Xiling Empire

Chapter 973: Unisex Mixed Doubles

Chapter 973 Men's and Women's Mixed Doubles

(Oh oh, a new month! A new month with a double monthly ticket! Comrades, hurry up and vote, but this is really overdue — say, this month doubles to what day ...)

After a moment of silence in the command hall below the bridge, the commanders returned to the intense battlefield schedule, while the silence continued on the officer platform.

Sandora looked around and looked at me with a serious expression: "Ajun, the situation is not right, this duplicator ... I feel that it may be different from what we had previously thought, 'It' should not only have won you Part of the power. "

"'It' knows the earth well, knows the ancient writings of mankind, and modern history, and I suspect that 'it' is even very clear to us. This kind of ridiculous tone is the most suitable for communicating with us. "Archbishop Lirina, who is good at analyzing human psychology and has the talent for inductive thinking about all living beings, stood on a chair with a large stack of books and barely maintained a high level with everyone. The subtle way of speaking that reduces alertness has increased our recognition of 'it', but I'm not sure if the 'it' mode of thinking is in line with human standards, so I am not sure yet. "

"It's still possible," the sister glanced at everyone worriedly. "This replica may have Ah Jun's memory ...‘ it ’knows everyone present and knows what to say.”

I felt a little cold on my back, and Miss Lin was moaning while covering her head. She might have accidentally "looked" at the duplicator just now.

"Well, if that's the case, I don't mind using violence," Sandora moved her wrist, her tone was very bad, but her face was cold, "if 'it' really stole A Jun's memory. "

I scratched my hair distressedly, and said to myself that this is just another unfounded conjecture. Who knows the real situation, we are not even sure whether the replicator is walking upright now ...

However, there is one thing that can be 100% sure without doubt. This time, we must get the experimental body over.

Hidden bombers are an extremely dangerous warship in the case of successful raids. The super-equivalent space shrink warheads they carry can suddenly collapse a space with a radius of several kilometers to a point, and then re-expand to a random combination. Intact, in the process, all entities within the scope of the collapse will inevitably suffer huge damage. Even the empire units that are extremely resistant to the abnormal laws will have structural dislocations after encountering the space collapse. The battleship that is moving at high speed is deadly. The spacecraft shield has no defense against this indirect attack. The smaller spacecraft will be torn in half from beginning to end, and the large battleship will also be hit hard. However, heavy hidden bomb is also an extremely fragile spacecraft. In order to carry super-equivalent weapons, it also has the ability to hide any radar. At the same time, it must ensure high mobility to ensure that it can be blinded in fierce military conflicts. Imperceptibly and accurately attached to the target, the tonnage of these weird spacecraft is completely inversely proportional to their power, and the scary low defense force, if there is no strong instant fire support, it is basically a dead thing.

After the first sneak attack succeeded, the concealed bombers turned around neatly, leaving the task of subsequent attacks to their brothers: assault ships and frigates, and the heavy ship formation led by Pandora and Huesca had already been around At the back of the fallen apostles, when the latter was in a chaotic formation due to bombing, the two little lunatics launched a full-fighting crushing battle that was especially in line with their style.

Hundreds of thousands of floating guns make up the curtain wall. The background is a larger number and more outrageous heavy gunboats and floating gun turrets commanded by gunboats. Pandora's combat idea is this: first we need a cannon, then this cannon Bring a lot of artillery, of course, if there is plenty of bandwidth and energy, each artillery can also bring a bunch of small cannons. When all the guns are in sight, the world will be full of joy-and victory .

This is why Pandora and Huesca can always release such a scene of bombardment with a little bit of people. When they rushed to the enemy line, the commander behind the fallen apostle may be shocked to think that they have suffered. Attack by another group army.

Nothing is more fun than chasing behind a group of unreacted ships, blasting their engine vents and reactor bays-in Veska.

I would like to describe the next battle in detail, but there is really not much to say. The fallen apostles are unlucky. Really, they and their emperor counted how many times they did n’t know, but at the end they all carried a big Afterwards, the three scientific research worlds were burned clean. At the cost of this, the rebels who had managed to chase it were not caught. The emperor suddenly emerged, always ambushing the fallen apostles of others. Everywhere (this is an adjective, understand the spirit), when the rebels who escaped suddenly turned around and began to bite back, the commander of the fallen apostle determined that he was really overcast, the enemy was in all directions, and heavy bombing The ship put on the flank, I do n’t know how much space thunder, and there was a large cannon tube chasing after itself to enlarge the wave. If this is not all sides, then add to the weird situation constantly in their camp: somehow a warship has happened Malfunction, out of control of firepower, accidental injury to friendly forces, bad luck emerged endlessly, some warships suddenly slowed down, and were hit by people like a slow motion, and These ships were severely aged within a thousandth of a second and were torn to pieces. Even if they were not patronized by these doom and enemy artillery, some ships were fragmented by the explosion of energy out of thin air, and the battle went to the end. Perhaps the commander of the fallen apostle would suspect that he was being attacked by the Law Weapons-in a broad sense, they were right, and the First Family was all attached to the Law Weapons.

Until the end, I am afraid that the enemy ’s commander would not want to understand why he ran out of his laboratory and never touched the experimental body of other Apostles of the Spirit. Even God and the emperor completed this without knowing it. It's a textbook collaborative ambush—in fact, I haven't even figured out what happened until now.

Lin Xue's prediction, Sandora's arrangement, the sudden strange behavior of the replica, and a little chance coincidence, completed this complex and brilliant operation, but after the dust settled, I felt a little dizzy and couldn't understand why. This series of things will happen. It seems clear from the process, but it always gives a feeling of being designed in advance. The whole process is too logical and it loses its authenticity.

"The enemy is retreating. They have matched the breakthrough code of the gravitational well."

A commander reported loudly that the carrier's host transmitted the situation on the battlefield to the officer's platform. On the holographic projection, the fleet formation of the fallen apostles was on the verge of collapse, almost touching the dark minefield of their bodies and biting the fleet. The array of heavy anti-aircraft guns on the tail can make the best fleet commanders helpless, and they are not supported. Although this is in the territory of the fallen apostles, Haran stationed here may not be in order to save these fleets. Lost a few precious spacecraft left inland and lost another batch. As a fallen apostle who has given up the glory of the warrior and left unscrupulous means, he is more than 80% likely to make this choice.

I turned my eyes to Sandora: "Continue to pursue?"

The other side shook his head: "No, we can't let them have clearer information about Emperor's current strength. All fleets have contracted and are preparing to withdraw."

The fallen Apostle Fleet suffered serious losses in the ambush and has ignored God's intention to pursue. They have chosen to retreat across the line. They are indeed qualified fighters, but qualified fighters will not be ashamed of rational retreat, but qualified fighters will not It was so easy to surrender their land to the enemy, so they did a very grueling style of sadness before evacuating-I do n’t know what they did, but a fallen apostle command ship was issued. A piece of highly encrypted information, and then the dark red universe where the Royal Fleet is suddenly abnormal, and the bridge began to sound an alarm: "Attention! The current universe constant is disordered, the logic loophole is about to approach the threshold! The strength of the world barrier continues to decline, the host suggested The entire fleet evacuates! "

"It seems that they have retained the ability to directly destroy the entire universe," Sandora said, raising her eyebrows slightly. "The key constants for maintaining the balance of the universe's information are being reset. The world is about to disintegrate. The superior applied for an extermination order. "

"The line of defense can't be kept, so I just burned all the jade and jade," I shook my head helplessly. "I knew for a long time that they would not leave us anything, the typical‘ tactic ’of the Apostles of the Spirit.”

Small battleships returned to their Ganakus of their motherships, and large spacecraft opened up shields of void navigation. During the period before the end of the world, the captains of the emperors were familiar with the equipment used to cope with the collapse of the universe, and At the same time, there was another fleet cruising around the Empire Fleet. It was thousands of large and small warships with black-red paint. The abyss breath made these warships emit more disturbing than their appearance. Atmosphere, this is a stuff that has always made every Imperial soldier vigilant, so now the Imperial Fleet gathers the formation and turns all the main guns at the same time to target these abyssal battleships that are still not completely sure of the enemy and me, but relatively Yes, those warships permeated with abyss point all their guns to the depths of space, and still chanting Mussolini is a fool ...

I said, it's enough, Mussolini is too pathetic. He has been dead for nearly a hundred years and has been pinned by a whip corpse in another world. Is this still human? ?

"They are saying that they are not threatening, and they have sent various communications requests," the intelligence officer reported. "But the encryption level of these communications requests is normal. To prevent the starship host from being contaminated, we have not accepted it for the time being."

This is perhaps the most weird contact process we have had with a group of abyssal spaceships. Everyone has been careful, including Sandora. Although we were still fighting alongside the outer spaceships more than ten minutes ago, the officers were here. I still needed to be cautious at this time. After thinking about it, I nodded: "Temporarily disconnect the communication host of the Admiral from the other arrays and see what the replicators do."

The intelligence officer complied, and after a few seconds, reported incredibly: "Your Majesty, the other party's flagship applies for a boarding permit-they want to send someone to the Empire, which is their supreme commander. The application has a postscript :'Guess who I am?'"

I faced Sandor Ramen, and Lin Xue waved his head like a fight: "I'm used to it-that wonderful woman loves to accept the application, I can only say that there is no danger."

It ’s still a while before this universe completely collapses. It ’s okay to figure out the identity of the other party before this. This is our initial goal, but the situation is a little bit different from what we expected: more than just one Replicas, and the whole number of abyssal battleships led by 'it'.

The boarding permission was quickly sent out, and only one person was allowed. The other party was required to use a single person to land on the shuttle. Be careful not to be wrong, especially the opposite may be an abyss + void. The process was very cautious. The entire group of troops looked at a shuttle in all directions. At least one hundred surveillance images on the bridge showed that the aircraft steadily entered the boarding gate of Admiral No. 5 from all angles. The test results show that the shuttle itself carries an abyss reaction, but does not have amplifying infectivity, and the members of the aircraft turned out to be clean: it has nothing to do with the abyss. Soon, the embarkers who passed the 100-meter-long inspection corridor came to us, and the first family grandly met this extremely special visitor with the most complete lineup.


Now we can finally call this out-of-control subject without "it", because the other person's gender and appearance can already be determined. Standing in front of me is a girl wearing a long black dress and visually measuring one meter six five years old. A few years younger than shallow, with long shawl hair, plain face to the sky, looks pretty, but just looking at it for the first time, she feels that there is a temperament in her eyes, as if it is sculpted in the home of a great person Yes, it also gives the impression that it is a kind of ancient spirit and delicacy-this last three points come from the other person's eyes, and seven points come from the previous behavior.

Everyone was a bit unable to respond. I looked at each other for a full three minutes in stun and then slowly, I felt strangely in my heart-of course, it wasn't what I saw when I saw a beautiful woman. A group of girls are generally beautiful and bubbling. I'm not surprised that something even beautiful like Sandora is coming out. I just feel that the girl in the black dress in front of me gives me a strange sense of familiarity, familiarity, closeness, and no threat. I even feel that I can touch the other person's head with confidence, just like watching a random height of no more than one at home. Mi Er's little girl is the same.

And a few minutes ago, I insisted that I was facing a three-meter-height and three-meter-thick, blue-faced fangs mouth opened more than three feet with a haraz, a tropical fish on the left and a quarantine certificate on the right. Coming—I always feel that what comes out of the lab of the fallen apostles should not be so watery as before.

"Well, Ajun, why isn't he three meters tall and three meters wide, with a blue-faced fangs mouth open more than three feet and a haraz, a left-handed man with a tropical fish on his right hand and a quarantine certificate on his right-hand man?" Exclaimed the girl who had recovered from the skywalk.

Very good, shallow simply proves that it is not that a family does not enter a door. I was born to this girl as a pair ...

Li Lina poked at my knees (she couldn't hold it any higher): "Boss, your copy is puppet."

Sandora looked at this strangely, and followed the excitement: "Ajun, is this deviation a little bigger? It's a girl."


"Duplicate? Ha, it seems that everything is really planned," the girl in the black dress standing in front of us heard the conversation from the people around her, and clapping her hands with a smile, the sound sounded pretty sweet-but I still have the suspicion of that blue-faced fangs, so I guess the other person can hear the sound of the beauty as long as he doesn't talk to the dog, "I'm not a replica, but I plan from that replica. What came out-it wouldn't be easy to meet you without that plan. "

As soon as I froze, what was going to be asked, the other person smiled sweetly at me: "Dad, let's go home for dinner! I will cook today!"

There was a sudden outcry, and she was about to scream with her eyes closed. Ms. Lin copied the pan, and Lina took out a small book to record the black history. At this moment, the culprit causing all this was Eyes turned to Lin Xue: "Mom--"

This cry, the charming and gentle, the cute and cute, the careful, listening to the little **** the roadside and her own mother is really a taste, that is, the mother who is called at the scene may be three times younger than her mother. A little older ...

Lin Xue held the frying pan ~ www.readwn.com ~ With a twisted face, as a big girl with a yellow flower who guarded her body, she occasionally kissed her boyfriend to avoid the idyllic prideful girl of the idler. A girl three years younger than herself called a mother. This psychological shock is imaginable. She has not taken out a big Ivan in front of everyone. "This joke can't be ridiculous-who are you! What secrets do you want to do where you fight! Why do you want to get close to what A Jun wants to do?"

The girl in the black dress shrank her neck: "Mom, you put away the frying pan, I'm really not in trouble this time-I'm really scared when you look at the frying pan, because of this, I always thought myself before I was fifteen I gave it to you when I charged ... "

Everyone: "..."

Sandora pinched my arm: "Ajun, how do I think, even if she is not your girl, just use this mouth to be close to you within three generations?"


"Wood," Lin Xueyin's measured voice made me turn my head. This was incredible. The girl was smoky. She smirked and claimed to be my girl-girl, her voice was unstable. Then, "If she can't say anything about flowers, for a while ... Men and women doubles!"

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