Xiling Empire

Chapter 1000: Wonderful people have wonderful daily life

Chapter 1000 The Wonderful Man Has a Wonderful Daily Life

We are very pleased with this great gift from Father Father and King Huron, including Sandora, who is slowly moving around. The only thing worth complaining about is that this gift is really trivial: Ding Dong is on top, I I don't know how Sheila did it at the time. She actually made this King's Admiral fortress to 1.57 million pieces. This is not a scum on the ground, which can cause huge troubles to reorganize the fortress.

But compared with the other three Adventists who had no bones, at least this one still left ashes, which is gratifying.

Four King Admiral fortresses, this lineup was not thought of by anyone in the beginning. This ultimate battleship, I only saw it once during the battle in Kepru, when Occam used the power of the King Admiral to abyss The door was sent into the dark sun, trying to use it to pollute the still fragile empire capital. This plan was finally defeated, but we also paid the price of the Keplu star area to be activated. It was also after that dangerous situation that the headquarters re-modified the void coordinates of the capital universe, hiding shadow space and the universe where the earth is located in this safe place today, and indirectly affecting the territory of the new empire later.

Since then, the fallen apostles have never allowed the Admiral to re-enter the frontal battlefield. To this day, as if they had accumulated a lot of money, they sent four of these super strongholds to the Empire.

The original target of the four fortresses is probably not xf-35-a. After all, xf-35-a is just a cover. The enemy even uses the mirror image of the defenders there. It makes no sense to send four King Admiral fortresses to this place. Sandora speculates that the intended targets of these super battleships should be the next four invaded universes, which can greatly ensure the success rate of their attack on the Green Star, and at the same time throwing the monarchs on the four universes can be misleading again. The commander on Emperor's side, if Sandora guessed correctly, and these super battleships really arrived on the battlefield smoothly-then maybe the war is another result.

Even if the power of the Emperor Urasis is strong, the defending army that defended the Green Star at that time could not persist under the attack of the King Admiral. In fact, in the face of the King Genesis attack, the conventional spacecraft, even Motherships such as the Eternal Class are almost killed in seconds. After all, as the ultimate battleship of the Empire, the only offensive weapon of the King Admiral is "Genesis", you can imagine its power.

But luck still visited the empire. The biggest mistake made by the four super warships was that they should not come after the father **** and King Huron jumped into the void. They were caught by the two **** kings.

The Void Realm is the home of Void creatures. Although I have n’t reached this level yet, Father God and King Huron are obviously stronger in the Void. After they dragged the enemy group army into the Void, the four King Admiral battleships were just right. Jump into the empire territory ... do you say there is anything worse than this?

They were intercepted by two **** kings. When they first came into contact, King Huron tried to fight boxing directly with the King Admiral due to the neglect of the enemy, but soon she found that all her conventional attack methods had little effect on the King Admiral. And the latter quickly created a zone of order in the void, similar to a small temporary universe-I think this should be the effect of the Apocalypse system-this overwhelming drastic change even once forcibly weakened the weak King Huron from the void The state was forced to retreat, and then the frustrated guy Sheila was baffled by Genesis. Fortunately, the father and **** were by her side to help her stop the remaining attacks. Then the two men spent a little time to find the destroyer. Methods.

Combat four imperial superweapons at the same time, and one of the two **** kings is in a weak period. Their battle is not as easy as it seems later.

The power of the King Admiral can not be compared with the Father and God in general. Void creatures are at the apex of any power from the rank, but even Father God and King Huron do not know the characteristics of this super weapon. It also takes a lot of time to destroy it under the circumstances. The core of this warship uses psionic energy, but with various technologies that have now been lost, the defense power it generates can even cause headaches for void creatures. The "Gospel" is a damage definition system Compared with the damage definition system used by ordinary planetary fortresses, the Gospel has the disadvantages of slow recharging and limited maintenance time after deployment, but its advantages are also obvious, that is, the suppression effect of conventional attacks is even To surpass the Star Fortress, Sheila first tried to destroy the King Adventist by conventional means, of course, she had to hit a nail.

Fortunately, the Father God knew something about this kind of super weapon. They finally pierced the core of these super weapons with the power of the void before they could end their king's advent. The method used is exactly the same as what I did in the dark sun.

Tavel has now temporarily transferred all other topics to her assistant or other laboratories. She will focus all her energies on three major projects. The first is naturally a deep-submarine imitation plan. Now she has successfully created The dedicated engine for deep diving is a big step. The second project is to analyze the Green Star. Without touching the protection system of the planet, try to find a way to scan the deep layers of the planet. The third project is Investigate the princely admirer-see what good for Hiragan! I had to use a **** to describe a pile of garbage with a radius of 300 kilometers and an altitude of nearly 300 kilometers.

Today is the third day after the end of the war. The Space and Time Administration began to slowly resume all kinds of daily work: At the beginning of the invasion, all members of the entire macro world entered the state of maximum martial law, which was reviewed by half of the military and half of the people. The officials also became frightened. In order to prevent trouble, the Authority simply closed all the world's transmission services to prevent the chaos from expanding. However, I did not expect that this invasion would go quickly and quickly. After discovering that the biggest conspiracy had been revealed, it fell. The apostles decisively gave up all the battlefields that had already prevailed, and all withdrew their homeland to preserve their strength. However, the fallen apostles did not know that they would remain in the empire, but they were worried that they would be blocked by the Protoss army to become grandchildren.) After two and a half days of martial law, the Authority began to gradually open the macro world at noon yesterday. The transmission service of the main roads, almost the entire network should return to normal today. The order of several directly administered worlds and shadow cities is better than that of the macro world. The residents of these places are no strangers to war and trust the emperors. To be honest, they do n’t seem to think that when the empire is defeated, war is just to let They spent a day at home watching TV. Basically, the next day after the war, civilians in these places came out to work and live normally, and many people began to run around to understand the battle process-such as the girl who shot life Maru .

Several worlds that have been hit during the war are being rebuilt. Fortunately, we just happened to have several super-evolutionary production hosts recently. Xl-34 are several times stronger than their ordinary sisters. They went to the rebuilt world in person. The progress of these projects can be increased several times, and if smooth, the world's industrial systems will be able to run again in a few days.

Sandora was also in the office while she was busy spinning. She issued some orders to adjust the empire's territory. About dozens of universes in the original border area were within the adjustment range. The garden of death was basically 24 hours a day. It is working to modify the void coordinates of those border universes. After this adjustment, the part of the empire's territory close to the territory of the fallen apostles will be completely changed, and it will be difficult for the enemy to find the best springboard for the invasion again. However, the side of the fallen apostles should The same action was also taken. According to the feedback from the intelligence department, the enemy's several universes have disappeared from the outpost's field of vision. Several imaginary coordinates that often encounter encounters have calmed down. The patrol troops cruised around those coordinates for three times. Days later it was finally determined that the enemy had moved away from the local army station.

This is the most common situation after civilizations that have the ability to rule the multiverse: the two sides will constantly adjust their world's "position" in the void (if they have the ability), reset the fog, transfer the army station, and in the void In erasing the routes that were commonly used in China, there is only one fundamental purpose, which is to hide the base camp. In this way, the war between the two civilizations is more like fumbling and assassinating each other in the darkness with no fingers. Once in contact, a short period of super Intensive fighting, both sides will suffer heavy losses, but after the end of the battle, they will immediately disappear into the mist, even their own breath is erased. This is due to the special attributes of the void: in this environment, there is no fixed "position" in all worlds, everything can be erased by the void at any time, and everything that has substance in the void seems to sound occasionally in the silent channel. Clutter, you do n’t know when and at what frequency it will appear like ghosts.

However, this balance will not be maintained for a long time. After all, the empire and the fallen apostles have similar levels of technology. We are each drawing a vague territory map of the enemy. With more and more contacts, you can The range of adjustment will eventually have limits, and the final decisive battle is not far away.

Perhaps this battle was an overture? No one is sure, even though everything seems to have calmed down now ...

After busy working in the morning, I have a spare time. Sandola, who is bored, is now chatting with me except for her work. She is telling me about territorial adjustment: "I have adjusted all the worlds under attack this time. The p quadrant, resetting their basic cosmic constant, is really a big project, and the Garden of the Dead needs to be repaired after completing this task. "

"That thing won't break?"

I'm a little worried that the Garden of Death is the earliest law device after the establishment of the new empire, but at that time we haven't unlocked too many technology trees. The basis of this device is a ready-made fragment of the world-and half of the protoss left behind It can be said that half of the world's management terminal base comes from recycled materials. Such a system has been running steadily for about three years now, and it has been performing well, but this is mainly because its task pressure is not great. Now the various tasks we handed over to the Garden of Departure are clearly a bit more than the design load: monitoring the entire border, setting countless buoys and misleading signals in the void, and simultaneously adjusting the coordinates of dozens of worlds.

"It's hard to say that a lot of aurora suddenly appeared near the Fairy Lake fifty-six minutes ago, but the temple didn't have this plan in advance. Now Artemis and Artemis are checking the system and suspect that the energy of the courtyard of the dead is leaking."

I froze: "Little Artemis and Big Artemis?"

"The one you picked up from the fragments of the world, and the one from Atlantis, one meter six eight and two meter eight six," Sandora's voice sounded lazy. "They have been working together recently, In order to make it easier to distinguish, divide by size. "


"Speaking of which you feel embarrassed now?" I lay in front of the window and looked at the sun that had risen to the highest level, and suddenly thought of the emperor's power of Jin Guangcan, and the voice of the latter came from the opposite side of the spiritual link. : "Not good! The new body has just formed a third. Do you care about the sisters?"


"Osakas, they launched more than forty remote sensing satellites at me in three days. Yesterday morning, a group of interest teams from the Astrophysics Department built a space station above me!"

I was shocked and said that the school's bear kids are getting more and more cruel now. Sandora is now a little wider. You ca n’t really study “Sister Queen” as an alien planet, but you have n’t waited for yourself. When contacting the teaching department, Gaia suddenly inserted a sentence: "Your Majesty Sandora, you don't need to mind, after the orbit changes, those satellites will orbit the mother star-they are my satellites, and two circles around you are for experiment."

Gaia later explained that Sandora and I were stunned (well, Sandora is now expressionless), and the daring thing was so common to Gaia that there were countless sensational interest groups in the military academy. There are at least twenty aerospace-related societies formed by Misaka's sisters. These communities build everything from artificial satellites to spacecraft. Since the second half of last year, Misakas have been launching satellites and space stations towards Gaia all day long. , Sandora was lying down and shot. As soon as she came over with Green Star, there was a wave of research on Samsung systems in the school ...

I ’m glad to see that the original Misakas who were as wood-like are gradually becoming lively and cheerful, and have so many hobbies, but they are also a little worried about their development direction-do you think I should now Let ’s expand the military academy and bring them an unmanned planet to be the test ground of Ivan?

It seems that Sandora can only endure it temporarily. It seems that the test items of Misaka's sisters are also linked to their final exam scores, which can add a dozen points, but she only needs to get used to a group of small flies flying in front of her. As a comer who has been struggling in the nine-year compulsory education for eight and a half years (in the latter half of the year I basically started struggling with the unruly emperor), I feel that Sandora can sacrifice herself a little and let the Misakas It ’s actually good for me to continue the experiment. What if the Misakas fail the exam if they call their parents?

At that time, I will have another person representing the sole parent of 10,000 sisters. In the past, I was instructed by the teacher. Just like Bingtis was in class, I moved a chair and sat in the middle. There were three full-floor teachers and school officials around, and now Shadow City There is also a troublesome Guan Xiwen. At that time, the girl gave ps casually, and she dared to give me the title of "Imperial College's academic pressure is too high, and the supplementary class after school is like admiring the remains" ...

"Boring, I'm hungry, and want Jun to hug ..."

Within a few minutes, Sandora started muttering again, this time with one more item: wanting to hug her boyfriend, what a warm little request that sounds, but I can only listen to the cold sweat in my mind, heaven and earth Conscience, now the hair on her head is about the same size as the Himalayas, how can I hold it!

"I said you hadn't had an experience of suddenly becoming a glorious starship before, I heard Bingtis said," I wiped my cold sweat to verify with Sandora, "What did you do then? You wouldn't Are you hungry? "

Sandora thought about it for a long time, and came back with a sentence: "No one can coquettish at that time."

There was a moment of peace in my heart, and then the sound of Bingtis whispering suddenly came in: "You two have been endless and endless, for a long time on the public channel!"

I turned my head and found that Bettis was glaring at herself on the sofa not far away, and Sandora, who was spiritually linked, was quietly offline.

"Speaking of it, I don't know how long such a peaceful day can last," Lin Xue sat next to me wearing a blindfold, "the void is so big, why the fallen apostles come to us all day to trouble."

I glanced at the young lady: "I said, you're just predicting your ability to go wrong, and you're not blindly doing a blindfold?"

Lin Xue: "Don't talk nonsense ~ www.readwn.com ~ This is for beauty. Didn't you see that my eyes are bloodshot all the time now? In case the bags under the eyes droop in the future, how can you let this lady see you?"

"You said that you gave two knives when you pulled your eyelids."

"... Bite you believe it?"

I still have a bit of a jealous feeling for Miss Chang to say so, after all, no matter how much I can't escape the attack of the Prophet, but now the Miss can't see the future, can we still be afraid of her? So I immediately jumped back and pulled away at least five meters away: "You try to bite one! I don't believe you can hold it ..."

The young lady twitched at the corner of her mouth, and crawled on the sofa while thinking: "Oh my god, how did I look at such a second product ..."

I squeezed my lips and continued to lie on the window sill to look outside. Qian Qian was leading the small bubbles and Yakumo Blue to play on the lawn. They played very well: Qian Qian tried to throw the frisbee out again and trained Lan to handle the plate. I picked it up, but the training result was a little different from the expected one. The Fox Fairy Girl always lazily lay at the door to bask in the sun and disdain the Frisbee. It was a small bubble. Every time the shallow Frisbee shot, the girl ran out She is very happy, and she is very happy. In her opinion, whoever brought the plate back is the same, and sometimes no one accompanies her to throw it away by herself ...

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