Xiling Empire

Chapter 954: New neighbor

Chapter 954 The New Neighbor

"Parliament" is a super conscious body formed by the fusion of more than 20,000 Nader souls. She is powerful and has no fixed form, and her unprecedentedly powerful soul energy wanders around this planet fortress where we are. The parliament that met us today is actually not her real body-that is invisible-what we see is the communication end formed by the "parliament" in order to facilitate communication with us. The image it adopted was only sacrificed at that time. One of more than 20,000 Naders.

For the Naders, this race I have never heard of has a very similar appearance to humans. This can be seen in the image of the council, but they have spiritual power and knowledge of the soul far beyond human beings. Before the catastrophe, there was a special consciousness body called "Parliament" in Nad society. "It" was generated by Nad social elites by dedicating themselves. Its existence purpose is only one, that is, to rule Nad. Civilization, for the well-being of its own people, and this mission has not changed and has deepened after the catastrophe. The responsibility of the parliament has risen from the benefit of Nader civilization to the survival of the entire United Fleet. It also serves the entire United Fleet.

Therefore, in the face of the suggestions made by the new empire leaders, even if the parliament judges through its own logic that this proposal is more beneficial than collective harm, she still chooses to allow as many members of the joint fleet to judge the value of information as possible The thing is to be able to plan the future of the entire collective more securely. This of course takes a little time, but Sandora and I have no complaints about it: any waiting at this time is acceptable than the suffering of the exiles in the past.

During this time, I was also trying to chat with the "Parliament". This was not easy. The other party did not seem to be a real life body. Her logic bounced between sensuality and rationality. According to the current The question she wants to think about is different. She can switch between several different logical ways to answer your question in ten seconds. It feels as if she is talking to a schizophrenic but logically normal person. I have to change With every word she said, she was left with the subject and the guest, so that she could understand whether the other party answered her seriously, or she was perfunctory ...

It feels more tiring than talking to Fina (Mechanical Queen Form). Although Mechanical Queen Fina was once an emotionally stiff thinking machine, at least her rigidity was fixed, and San Wu is San Wu, You can understand the head with a template when you talk to her, but you have to have a schizophrenic heart when talking to the "Council", she will be normal for a while, enthusiastic for a while ...

Fortunately, at least the parliament is not too exclusive to us. She was quite happy to answer my question. In the conversation, I had some knowledge of other secrets of the Fourth United Fleet.

The Ghost Fleet, or the Fourth Combined Fleet, whose chief commander was the last council of the Nader civilization. This may seem strange at first: the Naard civilization is not the top of the United Fleet, and they have already perished. Not to stand at the pinnacle of strength. Their last starship was hit hard when they escaped the fallen apostles. It can be said that this wonderful civilization has nothing, but they have become the core ruler of the entire combined fleet. This is of course confusing: science and technology are not needed, power is not power, resources are not resources, why does the Nader Council rule this huge fleet?

One of the reasons is that the "Parliament" itself has a super commanding ability. The special life form allows her to integrate into the fortress of the soul in the form of a soul, and at the same time to mysteriously connect with each ship of the entire joint fleet. This racial power Let her use her power to imitate the Empire ’s glory starship drive (soul drive) and the fleet command link. These two things are extremely important for the Fourth United Fleet, which is a patchwork army, so the council becomes The important leader of the fleet, and another reason is the incredible "high-level dedication" of the Nadner race. A parliament is an absolutely indispensable role in Nad society. However, the creation of a parliament requires tens of thousands of Nads to sacrifice their own souls. To form a parliament at the expense of personal consciousness, in the eyes of ordinary races, this is basically An unimaginable move, but the Naders take it for granted: they have no individual concept ...

The Yonades believe in the collective interest as their only interest. They do not care how much sacrifice they need to pay, but only how much the group can advance because of their sacrifice. In Nad society, some people sacrifice their lives to merge into a group. The more useful "individuals" are very common. Some people even suspect that the entire Yonad race is simply a creature. Each of them is just a cell in this giant organism. The only problem is that these cells are related to each other. Far away ...

This weird racial conception can't help but associate it with the ant colony: don't you say it, it's full of similarities: all creatures of collective wisdom.

However, although there is some wonderful understanding of their own individuals, it is normal for the Naadian people to value aliens. They just don't think that there is something like "individuals" in their race, which does not mean that they think other races should also do the same.

It is precisely for the above two reasons that the Parliament has become the supreme commander of the United Fleet. To be fair, except for this living Lei Feng, you really can't find such a qualified and noble fleet commander who can throw dozens of streets of the hole saint. -Although the word "noble" does not appear to be in the culture of Unard.

"I said, when can you finish voting?"

Qian Qian seemed a little impatient. After waiting for a while to see that the parliament did not respond, he muttered mournfully, while mumbling and looking at me with a searching glance, said in a low voice, "Ajun, why not Fast forward them? "


Can your ability really be used this way?

However, compared with the lack of patience, here is personal calmness, I gave her a super difficult Rubik's cube for her to go and play, while she and Sandora patiently waited for the exiles to digest. Broadcasting shocking news.

About a dozen minutes later, the parliament who looked down for a long time finally raised its head like the power supply: "We can accept your message and choose to believe, but the fleet citizens want to know how you will set us up first. Void though It ’s scary, but living next to the empire is stressful for us. "

Of course, I have long thought that the exile fleet cannot be resettled like the world refugees before. Their fear of the emperor has spread. I do n’t know how many generations. The education received by countless generations from top to bottom is empire. The Beast of the Flood, I bet the third grade textbooks of the exile fleet are written with the words overthrowing the spirit imperialism-in this case, the exile fleet can accept the new empire resettlement bill itself is a miracle.

They were able to accept Sandora's invitation from me, in large part because the new empire had been divided from the fallen apostles. The murderers who had once destroyed their homes were someone else, and the new empire and their enemies were only of the same ethnic origin. Another reason is the real threat: the fallen apostles have reactivated in the void, and the range of activities has spread from the old empire activity section to such a wide area. The exile fleet is now in the enemy's new active area. If not, Accept the asylum of the new empire, then they may go out into the sphere of influence of the fallen apostles, and the history of ancient times will repeat itself. This is a comparison with the new empire for the exiles who regarded that history as the most terrifying scene. Living next door is even more terrible.

But the most obvious thing is that it is impossible to let them stay near the shadow space-the mercury lamp is still afraid to enter the bubble room now.

"What are your requirements? I will try my best to satisfy them." Sandora asked, I really rarely saw that she would discuss things with ordinary civilization in this retrogressive way. Usually, she was a rude queen in front of outsiders. Order, execution, this is how she speaks, but now she is willing to let the exile fleet make a request and do it herself-the reason is self-evident.

The way the council speaks is also quite straightforward: "Live in peace, have a home, and it is better not to see the Empire fleet."

This bachelor sentence said that I was embarrassed with Sandora.

"Actually, you are now in the new empire territory, but just happen to be stuck in our macro world channel," I spread my hand to the parliament. "Presumably you also know, you have a few missing ships in the past few days and broke into some people. The stationed cross-world channel has also caused traffic accidents, and this is how we noticed the 'ghost ship'. "

The parliament nodded: "These incidents also caused fleet panic because the information returned by the spacecraft showed that they encountered impediment. The United Fleet was severely underpopulated, and many spacecraft were barely controlled, but because they were hardly in the void It may be supplemented with resources. We can only carry these dilapidated ships along the way for emergencies. I did not expect that they would encounter you when they were gradually falling behind ... well, what did you mention about Macroworld just now? "

The macro world is a unique product of the new empire. The old empire did not have such a thing, so the parliament became curious about the new term I mentioned.

Anyway, this was also established by myself. I immediately explained to the parliament in detail what the "macro world network" was, and the other party listened very seriously and obviously had great interest.

"The macro world, the ordinary race as a free people, and the imperial frigates that do not interfere in the development of the world are really incredible things. I dare not imagine that you would do such a thing, which is completely different from that year.

If possible, maybe this is the most suitable way for us. "

"You mean, are you willing to join this network as a member of the Macro World?" I was suddenly surprised. "Aren't you unable to accept everything from the Empire?"

The council responded quite plainly: "It doesn't matter, as long as you don't see it often."


Can I think so, the main reason you are unwilling to contact the Empire is to scare the children, so you just do n’t need to see the emperor.

"This is a good way," Sandora nodded with a smile. "You must not be willing to settle directly in the world under the jurisdiction of the empire, but it is not a long-term plan to continue to float in the void. I can open a gap for you. In the universe, the entire joint fleet can be settled in it. Of course, according to your needs, this blank world will have sufficient supplies. Of course, this blank world will inevitably be under the control of the empire, and a dominion like the macro world is one party. A form of control that is acceptable, you just need to keep in touch with the empire through the Space Time Administration. How do you feel about this arrangement? "

The parliament nodded: "Perfectly, the parliament also looks forward to a time of peaceful communication with the inhabitants of other worlds. We have not spoken to other civilizations for many years."

Listening to this, I feel sore in my heart, and it is not easy to live a stray life, because I do n’t know when the fallen apostles will chase them. They dare not even stop in the world they pass by. Perhaps the existing generation of these exiles has simply forgotten To understand the concept of shore, like the indigenous people in the ruined world, the stable home star life has become a myth that no one can verify ...

"So what is the matter?" Slightly saw that Sandora and the council had reached an agreement, and quickly threw the Rubik's cube to the side, and whispered together, "No need to sign a rental agreement. Kind? There should be a procedure for something so big? "

You see, this is the heart of our empire's mother. This big universe is about to be sent out. She actually thinks about the problem according to the landlord's logic ...

We finally reached an agreement with the fleet in exile, the empire will provide a blank universe for its survival, and the fleet in exile will be withdrawn from the void, and it will also restore peace to the world network. As for the blank universe, it will not count as an imperial territory. And as a completely autonomous world is handed into the exile fleet, we will incorporate it into the macro world system through the Space-Time Administration. In this way, the exiles will have a sufficiently stable homeland, which can end the days of wandering, and also Very happy to continue their clean days of "invisible Imperial soldiers ..."

The tall female officer who led us out of the building where the parliament is located is still different from the indifferent and vigilant attitude when she first led us in. This time the other side looked at us with curiosity. Of course, there is still a lot of caution when I am curious: The imperialists have been a flood beast in their hearts for a lifetime, and now suddenly become friendly neighbors, but it is not so easy to accept.

"It's incredible that the exiled people who were destroyed by the fallen apostles can accept the new empire," Sandora and I whispered in my ears. "Should this be **** enemies?"

It wasn't Sandora who answered me, but the older sister who heard me. She had a calm smile on her face, and she seemed to think long ago: "They have been homeless for generations, but in fact the hatred of their homes was destroyed Already wiped out by the replacement of generations, it is difficult to say how many of these wanderers remember the revenge of the original and fallen apostles, except for a handful of immortal beings in the fleet. Opposition is now more of a fear than a hostility, which is the decisive factor in their acceptance of the new empire. Also—who doesn't want a secure home? "

After coming out of this magnificent building, we returned to the previous landing platform, and later we will leave here on the transport plane provided by the exile and return to the surface of the planet. The shuttle from the Empire has now docked outside the Star Fortress. To avoid confusion, Sandora did not bring more Imperial battleships to the exile fleet, but only sent them shuttles and frigates.

The steel fortress of the star fortress is still dim, and the lights like flowing fire quickly shuttle in this confined space, forming countless strange lines. This world surrounded by heavy armor may reflect the strongest desire in the hearts of the first generation of them: a sense of security.

Now, their wish has finally been realized, but it was realized by the hands of the empire who had destroyed everything at the beginning, "dramatization", and sometimes only these three words can really explain everything.

"Everything seems calm, I thought I could see things like carnival or big horn broadcasting."

Suddenly, she jumped up into the air to overlook the earth, and then came down after being dizzy with the brilliant lights. She said with a little regret.

"It's better than the whole planet to protest together." The older sister smiled. "I heard that this planetary fortress was originally the administrative star of the Toberu people. After the disaster broke out, the Toberu people resisted for three years before they were defeated. On the eve of the defeat, they exhausted all their resources, covered all their surviving home planets with thick armor, and advanced the void, which ensured that the later exile fleets can support them to this day. The current 'Parliament' is considered parasitic On the planet of the Toberu people, she swims like a river across the planet, so knowing everyone on this planet, the council should have known for a long time that the exile fleet had no obsession with revenge. Accepted our suggestion. "

"They are all very powerful civilizations, but unfortunately the fallen apostles ruined everything." Sandora sighed.

So everyone sighed together ~ www.readwn.com ~ At this time, I heard a neat and rushing footsteps from the side, and then a clear female voice who heard the sound of Mars sounded: "Sir! Armor Scorpion Captain Vega returns! "

I saw that Weijia had led her men, along with (the word is not wrong) other heroic fighters and reconnaissance troops came to the landing platform. Obviously they were put in by the exile guards, Sister Scorpion. This time she performed a task that she was unwilling to do perfectly, that is, under no circumstances was allowed to use a knife to cut people. I found that the expression on her face was still a little depressed, and it must have been used by a home scanner. It took me a long time to pretend that I didn't find her quite embarrassed. The Ravens were still hip-hop, one by one, they were all teasing honest bees: even the lack of heart-conscious Ravens knew At this time, it's best not to provoke armored scorpions, who are choked on nuclear fuel and are waiting to detonate.

"Okay, don't be stubborn," I think that the iron-blooded sister of Weijia is also an easy-going little girl's temper in some respects, and she can't help but pat her arms-she is more than two meters in combat mode. Gao, I ca n’t reach any further up, "Actually ..."

I just said half of it, and another series of footsteps were worn over. I turned my head and saw that it turned out to be the young soldier duo who had been together for a short time: Jin He Tuo.

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