Xiling Empire

Chapter 999: Great gift

Chapter 99

The military expert group (authentic expert group, the command of the group of commanders to organize this group of guys is to participate in at least 20 different wars in different worlds, one by one is cruel and disagreeable), and believes that the fallen apostles in this invasion During the battle, they must have suffered a great blow. According to the information they have learned, they have used at least half of the country's reserve forces. Due to the father and King Huron's personal shots, and finally the sudden runaway enlargement of Sandora, the enemy directly Two Army Groups were lost-and the two Army Groups barely achieved any results unless they were taken aback.

Their loss at several other points of aggression was not small. Even if it was just an offensive, in the fierce counterattack of the local defense forces and the main forces of the empire, the enemy also left the wreckage of thousands of medium and large warships and countless light warships. Rising, they are equivalent to three group army being damaged in this invasion.

The huge loss will inevitably lead to the emptiness of their homeland defense and insufficient military strength. If they can seize this opportunity and storm the homeland of the fallen apostles, they will certainly achieve brilliant results.

When the expert group reached this conclusion, they were full of depression from top to bottom ...

Because the forces that can be organized on the Empire's side are not enough to take the initiative to attack ...

Even if we lost a group army less than the enemy in this battle, it was just to make up for the huge gap between the two sides. The enemy seemed to be accurate before the attack, including whether the emperor would be able to organize revenge after this battle. Counterattack.

Sivis transferred a military intelligence report from headquarters, which mentioned the main military strength of the current new empire and the corresponding combat power of the fallen apostles, which used to be a godsend to me, but now I How can I say that I have worked hard for three or four years, and it is not difficult to figure it out myself. It can be seen from the report how far the military power of the new empire has developed so far. There are now eight main legions of the empire. The Royal Fleet and the Revenge Fleet belong to two ace troops led by two emperors. The former is fortunate to say that the latter is still in the running-in period. The old Avengers of the Old Spirit are still adapting to their new bodies. There is room for development, and they have to adapt to the brand new Warsong: as a general flagship, that guy's mouth is really broken. In addition to these two legions, the remaining 1st to 6th legions are the main force of the conventional imperial army. The 6th legion has been newly formed. The combat effectiveness needs to be improved, but they have used all the latest technology and equipment tossed out by the research center. The training from recruits to the fleet is completed under the guidance of the Third Intelligence Core. It has a targeted advantage in combating the fallen apostles and has great potential.

The defense and servants who need to be permanently stationed at the empire's borders and perform patrols in the void are eliminated. The above eight legions are the main force of the new empire.

Of course, some rare special forces are not included, such as the scientific research fleet and their **** warships, and several combat corps composed of light warships and elite soldiers belonging to the Space and Time Administration. These military groups belong to separate establishments. In addition, there are three types of heroic combatants: they do not belong to any legion, but are registered under the name of the Royal Fleet. They are usually under the direct control of the Emperor, and they cannot be regarded as the main force.

According to the empire's customary legion system, a legion will include less than one thousand (usually seven to nine hundred) mother ships, two to three thousand medium battleships, and tens to hundreds of thousands of light warships / Fighter, the last one is commonly known as the small gray machine.

The main members of the mother ship are the eternal class mother ship that is responsible for heavy firepower output and the super aircraft carriers carrying a large number of assault ships. In fact, most of the super aircraft carriers are second-class variants modified from the eternal class. After dismantling the main gun, they are converted into large ships. Large-scale warships carry platforms. They have thickened armor / shields and complete docks / arsenals. They can also be used as mobile logistic bases in frontline operations, providing maintenance and emergency charging services for small and medium-sized warships.

Medium battleships are the most important part of a legion: Although they appear to be smaller than those of the giant motherships, their diverse functions and outstanding continuous combat power make these medium battleships bear a hundred percent in battle. Seventy-seven combat missions, including frontier-class fortress ships that serve as key nodes of the joint shield, expedition-class battleships that quickly project intensive firepower, mobile force, and secretive and dangerous stealth bombers (I do n’t think about the danger of this thing anymore) More to say), and various other auxiliary ships of the same level.

In a legion, small ships and fighters are also indispensable elements. They have small power and poor defense, but they have an amazing number and flexibility. A full formation can even carry up to 300,000 "small gray planes". This is not too surprising, after all, for combat in space, small fighters are units of the same level as a single soldier on the ground. They are the most basic combat unit. Grassroots soldiers usually operate assault ships. War crickets use those easier-to-manufactured individual fighters, but there are many exceptions: ace pilots also fly individual fighters, but they use special models that are not at a level of performance at all. It can be said that things other than size It can be viewed as a battleship. These small gray machines have a very important value is that they can be manufactured on the front line. After the outbreak of the battle, the arsenals carried by various mother ships (especially those super aircraft carriers) can be continuously produced by the raw materials and material generating equipment recovered on the battlefield. New fighter planes for use by war crickets who have just stepped off the production line. This has greatly extended the continuous combat capabilities of the Imperial regiment. In many cases, the horror of fighting against the Emperor is not only their powerful guns, but also their The battlefield production technology of the front line can spit out hundreds of planes every minute while fighting. This second point is quite disgusting. Patients with intensive phobia should consciously poke their eyes when they fight with the Imperial aircraft carrier ... ...

After eliminating these conventional spacecraft, a legion will also include a small number of special ships, such as the crystal power amplifier spacecraft used by the leader Bee, the gravitational well generator (although it is a kind of equipment, but the gravitational well generator with navigation capabilities and crew loading capabilities is also (Classified as spaceships), cutting-edge science and technology laboratories (the favorite of lunatic scientists), these small and sophisticated special warships usually do not add up to more than a thousand in a legion, but in the Royal Except in the fleet.

The above is the normal imperial regiment establishment. An army group formed according to the above-mentioned scale is commonly known as the "group army". The formation of the servant army is similar to this form, but due to the differences in the scientific and technological trees of different civilizations, its main battleships also need different tactics, so there are some differences in the ratio of ship types, and in general, a group army of the servant army is in number Much more than the Imperial League.

In this battle, the fallen apostles lost more than three group armies (in fact, if those small aircraft are also counted, their lost fleet has been nearly four legions), this loss should be placed in the empire It was almost a disaster: half of the country ’s army was wiped out, and the rest of the army had to strengthen the border defense, which was equivalent to the destruction of military power. Even if it was placed on the fallen apostles themselves, it was a great blow. Whether Harran's territory will be annexed by others or not, their defense forces at the border must have been emptied. In this case, if they can attack the enemy's homeland, the counterattack force they can organize is relatively weak. .

If it weren't for the great loss of the new empire ...

"It looks like you're busy."

I was studying the various reports from the headquarters, trying to squeeze some troops to the robbery of the fallen apostle's hometown (mainly trying to vent the air for Sandora, or panic), but it came in my ear A whimpering female voice looked up, and the petite purple-haired girl was holding her arms in front of herself, and behind her stood a helpless father.

The two were energetic, as if they had just returned from an outing—despite the fact that they had just fought with a whole group army yesterday, and the latter was wiped out.

These two were not staying for a night. After yesterday ’s battle, they said they had to deal with a few "legacy issues" on the battlefield. The result was a whole night. Now they can be seen. To be honest, if you do n’t know that Sheila is weak, State, definitely can't beat the father god, otherwise Bingtis should think that King Huron has forcibly abducted the father **** back to Huron's deity to marry him.

Even if they are back now, I am afraid that they will not change the speculation that Bingtis insisted that the two big men went out for a match yesterday.

"You guys are back," I quickly stood up. "Some people thought you two eloped."

Sheila peered out the window with a dazzling light bulb that occupies one-third of the sky. "Does your wife still have this function? You really have to deal with the energy crisis!"


Well, if it wasn't for her ... But Sandor was really following Gaia to learn the revolutions, and in more than half an hour, Sandora should go down the mountain.

I looked at the two suspects who were suspected of elopement in front of me with a smile, and rubbed my hands: "What surprise are you talking about?"

Sheila went to the side and drank a glass of water. "We two let you out of the city. There were a few of them, but I was nervous at the time. I almost got overshadowed by them, and when I was excited, I pulled Xingchen. It was enlarged, and the others did n’t know where to go. In the end, this situation was not very good. After the ball was pulled out in the middle, it suddenly broke up, and it was scary. He didn't fight again for hours, and he still blame me for doing things without thinking. It was really regrettable that I could only get a bunch of parts over here, but I got them back anyway ... Hey! What happened ? "

Sheila just said the last sentence, I have already transmitted to the outside square, and then I sat 700 billion straight to the outskirts of the shadow city. Along the way, I can see that the shuttles of many scientific research centers are heading eastward in the same direction as myself. , And even saw the useless transportation of Tavill in the air: not a quality projection, but the real black and long straight glasses of real sister Yujie.

I approached a little, and Tavel immediately sat on the front of the 700 billion car in cooperation, then turned around and lay down on the windshield. Her spirited voice came from the spiritual link: "Your Majesty! The two **** kings brought an amazing thing Booty! "

"Sit down a bit," I said awkwardly. "Pay attention to your personal image, you are a woman."

Shadow City has now grown to an incredible size. The Shadow Fortress is hundreds of kilometers away from the suburbs, but this journey only took 700 billion minutes. When we arrived at the scene, there was even a lot of scientific research here. Personnel are placing equipment. We all know that Shadow City itself is built on a piece of ground floating in space. As the bubble continues to add new data, the city is expanding every day, and the land where the city is located is even faster. Growing up to the present, Shadow City only occupies the middle third of this space floating island. Outside is a fairly large area to be developed. The area to be developed is a desert-like monotonous area, and the ground is silver-gray. Covered with fine sand, it can't be seen at a glance. It can stretch for nearly a thousand kilometers from the city boundary to the floating island boundary. It is also this large enough space to put up the tatters picked up by the two protoss of the Protoss.

Those things occupy a large area of ​​sand with a radius of 300 kilometers, and the towering clouds accumulate. If you don't look down from a height of more than 10 kilometers, you won't even realize where the jagged borders are. An unprecedented steel jungle! First of all, there are countless long black metal structures. Their sizes are definitely large in the Empire equipment. Even the smallest one may have a length of several kilometers. These long metal structures look rough. It's straight, but you can't be sure until you see the larger pieces that are inserted directly into the sky. In fact, they all have a slight arc: these things are more like falling from a huge ring, just pieces. Both are on par with the mountains, and you can imagine how large they will be when they are combined into a ring. After closer inspection, I saw the extremely complicated structures hidden behind the metal fragments. It seems that they are the core components located in the inner layer of the entire organization. With my shallow knowledge, it is difficult to see what these mechanical equipments are used for. Only Vaguely distinguished that it has far more than conventional energy redundant circuits: This shows that this huge thing will be filled with extremely high concentration of energy for a long time. A large number of redundant circuits give it safety under extreme working conditions. . These horrible black mechanical fragments are piled up into a steel mountain that can't be seen at a glance. It looks like a Gothic ruin-style technological relic. At the top of the mountain is a huge ball, which may be more than ten kilometers in diameter. The surface is dark and does not even reflect any light. From this perspective, it seems that the sky is suddenly missing a piece, and it takes a long time to distinguish it before it can be recognized as a black ball.

My heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and stomach trembled in turn. Tavel accompanied me for a while. The two of us stunned for a while, and the spectacles opened, holding my arm inexplicably: "Your Majesty! It is the King! ! "

"Oh, oh, I know, don't shake it," I am embarrassed, Tavel is as calm as most of the time, but once the scientific research excitement comes up, she is not much calmer than Pandora, then in the Big Nebula When she was holding a bunch of bombs and throwing them around, I still remember, "I've seen it once, but it's the first time I've seen it like this ..."

That ’s right, this unrecognizable area with a radius of more than 300 kilometers and a pile of porcelain solid waste is in front of us. According to Tavel ’s identification, it should be the wreckage of a strategic fortress of the Admiralty class. After I had to open up two old void creatures The combat effectiveness of the show was convincing. God the Father and King Huron took this thing apart and shattered it for me. The only ball that was kept intact was the core of the fortress: they also creatively put the ball in the trash. At the top, it ’s like the cherry on top of the cake. Anyway, according to Sheila himself, after they took the ball down, the fortress dispersed: how do I listen to it and feel that she is evading responsibility ...

Relying on the invincible three-headed axe of Lord Admiral's Fortress, it is really embarrassing to be made into such a pile of performance art, especially when the news came to the lively Bingtis and sighed a more sigh, she said: "This The core idea of ​​the sculpture is a three-axe axe. "

...... Normal girls are described as having a lot of sugar, but I think this guy, Bingtis, should be described by the amount of sand. Anything she can say is enough for you to sieve for half a year.

This is a great gift, and it ’s no wonder that God the Father and King Huron are so mysterious and secretive. I ’m more excited now than I seem, let alone Tavier: The spectacled lady has already rushed to command the work. The personnel performed a full body scan on the wreckage. The first step was to number each of these fragments and then see if they could be assembled into a valuable whole. This is a tedious project, but the difficulty is not as high as it seems : The wrecks are complete. God the Father and King Huron carefully packed all the fragments they could find. This may be to make up for the apology caused by accidentally destroying the things completely. I watched Tavel excitedly direct the work, and my gloomy mood was aside a bit because I was unable to retaliate against the fallen apostles: that matter can be considered later, now I only know one thing ~ www. readwn.com ~ Emperor is about to usher in a new super battleship!

At this time, the father and the **** finally came over, and Sheila's face was filled with elation: "How? Good things? I heard Xingchen said that this big guy wanted to be your most powerful weapon. It is said that even after the high-level gods see it, they have to go around. In the void, I was almost overshadowed by this thing. Normal attacks can't move it at all, but they are confused. "

At this moment, the huge black ball at the core of the King Admiral was slowly put down. Anyway, such a stuff that was even bigger than Taihang Mountain was put on a pile of 100 kilometers high garbage dump. Dangerous point, King Huron really dares to play. She uses this as a city sculpture. This is it.

Under the action of the anti-gravity field, the huge core was smoothly placed on an open space where various temporary scanning equipment had just been set up. You can imagine a ball with a diameter of more than ten kilometers and an exaggerated weight in the Himalayas placed on the ground. What a horrible sight? This can be compared to seeing a planetary warship in space. There are two visual effects. The latter is even larger and must be placed in the space background. The former is only a few kilometers away from the "zone". Fortunately, the gravity field of the entire Shadow City is all controlled by Bubbles, otherwise this stuff will definitely smash the hole out of the continent, and then I can tie a rope to play bungee jumping next to the large hollow in the suburbs. The radius below is 5,000. Three hundred kilometers of Sandora, can the gravity environment around Shadow City be more chaotic ...

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