Xiling Empire

Chapter 998: The way Gaia relieves boredom

Chapter 998 The Way Gaia Solves

There are a lot of things to deal with after the war. This large and dangerous war is a case for military experts to study for a long time. Many shortcomings of the new emperor's affairs system have been exposed during the battle, such as the Overlord Intercepted by the enemy while helping in the Empire, this shows that we underestimated the technological remnants of the fallen apostles in nether voyages, and that there were areas worthy of major overhauls in the transmission routes between the worlds; some of the border defense forces around the world Weak infrastructure and limited military power. Half of the members of these defense forces are servants. Therefore, the work of the Ministry of Military Affairs is urgent. They need to increase the number of soldiers and improve the equipment of the servants. At the same time, we need more soldiers in the border world, and more soldiers. This means that more production hosts are needed, and the workload of bubbles may increase over a period of time; we lack the ability to intercept enemies in the void, and all battles need to be conducted in the real world. Is a huge problem, no matter the outcome of the war, the defending territory will no doubt be severe This last problem is also the most difficult to solve. It is believed that even on the side of the fallen apostles, there are not many technologies that can intercept the enemy in the void. It requires huge advances in science and technology to achieve this. Fortunately, we have a dead garden in our hands. The only law weapon that can operate normally in the void realm. It lacks attack power and can only be used for assistance. Fortunately, both Father God and King Huron are here. Both of them can help the Emperor to improve this super weapon.

Of course, the help may be limited. At most, Tavel provided some knowledge about the void. After all, the two of them were not very familiar with the technological creations of the empire. I guess Sheila would not use a microwave oven ...

Of course, this war also allowed us to see the main advantages that the emperor had during the large-scale battle of the fallen apostles. First of all, the servants. These were dismissed in the old empire, and even as warriors in the new empire. With the same honor as regular soldiers, they have proven their worth on the battlefield. Although their combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the regular army, they are still equipped with the Ministry of Military Standard System weapons to resist the enemy's most fierce offensives, and their number is huge. The tactics are almost endless-fighting against the emperor, the fallen apostles will still feel traceable, but fighting with the servants who are also equipped with psionic weapons, the commanders of the fallen apostles show obvious confusion and busyness, they Faced with a group of completely random army, as long as they can attack the enemy, the minion has at least a four-digit tactical combination available, so the fallen apostle knows his own advantage, and is so tossed by the so-called "militia" that he loses his temper. . Secondly, several new equipment developed by Tavel have obtained the maximum practical test, including a new generation of large energy predators and a shield enhancer that suppresses the abyss infection: this shield enhancer is a blueprint for deep submersible ships from the abyss The results from the direct cut are pretty good. I believe that after this actual test, Tavel can make them more perfect.

There are too many things to deal with, only less than one-fifth of which I have the ability to ask myself. Most of the remaining things are handled by Sivis, a grievous lieutenant, and Sandora, an expert. The former seems to never know Tired, although she did not have hundreds or thousands of quality projections everywhere, I could see the shadow of Tavel from her, the latter was mostly too okay-now Sandora is a blind man A large light ball with a dog's eye, a radius of 5,300 kilometers, a gravitational strength of 1.15 g (the core density of the Emperor Jurassian power is extremely high), except that it does not rotate, it is no different from a normal planet, Sandora's original body Destroyed, before the new body is completed, this glory starship is the only "container" she can use. Then, what can a planet with a smaller point than the earth do in addition to office?

She didn't talk again ...

The landing force has been exploring the Green Star for nearly two hours, mainly for deep scanning its subcrustal structure. Because they are afraid to physically destroy the planet, scientists can only place scanners on the surface. This is of course inefficient. of. Moreover, a new discovery by Tavel has made the landing expeditions more careful: a complex set of extremely sensitive alarm systems is hidden in the complex energy environment underground of Green Star, as long as something destroys Green Star's crust and invades its mantle Nearby, this alarm system will be activated, what will happen after activation? No one knows, no one dares to take the risk anyway.

This planet is the life of countless soldiers.

"And I flashed back."

Lying on the bed, the young lady who turned into Lin Daiyu muttered, twisting her body uneasily, "It hurts."

"If you really hurt, you won't be able to move around," I pressed the young lady's head hard, and then stretched out my fingers: "What's this?"

"Thirty-five." The young lady looked at my hand vaguely.


"Okay, okay, you know I see things for a while, but it will be fine for a while, and to be honest, I think this is a blessing for disaster: how long has it not been so quiet."

We had several wounded people after the battle here, including Sandorana, who did n’t know if it was a wounded person (full blood super status resurrected in situ), Lynn ’s IQ still has n’t recovered, and Miss Miss could n’t get out of bed, The first one is really unattainable, the second one is playing Tangram with Monina, and I am taking care of the third.

There are two main reasons for the bankruptcy of the fallen apostles. One of them is Sandora's sudden super-god, which later reversed and killed an enemy legion, and the other premise was that the young lady exploded and drove the enemy crazy. Interfering with the transmitter, Lin Xue paid a certain price for this. She claimed to be excited and flashed her waist too much, but after seeing it with my own eyes, I determined that her condition was worse than that.

As has happened before, the result of the crazy increase in strength is the loss of ability. The last time she saw everything was dozens of ghosts, and this time in addition to dozens of ghosts, she temporarily lost The ability to predict.

It's as if the machine is overheating and needs to be cooled.

Medical experts believe that this should be a very short-term phenomenon, which may last only about a week or so, and maybe not worry too much. If it might be a big deal in the past, but there is still Xiaoxue in our family, the child is not as powerful as Lin Xue, but it is not much worse in terms of early warning. The young lady can finally get a real vacation.

"I feel pretty quiet in my mind," Lin Xue changed to a more comfortable posture, although her eyes were still a little congested (sequelae), her mental state was good, "I was always annoyed by the messy pictures, and occasionally I saw nothing. , It's quite laid back. "

I handed a cut apple: "It's more convincing if you don't grit your teeth when you say this."

"I'm serious," the young lady held her apple, and her eyes suddenly turned to the projection equipment next to the medical cabin. There was a golden new day on it. "Glory ... ha, straight back, Sandora was so powerful. "

"Compared to this, I now want to know where to keep her: Sandora said that she may have to stay in this state for several days. She must not be able to return home. She would be bored to death in the shadow space. You said that if she could save as much trouble as a bubble, just hang up the Internet and download 800 animation games in a few days.

"There is nothing else to do." The young lady stuffed the apple into my mouth. "I now suggest that you let Anvina start preparing food immediately: think about it, Sandora who was hungry for seven or eight days, first What a terrible meal. "

Then I immediately sifted through the chaff.

At this time, Wei Jia suddenly sent a communication request to interrupt our conversation.

"Sir, the exploration team cannot move on."

"what happened?"

"The entire planet is protected by a layer of encryption system," said a front-line scientist who took over the communication. "Before, we found a complex energy structure under the planet's crust. Tavill's chief judged that it was an alarm system that could prevent any penetration. The crust's intrusive material was identified. Now the deep scanner has found something below this alarm system. It is a set of energy encryption network that uses the same frequency feed to interfere with the scanning signal from the outside. This encryption system uses the old The empire used some coding method, and Chief Tavier suggested suspending any contact with Green Star, and she would consult all the databases to try to crack these codes. "

I have previously guessed that exploration of this planet should be in trouble: if it really carries such a major secret, and it is from the hands of the old empire, the creators of that year will surely make its defenses leak-proof. Even after tens of thousands of years, even if we have the most advanced team of scientists, it will definitely feel tricky to face these technological secrets from the old empire. So there is not much regret now, anyway, Green Star has fallen into our hands, and research on it will continue.

It's just that this planet can no longer be left in this side world: too dangerous.

"Transfer the entire Green Star to shadow space, shouldn't it be okay?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, the overall transfer will not touch its 'firewall'." Frontline scientists used a very appropriate term to describe the layers of defense facilities under the Green Star crust: he called it a firewall.

"Then bring it back ... well, how long will it take to complete the transfer?"

"Anytime, my Majesty," some pictures from front-line scientists came from the two special warships on the Green Star with halo and wings, "Chief Tavier sent two predators, their world transfer power Fields can throw planet-sized entities into any world. "

Well, it seems that from the beginning, Tavel decided to drag this baby home and study it slowly. It seems that a qualified scientist should be a close relative of the squirrel. His favorite thing is to do anything he encounters on the road. Things of value dragged back to the nest ...

"Father God and King Huron didn't know what they were doing."

The young lady looked boringly at the ceiling and said, "God is mysterious and secretly saying that he is packing gifts for good luck and not letting others take over. What do you think they got on the front line?"

I thought about it, and suddenly said in a horror, "I'm going, they won't catch Harlan alive ?!"

The young lady froze, showing an expression of unbelief: "I don't think so, that Harlan is already hard enough ..."

No one can guess what good things the Father God and King Huron have achieved. It seems that they can only wait until they return. The fleet has begun to return to shadow space in batches, and the Admiral of the Empire has also entered a countdown to jumping. Hundreds of thousands of kilometers away, the green mysterious planet has been wrapped in a translucent "bubble", which is very Wonderful phenomenon, two forcefield spaceships called "predator" are topped on the north and south poles of Green Star with the bow of the star, just like two nails, and several wings floating around the predator are spread out to the ship. At a 90-degree angle, a bright blue-and-white halo was released from the wings. These haloes expanded to form a translucent bubble that enveloped the entire planet. When the empire was still counting down The green star-predator combination suddenly disappeared into our view: this left the current universe.

Is this the ancient high-tech battleship that Tavel has recently tossed out?

With such doubts, we finally returned to Shadow City.

All the legions, including the Revenge Fleet, returned to their respective premises. The soldiers who went on the expedition also returned to their families to find their mothers after the report was completed. Only Sandora could only hang on the sky above Shadow City with a grudge. There are three green planets that have been transferred, the emperor of Jurassic, the green star, and the parent star Gaia. Three unique planets are suspended in space, forming a spectacular Samsung ...

"You still have a Nokia," the young lady was helped by her daughter to walk out of the transmission platform. After turning up, she turned to look at Xiaoxue helplessly. "Ahem, I haven't gotten this part yet. How can I help you feel like this? Are you almost sick? "

"Also, mom, you are too careless. You heard my dad say that when you were a kid, you always messed up and made yourself scarred ..." Xiaoxue babbled as if the child complained that his parents were not smart enough. , I did not find the increasingly embarrassing look of the young lady, "and Ms. Sandora, this time too much trouble! But she finally fulfilled her wish: to become a Pac-Man."

Sandola's sorrowful voice roared in the spiritual connection of everyone: "Bring this bear child back! She can't mention it! Pac-Man and beans, how do I eat now?"

I wore sunglasses and looked up. When the original star Gaia hung above Shadow City, she almost covered the entire sky. When I looked up, I saw another high-rise sci-fi world. Now the Samsung star is temporarily adjusted after the establishment of the Samsung system. Taking my place, I gave up the sky to two other new members. The three planets each occupy less than one-third of the sky. It also looks spectacular to me. Among them, Sandura's Eurasian royal power should It is the one that can't be ignored: the golden light shines like a sun falling down ...

Wearing sunglasses is really the same as Pac-Man.

Theoretically, the residents of Shadow City have become accustomed to any spectacles appearing in the sky, but the scale of this spectacle is obviously too large. Two more planets are coming out, one of which is round the sun. All of them can be scared, of course, the forgotten gang of pork belly and strong bone meal is really scared. For the time being, citizens do not know that this round will be hung in Shadow City for a week. The new sun is their queen, so many people on the street are discussing this round of sun: it is shining, but there is no temperature, and visual inspection It will rise from the east to the west, and it should be made by individuals. This kind of speculation is quite reliable. The most lively discussion was the campus network of Emperor's Academy. The sisters of Misaka speculated that this was a new theme package for the management host of Shadow City. The core idea was the story of descendants ...

I didn't dare let Sandora know what the Misakas were discussing ...

"Sandora, I suddenly want to sing a song for you," I looked up at Emperor Jurassic and said in a spiritual connection.

"What?" Sandola's voice was lazy, but still slightly interested in her tone.

"Famous music," My Sun "..."

Sandora was silent for a moment, and finally yelled awkwardly: "I don't bring such a bully! I am fooled by you!"

It seemed that he was annoyed by the madman, and Sandora was finally affected. What is the absurd look of gravity?

"By the way, Gaia, don't you feel bored?" Sandora gave up communicating with me and asked her temporary neighbor. The parent star Gaia was hanging 200,000 kilometers away from her. The two star fortresses There was a conversation between them, "I can't go anywhere every day, I just hang in a place to see the unchanging scenery below, and I can't eat anything."

"What do you want to do?"

Gaia asked Her Majesty softly, and she was calm and calm in the face of Sandora who became the emperor of Urassis. In fact, from beginning to end, except when Sandora came over, she adjusted. Outside of my own track, this former superhost didn't even say a lot of nonsense ~ www.readwn.com ~ What suggestions do you have? "Sandora asked curiously.

Gaia was silent for a moment, and seemed to be thinking, "Well ... then, how about a revolution?"

Sandora was startled. "Hah?"

"The revolution should be more in line with your current state. We can run around the Shadow City. Every day, the time will pass quickly. You cross the sky during the day, and I cross the sky at night, just like the sun and moon……"

Sandora: "..."

"You're not interested?" Gaia was troubled. "Indeed, revolution is a big move, and it's tiring. Then you can rotate. I can also teach you how to tilt the rotation at 28 degrees, which is very interesting Yes-and this green guy doesn't seem to speak, but we can form a three-body system, as long as they don't touch each other, it is a good sport ... "

We who listened to this magical conversation, at this time have collectively laughed so close to the world.

Star Fortress is a lot of fun. Gaia, how can you solve your boredom too powerful? !!

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