"Honkaimon can still dream?"

"What kind of contrasting setting is this?"

Teresa couldn't believe it.

Those things that would only wreak havoc once they appeared, and didn't even have their own consciousness.

They could actually dream of such outrageous things.

After all, Tereza lived as a human being..So in Theresa's eyes, dreaming should be a unique skill that belongs to human beings.

It is human beings' yearning for beauty.

It is a depiction of fear.

It is an escape from reality.

In short, dreams have many functions.

But also Only humans, animals that can think, can dream.

But now Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge actually said that

Honkaimon can also dream!

It’s unbelievable!

Himeko also rubbed her swollen temples.

This She received more information in one day than she had in the past twenty years. It was so hard that her brain couldn't handle it.

"That's it, those people only know how to destroy"

"Monsters that bring disaster to humans"

"He would actually do such a thing"

"It's unbelievable......"

Jizi looked at Theresa:"Speaking of Theresa, if I remember correctly"

"Your physique should be considered that of a fusion warrior, right?

Theresa nodded:"Well, I am indeed a fusion warrior.""

"Grandpa made it"

"Basically there is not much difference from the warriors of the pre-civilization era.

At this time, Ji Zi continued to ask:"Do you usually have any strange dreams?" Theresa looked at Jizi curiously:"A strange dream?""

"Which ones are you referring to specifically?

Ji Zi:"Didn't Kevin just say that?""

"Honkaimon's Dream, Even the Final Thoughts on the Solar System"

"And if you have the Honkaiju factor in your body, will it also affect your dreams?"

"Will there be any final thoughts about the solar system in your dreams?"

After thinking for a moment,

Theresa shook her head:"I have never had such a dream."

"My own dreams feel very sparse and ordinary."

"I haven't even had a nightmare so far"

"So I don’t know what I think about the solar system in the end."

Seeing that the inquiry yielded no results.

Ji Zi was also disappointed and said:"I thought I could ask anything from you, a fusion warrior.

Teresa said:"Don't think about this.""

"So many fusion warriors in the pre-civilization era didn't realize this"

"Don't talk about grandpa.

Ji Zi asked curiously:"How do you know that previous civilizations did not discover this.""

Theresa looked at Jizi as if she were a fool.

"The Herrscher of Knowledge has all the memories of Fu Hua"

"Naturally, there are also eras related to pre-civilization eras."

"The way Xiao Shi looked just now, it was obviously the first time he knew about this matter."

"So I infer that even the entire civilization era doesn’t know about it."

"Kevin discovered this on his own.

Ji Zi nodded, thinking it made sense:"That's true.""

"But I'm still curious"

"What Kevin said about the final thoughts on the solar system"

"What's going on again. Theresa thought for a while and then said:"Perhaps she is thinking about how to give birth to a similar civilization in the solar system.""

"If this theory is correct,"

"If I die, I will think so too"

"This issue should be left to Grandpa to study later. Ji Zi:"

Indeed, the bishop is obviously more suitable to study this kind of thing." Theresa:"


"In the past, he was not doing research every day."

"Just on the way to do some research."

However, what Teresa didn't know was that at this time, when

Otto heard the big news, he started fighting from his position, shocking both Hollander and Rita.. The two looked at Otto with great curiosity. They saw that Otto looked obviously excited. This was the first time since watching the live broadcast that he was so excited. Rita spoke first:"Sir Otto, what happened? Is something wrong? Otto pretended to be calm:"It's okay, I was just a little surprised when I heard the news."


"Our previous research"

"Didn't find this at all"

"No, to be more precise, it should be that there has never been research in this direction."

Youlandel asked in confusion:"Even if we know that Honkaimon can dream,"

"What's the use?"

Otto:"If you just can dream,"

"It can only prove that they have a certain way of thinking about themselves"

"I can't study anything"

"But their current dream is finally thinking about the entire solar system!"

Youlandale still didn't understand and asked:"Is there any special connection between the two?"

Otto replied:"Of course, if we can crack the way the end of the world thinks about the solar system"

"Maybe we can know what kind of civilization we want to embrace in the end."

"If we develop according to the direction he gave,"

"This way we can avoid the risk of the end of human civilization. Rita

's eyes moved:"It is to develop according to the civilization we ultimately want."

Otto nodded:" That's right.""

And Hollandale said:"But that kind of road may not be suitable for human development."

"Besides, if there is no such thinking in the end,"

"So what if we just simply observe human civilization."

Otto:"It's just providing another channel for salvation."

"But it may not be feasible"

"It's just that I want to try developing in this direction."

Youlandale glanced at Otto suspiciously.

In her impression,

Otto is not such a person.

He would think of such an approach.

It means that Otto has deeper thoughts.

But Youlandale rarely goes there. Ask about these in depth.

Because in her opinion,

Otto can still be regarded as a qualified leader in general.

As long as he does not do such extreme things that endanger all mankind.

She is still willing to serve as the Bishop of Destiny. His subordinates did their work.

Then he did not ask too many orders and instructions.

Hollandale said lightly:"I hope this time, you don't want to do bad things again.""

"Of course, Hollandale."

Otto said very confidently.

It was as if his words were not a promise, but a fact.

At this time, Otto naturally had other ideas in his heart.

"if i can pass the dream"

"If you get in touch with Zhongyan directly, maybe you can get it from there"

"get the answer i want"

"A better answer than this current choice!"

Otto's plan all along.

There has always been only one.

At this time, in his mind, a brand new plan began to take shape.

That is to study the dreams of Honkaimon!

Perhaps this is the only chance for him to directly contact the end..

This time Otto looked at the live broadcast room. He became particularly focused.

He wanted to know more about the dream of Honkaimon.

This would facilitate the new research he wanted to carry out next.

And in addition On one side.

In the conference room of the former civilization era.

When the three doctors heard this, their eyes narrowed at the same time.

Mebius looked directly at Alysia:"Alysia, you know this matter ?"

Lissia shook her head:"Sorry, I'm not very clear."

"Because the lawyer seems to only dream of his own sweet dreams"

"I don’t think much about the solar system."

"If it were a dream tonight, I think I would probably want to touch Mei Yi’s horns?"

Mei continued:"No need to ask, if this matter is studied or known in our civilization era,"

"There is no need for the Herrscher of Knowledge to be so surprised.

Weiwei:"Yes, after all, there is Hua's memory."

Su:"So Mei, what should we do next?" Mei thought for a while:"

Set up a special research team"

"Research in this direction"

"If we could crack the final observation of the sun,"

"Maybe you can get something very useful."

Suddenly there was a cry from Padofelis.

Everyone looked in her direction in confusion.

Velvet smiled and asked,"What's the matter, little Pado?"

"You probably weren't sleeping just now, were you?"

"Was it a nightmare?"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Padofelis:"Sister Velvet, where can I sleep on something like this?"

"And there is no sun in this conference room."

"No, Sister Velvet"

"I just thought of something very important!"

Is it a very important thing?

Graciu:"Sister Padu, don't worry."

"Sit down and take a sip first and then speak slowly"

"What on earth had come to mind?

Cosmo:"I think it must be very important to have such a big reaction from you.""

Eden:"Well, Pado usually doesn't make a fuss."

Qianjie:"It's really noisy all day long."

Padofilis scratched her hair in embarrassment:"No, everyone, please remember what Dr. Mei said before."

"In time, the Herrscher of Binding was deliberately created by Honkai to target our fusion warriors."

Everyone nodded.

That was a hypothesis put forward by Dr. Mei.

It's just that it hasn't been confirmed yet.

But in everyone's hearts, they have basically acquiesced in their own setting.

Padofelis continued:" I used to wonder why Honkai Impact released a targeted Herrscher like the Herrscher of Binding so early."

"Will we all be monitored?"

"What if the so-called dream is a means of observation?"

After Padofelis finished speaking, she saw the faces of the three doctors changed drastically.

Just when they were about to apologize for what they said,

Mei said:"Why didn't I think of this?"

"Observing the solar system through a door must include observing the earth through Honkaimon!"

"In other words, humans may have started with the first Honkaimon"

"He has been monitored by Zhongyan!"

Thinking of this 0......

Several doctors couldn't help but start breaking out in cold sweats.

Velvet:"If this is really the case, the hope of human victory becomes even more slim."

"But anyway, maybe we can go through Honkaimon's dream"

"How to reversely locate the location of the Cocoon of Finality?"

Kevin said very directly:"With our current strength,"

"In front of her, the only thing is to have fun.

Su:"Yes, it's more important for me to establish a research team first.""

"Let them go find and communicate with the end."

Mei;" This task is too difficult. Let me think about it first."

"The content in your graphics card live broadcast room."

After saying that, Mei began to think deeply.

Thinking about the feasibility of the plan.

The subsequent benefits have been very considerable.

You must know that the pre-civilization era has reached the end of its struggle.

As long as there is a possible way, they all want to I want to give it a try.

In the game screen of the live broadcast room at this time, apart from the barrages, there is a conversation between the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin.

After getting confirmation from Kevin, the Herrscher of Knowledge said in surprise:"......In other words, that thing is a serious alien?"

Kevin nodded, but shook his head:"At least judging from these dreams."

"Before landing on the moon, it had already visited other planets in the solar system"


"Perhaps this is its last stop."

The two of them were asking and answering questions.

Kevin seemed to be telling everything he knew at this time.

There was no sense of oppression that he felt towards Kiana and the three of them before.

Instead, he seemed like a teacher who was answering questions for the students.

If you just look at this scene, who would believe that two people will fight later?

Well, I know not only that.

And the fighting was very intense.

The Herrscher of Consciousness continued:"So that’s it!"


"In this case......"

The Herrscher of Knowledge suddenly looked at Kevin slyly:"Then do you want to consider using this Chimera's power?"

"Give us a share directly?"

Kevin was silent for a moment.

Then he said in a lecturing tone:"If you can do it,"

"You should go get it!"

"But in the final analysis......"

"You should not ask me to give you my strength"

"That just makes it an unbearable responsibility."

Law of Consciousness:"Hey, I knew it......"

"Well, since you want to fight!"

"Then let’s do it!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge clenched his fists and looked at Kevin in front of him.

Kevin looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge in front of him.

He felt a pity.

He sighed softly and said a fact:"You should Know......"

"You are no match for me."

The Herrscher of Knowledge was not angry.

If other people had said this, she would have gone berserk.

Only when facing a truly powerful opponent would the Herrscher of Knowledge be a little more humble.

"Did you forget something?"

"This is a dream and a space of consciousness."

"Today is different from the past!!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness is very confident at this moment.

Incomparable confidence!

The space of consciousness.

The Herrscher of consciousness!

Perfect match!

Her meaning is very obvious.

She is the Herrscher of consciousness.

So in the space of consciousness, she is Boss.

Even if you are Kevin, it’s of no use.

【March 7: No wonder Xiaoshi is so confident, it turns out this is his home court.......】

【Silver Wolf: The blessing of the home buff can indeed raise the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge to a higher level.】

【Mei: But unfortunately, what stands in front of the Herrscher of Knowledge is not a step, but a chasm that is difficult to cross.......】

【Alicia: Sometimes you should believe in the Herrscher of Knowledge.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Even if it’s home field advantage, it’s one of my strengths. Besides, Kevin’s strength has not been weakened by the space of consciousness.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I am very fair when fighting.......】

【Sakura: Well, we believe this. After all, the Herrscher was born from Hua.】

【Fu Hua: That being said, I’ll assume for the time being that you are complimenting me.】

【Kiana: So Herrscher of Knowledge, this is going to be a fierce battle!】

【Bronya: Yes, the strength gap between the two sides is really too big.】

【Li Sushang: It doesn’t matter, you’ll find out only after the fight......】

【Xi'er: Herrscher of Knowledge, you must be careful......】

【Padofelis: Although I also want Herrscher of Knowledge to win, boss Kevin, you have to work hard too.】

【Xing: Come on, add two more, are you so fussy?】

【Teresa: Although I believe Herrscher of Knowledge can be 50-50, I still hope she can last a little longer.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Teresa, what do you mean?】

【Hoshiko Himeko: The battle has begun......】......

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