"Reload the bunny!"

"You must protect Sister Bronia!"

Ciel looked at Bronia, who was smashed by a meteorite.

Shout out in a hurry.

Hei Xi was disturbed by Xi'er.

"Okay, don't be so nervous."

"Obviously, my sister has not really mastered the ability of the Law of Reason."

"Not yet the Law of Truth."

"But I think it should be soon."

Then I heard Lynn's voice coming from the live broadcast room.

After hearing what Lynn said.

I was relieved.

"But why."

"Didn't Sister Bronia say that the powers of the lawyer were all restored just now?"

"Why is it still being deprived again."

Hei Xi spoke, "Sister-sama has been collecting 300,000 thoughts since the beginning of the battle. "

"I think the feather rabbit also took advantage of that."

"Let the fake thoughts be taken back by my sister, and wait until my sister thinks that all thoughts have been recycled."

"I'm unleashing my own special abilities."

"Expose the truth of these ideas."

Xi'er: "That is, tear off their disguise?" "

Hei Xi nodded: "It can be understood this way." "

"In short, in terms of mutual calculation, the winner is the feather rabbit."

"There's no doubt about that."

Xi'er: "Then what will Sister Bronia do next?" "

Hei Xi shrugged: "Can it still be done like this?" "

"He who holds the true law of reason."

"No more fear of those 300,000 thoughts."

"That's what my sister is going to do now."

"Otherwise, my sister will really be thrown off by Bud Yi and Kiana."

Xi'er: "Why do you say that?" "

Hei Xi said seriously: "A one-word lawyer doesn't sound as strong as a two-word lawyer." "

"Isn't it, Ciel."

Xi'er was stunned.

Is there still such a statement?

Since I said this about the other one.

That should be.

Bud Yi is the Law of Origin.

Kiana is the lawyer of the Flames.

Sister Bronia will next evolve into the Law of Truth.


It is true that the lawyer of two words is stronger than the one word.

"The other me, the reloaded rabbit seems to be a little untenable."

When I saw the heavy bunny struggling to support.

Hei Xi's eyes also showed a trace of panic.

But he still pretended to be calm and said, "As long as my sister can become the law of truth." "

"Reload the bunny and it will be reconstructed!"

"Come on!"


Xi'er also clenched her fists: "Come on, sister Bronia!" "

At the same time in the conference room of the St. Freya Academy.

Teresa said loudly: "Bronia, defeat her!" "

"You can do it, Bronia."

Himeko750: "Bronia, you will definitely be able to do it." "

"You're not a student who gives up so easily."

"Reloaded Bunny seems to be unable to hold on!"

Teresa: "No, I believe Bronia! "

[Pardolphyllis: Come on! Bronia! 】

[March 7: Come on! 】

[Li Suxiang: Quick! ] Defeat her! 】

[Kiana: Bronia, you won't lose like this. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: It turned out that the situation at that time was so dangerous. 】

[Walter: Sure enough, what Bronia said later was very relaxed, it was fake. 】

[Xi'er: Sister Bronia, you must defeat her! ] 】

[Fu Hua: Bronia, I believe you can do it. 】

[Star: It's really good news and not worry.] 】

[Lauderdale: Can you successfully feather, before the reloaded bunny is destroyed? 】

[Alicia: The name of truth, about to be born. 】

[Eden: yes, something has changed. 】

[Alicia: Everyone, let us welcome the birth of the Law of Truth. 】

In the game screen.

The feather rabbit looked at the heavy bunny who struggled to support and defend itself to protect Bronia.

As if distressed by the reloaded rabbit, he said: "It seems that it has also reached its own limit." "

"Same as all the other foreign objects you have."

Bronia looked at the hard work of the heavy bunny, and was also a little anxious: "Heavy bunny!" "

The feather rabbit continued: "Just let it go. "

"I know your past and I know its meaning."

"I only want victory, and I will not hurt you."

"And you don't have to put everything together."

The feather rabbit gathered strength in his hand and guided the air: "Recognize reality." "

"This is..."

"Reincarnation without complaint!"

Huge meteorites fell from the sky.

Bronia looked at the meteorite falling from the sky, and her eyes slowly closed.

The mind was immersed.

The body and mind are back in that ocean.

When I first became a lawyer of reason.

A falling ocean.

The difference is that it was falling.

This time Bronia was levitating.

"This is..."

"The core of the Law of Reason?"

"Is the core of the Law of Reason about to completely fall into the hands of the Feather Rabbit?"

Bronia took a deep breath.

Standing up again, his eyes became very determined.

Around her, some projected systems began to appear.

Bronia's hands were on it.

It's very sci-fi.

It's like understanding something (cgdb).

"The Stigmata Plan can indeed make the power of the Law of Reason worthless!"

"But staying in the past cannot compete with the future!"

"To regain power from her, that power must, never exist!"

"I can't understand either!"

Under Bronia's operation.

A long black spear began to appear on the screen in front of her.

[Pardolphyllis: This? What is Bronia doing? 】

[Mei: She finally understands the true power of the Law of Reason! 】

[March 7: So handsome, this look! ] 】

[Li Sushang: So what's going on now? 】

[Vilvie: To put it simply, Bronia began to use the power of the true lawyer to use the truth of the present to reconstruct the future. 】

[Mebiusu: The power of stigmata represents the past, and what has been reconstructed before has already appeared and explained. 】

[Mei: And now Bronia will build the future product based on the past and use the true power of the Law of Reason. 】

[Xing: This is what Uncle Yang said, what do you want to create something? 】

[Kiana: This lawyer is also too powerful. 】

[Walter: The Law of Truth is about to be born. 】

[Otto: It's really an unexpected creation type power. 】

[Lauderdale: With this ability, Bronia should also become stronger. 】

[Teresa: Alas, St. Freya Academy has a new lawyer. 】

[Nha Yi: Principal, you should be very happy. 】

[Honkai Himeko: How can you not be happy watching your students grow? 】

Lynn also explained: "The next reloaded bunny will surprise you even more. "

"Bronia will reconstruct the new Reloaded Bunny."

"From the Ghost Fire Girl to the Gundam Girl!"

What is the word Gundam?

Lynn also explained again.

Then I continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

We look forward to the arrival of the Duck of Truth.

After writing a brand new black spear in code.

Bronia reached out and held it.

The external model of the original law of reason on his body also began to reconstruct under the blue energy.

The position above the head condensed a small crown that was suspended.

Four turbo ducks behind him.

Turned into a horsetail single turbo duck.

At the same time, the armor on the body has become more technological.

The legs directly turned into the appearance of mecha wind.

The original Bronia is already extremely cool.

That's it.

It was really as if a future civilization appeared in this world.

But that's not the end of it.

At Bronia's side.

A completely new code is simulated.

Where a robot-like figure appears.

Bronia spoke, "Reload the bunny! "

The power of the lawyer began to construct a new reloaded rabbit according to that figure.

It's like a blue robot with wings of light.

It also fits on Bronia's armor.

Become a more powerful Gundam.

Soon, the new Reloaded Bunny was built.

An electronic system's prompt sounded: "Ride, ON!! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It was exactly the same as the sound of riding on the locomotive before.

Bronia held a spear and the heavy bunny came behind Bronia and joined Bronia.

At the same time, the spear in Bronia's hand also began to deform.

The original spear.

Very unreasonable, it directly turned into a shaped cannon in Bronia's hands.

The location of the barrel.

Blue energy convergence.

Bronia spoke, "All armed!" "

After Bronia became feathered.

It was also at this moment that consciousness returned.

Bronia opened her eyes and slowly stood up.

The costume on his body began to change into that of the Law of Truth.

At the same time, he spoke: "Yes, recognize the reality..."


The black spear began to appear in Bronia's hand.

Begin to transform in the middle hand: "Armed unfolded!" "

Then aimed at the meteorite that fell from the sky: "Have you seen ..."

"What does the star shatter look like?"


The furious energy vented from the tip of the barrel.

Like a roaring beast.

Rush straight into the air.

Directly crush meteorites that fall from the air.

Powerful energy explodes.

There were huge fluctuations in the air.

This scene also caused a huge psychological shock in the hearts of all the audience.

Is this really a power that can be built up by using power?

Is this the power of the Law of Truth?

[March 7: It's too exaggerated, even if the doomsday beast is bombarded by this move, it will lose a layer of skin if it doesn't die. ] 】

[Star: That form should be a Star Destroyer. ] 】

[Kiana: Look at Bronia, I will say that a two-word lawyer is stronger than a one-word lawyer. 】

[Bronia: ... This time, even if Kiana was right. 】

[Bud Yi: The future Bronia has become more reliable. 】

[Xi'er: Yes, sister Bronia! 】

[Alicia: The name of the lawyer, there is a future from now on, thank you Bronia. 】

[Pardolphyllis: It's so handsome, this shot! ] 】

[Wilvie: If it were me, I feel like I could add something more. 】

[Mebius: You weapons maniac, don't research any uncontrolled weapons later. 】

[Mei: yes, I feel that this power is just right for Bronia. 】

[Grace: If it were me, I would probably use it to paint.] 】

[Cosmoz: Grace, it's better to use a drawing board for this kind of thing. 】

[Otto: It seems that in the future, there will be no shortage of powerful weapons in destiny. 】

[Teresa: Grandpa, I'm not you, I think about doing this kind of thing every day. 】

[Lauderdale: Yes, Bishop, this is Bronia's own power. 】

[Rita: Lord Otto has been said. 】

[Li Suxiang: So handsome! ] Much more handsome than the Tai Void Sword Technique. 】

[Knower: What are you talking about! The Tai Void Sword Method is much more powerful than this kind of thing! 】

[Fu Hua: But not everyone can reach that realm with the Tai Void Sword Technique. 】

[Star: Not everyone can be like Bronia, such as Uncle Yang. 】

[Walter: ......]

The person who knows the law stands on the top of the mountain: "I'm angry, this guy named Li Suxiang can't recognize the goods." "

"You must know that the old antique struck with all his might."

"I can't even stop the Collapse Consciousness!"

"Bronia, this..."

The Law of Knowledge recalls the first time he saw Bronia wielding powers.

Immediately stopped talking.

Because of Bronia's power.

Really outrageous!

It's like a trick.

No, it should be more aptly described as magic.

The person who knew the law was entangled for a while: "Forget it, anyway, it won't be long before long." "

"Everyone's power is gone."

"Don't laugh at anyone."

The Wise One looked at his hands.

Gently shook: "It's really a little reluctant." "

After complaining.

The Law of Knowledge continued to look at the live broadcast room.

In the live broadcast room, after the last scene was played.

Lynn returned to the main interface of the game.

Then he said: "In fact, the rabbit did this to help Bronia understand the truth. "

"Come and become the law of truth."

"So, this guy is not as bad as everyone believes."

"She didn't hate anyone for what happened to her."

"She was even glad she met Bronia's mother."

"Feather Rabbit herself once said that she liked Mistelin more than the name Feather Rabbit..."

Follow-up stories.

Lynn dictated it directly.

I have to say that the feather rabbit is really well-intentioned this time.

In fact, many people have also found out.

There are a few times when the feather rabbit can directly solve Bronia.

But never moved.

It's like mocking the laws of reason.

It's like motivating Bronia.

In short, in the end, Lynn told the final truth.

It is the answer to everyone's final doubts.

[March 7: Just now I can see that this guy is not ordinary. 】

[Teresa: So, she's always been a good person? 】

[Honkai Himeko: Teresa, so I kept saying don't get too angry. 】

[Li Suxiang: Huh? Isn't this just ordinary heads-up? 】

[Silver Wolf: Did you guy watch the plot. 】

[The Law of Knowledge: Hahaha, laugh at me, how do you guys look a little bleak. 】

[Fu Hua: When you say this, it should be regarded as a life attack. 】

[Alicia: What a cute girl, if only it were in our world. 】

[Eden: Ellie, you're lying to a little girl again. 】

[Star: As an immortal species, people don't know how old they are now. 】

[Xi'er: Great, the reloading bunny has become so cool.] 】

In front of the computer.

Lynn exhaled, "Those rational types are really difficult to deal with. "

"I almost couldn't clear the level without injury."

Those rational types summoned by the feather rabbit just now.

Although not very high in damage.

But due to a special mechanism.

All damage-shaped skills are large-range AOE.

Several times I was almost injured.

If not dodged in time.

The image of a master of his own game.

I'm afraid I'm going to lose it.

But the end result is good.

The live broadcast ended successfully.

Lynn believes that the feather rabbit is a special existence.

In addition to the feathering of Bronia's last law of truth.

And the shock of a face similar to Cecilia's.

It should be enough to make this popularity gain a lot.

Lynn rubbed his fists and looked forward to the popularity settlement that the system would pop up.

The next moment.

Several pieces of system information began to appear in front of him...


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