The Black Tower saw the Thousand Blade Snow for the first time.

Rao is also undeniable.

This is indeed a very beautiful woman.

The skin is like a perfect work of art.

The figure under the long skirt of the palace dress can only be compared with the exaggerated Himeko.

If your own relationship is limited to the distance between the eldest nephew and the old aunt.

Then she will be happy for Wan Xiu.

Because this is indeed a talented woman, made in heaven.

But now what.

You not only have me, but also Esda, and even the ~ little guy on March Seven!

You this...

Play over you!

However, I think that Wan Xiu is a breeding star god, and this behavior also belongs to the scope of breeding fate.

So if you want to make Wan Xiu single-minded.

This is the heart of some villains.

And the Black Tower also knows.

Wan Xiu's way of breeding is not limited to his own breeding.

The reproduction of the universe is also included.

This is what Erudite Venerable said earlier.

So if you want to judge the values of a star god with the values of Azure Star.

This is no longer absurd.

Like you can blame Nanuk's destruction for being wrong?

Let the ants guide humanity on how to prosper? How to build high-rise buildings?

"Alas, let me go back and enlighten Esta, who let me be my nephew."

Black Tower thought to himself.

She herself is not so difficult to accept this kind of thing.

But she didn't think that Esta, who had just opened her emotions, could accept it.

It's true to think about it.

You can't walk with my aunt.

Auntie still has to think of something to help you take care of your debts!

The greatest blessing in your life is to have me as an aunt!

"How many are friends under the crown of the star gods, right? Hurry up and come in. "

Qianjian Xue smiled lightly and invited several people into the cabin.

March Seven and Xingmei glanced at each other and ran up very familiarly.

"Then you're welcome! Star! Himeko! Let's go! "

"Wait March, the master is not on it, we will go up, this is not in line with the rules, besides..."

Himeko pulled March.

And looked at Wan Xiu with a pleading look.

Because before that, they have one biggest problem that has not been solved.

This problem was not solved either before or after Wan Xiu became a star god.

But it has to be addressed.

That is whether Wan Xiu will continue to stay on the space station.

Whether you want to practice the path of pioneering and sailing.

Previously, the Black Tower was unwilling to let go.

Wan Xiu has also not expressed his opinion.

And now, it's the most opportune time.

Walter stepped forward and pushed down the nose pad.

"As you can see, if we want to continue our journey now, I am afraid that we can only take your supreme flight."

"But you... Do you want to stay on the space station? "

"And the opinion of Lady Dark Tower? After all, I heard Himeko say that Ms. Heita didn't seem to approve of Mr. Manshu leaving here. "

If Wan Xiu was just a pioneer star god, then Walter wouldn't ask that.

Because he knew that as a pioneer star god, Wan Xiu would definitely practice the concept of destiny.

But Wanxiu is a double star god.

This is already breaking common sense.

Therefore, whether Wan Xiu will carry out his fate and embark on the road of pioneering is naturally not able to think with common sense.

The black tower was in Wan Xiu's arms, and his head was lying on Wan Xiu's shoulder.

Even if she didn't want Wan Xiu to go now, she was afraid that it would be impossible.

Besides, it's too bad to leave Wan Xiu behind!

Just come and go every three to five!

"I don't care, look at this guy."

Heita said flatly.

Wan Xiu smiled.

Can't walk on your own?

Of course you have to go!

Kokolia's little stockings are still waiting for me to tear... Ahem!

There should still be a world trapped in a dilemma waiting to be saved!

Be a star god yourself! Since the death of deserved!

Open the way for future generations to sail! Let the civilizations of the universe communicate!

It's a great undertaking!

"Ahem, rest assured, the Supreme welcomes all passengers, you will treat this place as a Star Dome train from now on, as for me... Of course, it is to practice pioneering, and Ms. Hita will be with me. "

Black Tower blinked at this, and then she jerked her head.

"Hey! When did I say I went with you too! "

Wan Xiu smiled faintly.

"Then you can take two steps down now, and it is still time to run."


The Black Tower was dumbfounded.

You slow down the time and extend three hours to three months!

It didn't rest for a while!

If you can't do it yourself, you will use the star god energy to heal me."

But now I still can't walk.

And you let yourself run two steps?!

Can't stand up!

This kid! What a bad learner!

What to do!

I can't just take my life like that!

If you get on the thief's ship, there will be no turning back!

At that time, on the ship, wouldn't he have to use himself anytime and anywhere?!

No way!

You have to think about running away!!!

Wan Xiu saw that the black tower could not resist at all, so he continued.

"Don't worry, you can come back at any time if you want, the research equipment on the Supreme is no worse than the space station, what equipment do you want, I can also change it for you, right?"

Listen to this conversation.

March Seven and Xingmei looked at each other.

That look was as if to say.

Wan Xiu couldn't have broken Lady Heita's leg, right?!


It's so ruthless!

"That's great, with you, the star god, it will be much safer on the road." There is also Ms. Black Tower, I admire Ms. Black Tower's ability very much, and I don't have to worry about any problems I encounter in the future. "

The corners of Jizi's mouth rose slightly, and he looked at everyone with a faint smile and said.

Everyone nodded.

"Great! I'm going to be the first to choose a room! Star! Come on! It's too late to slow down! "

March Seven said and pulled Xingmei to run up the long space ladder.

Danheng hugged his arms with his face full of worry.

He had been looking at Wan Xiu since just now, and in his heart, there was a question that he had always wanted to be verified.

But he never interjected, until now, he finally couldn't help but speak.

"Excuse me... Does Pam still exist? "

This question made March Seven stunned, and the smile on his face faded a little.

Pam had sailed with them for so long, only to be gone now.

They are somewhat unacceptable.

But now, the Star Dome train is gone, how can Pam survive?

Himeko and Walter were also a little sad in their hearts.

But knowing how cruel the universe is, they can't ask Pam to come back or something.

After all, now people are the pioneer star gods, the real owners of the Star Dome train.

As a creature of fate, it is also up to people to stay.

So...... In any case, they can only accept.

"Hey! March Seven Passengers! If I don't come up, I'll drive away!" "

Right at this moment.


A slim figure suddenly jumped out.

Looking closely, it was a girl who had a very high degree of resemblance to Pam.

However, it is in human form. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

She wears a tall train conductor hat.

Wear a red wide-sleeved jacket outside.

Inside, there is only a bandeau with a white belly.

The lower body only has a pair of ultra-shorts, which can cover the hip marks.

Snow-white slender legs, stepping on a pair of boots.

"Oh... Let me guess...... First of all, rule out the possibility that you are Pam first! "

March Seven was a little dumbfounded.

What is it about a cute and loving girl like her that suddenly pops up!

Although I am trying my best to deny it in my heart.

But I still feel... It seems to be Pam ah!!

Especially these two big ponytails, they look like Pam's ears!

"March Seven passengers! People have been with you for so long, you can't even recognize Pam coming! Hum! But it makes sense! The host added a lot of skin to Pam Oh! A Pa that can be replaced at will! "

Pam habitually added the oral habit of the word Pa.


March 7 only felt a pang of suffocation!

It's really Pam !!

Although he is only one meter and five meters tall, what is the bulging sac on his chest!

Wanxiu, wanxiu! You are deeply sinful!!

Wan Xiu looked at everyone looking at him, so he coughed twice and quickly explained.

"Ahem, Pam can communicate with the Supreme Body and Mind, and at the same time I also gave Pam the ability to change her image at will, which she changed herself, so don't you look at me with this look?"

Wan Xiu glanced at everyone.

Himeko smiled and bowed her head slightly, indicating that she could understand.

Walter suddenly realized, and whispered that it was so.

March 7 also had no doubts.

Only Xingmei, that crumb look is like saying I understand you!

"Okay, March, let's go inside, get along well."

Himeko said to the March girls, and after March nodded heavily, she stepped forward and walked in with Senkayuki.

"Let's go in too, let Lady Hita rest for a while, she... I accidentally hurt myself while doing research. "

Wan Xiu held the black tower and walked in step by step.

He and Himeko, Walter and Danheng headed towards the lounge together.

Wan Xiu also lifted his imaginary star god form.

When you get along with people, you are still human, after all, you are more approachable.

"Dare to ask Lord Xingjin, where do you want to go next?"

Walter Young's pace was slightly half a step behind Wan Xiu, and the original leader of the train was Himeko.

But now Pioneer has a new owner.

Reasonably, he felt that he should ask Wan Xiu.

"When I'm human, just call me by name."

"In the past, the navigator of the train was Himeko, and it will be the same in the future, so let me be lazy."

Wan Xiu said lightly.

Himeko laughed twice on the side.

It didn't take long.

So I came to the research room on the upper floor of the Central District.

The supreme number is equivalent to a city.

In total, it is divided into four large sections: left, right, central and outer.

These four large sections, in addition to the outer layer, are divided into upper, middle and lower sections.

Naturally, there are also very sufficient living conditions.

The location of the rest cabin is not uniformly planned in one place.

Instead, it is divided into individual deployment units.

The positions are approximately on the left, right, center, and work area deployment sections.

The central lounge is a suite type.

The left and right wings are dormitory types.

The remaining deployment modules are the work lounges that are connected to the deployment units.

Wan Xiu took the Black Tower to the scientific research rest cabin.

It is directly connected to the research laboratory.

The Black Tower came in and took a look.

Eyes are straight!

The scientific research equipment here is even more complete than her in Azure Star!

This is quite attractive for a scientist.

"How about Auntie, how am I?"

Although the black tower is very excited, she doesn't want to show it!

In case it makes Wan Xiu feel that he is such a good person, he will have to go even more excessively in the future!

"I don't need your simulated universe, when you want to do an experiment, I'll help you call Aha himself, how?"

At this time, Wan Xiu threw out another good fruit.

"Huh? Seriously?! "

Wan Xiu smiled.

Can't hold it anymore, you!

"Naturally, I still have some friendship with Aha, at least now he is quite interested in me and can still speak, so do you want to stay?"

Black Tower bit his lip, there is a star god by his side, and he can call other star gods for himself, even the treatment that Erudite Venerable does not have!

It's really hard to refuse.

After a while, she said a vague word.

She is willing to accommodate everything in order to study, which is quite easy to grasp.

"Since you help me do scientific research, then I will also do you a favor and go and call Esda."

Heita said lightly.

Although Wan Xiu didn't quite understand what she was going to do, he still acquiesced.

"Then let's go, Mr. Walter, where do you and Danheng want to live?" Take your pick. "

Wan Xiu stretched out his hand a little in the air.

A holographic screen flashed.

With a casual stroke, the deployment diagram of the supreme number is revealed.

Walter glanced at the ninety suites in the center.

The rest have a total of two thousand dormitories, each of which can accommodate 4-8 people.

Danheng quickly found the location of the database.

is the work area on the lower level.

"I'll just bunk here."

Wan Xiu did not object, except for the lack of beds, the rest of the work area was available.

"If you want, Mr. Walter?"

Walter muttered for a moment.

"I see that the detection module also has a separate lounge, so why don't I go there."

The detection module is not in the upper layer, nor in the lower layer, and even more so in the central layer.

Rather, in the outer layer.

Because the Supreme is modeled after the super star destroyer in a movie that Wan Xiu watched in his previous life.

In it, the detection module is more important.

But today's supremacy is not needed at all.

Pam's consciousness can connect to the ship itself, which can naturally be synchronized quickly.

So the detection module is actually a decoration.

But since Walter asked for it.

I didn't stop him myself.

But this time, don't you want to live in the central cabin with Aunt Jizi?

You this... It's embarrassing.

"Then Your Excellency, when will we set sail?"

Himeko spread her hands.

In fact, yesterday, Himeko and they were already leaving.

But who expected anything but Pam.

So I stayed for a day.

And today, the Star Dome train is gone.

Now that the time has reached the afternoon, it is estimated that it will be late in the afternoon.

If you want to set sail, at least tomorrow.

"Star... Your Excellency, do you have anyone else to invite? If not, I'll get acquainted as soon as possible, and then we'll go. "

Walter also added, and Wan Xiu frowned when he heard this.

"The person who invited ... Also, if there are more supreme people, medical conditions are necessary, and other aspects also need personnel, although this is allocated the most advanced equipment, but it is still inseparable from human operation, in that case, this afternoon I will go to the space station to dig a few people over, five? "。

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