In front of Linn.

New popularity value settlement starts to pop up

"The fifteenth live broadcast ends"

"Popularity value settlement: interact with the audience and gain popularity value: 1756"

"Playing the plot of Honkai Impact 3, gained popularity value: 2178"

"Plot explanation and Q&A, gained popularity: 2451"

"Bronya's final blow, Yutu's appearance caused emotional fluctuations in a large number of viewers, gaining popularity: 4231"

"Total popularity: 111177/108888"

"The popularity point collection task is completed~ and rewards are distributed!"

"Reward for completing the live broadcast mission: Stigmata - Space shuttle ability"

"Stigma space shuttle ability: can travel into stigma space in any world"

"This ability, although it seems ordinary,"

"But it’s still useful when it’s critical.……"

Lynn thought for a moment.

I currently only have one ability to travel through the world.

Still a one-time thing.

But traveling into the stigmata space is permanent.

Rounding is better than that ability.

But not much better.

But there is such a thing as ability.

Who would dislike it?

So Linn took it all

"Maybe after I finish all live broadcasts"

"If you walk out of this room, you can beat the Star God!"

At least that's what Lin En envisions.

Now that all the abilities are combined, he should not be weaker than an ordinary envoy.

If nothing else, Lin En's requirements for himself are very simple.

That is, he is here to cause trouble in Huanhuang. Time.

Being able to knock him out with a brick!

It’s not too demanding, right?

Linn thought for a while:"When the time comes, am I going to knock out that Huanhu?"

"It’s the illusion that got Jianmu’s body"

"Or turned into the illusion of stopping clouds."

After thinking for a moment, Lin En came up with the answer.

Stop Yun Huanlu.

The one is weaker.

Be safer.

It's not that you are afraid of not being able to beat him. The main thing is to be safe.

You can give the opponent a shot when he is weak.

Why? Waiting for her to become stronger?

Lin En is not that kind of martial arts idiot.

He should wait until the other party is in his prime before fighting.

Kill him while he is sick!

This has always been Lin En's life creed.

Especially in a world as dangerous as the Star Vault..

How can you do it without any thought?

"Keep getting stronger!"

"According to the development of Xingtie's story, Luofu's biggest crisis is not Huanhu"

"It's Nanook, the star god of destruction."

Lynn continued to look at the live broadcast room.

At this time, the viewers in the live broadcast room were still discussing Bronya just now.

They even started to compare their combat power.

Who is the strongest among Zhenri, Xinyan, and Siyuan!

Who is the strongest? Strong?

Lin En doesn't know, but the weakest one is definitely Kiana's Xinyan.

Because Kiana also has a new form that is opposite to the truth and Siyuan.

So the ability of Xinyan is definitely not as good as the truth and Shiyuan. The source.

And what the Herrscher of Knowledge has always emphasized is that she is the strongest!

Yes, Xiaoshi has such confidence

【Herrscher of Knowledge: To be honest, my strength is not weaker than most Herrschers.】

【March 7: Yes, yes, Xiaoshi is the most powerful】

【Star: To be honest, we have never seen the Herrscher of Knowledge fighting with all his strength until now.】

【Teresa: She must not be weak, after all, she has all the abilities of Fu Hua】

【Sakura: Hua’s strength is also among the top among us heroes.】

【Qianjie: I don’t like fighting with her】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Oh, Old Antique may not be my opponent!】

【Alicia: Xiaoshi, what about Kevin?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Kevin, if he hadn’t... forget it, I don’t want to say it】


Lin En saw everyone's discussion.

Especially what the Herrscher of Knowledge said.

It has aroused discussion among the audience.

Isn't this the popularity brought by the Herrscher of Knowledge?

Zhibao is such a good person!

Lin En then said:"The great Herrscher of Knowledge, Ms., has unparalleled strength in the world."

"50-50 with Kevin"

"Xiaoshi didn’t finish what he said just now. If you say it directly, you may not have a sense of the picture."

"Let me play it for everyone to see"

"Wait a minute, I'll look for this chapter"


The Herrscher of Knowledge on the Mountain Top

"Holy shit!"

"The captain actually gives you such face?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge probably knew what part Lin En was going to play.

That was his highlight!

If it weren't for the trouble of explaining it, he would have said it just now.

What he never expected was that the captain This time I actually want to play that game chapter myself

"Could it be that my impression of the captain just now was too stereotyped?"

"The captain is not a bad person!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness suddenly felt.

Did he judge a gentleman with a villain's heart before? Is the captain really a good person?

The Herrscher of Consciousness thought for a while, then shook his head:"No, that's not right!"

"What if he is lying again?"

"Wait first!"

Compared to the disbelief of the Herrscher of Knowledge, all the heroes in the pre-civilization era are even more disbelieving. But it's not that they don't believe in what Lin En is going to play next.

It's that they don't believe that the Herrscher of Knowledge can be 50-50 equal to Kevin..When he heard Lin En say this,

Kevin also raised his head and looked at the light screen live broadcast room.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

There was no confusion on his face.

Qianjie said disdainfully:"Innocent!"

As an opponent who often fights with Kevin, he knows Kevin's strength very clearly.

Compared with other heroes, his strength is completely out of whack.

Other heroes can kill the Herrscher alone.

What's more, Kai Wen?

Mebius smiled lightly:"The Herrscher of Knowledge is really confident, but Kevin's power is beyond imagination."

Padofilis:"Yes, Boss Kevin is the most powerful!"

Eden:"Just now, Kiana and the three of them were unable to do anything in front of Kevin. Is it really possible for the Herrscher of Knowledge to do it?

Alicia also smiled and said,"But the captain has never lied to anyone.""

"What if the Herrscher of Consciousness really had a relationship with Kevin Wuwu?"

"Kevin, what do you think?"

Kevin:"I don't care about that kind of thing."

Although Kevin said this, the fact is that it's not that he doesn't care.

It's that he is very confident in his own strength.

It can be said that except for the Herrscher of the End, any other Herrscher.

As long as anyone dares to stand in front of him and face him. Fighting.

It is basically the same as chopping melons and vegetables.

The only difference should be that the melons and vegetables will not fight back.

The Herrscher will fight back.

Velvet also said at this time:"The captain is really confident, which makes people unable to help themselves. I am looking forward to the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge. Mei shook her head:"No matter how powerful the Herrscher of Knowledge is, it is only strengthened on the basis of Hua.""

"But she doesn't have the system of a fused warrior. She only relies on Hua's moves and Herrscher's power."

"It’s really hard to be 50/50 with Kevin!

Su:"Yes, the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge is not particularly powerful if used in actual combat.""

If other people said this, they might be scorned.

There is no power of the Herrscher that is not powerful.

Those are all abilities that are above the rules.

But when Su said the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness, there is no such thing. A point that can be refuted.

Because the Herrscher of Knowledge in this era was killed by Su alone.

Even when Su was killing the Herrscher of Knowledge alone, he was not a fusion warrior.

He was just an ordinary person.

He was even in the Herrscher of Knowledge. Killed in the space of consciousness.

So Su said this about the power of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

There is nothing wrong with it at all.

Alicia:"Then let's wait and see.……"

Unlike others.

Alicia seems to be very confident in the Herrscher of Knowledge.

To be more precise, the person Alicia trusted more was the captain.

Starry universe. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kafka looked at Yin Lang:"Yin Lang, what do you think?"

Yin Lang recalled the way Kevin killed Yu Sanjia in seconds.

"Kevin's strength is very strong and bottomless"

"But it's not impossible for the Herrscher of Consciousness to be evenly matched with him.

Kafka:"How to say?"

Then Silver Wolf said seriously:"It depends on the situation analysis.""

Kafka was stunned.

Is this still the case?

A battle between strong and weak forces.

Doesn't the stronger side win?

Is it possible to slowly lay out the content through the script like Elio did?

"There are several situations."

Yin Lang raised his hand and raised two fingers:"Two situations."

Kafka nodded with interest and signaled Silver Wolf to continue speaking.

"In the first case, the Herrscher of Knowledge directly goes to war with Kevin. Based on the previous situation where Kevin instantly killed the three Herrschers, and the strength of the Herrschers is related to the number of words."

"Those who follow the law of consciousness will surely fail."

Kafka nodded.

This is the same as her idea.

No matter how strong the Herrscher of Knowledge is, there is only one person.

But at that time, the three Herrschers of the Yusan Family were all killed instantly.

Not to mention the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Then Silver Wolf He continued:"In the second case, the 50-50 split the captain said does not refer to the battle between Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge."

"It's a battle in the game. Captain CaoThe Herrscher of Knowledge fights Kevin, but in this case"

"With the captain's ability to play games, he can basically pass the light without any damage."

"So the captain let it go! Deliberately creating the illusion of a 50-50 split"

"In this case, the Herrscher of Knowledge will be open 50-50, and Kevin will not be ashamed."

Silver Wolf folded his hands in front of his chest. He looked proud.

He felt that he was really smart.

Kafka shook his head helplessly:"The result is as you expected, is it actually a 50-50 result in the game operation?

Silver Wolf nodded:"Otherwise, there would be no chance at all."

Kafka:"I don't think the captain will lie." Silver Wolf shook his head again:"

I believe in my own analysis."

Kafka nodded:"Then let's continue reading.""

Silver Wolf's desire to win suddenly came up.

He wanted to see who was right in his or Kafka's guess.

At the same time,

Bronya, who was the same person as Silver Wolf, also made a decision with Silver Wolf. The same judgment.

Kiana and the other three looked at Bronya.

Mei nodded:"Bronya's analysis is not unreasonable.""

"This is indeed possible."

Fu Hua:"The Herrscher of Knowledge is indeed very powerful."

"But Kevin is obviously more powerful, and it’s still that kind of powerful."

"It's really hard to imagine how she could achieve a 50-50 split with Kevin."

But Kiana said at this time:"But I believe Captain"

"Since the captain said so, he can’t lie!"

Bronya:" Bronya also analyzed the situation and found out that there was no lie."

Qiana:"No, I think the battle between Xiaoshi and Kevin"

"It's really open."

Bronya tilted her head

"This is not consistent with reasoning based on facts."

Kiana:"Bronya, reasoning is reasoning."

"Reality is reality, I believe in Xiaoshi, and I also believe in the captain!"

The three of them were stunned.

Looking at Kiana's eyes,

Mei also sighed:"Okay, then I believe Kiana. Bronya shook her head helplessly:"

Since Sister Yayi said so, Bronya chooses to believe Sister Yayi.""

Kiana:"Can't you also choose to believe me?

Bronya shook her head ruthlessly:"No.""

Fu Hua looked at the two people who were arguing again.

He smiled slightly.

Looking at the live broadcast room, he said lightly in his heart:"Then I will follow Kiana's example and trust the captain."


At this time, Linn had found the game chapter of that chapter.

At the same time, he did not forget to introduce:"In the beginning, when the Herrscher of Knowledge was born, he and Fu Hua used the same body."

"Later, Yu Duchen was used to guide the consciousness of the Herrscher of Knowledge."

"Give the Herrscher of Consciousness a brand new body"

"So in the future, the Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua are two people"

"And this battle is what happened after Mei became the Herrscher of the Origin."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge is not just fighting Kevin, but Kevin who has the power of the end."

"One can imagine how powerful it is

With Lynn's introduction to Kevin's strength.

Most of the viewers in the live broadcast room were 50/50 dissatisfied with the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Even more unsure.

It’s not that the Lawyer of Consciousness is too weak.

But Kevin is really too powerful.

Then Linn started a new chapter

"By the way, the audience can rest assured this time"

"There aren’t that many obscure words between the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin"

"Basically fighting"

"Watch with confidence"

【Bronya: Captain, I suspect you are talking about my last video】

【March 7: Yes, I was confused by the video just now】

【Kiana: Even with Bronya’s explanation, I still feel dizzy】

【Teresa: I can barely understand it】

【Padophyllis: I’m even more dizzy. The three doctors didn’t teach me anything.】

【Li Sushang: No matter what, just watch the battle!】

【Xier: As long as Sister Bronya is fine, everything else is not that important.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: It’s okay, I don’t understand it very well either. I've also seen the Lawyer of Truth, but I still don't understand.】

【Walter: It’s indeed difficult to understand sometimes.】

【Silver Wolf: Isn’t it easy to understand?】

【Mebius: If everyone could understand it, Bronya wouldn’t be the only Herrscher of Truth.】

【Velvet: Yes, it took me a while to understand. Bronya is still smarter.】

【Alicia: It doesn’t matter. In the end, the Herrscher of Truth is fighting for humanity.】


While the audience on the barrage was discussing.

Lynn's game has also begun.

The game screen opens.

Just in a strange space.

Various stones are suspended around the space.

There is a very large platform in the middle.

There seems to be a mark of Tai Chi on the top of the platform.

There are two people standing at both ends of Tai Chi.

One is the Lawyer of Consciousness.

The other one is Kevin, who easily solved the three Yu family before.

But Kevin at this time is not in a state of karma.

Instead, he wears a black cloak.

Yanran looks like an ordinary young man.

He also has silver-white hair.

That was the symbol of the Kaslana family in later generations.

It is also one of the marks passed down to Kevin.

As soon as the scene started, the Herrscher of Knowledge sneered:"Hmph!"

"As expected of you, even though I have tried my best to mobilize Honkaimon's dream to backfire on the source of Chimera"

"The result is just two more detours for you."

Kevin replied coldly:"Honkaimon is not a conscious body in the strict sense."

"Your power doesn't apply to them."

The Lawyer of Consciousness:"In this way, there is one thing that is indeed novel."

"Honkaimon's way of thinking is dreaming"

"Is this actually true?"

Kevin continued to explain:"They are the limbs of the Herrscher and the senses of Cocoon."

"Their dreams encompass Final Yan’s thoughts about the entire solar system."

Kevin's explanation of the Honkai Beast has also opened up a new door for people in the Honkai World.

【Otto: It’s interesting. I didn’t expect Honkaimon to think in dreams.】

【Teresa: This kind of ability has nothing to do with what they do and their appearance.……】


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