Inside the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Gakuen.

Kiana listened to those strange theories.

The whole person is confused.

I usually can't listen well in class.

Not to mention the current situation of watching live broadcasts.

Finally, Kiana looked at Bronia with a help-seeking look.

Bronia could only shake her head helplessly: "To put it simply, because the first Reason Law is too great. "

"So much so that later Walter Young, and Bronia."

"When the two of us use the power of the Law of Reason, we will have a state of awe to mobilize the power of the Law of Reason."

"Plus the 300,000 thoughts in there."

"So when you use it, there is a sense of smallness."

"This leads to an incorrect mentality, which prevents Bronia and Mr. Walter from exerting the true power of the Laws of Reason."

"Nor can I pay attention to the true meaning of the power of the Law of Reason—truth!"

Fu Hua was very apt at this time: "So it is not so much that you are the law of reason. "

"Rather, it is an ordinary person who uses the power of the law of reason."

Bud Yi: "Isn't that the same as the key of God?" "

Fu Hua: "It is slightly stronger than the God Key, at least the God Key has restrictions on its use." "

"The core of the Law of Reason does not."

Bronia nodded: "Yes, it can indeed be interpreted according to this explanation." "

"In short, Bronia and Mr. Walter both use a wrong mentality to drive the core of the Law of Reason."

"So none of us can be considered true lawyers!"

After explaining, Bronia looked at Kiana: "Kiana, what Bronia said so." "

"Can you understand?"

After thinking about it for a while, Kiana's eyes radiated wisdom.

"I see!"

"To put it simply, the two of you just haven't exerted the true power of the Law of Reason."

"Don't want me to be like Nha Yi."

Bronia: "..."

Feelings themselves say so much.

In the end, you come to such a simple conclusion.

But Bronia also understood.

It won't help to continue talking to Kiana.

After all, it's really hard to understand.


It will not wait so long to become the law of truth.

The stuff involved is too complex.

At this time, Fu Hua continued: "Anyway, in the end, Bronia can understand the true power of the lawyer. "

"It shows that Bronia is no longer in awe of this power."

"It's about using that power."

Saying that, Fu Hua looked at Bronia: "Bronia, you have to remember." "

"In the future, after you get this power."

"You have to understand that you are the same people who fight for all the good in this world."

"You are equal and may be feared but not feared."

Bronia's eyes lit up.

I understood more in an instant.

"Thank you, squad leader."

"Bronia understood."

Bud Yi: "It seems that if Bronia can become a law of reason in the future." "

"I should be able to become a lawyer of truth right away."

Kiana continued, "However, when I was more curious. "

"The power of the lawyer of reason is construction."

"As long as you understand the explanation of all things, you can construct all things."

"Then what is the power of the Law of Truth?"

Bronia shook her head: "This kind of thing did not appear before the Law of Truth appeared. "

"No one knows."

"Anyway, let's watch it first."

"Bronia can see that Bronia in the form of the Law of Reason cannot be the opponent of the Feather Rabbit."

Fu Hua: "Although I said that, Bronia, your combat IQ is still worthy of recognition. "

Nha Yi: "Yes, you can make such a correct judgment in that environment." "

"And it can be implemented successfully."

"It's not just combat IQ, this kind of boldness that many people can't have."

Bronia had no pride.

Instead, he replied: "Bronia just made the most correct judgment and action on the situation. "

"I believe this is if it is Sister Bud Yi or the class leader."

"It can be done too."

Kiana was stunned.

What about my name?

Why don't you talk about me?

"Bronia, what about me?"

Bronia: "Don't you understand what Bronia said?" "

"It means except for the stupid Kiana."


Kiana stomped her foot angrily: "Look, Bronia, she bullied me again." "

Nha Yi smiled faintly: "Okay, Kiana." "

Bronia: "Sister Bud Yi won't help the stupid Kiana because of this kind of thing." "

Kiana: "Bronia, I'm going to duel you!" "

Bronia: "Come on, stupid Kiana, reload the bunny!" "

Watching the two make trouble again.

Fu Hua and Bud Yi could only shake their heads helplessly.

Never mind.

Get used to it.

Make a fuss.

Mei in front of the live broadcast room at this time.

With her first-day brain.

Just thought about it a little.

I understand how the first person to reason did it.

And everywhere there will be a.

Some idiots don't get tangled up in this kind of thing.

For example, Li Suxiang.

As long as there is something to watch, it is cool to watch.

And Pardophyllis is the kind of person who has to understand even if he doesn't understand it.

"Who's explaining it to me?"

"What the hell does that mean?"

Mei said with a smile: "It's actually very simple, in fact, everyone should know that the distributed architecture at the core of the Law of Reason is a relatively special existence. "

"Therefore, the core of the Law of Reason is in addition to the power of construction."

"There's another feature."

Alicia thought for a while: "Dr. Mei, are you talking about the library function of the Void Collection?" "

Pardolphilis: "Then I also know that the Void Wanzang is also the only God Key that has two abilities!" "

Mei nodded: "That's right. "

"You can simply understand that what Bronia and Walter have been using may have been the 300,000 ideas in the distributed architecture and the ideas of the first lawyer."

"Through their thoughts, they drive the power of the lawyers."

"It's naturally a big discount to think about it."

"There is no real use of the real power in the core."

May looked at the way Padophelis looked.

Finally, he said: "The two of them are not using the power of the law of reason, but a different kind of divine key. "

Pardolphyllis: "That's what it means." "

Mebius: "It's just that this Divine Key is stronger than the Void Wanzo." "

"And the ability to restore a part of the lawyer."

Qian Tribulation cut out: "It's really a waste of such a powerful power. "

Aponia: "But it also grew because of it. "

"If you can use that powerful power from the beginning."

"If the mind can't keep up, you may do the opposite of what you think."

"I have seen too much of this fate."

Sakura: "Yes, strong strength also needs tenacity as a foreshadowing. "

Hua: "So, practice martial arts before cultivating the mind. "

Grace: "Cosmor, what are they talking about?" "

Kosmo: "I didn't understand either. "

Kevin: "..."

Alicia: "Oh, it's getting more and more esoteric." "

Pardophyllis: "Can you be more blunt." "


On the Star Dome train.

March Seven after hearing Walter's explanation.

I also roughly understand what is going on.

At this time, Xing spoke: "Understood, Uncle Yang, when you use the Law of Reason." "

"I don't think I can do it."


"Therefore, the core power of the Law of Reason is not willing to deal with you."

"As a result, you have no way to use your true power at all."

Walter immediately couldn't refute it.

Because it seems to be really the case.

March Seven suddenly laughed: "Hahaha, Xing, are you going to laugh at me." "

"How can you sum it up like that."

"But it seems to be really the case."

Danheng looked at Walter.

Walter looked suspicious and wanted to ask Danheng what to do.

Danheng continued: "Mr. Walter, confidence is the key to strength. "

"So it's also important to be confident."

Walter: "......."

He really wanted to thank those two guys.

One by one will summarize.

Will comfort people.

At this time, March Seven asked another question: "By the way, Uncle Yang." "

"I still don't understand something."

Walter: "Just ask. "

"The power of the lawyer of reason is to construct all things, right?"

Walt nodded: "As long as you know the explanation of everything, you can reconstruct it." "

March 7: "Well, here's the problem. "

"What is the power of the true lawyer?"

Walter took a deep breath: "You really want to know? "

March Seven nodded: "Uncle Yang, you are not nonsense. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I must want to know, otherwise why would I ask that?"

Walter was silent for a moment, then said, "Create what you want." "


Several people looked at Walter in surprise.

Even the stupid brain of March 7 can't believe it.

"Uncle Yang, what are you kidding?"

Walter replied: "I'm not kidding. "

Star: "Don't you even need the preconditions?" "

Walt nodded: "No, imagination in the true sense determines combat power." "

"Of course, God can't make a stone that He can't lift."

"Therefore, the upper limit of the creation of the Law of Truth is that it cannot exceed the energy of the Law of Reason itself."

Several people heard this limit.

Immediately relieved.

If you can really do what you want, create what you want.

That's really outrageous opening the door to outrageous.

Outrageous to home.

Even those destiny forces of the Star Dome Universe.

None of them are so outrageous.

But everyone understands.

Even if such conditions are added.

The power of the Law of Truth is still outrageous.

March 7 said at this time: "If only I got this ability." "

Star: "What do you want to do?" "

March Seven pointed to the camera on his chest: "So I don't have to carry a camera every day, and I create a picture when I want." "

"And when you encounter a doomsday beast, directly engage in a star destroyer cannon to coax it!"

"Bry it up!"

It can be seen that March 7 has a hatred for the doomsday beast.

After all, if there were no stars.

Even if he is immortal.

That would have to be seriously injured too.

Walter continued to look into the live room.

For these problems, he would like to see Bronia's feathering process.

After all, he was also a lawyer of reason.

Although he had already seen the appearance of Bronia's Law of Truth.

But the process of feathering.

I haven't seen it with my own eyes.

Walter felt a pity.

This time there is finally a chance to make up for this regret.

In the live broadcast room.

Bronia constantly shakes those rational types from the god of war feather rabbit.

Each beats later.

will take it back to the core of the lawyer.

It's like the Joyce used to be.

Will those 300,000 people think.

The core of the person who incorporates the law of reason is the same.

Bronia was sitting on the same thing.

Due to the difference in the power of the stigmata.

Each of the types Bronia faces also has different powers.

But with Lynn's superb technology.

Under several high-intensity battles in a row.

Finally defeated all the rational types.

It also triggered Bronia's confident voice.

At the same time, the reloaded rabbit also turned back into a locomotive.


"Confirm full recovery."

Hatu praised: "It seems that you are indeed far-sighted at the combat level. "


"The will of heroes, kings, and even tens of thousands!"

"For a long history like a rolling river."

"But it's just a drop in the ocean!"

The feather rabbit opened its defenses.

Summon meteorites from the air to fall.

Start indiscriminately attacking Bronia in the field.

Bronia went through constant attacks.

Destroyed the defenses of the feather rabbit.

"This is the end of it!"

"Cadres of the world!"

The feather rabbit, who was shattered by the defense, was directly attacked by Bronia.

Straight back.

Bronia: "You really can't use the recorded life as your own strength. "

"You just keep them."

"And it's just a reproduction."


The feather rabbit looked at Bronia and slowly rose.

Bronia also took advantage of this time to launch a final attack.

And yet, at this time.

The feather rabbit burst into force.

It's like it was something.

Bronia in the air directly launched the form of the Law of Reason.

The reloaded bunny also changed back to its original appearance.

Fall straight out of the air!

[March 7: Didn't you want to win just now? 】

[Silver Wolf: Strange, what happened here? 】

[Xi'er: Oops, sister Bronia! 】

[Pardolphilis: How come the power of the Law of Reason is gone? 】(Zhao Hao)

[Mei: This is?] The power was taken away again. 】

[Mebius: Wonderful fighting, but it seems that the feather rabbit is more skillful. 】

[Lauderdale: Could it be said that when Bronia was calculating, the feather rabbit was also calculating? 】

[Teresa: Bronia! 】

[Honkai Himeko: What's going on?] Wasn't it okay just now? 】

[Otto: It seems that the 300,000 thoughts that have been re-absorbed into the core of the Law of Reason are not stable, and they have been taken back by the Hatu. 】

[Vilvi: It should have used the power of the stigmata space to get all those thoughts back. 】

[Kiana: What about Bronia? 】

Lynn: "Don't worry, Truth Duck will be coming soon!" "

"Bronia at this moment is the real litchi lawyer!"

"Poor Bronia, her driver's license has been revoked again."

Lynn looked at the anxious barrage.

Calmly played CV.

Forget it, this is the first time.

No wonder Bronia doesn't drive behind her, it's time to drive Gundam.

The car has a driver's license.

Gundam is gone, right?

And in the game screen.

The feather rabbit walked towards Bronia with the steps of the victor: "The core of the Law of Reason is still a distributed structure after all..."

"Although I am not far away, I will get back everything that has been given."

"It's all familiar to us, isn't it?"

With a wave of the rabbit's hand, no small meteorite smashed towards Bronia.

Bronia immediately defended with the heavy bunny.


"This time she didn't take those thoughts back away..."

Even so.

Bronia is facing such an attack.

It still seems a little weak.

Suddenly, a large meteorite fell.

Bronia was directly smashed with the heavy bunny.

Then the rabbit declared his victory after a mouthful cannon.

"In front of Project Stigmata."

"The history and glory of the lawyer..."

"It's not worth mentioning!"

..... Abundant..

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