Xiling Empire

Chapter 995: You shine like the sun

Chapter 995 You Shine As The Sun

When the thousands of space bombs detonated at the same time, a powerful torrent of energy shredded a spherical area with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers, everything was destroyed, the space collapsed, the world was distorted, and even the distant starlights lost time Disappeared, this is the closed state formed after the space is distorted to the limit, and the inside and outside are isolated, even the light is no exception.

The golden energy thread on Sandora's body had occupied a considerable space, but now it has quietly extinguished.

Because I am still in the vanity state, the collapse of the space has not caused harm to myself, but the sudden interruption of the spiritual connection is more helpless than any harm. In the first second, I felt like I had a blank head and even consciousness. Nothing happened, and then began to look for the figure of Sandora in the broken space cracks and void erosion holes, but nothing, nothing left, nearly 10,000 space bombs detonated at the same time, superimposed power Even far more than hundreds of shots from the main galaxy of Xinghe, Sandora is not a void creature, her strength is limited, and even if she is an emperor, she cannot resist this level of explosion.

She ... was killed?

After finally realizing this, my first reaction was that I almost ran away, but the only reason left to do my best still stabilized my mind, the first thing was to get rid of the mindset of the earth people and determine one. Things: The Apostles of the Spirit were not so easily destroyed, especially an emperor.

Although there are no ravens, Sandora's soul and spiritual power cannot be destroyed by a group of bombs. The first thing she needs to do now is to feel where her spiritual power is, and then recycle it into her. In the spiritual sea, this should not be difficult. After all, I have brought back Xuehua Qijing in the same way. It can be said that I have experience, and Sandora's soul must be more stable than Xiaoqijing. What I need is just a Quiet environment, a quiet environment, so that ...

The distortion of the space gradually subsided, and the continuous explosions and artillery refilled my side. I looked angrily to the distance. The black warships that were bombarding the defence positions.

"I said, keep you quiet !!!"

A blue line of fire suddenly rose from the end of the line of sight. It was a collection of almost all the discrete energy on the battlefield. It was compressed in a phantom storm that was released at one time behind the fallen apostle position. An unprecedented torrent of energy swept up. The enemy never had In the face of this attack experience, they immediately messed up. Under the bombardment of Psionic Storm, the battleships in the rear exploded into bright blue and white fireballs.

Okay, now that the battlefield is much quieter, I can do my own thing-look for Sandora's soul.

Her life reaction and spiritual connection have completely disappeared, and I no longer expect to see her figure.

"Chen, what's going on there, why is Sandola's spiritual connection suddenly interrupted!" Bingtis's voice suddenly rang out in the back of her head, letting her stunned and calmed down, and I answered: "Sandora ... was ambush, there was an ambush, an empire general was hiding in the deep space folds, he hid hundreds of stealth bombers beside us, we didn't find these ambushers. I was looking for Sandor Soul of La, come here immediately and force that Zadom out, and I will swallow him alive! "

Bettis was silent for less than two seconds, and a sudden burst of exclamation broke out, saying what I expected: "What? You mean Sandora was destroyed? Was she destroyed under normal circumstances or In a combat stance? "

"Stance, is there any difference?"

"... Fuck, great fun, that Zador is over!" Bingtis' tone was getting more and more rapid, and it sounded so excited that he couldn't control himself. "You wait, I'm rushing to death now! To appear, Sandora's ... Zizi ... Erupted ... Bonded ... Runaway ... Zizi ... Kingship ... "

The connection with Bingtis was suddenly interrupted, and only messy noise remained from the opposite side of the spiritual connection. I froze for a moment, and suddenly realized one thing: the spiritual connection sent by a high-order true **** was interrupted directly by the interference signal. !! What is disturbing! ?

Almost as soon as this question came up, I "heared" a familiar, but more lingering voice than ever before, from the depths of the spirit, and it seemed to come from all directions, although there was no sound In space, Sandora Lingran's words seemed to flood the universe: "Very good, good job, but destroying my body is not good for you-maybe you should have a good understanding of Urasis before Power, I hope your Majesty Harlan can tolerate his foolishness ... "

The sound echoed in all directions, even in every inch of the gap in the spiritual world. I looked around in perplexity, but I could only see the endless debris and explosions in the vast space. Sandora was gone, but ... I felt Her existence is seeping out of every space, everywhere, and the world is king.

A line of golden light first cut through space and traversed the line of the fallen apostles and emperor's defense straight, dividing the two sides of the fire into two parts at a time, and the actions of both sides were slowed down at the same time. Is gradually losing control of his body. More golden light is permeating in the space, walking, like sporadic fireflies at first, and then turning into a wild golden tsunami. In just ten seconds, there are large and large areas emerging from the vacuum in all directions. The small halo, the smallest is only the stars, the huge is like a roaring mountain continent, and only the golden storm sweeps everything in the field of vision. I was attracted by this magnificent and weird scene, and I forgot the action, as if Lost in general. They gradually converged into a regular torrent, at the center of the battlefield, as if preparing an open space for a magnificent palace. Soon, the golden torrents condensed into substance, and in the distance, a dazzling star emerged at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was a planet, but as bright as the sun, it was a burning light, but it was not hot. The endless brilliance shines on the battlefield with a radius of 2.37 million kilometers, and also on the green planet, which has remained intact for a long time by the defense forces. The ever-changing golden flames are blasting on the huge planet that is unclear whether it is a planet or a star. Well, if you look at this layer of flames and its non-physical form, maybe this should be a gaseous planet, burning Looks like the sun—a planet-sized sun.

It is impossible to determine with the naked eye how big the golden sun is. I can only compare it with the nearby green planet with my own mental power perception. It seems that I really haven't slipped into hopelessness: this The first thing I thought of in this shocking moment was to see how big the ball changed by Sandora-I have to say that this is a phenomenon of derailment caused by a huge surprise.

"Hoo ... has finally recovered, it's really good, it's really good," Bingtis's voice echoed in her mind again, still with a disturbing sound, but she could already hear it clearly, she used two in a row to express herself now Excitement, "Yi Shen has been separated from the large army, and rushed forward, interfered really strong, penetrating Sandora's spiritual power in this form and talking to you is a laborious task, see it, doomed. "

"Saw ..." I squinted in case I was dizzy with the golden sea of ​​fire that occupied three-fifths of the field of vision. It was about tens of thousands of kilometers away from me. At this distance, the flaming gaseous state The beauty of the planet is beyond words, "Sandora has become a ball with a radius of more than 6,000 kilometers ..."

"Five thousand kilometers, a little smaller than the earth, the instinct is not very accurate, and don't count the flames above-I feel that the stupid hair is not tall, the last time I saw that gesture was tens of millions of years ago, Sandora relied on this crown to prove that she was born to be a ruler. Now I suggest that you shrink the defence to ... Aren't you defending a planet, just shrink to that planet's low-earth orbit , To prevent accidental injury, the power of the Emperor Jurassic is absolutely unhappy now-well, I'm here. "

With the last three words, the space next to it suddenly shook, and then the long-haired flying Icetis had already appeared beside herself with her scepter like a city-breaking hammer. Some sense of sacredness: if she doesn't carry that stick.

Gaze at the gaseous "planet" tens of thousands of kilometers away, Bingtis's look of nostalgia appeared, and he compared his thumb to the distance, and said a particularly sturdy and appropriate sentence: "Sandora, you solar……"

I looked at the female hooligan with a poor expression: "Be careful, I turn my face, that's my wife."

"Your wife is very fierce. This one can turn into a ball with a radius of more than 5,000 kilometers. It is smaller than the sun, but equally bright."

I raised my hand to surrender, and quarreled with the undisclosed guy Bingtis, "I'm dead," "OK, what's going on?"

I noticed that as this golden nova took shape quickly, the battlefield had fallen into a weird state of silence, and all the ships of the fallen apostles were rapidly shutting down, even though their engines were still struggling to emit flames, and the main guns were still flashing intermittently. Energized light, however, is unable to move forward. Under the light of the Nova, the shields of all spacecraft quickly dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye. Just a few minutes later, except for the giant mother ship, all the ships of the fallen apostles The shields went out simultaneously, and then they all resigned to helplessness, like pieces of rubble. My telepathy tells me that these ships still contain abundant energy, but these energies seem to have their own thoughts. They refuse to power all equipment: the psychic energy is frozen. This is my most intuitive feeling.

This is a weird scene. It seems that everything in front of it has been frozen by something extremely viscous-amber, I can only think so. This battlefield with a radius of two million kilometers is gradually becoming a mentally fixed place. The amber that caused all this is undoubtedly the bright sun.

"That's Emperor Ulysses," Bingtis set up his pergola and looked into the distance. "That's the name, Sandora's glory form."

I took a breath and said, "I'm going ... so powerful!"

"Sandora is an emperor, of course, a little different from the general leader-level apostles. Each emperor has his own unrepeatable stunts. It is this unique power that makes them stronger than others and the soul grabbers can control. Human mind, but your ordinary minded commando soldiers also have the same power. If Sandora is just more powerful than their energy intensity, what are the other characteristics. The biggest difference between her and ordinary apostles is that she succeeded a long time ago. She jumped up her life form and performed a major operation on her soul. It seemed to use the special talent of the spirit grabber. She kept her spirit and soul open to the limit forever. This is the glorious form projected by the Spirit Apostle. A necessary condition, it seems that your ordinary Apostles of the Spirit need a month to complete this process, but Sandora keeps this state forever. Her body is left at the material level when the soul is activated. The last yoke--if the unlucky eggs destroyed her body while she was in combat, the fun would be great ... "

Bingtis shrugged, the thief smiled grinningly: "Your Majesty Urassis will be respawned immediately in the form of a glory starship. Although it is not cheap for her, it is more costly for the enemy. Big. Otherwise, do you think Sandora doesn't have a card at the bottom of the box? "

The second stage turned, the state was full, into a violent state, and the body size increased-I do n’t know if the equipment that would knock Sandora up to the third level and then drop the ground ... this girl scared me just now what!

"Okay, I feel much more comfortable after throwing away the chain." Sandola's voice echoed in her mind, and she could use strong mental power to directly penetrate the mental barrier of everyone and project her thoughts to others In his mind, Zadom, who thought he had successfully completed an assassination, has not shown up to now, but listening to Sandora's tone, the other party is obviously still on the battlefield, "Why, dare not come out now? It doesn't make sense, you hide it My body, but I can't hide my mind ... "

The glow of the scorching sun radiated the entire battlefield violently, and a group of stealth bombers emerged from space. This time, however, they actively appeared because the driver was controlled by the mind. In the middle of the formation, a ship Large aircraft carriers are particularly noticeable, with black and red paint, enhanced communication arrays, and a state of tight protection. Obviously, it is the general flagship of this battlefield.

Hidden behind the big force from beginning to end, even hiding the big force behind another big force, concealing itself layer by layer, and being cautious in the case of occupying an absolute advantage, it may be said that this Zador is too cautious And it seems greedy for fear of death, but at the same time I have to admit that this kind of guy is extremely difficult: if the soldiers also want to fight General Hilling, I believe that the average person would rather face Pandora's 3,000 army guns. Not willing to face this ubiquitous stealth bomber of Zadom.

"Looks like I'm taking a stinky move," Zadom said on the public channel, "but don't think it's over ..."

Obviously in the state of repression, the fallen apostle's warship actually started again. I don't know what method was used. Zadom not only briefly got rid of Sandora's spiritual slavery, but even restarted the extinguished energy shield on the spaceship. The power of the shield seemed to be able to temporarily resist the will of the golden star. These battleships were recharged. The weapon system was surging with black and red energy, and turned neatly.

They may be fighting self-destructing spiritual slavery from Nova. Bright lights are cracking on all the enemy ships, and the armor plates are twisted like soft plastic, exposing the smoke-laden machinery below. Equipment, as if two opposing instructions were in effect on these ships, causing their core systems to constantly collapse, vulnerable warships suddenly exploded into large groups of fireballs without firing, while large warships were in Swinging left and right in continuous explosions, no attack is possible at all!

I have noticed that the spiritual power of Sandora in glory has not only acted on the enemy's intellect, but even those thoughtless dead objects have also been affected by her, including the ship of the fallen apostle itself. Those warships have betrayed their pilots, and soon the enemy's curse and mortal shouts began to come from the monitoring channel: the enemy's communication system has been taken over by the star, and the interior of their spacecraft was used to defend against foreign enemies. The system appears to be systematically destroying its crew.

"Destroy the host! Immediately destroy the host! The sane guy is taking over the manual system ..." Zadom did not know that his communication system was the first to be controlled, and his command sounded through the emperor without a word. Command chain, and in this chaos, Sandora, who has been transformed into the glory of the starship, always keeps watching. She just hovered quietly on the battlefield for a moment, and the golden force field covered the entire battlefield. She finally got it in Zadom After the betrayed automation device, the fallen apostle's warship was torn down, as if after a ridiculous farce.

"I don't seem to need our two shots," Bettis grabbed my arm and dodged the wreckage of an enemy assault ship raging on fire ~ www.readwn.com ~ Few know that Sandora's glory form is truly powerful Where it is: Zadorm never imagined that his hostility and anger towards the emperor's power of Emerasis happened to be the source of the latter's power. The thing was driven by the enemy's resistance to will, and now Sandora is still Integrating the power of the abyss is stronger than that year, unless the enemy also has an emperor-level apostle or instantly turns into a glory starship, they are dead. "

Seems to confirm Bettis' judgment, Sandora's voice came again: "Nice slapstick performance, it is almost time to leave now-if you can still upload successfully, go back and tell your Harlan and that The group of rebels rolled over to accept the purification of the head of the new empire, or to prepare their own funeral at home, there is no third way. Now ... to the king-kneel! "

The golden star suddenly became nearly twice as bright. Numerous golden **** of light rose from the surging sea of ​​fire on its surface and rushed towards the fleet of the fallen apostles. The abyssal warship seemed to intend to resist, while continuing to destroy itself while turning the muzzle to meet. These golden **** of light, however, as Bingtis said, the more they have the idea of ​​resistance, the more powerful the power of the emperor is. When the enemy forces to attack, the golden **** of light instead Rush faster to every corner of their fleet.

Eventually, they filled the positions occupied by all fallen apostles.

"Do yourself."

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