Black Tower's biggest hobby on weekdays.

It is doing yoga on the space station, watching the meteorite stars outside the window collide and collapse.

She has good flexibility and is able to perform a lower leg of one hundred and eighty degrees.

The stretching of the body, combined with the depth of the universe, has an artistic conception of swimming in the sea of stars.

It's like stretching out when you just get up, and your whole body is stretched for a moment.

But don't know why.

How slow does time pass?

"Hey, isn't it noon yet? It should be ~ it's almost afternoon now! "

Heita gritted his teeth and looked up at Wan Xiu and asked.

Wan Xiu pointed out the window.

"I've almost stood still in time, and it's almost three months before noon."


The Black Tower is full of disbelief.

Stationary time?

Is this something that can be done artificially?

No, Wan Xiu is no longer a person.

But even the Star God can't do it!

Although the level of science and technology is already very high now.

But time is time, even if it is immortal and rejuvenated.

Has a nearly unlimited lifespan.

But you still can't get out of time!

Not to mention control the time!

Could it be that this is the power possessed by the Twin Star Gods?!

"You wait first! What the hell is going on? You say you can control your time? "

Black Tower is very curious about this at the moment.

Wan Xiu ripped off the small skirt of the Black Tower and threw it in the air.

I saw that this little skirt was suspended like this, but it was not completely stationary, and it could move very slowly!

The Black Tower was only then discovered.

In this office, it seems that time has indeed stopped.

Only the two of them were unaffected.

"It's actually true?!"

After the Black Tower was dispelled, he did not continue to doubt.

Instead, he immediately showed a strong research spirit!

She became more and more curious about Wan Xiu!

But she immediately thought of a question.

"Hey! It won't last for three months! "

Wan Xiu smiled sinisterly.

It seems that yes!

The Black Tower called for help!

Just yesterday.

Originally, I thought that in order to keep Wan Xiu, it was not impossible to take a break every ten days.

But who knew that this guy actually let this guy exploit the loophole.

That's all.

But now this guy can actually control the time?!

Three hours equals three months?!

Who can stand this!

No way!

Gotta let this guy go!

Otherwise, his own research 037 research has not yet begun, and he will have to go to superbirth!

And at the same time.

The train was originally parked on the platform.

March 7 and Himeko rushed to hear the news.

As soon as he arrived, he only saw Walter and Danheng standing there in a daze.

Himeko stepped forward and glanced around, still asking in disbelief.

"What about trains? Pam himself ran away?! "

Walter was the first to come to his senses and pushed his glasses.

"Probably not, Danheng and I were fixing some minor problems, and the train suddenly disappeared in front of our eyes, which should rule out the possibility that it was Pam driving away."

"Eh! So where to go! "

March 7 is coming forward.

Danheng folded his arms and thought seriously for a moment.

"Could it be... Pam drove away? "

As soon as these words came out, Himeko shook her head and vetoed the answer.

"I think, the problem should not be Pam, the Star Dome Train belongs to the creation of fate, since the fall of Archivelli, the Star Dome Train has only been damaged, not disappeared, the current situation may be related to the development of fate, what do you think?"

Himeko spread her hands.

Walter Young nodded.

"Yes, I also suspect this, so I have contacted Ms. Heita to look for the gentleman named Wan Xiu, after all, according to the information we know, the only one who is most likely to be related to the development of the fate is now."

"Well, if it has nothing to do with him, I'm afraid we really have to work for the Black Tower on the space station."

Himeko replied and said with a wry smile.

Now that the Star Dome train has disappeared inexplicably, and the contact cannot be contacted, the only way to still want to make an interstellar transition is to go to Esda and beg her to send a star destroyer.

But even then, it is impossible for the Star Destroyer to replace the Star Dome Train.

After all, the operation of the Star Dome train does not require any loss at all, and it belongs to a perpetual motion machine.

And it can easily withstand the wear and tear of the transition.

But what about Star Destroyers?

Not to mention whether it has the function of transition.

Jump up to two times and be designated for scrapping!

Unless there is a big guy like Xianzhou, he can sail freely in the universe.

But that thing, rich Estra can't buy it!

And right then.

The alarm on the platform suddenly sounded!

The entire space station resounded with a shrill sound!

Himeko's expression tightened and looked towards the starry sky.

"What's going on (BGAC)? Could it be that the Antimatter Legion is here again? "

Walter Young clenched the crutches in his hand and looked around.

Not so long ago, the Antimatter Legion suffered a big loss here.

Nanuk almost showed up in person.

Therefore, everyone subconsciously believed that Nunak's revenge was coming.

But that's not quite reasonable.

Shouldn't this act of settling accounts after autumn be the fate concept of that villain?

After all, it doesn't matter if you offend Nanuk.

But if you offend my brother Lan, you will be hunted down all over the universe!"

Who dares to mess with this!

It's too special to take revenge!

"If it is the Antimatter Legion, then it is estimated that this time it will be the Lord of Destruction personally leading the team, to that extent... The space station can't be saved, unless that Mr. Manshu makes a move, Himeko, what should we do now? "

Danheng flicked out his spear and asked.

Himeko is the backbone of everyone, and when encountering this kind of problem, it is almost always her to make up her mind and make the final decision.

But now Himeko is also in a dilemma.

After all, now that the Star Dome train is gone, you can't walk, and you can only fight with the people of the space station.

But can the space station stop a Lord of Destruction?

Are you kidding.

"It seems that I can only pin my hopes on Wan Xiu..."

"Pinning on me? But I already have one on me. "

Himeko was just about to turn around and go to the Black Tower.

Wan Xiu's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Everyone heard the sound and looked, only to see Wan Xiu holding the black tower and walking towards this side.

Everyone didn't have time to ask what happened to Black Tower's body.

March 7 took the lead and said.

"Wan Xiu! Great! The Lord of Doom is back! I didn't expect that Nanuk guy to be so careful! After suffering a loss, he actually came back to take revenge! "

"Lord of Destruction?"

Wan Xiu frowned slightly.

It's also a bit of a whisper!

Is it going to encounter a phantom so soon!

God really help me to practice!

It's just that in the current timeline, it seems that Phantom has not yet obtained the body of Jianmu.

That's a bit tricky.

After all, I heard that the phantom body seems to be a ghost fire, right?


So a whole thing.

Then it's better to find a rabbit!

Rabbits are always better than fire-grilled sausages.

But after calming down.

Wan Xiu perceived for a moment.

The entire galaxy, even around the galaxy, did not find any aura related to destruction?

Phantom is a behind-the-scenes player.

But it won't be so that you can't even sense her existence, right?

In that case, I will inevitably pull too much!

"How did you know that the Lord of Doom was coming? Why don't I feel a little? "

Wan Xiu looked at everyone and asked.

March 7 stopped talking.

After hesitating for a moment, he said awkwardly.

"Just guessing! After all, Nanuk just suffered a big loss here, and we wonder if he came to take revenge. "

Hearing this reply, Wan Xiu sighed.

Now I understand.

It should be that his supreme is approaching this side, and such a big target is perceived by the space station as an enemy attack.

"Don't worry, it's not Nanuk, although Nanuk is the God of Destruction, he won't stare at one place, here he didn't succeed, it is estimated that he went to the next place and followed Hoho."

"As for this alarm, it should be my supreme number coming."

Everyone frowned when they heard this.


What is that?

The Star Destroyer that Esther bought for her little boyfriend?

But it won't cause such a big reaction from the space station!

"What is the Supreme Number?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

At this time, Xingmei took the initiative to speak.

And the black tower lying on Wan Xiu's back was the first to answer at this time.

"If it's true, it's your Star Dome train, but it's his now, because he's now the Pioneer Star God."


Everyone was surprised almost at the same time.

Rao is always calm and calm, Walter Yang and Danheng also dropped their jaws!

Yesterday it was still an envoy!

Become a star god today?!

When they calmed down, their faces were full of disbelief.

Is this star god so easy to be?

Just say it's done?

Of course.

Admit that you have a lot of potential.

It's not that it's impossible to do it later.

But you, too, are too sudden!

"Yo, here it comes."

At this time, Wan Xiu squinted.

And right in the depths of the universe.

A Star Destroyer could already be vaguely seen.


It should be one!

"This looks at it from a distance and feels... It's too big, isn't it!! "

March Seven looked at it in surprise.

The Star Dome train is at most more than 100 meters long.

Width, no more than ten meters.

And the supreme number, just visual inspection is more than 10,000 meters.

It's much bigger than the entire space station.

It's a completely mobile fortress in space.

And even if there is still a distance, you can see that this supreme number has a lot of combat unit equipment.

Coupled with this movement speed, it can be said to be very flexible.

It doesn't look bulky in the slightest because of its sheer size.

The well-informed Black Tower is difficult to confidently say that he can easily replicate such a fortress-class star destroyer with existing technology.

"Then again, if you are really a star god, is your star god image what it is now?"

Himeko has long been curious about this.

From beginning to end, every achievement of the star god, no matter what race, after achieving the star god, will change its appearance.

It's like Patrol Arashi was a fairy boat man before, and after becoming a star god, he became the image of a centaur.

Wan Xiu did not hide this in the slightest.

Gently raise your hand.

The figure changes in an instant.

Silver blood vessels flowed on the skin, the sun and moon-like eyes overlooked all living beings, the star rings surrounded behind him, and the eyes in the palm of his hand were like pitch-black black holes.

Wan Xiu did not allow himself to completely transform into the mighty and huge of the imaginary star god.

It's the same size as ordinary people.

But this scene still made everyone firmly believe in this fact.

Especially in the black tower in Wan Xiu's arms, his breathing was stagnant for a moment.

This image...

It was exactly the same as when she was connected to Wan Xiu's consciousness at that time.

But this time is a little different from what we saw before.

Because on Wan Xiu's chest, there is also a map of stars.

"You... It's really a star god..."

Himeko was a little distracted.

"Unbelievable, it's the first time I've seen you..."

Walter swallowed his saliva and pushed down his glasses.

"Wait! How do I look... It's a little familiar! "

March 7 has not yet had time to take pictures.

I suddenly discovered this doubt!

Himeko and Walter reacted as well, which seemed... It's a little familiar!

As if I had seen it myself.

Danheng, who had always been calm, calmed down his agitated mood and slowly spoke.

"It's very similar to the nameless star god who saved us that day, no, that should be you, right? But that's not a pioneer star god... This..."

Now the image of Wan Xiu still belongs to the form of the imaginary star god.

But there is one difference.

Now it is a collection of two destinies of development and breeding.

After the breeding fate has been expanded, it has become extremely broad, so the image of the imaginary star god is mainly based on the breeding star god.

This also allowed Danheng and them to discover this.

But at that time, the path of development was not discovered.

The train didn't react either.

Himeko was convinced that it was definitely not the Pioneer Star God.

Now that nameless star god has instead become a pioneer star god?

This made Himeko very puzzled.

"Let me explain."

This is that the Black Tower has somewhat eased up.

He explained with a sigh.

"What you saw before was the breeding star god. And now, this guy has become a pioneer star god, don't be surprised, I was surprised when I first learned about it, but this is the truth. "

"I know you don't believe it, if you believe it like this, you will be fooled too easily, after all, such a thing as the double star god is unheard of."

"But wait for this... The supreme number to see, whether it is true or false is clear at a glance. "

At this time, Supreme has approached the space station and has gradually slowed down.

Docked in front of the platform.

Looking at the behemoth in front of him, only the Black Tower was slightly calm.

March Seven couldn't help but pick up a camera and shoot a series in a row.

Walter was also amazed.

This length is tens of thousands of meters from a distance.

And up close, at least more than 50,000 meters!

"Wan Xiu! Open the door, I want to go up and take a look! "

March 7 was already excited at this time.

Stomping on the spot, I can't wait to go up and take a look.

But as the hatch opened, the space elevator extended to the platform.

At the entrance, a blonde woman popped her head!

"Under the Star God Crown!!"

Everyone suddenly saw the Thousand Blade Snow, and they all gasped.

The Black Tower was even more speechless at the moment.

You just became a pioneer star god today, and you hid a beautiful girl, right?

This long legs, this figure, you will really enjoy it!

"This is..."

Himeko looked at Wan Xiu and asked.

"She's my love."


March Seven and the star girl beside him looked at each other.

Although Wan Xiu and Thousand Blade Snow do seem to be quite compatible.

But, isn't your lover Esda!

If you become a star god together, you can step on two boats, right!.

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