Xiling Empire

Chapter 975: bad boy

Chapter 975 Bear Child

This is a confusing but fascinating conjecture: if there is such a thing, it actually exists somewhere, but you and everyone you know never know anything about it. Intelligence, you do n’t know what it looks like, do n’t know its origin, do n’t know its location, do n’t even know whether it exists, or even someone has told you that there is such a thing in somewhere in the world. At the same time, this kind of thing will not have any impact on you, whether it was born, evolved, or died, it will not have any information intersection with you.

So, does such a thing really exist for you?

When such things disappear for some reason, does this really happen to you?

This is the case. Many worlds should have been discovered, but none of them found them in the end. They were unknown to you from the beginning, and left no trace after the death. You ca n’t find them anyway. The world once existed, and the evidence that was destroyed can only be guessed from some statistical figures and experience. Oh, there should be something here, but now they are gone-even the last days are only It is possible to draw conclusions by marginalization, or a conclusion that can never be proved or disproved by visual inspection.

This is what happened when the Void Cataclysm happened.

"I'm afraid I can never confirm the exact point in time, because you can't be sure when something that has only existed statistically will die out-if you determine this point in time, the thing will not die out because you We already know that it exists, and in the Great Void Catastrophe, none of the discovered worlds has perished, "Chen Xiaoxue said." After realizing that there is no new undiscovered new world in the void, my uncle felt the situation Wrong, so guess that the nature of the Void Cataclysm should be a big shuffle with exemption rules. The exempted world has the common feature that it can be used with Void creatures-just a little edge, such as an Imperial soldier once Once in this world, then this world is equivalent to having contact with your dad. Even if your subjective consciousness does not understand this world, it can survive the Void Cataclysm, and those who have nothing to do with the Void creatures The world was deleted relentlessly, but there is no clear evidence for this process, after all, except for statistical laws In addition, there is no evidence to explain that world really existed. "

"Furthermore, this inference is further corroborated: after a period of continuous work, the investigators you sent out began to discover the first strange new world, but this new world has just been born and is too short to be ignored Regardless, after that, everything seems to be on the right track again, and new worlds are constantly being discovered. Of course, the speed cannot keep up with the cataclysm, and those new worlds have one thing in common: they are young: they were born recently. "

"The old generation of the ownerless world was instantly emptied, and then the void began to store new data like a formatted database," Sandora looked into my eyes. "Some worlds have survived the formatting for only a reason It ’s because it can be related to the void creatures. This kind of thing is really scary even for the Spirit Apostles. Ah Jun, your understanding of the void should be the most intuitive. You think the void will have this. Is that ... such a tendency? "

Sandora tried to find a suitable word to describe the nature of the cataclysm of the void, but in the broad sense, the void was impersonal, so in the end she could only use the slightly anthropomorphic word "tendency".

"I'm really not sure," I rubbed my forehead with a wry smile, "I do have a sense of the void, but how do you say ..."

"A creature trapped in a two-dimensional world can never understand what height is," Sandora said brilliantly. "No matter how we imagine, you cannot understand how your body feels in the state of a void creature, and you yourself can not say it clearly."

"That's what happened."

"Well, now we just need to know that the Void Catastrophe will definitely happen, but no one can see this process directly," Sandora began to gather the known information little by little. "Chen Xiaoxue-- Now based on what you said is true and correct, when did the Void Cataclysm occur? "

"An uncertain time," Chen Xiaoxue spread his hands and lay on the table. "Well, let me explain what happened to me first, or you will always think of me as coming through the future-strictly come Speaking, the Chen Xiaoxue in front of you actually does not exist. The real place I am is at a point in time after the Void Catastrophe, but that point in time has not yet begun. In other words, what you see in front of you is just A phantom piled up of possibilities, similar to a cluster of information that is released to the present at some point in the future, standing in your perspective, even when I don't exist: it's like a conjecture. Before there is firm evidence, please Think of me as a conjecture. Now I pause for a moment, you guys. "

I think even if she pauses, I don't understand much-it's more complicated than riding a monkey under a tree.

However, as a prophet, Lin Xue often dealt with this kind of logical problem. At this time, he understood: "That is to say, you are equivalent to the probe that Chen Xiaoxue puts to the present point in time in the future, but this probe does not theoretically have Entity, you are a set of information. "

"Probe's statement is accurate, but the more precise term is 'the inevitability that has not yet occurred,'" the other side nodded with a smile. "The cataclysm in the void may start ten years later, or one billion years later. Whenever, It happened, then I will be born in the fifth year after the cataclysm, but in the current timeline, this thing is only a 'necessary event' and not a 'real event'. Information determines everything, and when all the established information is Restricted, after all interference factors are calculated, even if nothing happened, it can have practical significance. This is the origin of the virtual projection called 'Chen Xiaoxue' in front of you. I am not the real Chen Xiaoxue, but except for this concept In addition, everything I have is completely equivalent to the real Chen Xiaoxue. This process is a bit long to explain. Let me briefly talk about it: The cataclysm of the Void affected everything at the same time. It can be said that at that time, all the information of the entire Void Unprecedented into a harmonious appearance, in this harmonious state, all intelligence constitutes a Style, there is not only me, the direct child of the Void creature, the second uncle also has his own true child after that (the current two Protoss princesses were born from the sword of the Father God), we these children call themselves' Void Answer ', and the entire set of information in the entire void before the Cataclysm is called' calculation '. My other name is' Ancient Existent', which means that as an answer, the calculation formula that I exist in all worlds Here, ah, finally remembered what words were most suitable to describe, Dad, Mom, now you are not in front of your daughter who actually passed through the future, but a mathematical conclusion that has completed the operation, and an equal sign with the ontology. , But equivalent to two separate factors ... "

I continued to rack my brains and tentatively asked: "For example, in the classic mathematical environment, one plus one equals two. The Void Cataclysm resets all the information to form a system where all information is lost. Temporarily archived 'coordinating moments'. In this environment, two 'ones' and one 'plus' are determined, so even if no one has pressed the 'equal' key, 'two' is already an established fact, Even if it hasn't appeared yet-Lin Xue and I are the 'equal sign' keys, and you are the 'two' who are still destined even if they are not born? "

"It's probably like that, but you need to fix it: The Great Cataclysm in the Void is the 'equal sign', you and my mother are the hands that press the equal sign key," Chen Xiaoxue looked at with a smile, "You can also Say I'm that 'two'? The real Chen Xiaoxue is 'two'. I'm 'equal to two'. I'm on the left side of this formula. "

Everyone: "..."

"Just like my dad, if you understand from your current point in time, I am such a presence," Chen Xiaoxue made a concluding speech. "At this point in your time, I haven't been born yet, but my birth has been There is a 100% trend that exists. At some point in the future, the real 'Chen Xiaoxue' has his own life experience, but that life experience will not affect the timeline around you now. This is because only in the At the moment of the Great Cataclysm in the Void, my life will really begin, and now before that moment, you are just a calculation conclusion that has not been written on the paper. A single answer, not a complete formula, will not affect the whole Does the mathematical system have any effect-oh, halo? "

I think everyone is dizzy at this moment. Only Sandora can keep thinking. She looks at my cheap girl: "That is to say, you are only the expected answer calculated in advance by this formula. The real calculation has not started yet. Your existence is based on theory. Until the Void Cataclysm really happens, you can't affect anything. Everything you do will be corrected on a macro scale because your formula has not been expanded yet. ? "

"That's it, so don't expect to get the future direction from me. The end result or something. I don't know. What I know does not necessarily happen. After all, there is not only one method of writing a formula, vertical and horizontal. There are two historical trends, but the final answer is the same. In this regard, my little half of the future people don't know as much as my mother. Then, let's stop talking about this topic, my dad is almost asleep. "

Everyone: "..."

"Okay, okay, last question:" My sister waved her hand, then looked at each other with a smile, "Although there is no doubt in theory, I still want to ask, you have to come up with more precise evidence to prove your identity , So that you can prove all the theories you say, isn't this excessive? "

"I knew you would have to ask this again," Chen Xiaoxue immediately expressed her long-expected expression, glancing around proudly, "This is all top-secret information: My mother has a small red birthmark on her left chest, my dear Mom occasionally bites the pillow at night, and will bite my dad in the future. My dad has a black spot on the right side of pp. Ding-dong ... is my sister here too? When you sleep in my dad's pocket, you are used to grabbing a thread to prevent yourself Fall out, because it ’s difficult to buckle from the inside, and it ’s more troublesome to come out after attaching the buckle. Also, my uncle is a left-handed man. I do n’t believe you go back to the gods to ask ... Uh, what do you look at? Is n’t it too much for my daughter to take a shower? I can still share this information with my future self. "

Lin Xue bit her back molars and said, "Okay, we believe it-now I finally know why I want to slap people so much!"

I patted Lin Xue's shoulder calmly: "The child must be disciplined, how did this girl grow up like this?"

As soon as the young lady heard this, her face turned red suddenly, apparently freed from Chen Xiaoxue's theoretical bombardment. She finally realized again how exciting the news was: a girl! Although she is not born yet, but in the future Tie Da is like this young girl, so she stands in front of herself! What is this concept for the proud and shy young lady? Anyway, Lin Xue has never been so powerful, this time it is completely helpless. Seeing the expression on his mother ’s face, Chen Xiaoxue seemed to guess what the other person was thinking, and said with a smile: "Mom, don't you feel embarrassed, your relationship with your dad is so good, and you can think This is a good thing, at least for now it seems that you have saved yourself from learning how to feed me. Isn't it ... by the way, when should we go home for dinner? "

Lin Xue's face was almost violently red, and she suddenly grabbed my arm, as if trying to drag a section down: "Wood! Will I be strangled and reborn ?!"

This is absolutely fascinating. The young lady with normal IQ can't say such bold words. Now she and I are all looking for the horns of no one.

Chen Xiaoxue (well, maybe now I have the position to call her directly as Xiaoxue) make a look of injury: "Mom, don't you do this, in fact, you have been used to having such a smart snow and ice Girl, you see, I'm still very obedient most of the time, and I know a little bit of void knowledge like my dad, now you definitely can use it, of course, more importantly, don't you think I'm so cute, this face I But it took a lot of hard work to grow into this. When I was a kid, I was fine. I looked for pictures of movie stars. Every morning I looked in the mirror-oh, cute, dead! "


Regarding Chen Xiaoxue, a strange little girl who does n’t know how to classify, in the end, Sandora and I decided to agree on this fait accompli, because I am afraid that the most advanced scientists ca n’t follow the girl ’s state on different timelines. Not to mention the causal relationship between her and the Great Cataclysm in the Void, I was suddenly a strange daughter in my house, and I was used to similar things anyway. Of course, in the future, I still have to talk to her about things that I don't know. Now that the fleet has embarked on the journey home, it doesn't take much time to return to the shadow space. The only troublesome problem is how to deal with the thousands of abyssal battleships that come over. According to Xiao Xue, they are all "for Dad Gift ", and now it makes me feel very hot.

Abyssal warships have more than 300 mother ships / aircraft carriers of the same level and medium-sized main battleships such as the expeditionary class. There are five to six thousand. The number of remaining support warships and special ships is about two thousand. Individual fighters and small spaceships such as assault ships and frigates gathered in the mother ship Gennacu are not counted. These battleships add up to be a small group army. Such a large number of abyssal spacecraft must be docked in shadow space. However, this is a great event, and with this fleet, there are also more than 100,000 fallen apostle soldiers and even more countless war puppets: all smoky.

I think if they landed on the Star Harbor with great care, the scene would be very spectacular. The first unlucky egg that landed may be cut into four or five hundred sections by Vega before I react with Sandora, and then dipped in a short section every day. Eat with helium three ...

We have notified the headquarters of what happened here. Of course, the officers of the Shadow Fortress will not have any objection to the decision of the emperor, but they also raised the issue of letting the fallen apostle army land in the capital, which will cause panic among others. Although there are now two or three fallen apostles in the emperor, three people and 300,000 people are not a concept. In the end, Sandora and I temporarily decided to let these fallen apostle fleets land in shadow space, but the station was far away from the mother star and shadow city, and the edge of the shadow space was close to the boundary of the void field. There were some fortresses being assembled. These huge The planet can be used directly as a colony star before carrying weapons, and the "Rebel Fleet" of the Fallen Apostles temporarily docked there.

Chen Xiaoxue never stopped talking along the way, she was cheerfully introducing us to her heroic experience (in fact, it should be the true heroic experience of Chen Xiaoxue in the future, but she and the original are a projection relationship, so it is not true to say so (Wrong), and a question that everyone cares about: how she appeared to us in a 'projected' state from the future.

"Some time in the future, I am a researcher, and I am particularly interested in the history before the Great Void Catastrophe, so I am with Chen Xiao shallow-yes, dad, your name is here ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ That's your daughter with Qian Qian, one year younger than me. I studied with Chen Xiao Qian how to get back to the cataclysm. If the cataclysm is regarded as an equal part of a formula, then I The children of other void creatures are the result of one side of the equal sign, and the other side of the equal sign corresponds to our formula. Because of the irreversibility of the cataclysm, if the result directly runs opposite to the equal sign, this formula will collapse. That is to say, we ca n’t let ourselves pass through the node of the Void Cataclysm. My sister has a wide range of thoughts. She said that since the two sides of the equal sign cannot be interchanged at will, then one of them will be deformed, like 'two plus Two 'and' two by two 'are a concept. Vertical and horizontal can get the same result. Decimal points and fractions can be used to represent non-integer. By changing the formula of the side of the equal sign, you can make it from One Scattered data is integrated into something extremely similar to the answer-but we can't adjust the formula ourselves, then we need to borrow the hands of others, and we need a group of easy-to-use fools to perform a series of very complicated operations in order to make them silly I 'induced' ... "

This should be shocking enough news, at least Sandor's face changed dramatically in the face of this news.

That is to say ... the future two children, just to satisfy their curiosity, designed a huge trap. Those fallen apostles are just two of them's tools. The fallen apostles invested a lot of money in the "copy of the void creatures" "Plan" was a scam from the beginning, just to allow Chen Xiaoxue's projection to be born before the Void Cataclysm!

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