Star Dome Universe.

An antique room in Luofu Xianzhou.

Lynn looked at the system prompt box that popped up in front of her, and her face was very speechless.

"Just cross into the Star Dome universe. "

"Now you want me to start a live broadcast..."

[Tip: Please start the live broadcast as soon as possible, and the popularity value obtained during the live broadcast can be used as a system lottery.] 】

[During the live broadcast, the audience will be randomly pulled in.] 】

[The audience is not limited to the Star Dome universe. 】

[The host can broadcast any content at will, and the system will provide it.] 】

[First Live Mission: Popularity (0/1000)].

Lynn sees the final task: "Need so much popularity?"

"System, how do you calculate this popularity value?"

"It won't be a popularity value for one person, right?"

[The interaction between the anchor and the audience, as well as the audience's emotional response, will be converted into the corresponding popularity value. 】

I see.

After a systematic explanation.

Lynn probably understood.

"That is, what I broadcast live. "

"It's better to maximize the emotional response of the audience so that I get a higher popularity value." "


Lynn smiled slightly.

It's not too simple.

This is the world of broken iron....

Then to the world.

Let's bring a little shock of Mini Bang 3!

"System, I need a computer that can play Crash 3. "

"Then start the live stream. "

[No problem, host!].


The thing Lynn asked for appeared in this antique room.

A computer with a sense of technology.

And the retro décor of the room, not only does it not conflict.

On the contrary, there is a different national style punk style.

Maybe it's because this is Luofu Xianzhou.

Lynn looked at the computer in front of him with satisfaction: "It's uncertain who the audience will be..."

"I'm in Luofu again..."

"You still have to hide your identity. "

After all, this is the Collapsed Iron Universe.

All kinds of extraordinary rules, don't have too much power.

If you accidentally dig it up.

My current self does not have much self-preservation ability.

Or be cautious and a little subtle.

"Give me another nice mask. "

The voice just fell.

A quaint woodgrain mask appeared in Lynn's hand.

"Not bad. "

After putting on the mask.

Lynn skillfully turned on the computer, and then clicked on the Honkai 3 game icon on the desktop.

As soon as he opened it, he was surprised.

"Yes, the system really understands me. "

"Already helped me divide the game chapters so clearly. "

"In that case, let's start from this position. "

"Give the world a little Honkai 3 shock


Play Bang 3 in the world of Crash.

Lynn smiled slightly.

It's a special experience.

[The first live broadcast has begun, and viewers are being invited to join the live broadcast room...].

Star Dome Universe.

In the vast starry sky.

A train is moving along an invisible track.

It looks amazing.

And in one of the carriages of the train.

March Seven sat on the sofa and stretched his waist vigorously: "This time the battle with the Doomsday Beast." "

"It's really dangerous. "

"Almost accounted for in the space station. "

Dan Heng, who was sitting next to March Seven, said expressionlessly: "You still have to thank Xing for this. "

March 7: "Do you still need to say this?"

"I will keep this matter firmly in my heart in March. "

Star stall hand: "Shouldn't it be remembered?"

March 7: "Huh?"

Himeko held a cup of coffee in her hand and said with a smile: "It's really interesting. "

On the other side of the seat, Walter sat with his eyes closed.

I don't know what I'm thinking about writing.

Five passengers in the entire train set.

It's all in this carriage now.

Get ready to move on to the next leg of your pioneering journey.

Right at this moment.

A white light curtain suddenly popped up in front of everyone.

Except for the stars.

The faces of the other four changed at the same time.

On the train.

When is this feature?

Xing hit the nail on the head and said, "There are really many entertainment projects. "

"It's preparing for a movie. "

"Add a little fun to the journey?"

Himeko shook her head: "No, I didn't know how this thing came from?"

March 7: "What about Pam? Did he make it?"

Danheng: "Pam doesn't seem to know what's going on here, otherwise it would have happened." "

Walter: "I don't feel any hostile forces. "

"Let's calm down first. "

"See what's going on. "

Walter is a man who has experienced two worlds.

At once, the hearts of several people in the train crew were stabilized.

Wait and see....

However, Walter's heart was also shocked.

For a while, I couldn't understand this white light curtain.

How is it all of a sudden.

It's here.

Everything always reveals a kind of weirdness.

March 7: "Could it be the power of a certain star god?"

Star: "Is the movie star god of 'cinema' fate?"

Danheng: "It seems that there is no such fate. "

March 7: "How can there be such a fate, Danheng, you also answered too seriously." "

Himeko: "In short, everyone listen to Mr. Walter, calm down but don't let your guard down." "

Walter consciously stood in front of everyone.

Another place in the universe.

In one room.

Star Core Hunter Silver Wolf is holding a game console in his hand.

A lollipop in his mouth is playing a game.

On the opposite side of her.

Kafka was elegantly drinking the coffee in her hand.

With a smile on his face.

"Silver Wolf, they should have set sail by now, right?"

The silver wolf did not raise his head: "Well, it has already left the space station." "

Without waiting for Kafka to ask anything more.

The two instantly got up from the sofa.

Look at the white light curtain that suddenly appeared in the room...


New book release, asking for all kinds of data....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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