"No wonder Xiaoshi is so confident"

"It turns out it's because it's her home court......."

Kiana looked at the words spoken by the Herrscher of Knowledge in the live broadcast room.

It became clear immediately.

It turns out that the Herrscher of Knowledge was full of confidence just now, and his emotions were blessed by the home buff.

Although Kiana believes that Captain Linn will not lie.

But the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge is, in the final analysis, just that of a Herrscher.

All three of their Herrschers were instantly killed before.

Not to mention that there is only one Lawyer of Consciousness.

But now there is a home buff to support it.

It seems to be different again...

But Bronya still said slightly worriedly:"Even if this is the case"

"Kevin didn't look the least bit flustered."

"It shows how confident Kevin is in his own strength."

Mei Yi:"Kevin is more powerful than all of us imagined."

Fu Hua:"Yes, his power began in the previous civilization era."

"If Xiaoshi can really take advantage of the home court advantage of Dreamland, he can be 50-50 with Kevin at this time."

"It can be considered a very proud achievement.

Bronya nodded:"Yes, you can see it from the barrage.""

"How confident were the warriors of the pre-civilization era in Kevin's strength?"

"Each of those fusion warriors is a strong one"

"And if Kevin can sit in the well-deserved first place, he must be extremely powerful."

Mei Yi:"The captain also said just now that Kevin is much stronger now than in the previous civilization era."

Kiana looked a little worried:"Xiao Shi, don't force yourself."

Fu Hua:"Don't worry, Qiana."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge does not seem to be a foolhardy person."

"If she was not strong enough, she would not stand in front of Kevin."

Bronya:"Yes, the Herrscher of Knowledge looks extremely arrogant."

"But also very attentive"

"She won't do anything she's not sure about."

If the Herrscher of Consciousness knew that their character had been thoroughly figured out by them.

I don't know what they would think.

But at least the Herrscher of Consciousness on the top of the mountain is happy at this moment.

After seeing that he is about to When the battle started with Kevin,

Herrscher of Knowledge also remembered this stop.

Although he was interrupted by Old Antique in the end, he was no match for Kevin.

But at least the fight was fun.

And compared to others The output of his 06 is the most effective. It also takes the longest time!

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at those barrages who did not believe in his own strength, and touched his nose happily:"Just wait."

"You will definitely be shocked when you see my true strength!"

"Will make you cheer for the great Lady Herrscher of Knowledge."

And at this moment, the Herrscher of Knowledge noticed that Lin En, who had originally placed his hand on the keyboard, suddenly took his hand off the keyboard.

"Captain him......"

"What the hell are you doing again?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was a little confused.

Could it be that he controlled himself to fight with Kevin?

At this time, Lin En's voice also came out in the live broadcast room:"In order to make everyone believe in Xiaoshi's strength more"

"I won’t be participating in this one, which means that this battle in Herrscher of Knowledge is not the game screen I played."

"But the real Herrscher of Knowledge VS Kevin!"

"Only in this way can you see the true strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge!"


The Herrscher of Knowledge couldn't help but be moved after hearing Lin En's words.

The captain did all this to better show everyone my powerful strength!

If the captain controls If you are fighting, it will be a different painting style later.

Even if the fight is 50-50, the audience will think that Lin En's operation is good.

But it is different now.

Lin En does not control the Herrscher of Knowledge.

It is equivalent to directly Play the original scene.

The details of the Herrscher of Knowledge challenging Kevin.

Shown in the most perfect way.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was so touching!

"Captain, I just suspected you were a bad guy."

"I've gone too far"

"Ai-chan is right, every captain is the best person in the world."

When Ai-chan said this, the Herrscher of Knowledge was still a little scornful.

But now the Herrscher of Knowledge understands.

The superficial person is himself.


The Herrscher of Knowledge clenched his fists:"If the captain comes here to play in the future ,"

"I want to be his tour guide!"

"The captain is my confidant!"

Lin En didn't know either.

His small actions planted a small seed in the heart of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

He thought very simply. He created the shock on his behalf.

There was definitely no way the Herrscher of Consciousness could create it himself. It's big.

Everyone in the live broadcast room needs to see the Herrscher of Knowledge fighting Kevin 50-50 with his own hands.

Only then can the shock be maximized!

Especially the heroes from the pre-civilization era.

【Silver Wolf: Captain, don’t you plan to take over?】

【Bronya: I thought it was the captain fighting at first, and some plot-killing animations were inserted when the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin fought.......】

【Kafka: It seems that the two game masters guessed wrong this time】

【Teresa: If this is the case, the Herrscher of Knowledge’s winning rate will be even smaller.】

【Li Sushang: But if the Lawyer of Knowledge does not pursue victory, he is evenly matched with Kevin.】

【Hollanddale: I had the home field advantage just now, but now it seems that this advantage has been smoothed out again.】

【Padofelis: I’m so confused whether I should support Boss Kevin in starting a small acquaintance!】

【Gratius: I support both. In this case, there is no winner or loser.】

【Kosmo: In this case, it is indeed a good idea.】

【Alicia: As long as Xiaoshi can be 50-50, that’s fine, so I support Xiaoshi】

【Eden: Since Ai Li supports Xiao Shi, then I should too】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Look, even the captain trusts me so much】

【Kiana: I also believe in the captain】

【Xier: Me too, I believe in the captain】

【Otto: It’s so interesting. A warrior from a pre-civilized era is fighting against the Herrscher in this civilized era.】

【Fu Hua: It’s begun! 】

After Linn took his hands off the keyboard.

The Herrscher of Knowledge rushed forward without hesitation.

I don't know when something like a black box appeared in my hand.

That thing directly turned into a big sword in the hands of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

He slashed at Kevin.

Many viewers thought that maybe that thing was the round shape of the Brick God's Key.

Because they do look a bit similar.

Although Kevin doesn't think the Herrscher of Knowledge has the ability to defeat him.

But not a love rival either.

When the Herrscher of Knowledge rushed over, the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment's strongest form, Jie Mie, was taken out directly.

The direct collision between swords immediately exploded into endless sparks!

There is a blazing flame on the great sword of destruction.

There are also terrifying powers produced after collision.

Then the battle between the two started.

The Great Sword of Destruction in Kevin's hand exploded with terrifying power enough to burn the entire space when he swung it.

And the black box in the hands of the Herrscher of Knowledge has transformed into eighteen kinds of weapons.

Everything changes in her hands.

For a while, the two of them came and went.

How exciting.

The audience was dazzled.

Is this the true strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge?

When I did the God Key demonstration before, the Honkaimon would just stand and get beaten.

Kevin will fight back.

And powerful.

The feeling of watching a movie suddenly came out.

The entire dream space seemed to be shaking because of the fight between the two people.

【Kiana: This is Xiaoshi’s true strength, maybe it can really be done......】

【Bronya: Don't be naive, Kiana, Kevin hasn't even used the form that the three of us can defeat easily.】

【Mei Yi: That's right, Kevin is not using his full strength at all now, not even one-tenth.】

【Fu Hua: Kevin is testing, and the Herrscher of Knowledge has basically unleashed his strongest power.】

【Silver Wolf: Sure enough, if it weren't for the game, the strength gap between the two would be too huge.】

【Thousand Tribulations: The Lawyer? Innocent......】

【Alicia: Sure enough, it’s still too forced.】

【Hua: Kevin is already familiar with these moves.】

【Sakura: Yes, the same moves will basically not cause effective damage to Kevin. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Teresa: In this case, is there still a chance?......】

【Honkai Impact: It must be difficult......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: The battle has just begun, don’t be so anxious, okay?】

【Star: Indeed. It's hard to tell who will win until the last minute.】

【March 7: But this is obviously a big loss.】

【Dan Heng: This gap is even greater than March 7th and the Doomsday Beast.】

【March 7: Danheng you!】

【Hollanddale: Unless the Herrscher of Knowledge still has a trump card, it’s useless】

【Rita: Yes, otherwise there would be no chance】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: She is indeed the strongest Valkyrie. As expected, you saw it. I have a super useful trump card!】


After seeing the answer from the Herrscher of Knowledge, Youlandel.

Fixed some things.

In her opinion.

When a person is extremely confident.

Either he is out of his mind and thinks he is invincible.

Or just be confident enough.


The Lawyer of Consciousness does not belong to the first category.

But it belongs to the second category.

Youlandel smiled faintly:"It seems that it is not wrong to support the captain."

Otto:"Although that is what I said."

"But Kevin Kaslana also has her own trump card that she hasn’t used yet."

"Not even entering the karma demon form"

"In my opinion the Herrscher of Knowledge has almost no chance of winning."

Youlandel:"Leader, maybe I will think you are right about other things."

"But in terms of fighting"

"Obviously you are not as good as me."

Otto was stunned.

There was no refutation.

Because there was no refutation at all. After all, the person in front of her was the strongest S-class Valkyrie in the history of Destiny.

There was no room for refutation.

She was the strongest.

The strongest in combat.

Rita smiled slightly. :"Master Otto was speechless. Otto still insisted on his opinion and said:"Grandel, even if you say this,"

"I still think the Lawyer of Consciousness has no chance of winning."

Youlandel:"You are wrong, Bishop."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge had no chance of winning from the beginning"

"What we've been saying is that Herrscher of Knowledge is 50/50 against Kevin."

"As long as the Law of Consciousness does not lose, it is victory.

Otto:"But what I think is that the Herrscher of Knowledge can't even open 50-50.""

Youlandel:"Then let's look forward to it."

The two looked at the live broadcast room again.

At this time, on the Luofu Immortal Boat in the Star Universe,

Li Dazhen was watching the battle of the Herrscher of Knowledge attentively.

"Her Taixu sword technique"

"Why does it have an evil aura that I have never seen before?"

Li Sushang didn't understand.

It was obviously the Taixu sword technique. How could it become so evil in the hands of the Herrscher of Knowledge ? And one of the moves was even more rough and outrageous. The Herrcher of Knowledge directly held the big sword in his hand. The sword. Smashed it against the ground. It looked like that. There was no trace of Taixu's swordsmanship. The attitude of bowing after hitting it. Plus the red energy bursting out. What I knew was that she was fighting. What I didn't know. I thought the Herrscher of Consciousness was paying New Year's greetings

"This is the New Year's greeting sword technique."

Li Sushang immediately gave the Herrscher of Knowledge a very appropriate name for this move.

Although Li Sushang is disabled in both civil and military skills, he is still practicing Taixu swordsmanship after all.

In this battle, what he saw was better than He remembered something about other people.

Soon, Li Sushang's expression changed:"Oh no, the Herrscher of Knowledge is going to lose!""

The words just fell.

In the live broadcast room, the big swords of the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin collided again.

This time, Kevin's eyes suddenly became serious.

A terrifying chill came from Kevin's body. Exploded, directly freezing all the flames just now.

Then Kevin's body 630 burst out with blue energy.

In the dream space, it was even frozen with frost.

And Kevin also changed from the original human form directly into He entered the form of a karma demon.

Then he swung the great sword of destruction in his hand with great force.

The terrifying power directly ejected the Herrscher of Knowledge.

He fell heavily to the ground.

The Herrscher of Knowledge on the ground was unable to get up for a moment.

But it was not that he was injured.

But at this moment, a feeling called fear came to his heart.

In a trance, the Herrscher of Knowledge saw a different scene.

In the vague consciousness,

Kevin also became The succubus walked towards him.

At the same time, he said:"Relax......magnificent......."

"Everything I do is just to stop you from hurting yourself……"

And this scene in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It was also placed on the game screen.

The Lawyer of Consciousness who was still very ambitious just now.

After seeing this memory impression.

He started breathing loudly.

This is obviously fear and fear.

And everyone was even more stunned.

Why is there such a scene?

Could it be that Kevin wants to kill Hua?

Otherwise, how could the Herrscher of Consciousness act so fearful.

Obviously there must be a connection between the two.

Except for a small number of people.

Others don't know.

For example, several parties involved

【Kiana: Were those the monitor and Kevin just now?】

【Mei Yi: Is Kevin planning to take action against the monitor?】

【Bronya: No, this may be the memory of the squad leader in the Herrscher of Knowledge. In other words, Kevin took action against the squad leader once in the previous civilization era.】

【Teresa: And looking at that, it looks like he is planning to put Fu Hua to death.】

【Fu Hua: But Kevin has no reason to kill me.】

【Padofelis: Sister Hua, the boss of Kevin. When did you two have this kind of fight?】

【Alicia: Kevin, you are so good and bad that Hua is afraid of you.】

【Eden: Not only that, this fear was also passed to the Herrscher of Consciousness through memory, allowing the Herrscher of Consciousness to evoke this memory in a moment similar to the scene just now.】

【March 7: In other words, it wasn’t the Herrscher of Consciousness who was afraid just now, but Fu Hua in the memory.】

【Xing: That's Hua!】

【Fu Hua: But why do you have such a memory?】

【Hua: Because this memory is something we have truly experienced.】

【Mei: Yes, it seems that we have to talk about this matter.】

【Rita: Just now I thought it was Kevin who wanted to kill Hua.】

【Kevin: I don’t have to do something like that】


Like timely rain, Lin En immediately made an explanation voice.

Gave all the answers

"Because Hua lost control after entering the man-made collapse."

"It will continue to destroy everything related to Honkai within its sight."

"So Kevin at that time stopped the crazy Hua"

"It's just that the method used was a little rough, so it left a psychological shadow deep in Hua's memory.……"


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