"Silver Wolf, is this someone invading our side?"

Kafka frowned and looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of her.

This scene.

Even if it is her, the star core hunter who makes trouble everywhere in the universe.

Never come across either.

The silver wolf stopped playing the game and shook his head: "No, this looks more like some kind of projection." "

"But in our room. "

"There is no such device at all. "

"It's like it came out of nowhere. "

Hearing Silver Wolf's explanation, Kafka's brow furrowed deeper.

"Elio's script doesn't say we'll come back. "

"There will be such a thing. "

Silver Wolf: "It's strange, I don't feel any energy. "

"There wasn't any hostility either. "

Kafka straightened up: "Interesting, let's see what's going on first." "

Silver Wolf: "Aren't you nervous?"

Kafka: "What does it matter. "

"Elio said I wouldn't die that soon. "

"I believe in Elio. "

"And it just so happens that we're free now, aren't we?"

Silver Wolf glanced at his game console: "Damn, lost a little." "

"Forget it, don't play. "

"Look at what this thing is all about. "

"Could it be the power of some star god?"

Kafka pondered for a moment.

Then shook his head: "I have never heard that the star god has such an ability. "

"Even if there were, it would be too strange to suddenly do such a thing. "

Silver Wolf thought for a moment.

Without asking more, they also looked at the light curtain together.


Another world.

Breaking the world.

St. Freya Gakuen Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana and Bronia are bickering.

Kiana: "Bronia, you call me stupid again. "

Bronia: "Bronia is not wrong, stupid Kiana steals what the sister of Bud Yi makes." "

"I didn't wipe my mouth clean, and I was caught by Sister Bud Yi on the spot. "

Kiana: "I..."

"It's because the bud clothes are so delicious. "

"I can't help it..."

Bud Yi heard Kiana boast about her results.

He smiled and said, "Okay, you two. "

Sitting on the other side, Fu Hua also said: "Well, the food of Bud Yi is indeed delicious. "

Bud Yi continued: "Just after eating, let's take a good rest. "

"Today is our rare fake..."

The words did not fall.

A white light curtain appeared in front of the four people.

The Royal Three Family and Fu Hua immediately became alert.

Kiana: "What?

Bronia: "The reloaded bunny is analyzing. "

"After the analysis, it is not a pure energy body that does not belong to the collapse energy. "

"There's no malice, but I don't know what it does. "

Nha Yi glanced at it: "Kiana, Bronia, don't be careless. "

"If something goes wrong, immediately change into Valkyrie armor to fight. "

"Inform Himeko and the head of the school as soon as they have the opportunity. "


"Squad leader, can you see what's going on?"

Bud Yi is like the backbone of the squad.

Immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

Bronia summons the Heavy Bunny, ready to fight.

Fu Hua shook his head: "Never met. "

"Let's take a look first. "

And what several people did not expect was.

At this time, Himeko and Teresa are also facing the same situation.

In the conference room.

The two looked at the light curtain that suddenly appeared in front of them.

There was uncertainty in his eyes.

There was no reaction at all.

Teresa said in a deep voice: "Himeko, be ready to fight at any time. "

Himeko nodded: "Although I don't know what this thing is." "

"But you can't go wrong with being vigilant. "

Teresa: "There is no Honkai reaction, and there is no murderous aura. "

"What the hell is going on here?"

While Teresa was still thinking.

A picture of a room suddenly appeared on the white light curtain.

A man with a woodgrain mask appeared in front of all the audience.

"Hello. "

"Welcome to my live room. "

Lynn's room.

Lynn said words of welcome as she spoke.

While looking at the audience in the lower left corner who joined the live broadcast room.

[Star Dome Train Walter Young joins the live broadcast room...].

[Star Dome Train, Star joins the live broadcast room...].

[Star Dome Train March 7 joins the live broadcast room...].

[Star Core Hunter Silver Wolf joins the live broadcast room...].

[Star Core Hunter Kafka joins the live broadcast room...].

[Honkai World Kiana Kaslana...].

[Honkai World Raiden Bud Suit...].

[Honkai World Teresa...].


Watch the audience join the live broadcast room one by one.

Lynn smiled with satisfaction.

They're all acquaintances.

Of course, Lynn knew them.

They didn't know Lynn.

Then Lynn said to everyone: "This is my live broadcast room, don't be surprised to see my live broadcast room." "

"The name of the live stream is Lynn. "

"If you have any questions, you can directly send a barrage to ask the anchor. "

"The anchor will answer them one by one. "

[Silver Wolf: What kind of technological product is this, or the power of the star god?].

[Bronia: Who are you and why can you show up in our dormitory this way?


[Teresa: What happened to your dormitory too?].

[Himeko: It seems that the scope of this anchor's live broadcast is quite wide. 】

[Walter: What is the origin of your power?].

[Kiana: A lot of people!]

[March 7: It is amazing to be able to send barrages...].

[Danheng: Don't be surprised that this kind of thing is taken lightly. 】


Look at the questions on the light curtain.

Lynn had long thought of a reason to fool them.

"You can simply understand me as a high-dimensional creature. "

"For some particular reason, this live broadcast was conducted. "

"And you're all my handpicked audience, and I'm going to stream a game called Honkai 3. "

"And the next chapter I'm going to play is called 'The Last Lesson.'"

"The live broadcast has begun!"


New book release, asking for various data.

New book release, asking for various data.

New book release, asking for various data.

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