Xiling Empire

Chapter 996: Full of scars

Chapter 996 is full of scars

The emergence of Eurasian imperial power means that everything has ended. This grand invasion campaign ended with the bankruptcy of the fallen apostles. All the world in the empire is in the state of maximum martial law. The defense forces are waiting for it. Instead, he withdrew into his territory without hesitation, and the invading army of all the worlds fell in love again, leaving behind a large number of wrecks and corpses, and then returned to the shadow of the void. Lin Xue was lying in the medical cabin, and Xiao Xue used the power she inherited from her mother to confirm that the enemy's last support force had turned around.

They almost succeeded. Really, one by one, the smoke bombs were turned away from the mountain again and again, and the emperor was counted closely. Even Father God and King Huron were dragged to the front by the cost of a group army. If it was not defense The army's desperate battle won time, and Lin Xue broke through the impact of the interference launcher at the last moment. I'm afraid we don't know what happened until they destroy the target and triumph. On the final battlefield, Sandora took a dangerous move-maybe even a dangerous move, no matter how strong she is, she should not be able to count her death?

Fortunately, Emperor Urasis still managed to turn the tide.

Each of the golden spheres split from the power of Eurasian is equivalent to a full-strength soul grabber. They are extensions and amplifiers of Sandora's power, and they are also the burning golden star to draw energy. The way, when these golden light **** enter the position of the fallen apostles, the enemy will undoubtedly have a huge emotional response: panic, hostility, anger, fighting, rebellious spirit, no matter what kind of emotion, it will eventually be caught by these golden lights Capturing and turning into Sandora's power, in Her Majesty's own words, this is called "your fear will eventually become my food, your anger will become your own cage", this sentence is really energetic.

When these golden **** of light turned the fallen apostle battleship cluster into a large fireworks field, Bingtis was stunned.

"Sandora is very funny, she calls these things 'thinking sparks'-your thoughts will light up sparks of thoughts, and this spark will soon burn your soul, that's what it means. Fortunately there is one here Human, otherwise you will also see a kind of flash called 'Requiem', all of a sudden a supernova bursts out, everything that can produce a soul will be drained in half a light year, and Emperor Urasis eats the soul ... ... "

"When I have time to expose my shortness to A Jun, I might as well help the soldiers elsewhere."

Sandora finally couldn't stand it. Although she tried hard to maintain the queen's magnificence in the glory state, there was a friend of Bingtis who seemed to be exposed sooner or later, all the old people, and her spiritual strength was permeated. Throughout the battlefield, Bingtis's spiritual connection with me was not encrypted, which is tantamount to speaking in front of others.

"Ahahaha, Her Majesty the Queen is angry, and the gang Sanshou gave it to me-just go and go!"

Bingtis talked about this sentence, and the holy light flickered, and the yellow light went straight to the southwest, and time was gone.

"Sandora, how are you?" I turned to the radiant gaseous planet: For the first time, I knew that the Starship also had non-solids. "Um ... I don't see how healthy a ball is."

"If I die once, where can I go," Sandora's voice sounded a little depressed, "Ajun, don't make fun of me. This time it is really a capsized ship in the gutter. It is not a good way to release glory. ... "

"Why?" I was suddenly nervous, and as I thought, such a powerful force could not be released casually, or Sandora would have opened the ground with glory, "Is there a sequela?"

"I need to die once in an emergency, isn't it serious?" Sandora was very depressed. In addition, it felt strange to talk to a gaseous planet with a radius of more than 5,000 kilometers, "I'm afraid that I will be weak for a while, and ... When the sun is in a few days, I am generating a new body in my own kernel. This is not a small project, and I still have to seal those abyss forces safely again, that thing is really dangerous. If the reaction is slower just now, Yula The Sith imperial power will become the abyss imperial power ... But anyway, this time is good luck, if two or three years ago, I am afraid I have not restored this power. "

Although she showed an almost cruel iron-blooded wrist when she confronted her enemies with glory just now, after the battle, Sandora resumed her usual relaxed attitude when talking to me. I heard her tone was very relaxed and I followed. Don't worry, now the most worrying thing about her is whether she's okay: after all, she was "killed" once.

Thinking of this, I still feel a little blocked in my heart, but I don't know how to express it, so I have to remain silent. I do n’t know if I can better sense my emotions after releasing the real power. Sandora seems to have guessed that I am feeling depressed and asks with a smile: "What's wrong, Jun? We are not happy when we win? Because it feels like you weren't protected just now? "

I didn't answer, I really felt a sense of depression in this area, no matter how strong Sandora was, the moment I really experienced the shock of a **** coaster, watching her disappear into the bombardment of a giant bomb In that kind of feeling, I definitely don't want to come again. If she is not a Spirit Emperor who can be resurrected immediately, maybe I will really run away because I was unable to protect her on the battlefield, but she was directly resurrected ... The mood is messy now.

"Sure enough, it's Juna. I'm happy anyway," Sandora said with a grinning voice. "The psionic storm scared me and thought you were going to destroy everything. Fortunately, you still remembered the spirit. The apostles can be resurrected ... but it is really unnecessary if you feel depressed because you have failed to protect me. "

"Huh." I muttered nonchalantly.

"Don't understand or disagree? I've spent my life on the battlefield so far, facing the battlefield is facing death, and for a Spirit apostle, this is part of life. I never consider myself to stand with the enemy with you The artillery fire was for someone to protect themselves, but because I wanted to fight alongside you. Ah Jun, if you put me in the position of a protected person, that would be too bad. And the situation at that time, Do you think it is possible to protect a person from more than 1,300 giant bombs? "

Speaking of the thrilling scene at the time, Sandora was also a little bit resentful: "But this is really a shame, I would have been designed by this ambush to ..."

I was relieved: "Because you are too tired."

Sandora bears a heavy load. She is not only the direct commander of the front line, but she is also fighting in person. Although I should be the most effective of the leaders I personally put into battle, it is based on the void creatures. Life form, Sandora did not have the weird resilience like me, when she came to this battlefield, she was very tired. Only in this state did Zadom dare to perform a bold beheading: otherwise, a so cautious guy would not be so reckless when he saw two emperors appearing at the same time.

"Compared to this, I found a bad thing."

Sandora was silent for a moment, and said suddenly in frustration.

"Zadome, it really ran away."

"What ?!" I was shocked. "Run away? How is it possible! There is no more ashes in this place!"

Sandora said angrily: "He uploaded himself, and I intercepted it under a guise, an lieutenant who was acting as a dead ghost."

"That's really ... wow," I looked at the servants who were cleaning the battlefield, feeling regrettable. "That's a troublesome guy, too cautious and cunning."

"I will always meet again on the battlefield. Haran's fleet was seriously injured this time, but his general and a small part of the army fled back. I am afraid that he will not be caught by other fallen emperors in a short time as we guessed To annex, I hope that the next decisive battle is on his territory-we have lost too much this time. "

Yes, the losses are huge. Although the ultimate victory is still in the hands of the emperor, the large-scale invasion of the fallen apostles has caused great trauma to several border areas. The first is that the local defense forces and military facilities have been almost destroyed in half. Still under the circumstances that we prepared in advance, the gap in quantity was a flaw that Emperor could not avoid. The world that was originally the springboard of the Community universe is half-disabled. It is the place where the fighting is fierce except for the final battlefield. The fallen apostles ’crazy weapons and psionic bombs that poured out when facing the two **** kings have severely damaged the universe The stability of the local defense force commander has sent bad news, the world stability of xf-35-a fell to less than 0.3 in just a few hours, and the stability parameters of a world went from zero to one. , Represents the tendency of various mathematical laws in this world to generate bugs when it is running. A world with stability of 1 is perfect. In theory, all its cosmic laws will never cause contradictions. All events will follow the order of development. In reality, Only the Divine Realm can achieve this degree of order. A world with stability of 0 can be considered to be doomed, which means that any event that occurs in the current world may cause a deadly space phenomenon, and even a match can brighten the entire galaxy. The thermal equilibrium collapses. Generally, the stability of the world should be maintained between 0.5 and 0.8. A universe below 0.5 means instability everywhere. Class space wonders of space and the speed of light stagnant area of ​​the channel, while lower than the stability of less than 0.3, means that the world of chaos, the curvature of space is not the same in any of a range of light-years, the speed of light is different every minute.

I wonder if the Celestial System Fleet can still set sail from such a universe that is about to collapse at any time. Perhaps the Psionic Death Star will be dead and the entire universe will be gone.

Need to find a launch window again for the Celestial System Fleet, and this time the window world must be more hidden than xf-35-a. Other invaded universes also need to be repaired. The fallen apostles attacked all the artifacts in their range and places that seemed to live, including vital military bases and heavy industry galaxies. Now I developed the Various specifications of external scanners are extremely large. These things allow the enemy to search for worthy targets within minutes after the war starts. Of course, there are also systems such as anti-radar and anti-space weapons on the Emperor's side, but you can count on them. Do civil and military bases have the same level of facilities?

So I thought I understood what Haran was like half a month ago ...

Not only a large amount of destroyed infrastructure needs to be rebuilt, but also the families of the war dead and displaced refugees need to be comforted-the latter is even better to say that the Spirit Apostles and Community pilots have flowed all the way in the blood of the dead. Yes, they know what the soldiers should face, and civilians in those industrial areas and colonial planets are evacuated in time, and the casualties are not serious. This is something to be pleased with.

The soldiers are cleaning the battlefield. This is an essential step after fighting the fallen apostles. There is too much dangerous material in this space, and there is even an abyss reaction. A barge carrier with a large number of sub-machines was dragged upstream in the stricken position. The sub-machines used gravitational generators to disperse various debris. What did not have an abyss response was the parts of the defensive forces. After entering the mother ship, they entered the recovery furnace on the spot. It can be decomposed and used. The wreckage of the fallen apostles with the abyss reaction is sent to the big-belly cargo ships that follow the barge. These cargo ships are specially designed to clean up dangerous materials on the battlefield. The fragments of the contaminated spacecraft are pulled by them into the void and discarded: The void is really a good place. You are never afraid of pollution. If you throw it in, it will be assimilated and cleaned within a short time.

God the Father and King Huron also heard the news shortly afterwards. The enemies stared at by these two big men were the only ones that were completely destroyed. Several other worlds had enemies breaking through and blocking the successful retreat. Only the two old-fashioned void creatures dragged in. In the end, the fleet of the void did not even have any scum. However, they still expressed their regret for the delay in being able to come to support in time, but I do n’t think this should really blame others. After all, the fallen apostles are very cunning. However, at the time, the Father and God did not anticipate what the conspiracy behind the layers of fog laid out by the enemy, and more importantly, they were originally guests. Your enemies came to the door, and the guests copied the bricks to help you. Well, after you finish playing, you still complain that people are using slabs instead of rpg, so it's a bit rude, right?

"Additionally, I have a surprise for Xingchen," King Huron said suddenly when hanging up the communication. "You must be very interested, this thing almost overshadowed me."

Before I asked what kind of surprise, King Huron was decisively off the assembly line, letting people scratch their hearts and live there. It's a really bad guy-but I also understand that people are just emotionally excited next to the crush.

I also look forward to the surprise she mentioned.

"By the way, Jun," just then, Sandola's voice suddenly rang in her head. "Tell you something."

"Huh?" I put on my sunglasses and looked at the 5,000-kilometer version of Sandorla next to it. I suddenly realized one thing: the two light-emitting bodies, Alaya and Anwina, burst weakly at this time, Sandor. Ra showed himself the terrible existence of the real luminous organism. Visually, if I built a solar power station around her now, the energy crisis of the entire earth would be lifted ...

"I'm hungry," Sandora said grievously.


"You have a radius of more than 5,300 kilometers now!" I shouted almost frantically. "Baby, how can you feed me!"

Who else can tell me, a big fireball with a radius of 5,300 kilometers, well, a big light ball, what should I eat?

"The new body is growing slowly," Sandora may have checked, and she is making her own new body in the core of her glory form. "Ajun, you will starve to death."

No, absolutely hungry and immortal, don't think that I know nothing about the body of the Spirit apostle, but it is clear that these theories are meaningless in the face of Sandora the hungry.

"What do you eat now?" I looked at this estimated glory starship of all time. "Will I go to find tens of thousands of laser transmitters to shoot at you? I guess you can digest light energy now Now. "

Sandora thought about the scene of being raised by tens of thousands of laser cannons, hesitated for a long time and said flatly, "Forget it, just hungry for a few days."

Actually, I was very surprised. Now that Sandora has no body, the subject is a light sphere. How did she feel "hungry", something that requires the stomach to understand? After thinking about it for a long time, I was puzzled, and in the end I could only draw a terrifying conclusion: as if the nature of "inertness" can be described as the character of an abyss creature, I am afraid that the feeling of "hungry" has become more Pulling part of her soul, she is hungry not because her stomach is empty, but now she is hungry ...

I understand why this girl can eat all the time.

While chatting with Sandora himself, waiting for the fleets in other places to complete the reorganization, a strong spatial fluctuation suddenly occurred 300,000 kilometers away, and then a large mass unit was reported to be forming in the space in the information link. It ’s my own army. I ’m thinking about where it ’s going. I heard a crazy call from the public channel: “Where is the enemy! Get out and let our ship do it! My ship ’s name is Chen! My ship ’s thought There were 997 main guns that year! How dare to block the way of this ship ... "

Then he seemed to be on the battlefield with the smoke of the Vengeance Fleet and the Battle Song that had just returned to combat, receiving the onlookers of the Defense Forces.

A defence intelligence officer reluctantly reported to the group of friends who were a little dizzy and turned: "The enemy has been defeated ~ www.readwn.com ~ sir."

"What! Whatthe ..."

"Her Majesty, you are ..." The Overseer did not hesitate to squeeze the hooligan named Chen out of the channel, and the fleet questioned as it moved closer to Sandora.

"Small problem, don't worry," Sandora said in a stunned tone, and I could imagine that she might rub her belly when she said this sentence: spiritually.

"I'm very sorry, my subordinates delayed the fighter."

"But you are fighting two enemy forces at the same time and returning almost unscathed," Sandora's voice was calm. "Also, you better stop suppressing the signal of the Warsong, and she intends to hit you."

The lunatic carried on the Warsong was finally able to speak, and immediately arrogantly said: "Ah, still the sensible of the government university, and then cut off the line of the ship casually, the ship is fascinated by your face! The ship finally knew this What a Gravity Twisting System! "

Me: "..." It was a huge mistake to let this article speak!

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