it with pure logic. This is emotionally unacceptable, but Calculating logically, I really can't find a safer way out.

After waiting for ten minutes, the council seemed to have finally completed her logic operation. She nodded slightly in the eyes we were expecting, but also took the following sentence: "I can pass this proposal, but next I will put all the information Broadcast the entire United Fleet, their future, and let them decide for themselves. "

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