Xiling Empire

Chapter 974: Future secrets

Chapter 974 The Secret of the Future

In fact, we all want to immediately understand what is going on with this weird and seemingly familiar girl, but time seems to be running out. This red universe is collapsing. The fallen apostles clearly have better control than us. Slightly clever universe control technology, they destroy the constants of this world faster than imaginary-of course, there may be a world that is really too unstable. Most of the constants on the basis of debris are on the edge of contradiction. As long as one of the levers is destroyed, the chain collapse of the entire world will follow-in order not to lose again because of this nonsense, we can only take this large group of situations that are not right but no longer Threatening abyss battleships leave this world.

The retreat was a little smoother than expected, because Lin Xue ’s ability to predict has gradually recovered from “interference”. In fact, as long as she does not peep at a strange girl, her ability will not be affected. There is a prophet who marches in battle. The significance is huge. The fallen apostles can never find the way for the emperor to retreat. We can always change the course several minutes before the arrival of their spy probe. In the words of the young lady, such a small thing is too unfulfilling. .

However, after leaving the circle of fallen apostles in the end, Lin Xue was still very tired. Today, she has made accurate predictions too frequently.

Because of a special battle and a large group of rather special "students", the large troops did not return directly to the empire. The Sixth and First Fleet detours, first go to a buffer low-level universe at the border for a comprehensive inspection, because no one can guarantee that a fleet will be contaminated after two consecutive hours of operation on the land of the fallen apostles. Only after completing the inspections can they go to the Empire. The Admiral and the Royal Fleet simply stay in the void temporarily. We are located far from the border between the Empire and the Fallen Apostles, and there is only a new empire and a Protoss united nearby. The Void Node that has been stationed for a long time. This node is one of the first restarted cooperative projects after the resumption of communication with Divine Realm. It is mainly used to observe the movement of the abyss in the Void and the law of the world evolution in the wasteland area. The movement of the fallen apostles was monitored, but the third role has never been played so far. Although it can be determined that the void node is not exposed, the fallen apostles seem to be aware that it is not safe here. They have never appeared here. The scan range of the node.

The Royal Fleet and thousands of abyssal spacecraft were moored in the scanning area of ​​the node to solve some troubles.

In the rest area, the first family sat in a large circle. There were three main parties in the circle. Lin Xue and I were sitting side by side. On the opposite chair was the strange girl who knew her father and mother from the beginning. Ms. Lin was so sad, she could n’t help but knock on the table after seeing the **** the opposite side: “Sit up straight, do n’t mess around, do n’t bite your nails, do n’t make funny faces—say why I told your mother Do you think about all this? "

The young lady murmured with a smooth mouth, and the **** the other side laughed grinningly: "Haha, mother, you are really my mother. These words are so kind to hear. Now you guess how I am Are you here? "

This guy is so ridiculous, hehe, he laughed, and joked around with us. He didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and he couldn't tell us his origin. He had to make up for himself, but the strange thing is I really ca n’t take it anymore: It stands to reason that such a guy who is most likely to be the fallen apostle camp must not be arrogant under our people, but in fact, it is not only me and Lin Xue, but even Sandora and her elder sister both have an inexplicable sense of familiarity with this girl: Lin Xue calls it a super-intuitive that a strong spiritual individual produces about things that involve her, similar to the sixth sense. Intuition tells us that the woman in front of her Children are not enemies.

"What's your name," I shook my head and pointed at the girl's head, "Don't smirk, how do I feel you are so familiar?"

"My surname is Chen." The girl deliberately pursed her lips for a few seconds, and made a sudden noise before Lin Xue broke out. Her face was full of smirks. "My name is Chen Xiaoxue!"

People around could not help but feel a little dazed.

I rubbed my head: "Don't talk nonsense."

"Seriously, I really hope this is nonsense," the girl who claimed to be Chen Xiaoxue looked at me distressed, "This name is definitely the one you always associate with Sogou input method and pinyin it. How many good names ca n’t afford you Why did you choose such a popular one? When I was in school, at least four people called Mr. Ge Mu's first name with me, not even the same name but different surnames. I also asked you to come, and you said that the first name is Chen and Xue. I must have those words that I can fill in for me to choose: Chen Daxue, Chen Zhongxue, Chen Xiaoxue, and Chen Yujiaxue ... Childhood, miserable! Do you say this is the name of a princess! ? "

My sister was stunned, and then pinched my neck from the back: "Ajun, this style is like what you do."

"Well, according to your various statements, now I guess you came across from the future," Lin Xue was lying weakly on the table, although the girl in front of her always did not directly tell her origin, but her various performances The answer has been drawn in a fixed direction, but Lin Xue and I have been reluctant to admit it. After all, this is too bizarre. Miss Lin looks at the girl who has more water than herself, regardless of How did she turn around from the fallen apostle and came to us again? She turned her head first, "Now, you are an expert. Can such a reversal of history happen on a macro scale?"

Qian Qian was busy taking pictures of Chen Xiaoxue, heard the words stunned, suddenly changed her personality, and began to explain to us seriously: "Of course it can happen, it is possible to force a person back to the past, but then it is a disaster, will There is a logical paradox. Changes in history may cause two consequences. One is that the current world timeline collapses, and the entire world becomes a stationary snapshot. It is as if people are shocked to protect in the face of a huge physical crisis. Like itself, the world will protect its logical tree by stopping it ... "

Bettis interjected: "We call this downtime. A world will suddenly come to a standstill when it encounters a huge error, and then the Protoss will come to troubleshoot it."

Gently glanced at Bingtis: "I don't like anyone to interrupt when I speak!"

Well, Li personality, this is not even Bingtis, the female hooligan shrugged, and sent me a look "when she recovers, I have to find someone to apologize one by one".

Qian Qian went on: "In addition to the time axis being stuck, there is also a consequence that parallel worlds are generated. Some world structures are very strange. They can differentiate on their own. Whenever the time axis deviates, it will occur at the point of deviation. One copy, then two worlds. Although I have not done so in reality, I have simulated similar situations in Tavel's laboratory. Basically these are the two cases. In short: it is difficult to change the given history and return to the past. It is operationally feasible, but it is not feasible to do anything after returning. "

After talking shallowly, he retreated from this rigorous and irritable personality and began to apologize to Bingtis ...

"Cough, let me add a few words, this is information from our Protoss," Bingtis coughed twice. "In fact, there are several fixed templates in the science of creation about the time axis setting. Basically, it can be divided into the simple ones just said. The two types that she said are both safety locks set up to prevent the world from collapsing. The former is called 'logic failure emergency stop push process', commonly known as dead brake. When someone tries to attack the timeline, All the information flow in the world will freeze, and then the local world management **** will go to troubleshoot and restart the world. The second type is called the "progressive data stack repair process", commonly known as abs anti-lock-the word you can understand the spirit on the line This method of disposal is to create a world backup when the historical process is tampered with, and then create a backup with process tampering. The life cycle of each backup is uncertain. In each backup, except for the source of the failure, other things are actually Are the shadows copied from the ontology, after the backup survives for a period of time, it will return to the correct historical track, and then the two worlds reintegrate A. In addition to these two methods of disposal, there are some more biased correction methods, but that is basically a strange phenomenon developed by the native world itself. The Protoss themselves will not toss that kind of hidden system, otherwise The quality supervision's discovery must have been closed for thousands of years ... "


"That is to say, you claim that you are the daughter of Chen and Lin Xue from the future. It is doubtful in the first place," Bingtis turned to look at the girl who claimed to be Chen Xiaoxue. Although she said something questioning, she was not very hostile. The people here are either void creatures or void derivatives. How can they touch the origins of the world? In our case, the world cannot produce parallel history because the data throughput is not enough. Secondly, emergency stop push is not feasible. ——The reason is the same as above, the world's braking system is not so powerful, that is to say, individuals coming from the future cannot appear in front of us at all. Any attempt to change the history of us will be affected before it happens. Fix it, and-it's been fixed by the void. "

Bettis gave me a glance when he said the last sentence. I immediately sat up straight and made a stern look: We are a void creature, and nothing other than the void itself can affect the history of a void creature.

A mysterious girl named Chen Xiaoxue looked at us one by one and said, "Oh, um, that's right, that's right, the grandfather's paradox is a very troublesome thing, oh sometimes it's called the grandma's paradox, but this thing Does not work for me-I did not say that I came back from the future, this body is only a medium, so its presence in front of you does not affect the coordination of order. My existence is a bit strange, in the conventional It ’s impossible to understand which node I ’m on in the world view of dimensions. Well, I ’ll explain later. I was born after that-yes, dad, what year is it now? Um, I mean, now Do you already know that? "

Lin Xue gritted his teeth: "Speaking shows the white point, or else it is a mixed doubles for men and women."

"Oh, I mean the Great Cataclysm in the Void, should you already know about this?"

The surrounding breath was stagnant, and Sandola looked serious: "You mean, what happened in the future?"

"I thought it was just a speculation from the Father," Bingtis glanced at me, "is it really going to happen soon?"

"It happened, and I was born after the great cataclysm in the void," Chen Xiaoxue nodded to the table. "Everything was divided into two parts by that event, just like the two logical partitions of a hard disk. The change history is indeed a meeting. It ’s a cause of trouble, but it will not be affected if you cross the Great Cataclysm in the Void. The specific reason is ... You were still studying with my uncle when I set out. You did n’t understand what was going on. ”

I snapped: "Your uncle?"

"Oh, Father, it ’s not even my second uncle, but you've called me that since you were a kid."

My sister pinched my neck again: "Ajun, this is also your style."

"Well, one day in the future, your uncle and I are studying the Void Catastrophe ... It happened, and then? What are the consequences? Well, more importantly-you say yourself It ’s not that the future came here, but at least you should live in a precise moment of the future, wouldn't it mean that ... these people who are present are taking the historical destiny in your eyes? "

As soon as this sentence came out, even Sandora's face was tangled. No matter what, everyone has always felt very happy, but now I suddenly know that I already have a doomed history in the eyes of others. Feeling good.

"No, no, this is the key to the problem. Void Cataclysm cut off everything. Dad, it was a period from the birth of the first Void creature to Void Cataclysm, and from Void Cataclysm to me. It ’s another period to find you and my mother. , But I jumped from my starting point and could n’t connect the two timelines. You can do whatever you want, because even if the sky is messy here, there is only one thing that is doomed in the future, that is me. Born-this is the only certain message that I can bring from the future, even if starting from today, because of the sudden addition of a snow and ice smart person to the beloved girlfriend, some of your decisions will be affected by your dad. None of the things that will happen after the disaster will be affected-of course, if you experiment now to blow up the Shadow City, then I can't help it, after all, no one dares to try it. "

A group of people were dizzy by this lingering theory. Even Sandora started rubbing her forehead, because it had gone beyond any scientific logic and rose to an unreasonable level: well, history It is uncertain, even if it has happened, it is just what you think it is now. In this way, we can treat this Chen Xiaoxue as non-existent and do whatever we want, including blowing up a world or surrendering to the abyss. In the future, there is only one thing that can be determined, that is, Miss Lin and I are finally in love, and there is a particularly noisy girlfriend. This girlfriend has gone beyond a certain amount of time to come to her dad to surprise him ...

Miss Lin suddenly knocked on the table: "That is to say, you don't know the future direction at all? Um, I mean the future direction before the great cataclysm in the void should be a historical thing for you."

"I know a lot, it was what Dad told me when I was a kid," Chen Xiaoxue shrugged, this action is exactly the same as me, "but that is useless, those events may not happen, at least the process is not fixed, such as a person destined to die, In my memory, he died of a shooting. In the history that you and your dad really experienced, he may have died of food poisoning. My research topic is that when I carry these memories through the time of the Void Cataclysm and wear them again After I go back, will my memory be corrected immediately, or will there be two memories, of course, it may happen nothing, after all, to me, I am used to the uncertain life of all things in the world ... "

It seems that the girl from the sky really has a lot of secrets-what does it mean for her that everything in the world is uncertain? Anyway, what kind of thing did I and Lin Xue develop in the future ...

"What exactly happened in the Void Catastrophe, and it split everything into two?"

Seeing that Chen Xiaoxue had not explained her "essence" for the time being, Sandora asked another question that we were all concerned about.

"The end of the world, the end of the collective world," Chen Xiaoxue said in a heavy tone. This time, his face is no longer a joke. "Now my uncle should also notice some clues. In the original history, this consequence was the first thing he calculated. But this time, I was the first one to tell you: the whole void stretched out, and it extinguished countless worlds. "

I took a breath, and then the girl in front of me took the second half of the sentence: "But no one knows which world is dead."

Seems very satisfied with his amazing eyes, Chen Xiaoxue nodded, nodding his fingers and telling us that the future is destined to happen, but no one knows when and how it will happen: "Who did the Void Catastrophe happen? I did n’t notice it, including the second uncle and the auntie (I guess it ’s King Huron – but how does this relative count! These titles are not ethical ?!), it has no signs, because in the Empire, the stars In the sights of the three domains, Huron, everything went according to order and developed normally, but slowly someone discovered a strange phenomenon: the exploration force has not discovered the new world for a long time ~ www.readwn.com ~ In general, Together, the three explorers of Empire, Starfield, and Huron can discover a new native world in the void basically every day, but suddenly, all the exploration troops return empty-handed, and the void that should have been full of life seems to have become It's empty, only the world we know is still functioning, but we can't find an undiscovered virgin land-some people guess at first This is because we have finally detected the end of the void and found the last native world. Of course, this conjecture was abandoned at that time, because the void still has no end, but the worlds that are not yet known by the three void creatures are in God. It disappeared without even knowing it. This is the Great Cataclysm of Void.

"After this incident, you, your second uncle, and your auntie were very attentive. You used almost all the exploration troops and radar to scan the void. There should be a large area of ​​blank space in the active area where the world should have gathered. There are no fragments or wrecks in the world, and slowly, everyone finds new unidentified worlds, but those worlds have just been born-only after the Void Catastrophe. "

"The old world, with the exception of those that have been discovered and positioned by the tribe led by three void creatures, has been wiped out unknowingly."

(Get ready for brainstorming!)

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