"Because I’m worried about things that may not happen in the future"

"So he chose to kill the teacher who raised him"

"These people are really......"

Youlandel has forgotten it.

How long has it been since I was so angry?

After hearing the story of Immortal Red Kite.

Anger reignited in Youlandel's heart.

She couldn't believe it.

What are these people thinking?

Rita then asked:"What happened next?"

Otto:"Later, I found the Red Kite Immortal in China."

"and made a deal with her"

"A small deal."


Otto:"She joined Tianming, and I will protect China for her."

"When in need, follow my instructions."

Rita:"Judging from the time, it was indeed the time when Tianming established a branch in China."

"I never thought you still have such a past, Lord Otto.

Otto:"When I went to China, I came back disappointed.""


There was a hint of curiosity in the eyes of Hollander and Rita.Look at Otto.

What would set him off.

And what was the reason that made him go to China for the second time more than five hundred years ago.

Otto didn't say any of this.

So the two of them didn't ask any more questions.

Otto continued:"But now it seems that the tragedy was not entirely a bad thing for Chi Yuan."

Hollander said with some dissatisfaction:"Betrayed by his apprentice and stabbed through by a random sword."

"This kind of thing is not completely a bad thing? Otto smiled and nodded, and replied:"There is an old saying in China that good fortune lies on the back of misfortune, and misfortune lies on the back of blessing." It means that sometimes when bad things come, they will also be accompanied by good things."

"I didn’t really trust this sentence before."

"But now it seems that this sentence is not unreasonable."

Rita:"Sir Otto, you mean that Immortal Red Yuan also got some benefits from this matter?

Otto continued:"Yes, do you still remember the voice Mei introduced in the barrage just now?""

The two nodded.

Rita:"A method similar to strong psychological suggestion."

"It allows humans to incomparably identify their determination to deal with Honkai"

"I think it is for this reason that the purpose of Taixu Mountain’s sect is like that."

Otto:"Yes, it is precisely for this reason"

"That led to the seven disciples killing their masters."

"But it is precisely because of what I experienced"

"Now there is no divine sound in Fu Hua's body!"

Youlandale:"Are you sure?"

Otto:"From what I learned about her later,"

"very sure"

"Now Fu Hua has lost the effect of the divine voice after experiencing that incident."

Rita:"This is indeed good news."

"But does the loss of 273 Shenyin also mean that it is impossible to enter the man-made collapse of Xingtai?

Otto:"This kind of thing doesn't seem to be important.""

"With the existence of Shenyin, there is no way for man-made collapse to enter at will."

That's true.

Otto continued:"The original purpose of Shenyin was to strengthen the determination of people in the pre-civilization era to fight against Honkai."

"The starting point is good"

"But it will also be like a shackles"

"I guess it was the sword between the eyebrows that accidentally destroyed the divine sound."

Although Youlandale is also happy for Fu Hua.

She finally got rid of the shackles of Shenyin.


"Even so, it cannot offset the crimes committed by this group of people!"

"The destruction of Shenyin was not directly related to their killing of their master."

Otto seemed to have guessed that Hollander would say this.

After a faint smile, he said:"You are wrong, Hollander."

"I'm not excusing them. In my opinion, what's done is what's done."

"The standard for judging whether a person is good or bad is not the consequences of the incident"

"It's about what purpose he had in doing it in the first place."

"I think the same as you, they are sinners"

"The reason why I complete this story is simply to let you know that Fu Hua is no longer affected by Shenyin."

"And just telling the stories that have been buried in my heart for many years."

Rita:"Well, I believe Lord Otto"

"This kind of casual behavior is indeed his style."

Youlandel:"I believe it too"

"It’s just that I don’t want the bishop to excuse those few people.

Otto smiled meaningfully:"Of course not.""

"In my opinion, a bad person is a bad person, and a hundred good deeds cannot offset the one bad thing he has done."

Hollandel and Rita looked at Otto thoughtfully.

They felt like there was something in Otto's words.

But they couldn't hear what he wanted to express.

But it doesn't matter.

Because the live broadcast room The battle between the Herrscher of Li Shi and Kevin is about to start again.

In the game screen, the Herrscher of Shi Shi was confused by Fu Hua's memory. He stood up from the ground with difficulty.

He breathed heavily.

He looked in front of him. Kevin, who had already entered the state of karma demon.

He took several deep breaths in succession before calming down.

Suppressing the fear in his memory,

Kevin inserted the great sword of destruction in his hand on the ground.

Using He said in a persuasive tone:"You don't need to be so brave......."

"Although I don't know your purpose of delaying me again"

"But this is your limit, Herrscher of Knowledge……"

The face of the Herrscher of Knowledge was filled with reluctance.

She didn't realize it yet.

My fear does not come from Kevin's strength.

But because of Fu Hua's memory.

She was now highly focused on fighting Kevin.

I don’t have the leisure and elegance to think about these issues.

After the Herrscher of Consciousness calmed down, he said unconvinced:"Humph!"

"You are not ashamed to speak so loudly......."

"In the space of consciousness, do you still want to defeat the Herrscher of consciousness?

Kevin said flatly:"You know there is a precedent for this.""

The Herrscher of Consciousness knows.

Kevin is talking about the Herrscher of Consciousness from the pre-civilization era.

The Herrscher of Consciousness:"You!!!"

For a moment, the Herrscher of Consciousness was speechless.

After all, the Herrscher of Consciousness in the pre-civilization era was really incompetent. He was even taken away by Su, who was not a fusion warrior.

Therefore, they are both Herrschers of Consciousness. The Herrscher of Consciousness. The lawyer then felt embarrassed and angry

"Okay, then come again!"

"After all, you are just a fusion warrior!"

"On the same level as Old Antique, do you really think you can be the Herrscher's opponent?"

Kevin had some memories.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

Then he continued:"I don't know what you bet on to do this.……"

"But you might as well try your best"

"Show off all your martial arts skills again!

Lawyer of Consciousness:" Huh?""

She didn't understand what Kevin was talking about.

Kevin said as if he recognized the Herrscher of Knowledge:"Although some things belong to her memory.……"

"But there is no doubt that at this moment……"

"You have more than her……"

The audience understood it.

Kevin is talking about Fu Hua.

In other words, at this moment, Kevin recognized the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

It's stronger than Fu Hua!

"Since I once promised to make her the monument builder of the past era……"

"So this time, give it your all from the beginning……"

"Let me see your measure clearly, Herrscher of Knowledge……"

Then Kevin said very domineeringly:"Only in this way can I kill you the moment before"

"Show mercy in time."

The heroes of the pre-civilization era were suddenly stunned when they heard Kevin talking like this.

Alicia looked at Kevin:"Kevin, I didn't expect you to say such a thing."


Kevin doesn't know either.

Why would such an arrogant line come from my future self?

At least he is now.

It's impossible to say such lines.

But Su smiled slightly:"I think this is quite in line with Kevin's character."

Mei also said:"Yes, when Kevin was in school,"

"This is also true."

Padophilis:"Hey!!! It turns out that Boss Kevin still belongs to this type."

Aponya:"It's really hard to tell."

Gratius:"You may seem so cold at ordinary times, but do you still say things that don't match your appearance?"

Kevin:"Let's keep watching."

Mebius:"Oh, is Kevin shy?"

Eden:"I remember very clearly. Kevin and Su were my fans before, and they even skipped class to come to my concert."

Alicia:"Who (agai) made Eden sing so beautifully?"

"People all over the world are fans of Eden."

Ying:"I really didn't realize that the previous Kevin was such a person."

Hua:"I always thought that Kevin has been aloof from before until now.

Mei:"That's not the case. Kevin was still very enthusiastic in the past." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su:"Yes, there is a big gap between Kevin in high school and now.""

Alicia looked at Kevin with a smile on her face.

Kevin didn't care what others discussed about him. He just continued to watch the live broadcast room.

Everyone understood.

The reason why Kevin became what he is now.

Apart from being Because of the Honkaiju factor and the fact that he is the most powerful person in this era of civilization.

The burden he carries is really too heavy.

He is almost responsible for the life and death of the entire human civilization.

Under such pressure,

Kevin cannot help but Not only did he grow up from a high-spirited young man to a leader, but in fact, Kevin's purpose in joining the Fire Chaser from the beginning was just to stay by Mei's side and protect him.

What happened next thing.

That’s why he was allowed toFor the first place among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

No one was making fun of Kevin.

Instead, he followed Kevin and looked toward the live broadcast room.

The second battle between Kevin and the Herrscher of Knowledge begins.

The Herrscher of Knowledge still said stiffly:"Use all your strength?"


"Someone who can push me to that point……"

"Not born yet!"

This level of harshness is probably only matched by Mebius from the pre-civilization era.

After saying that, a burst of blood-red Honkai energy burst out from around the Herrscher of Knowledge.

The Honkai energy condensed blood-red Feathers were floating around the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Instantly, the Herrscher of Consciousness also felt a strong sense of oppression.

This was completely different from the Herrscher of Consciousness who only knew how to laugh and play before. The battle started again. The Herrscher of Consciousness started again.

Although the Herrscher's attack method has not changed much, both the speed of the moves and the severity of the attack have been directly upgraded to a level.

The scene where he was directly killed by the demon Kevin just now did not appear.

Instead, there was They started fighting back and forth.

All the feathers gathered in the air.

In an instant, they turned into blood-red swords.

They fell like rain on top of Kevin's head.

"You weak burst!"

The spear that appeared in the hands of the Herrscher of Knowledge also fell together.

The annihilation in Kevin's hand also burst into flames at this moment.

It swallowed up all the fallen blood swords.

Then he swung the great sword of annihilation..

And the spear directly collided.

Just when the two forces collided,

Kevin actually still had the energy to increase his strength and slashed hard.

The spear in the hands of the Herrscher of Knowledge was directly shattered.

The whole person was also ejected..

Kevin rushed forward in pursuit of victory, and pressed one hand on the abdomen of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

In an instant, a burst of blue energy burst out.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was directly frozen by the ice.

In the biting ice.

Completely unable to move.

There was some disappointment in Kevin's tone:"So……"

"Is that the end?"

Kevin squeezed his hand.

The entire ice cube shrank rapidly.

The Herrscher of Knowledge inside also shrunk along with the ice.

Until finally the ice exploded in Kevin's hand.

A dark red feather slowly fell on Kevin's hand.

The audience in front of the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.

This is the Lawyer of Consciousness?

Not only did he lose......

Was Kevin beaten back to his original shape?

【Kiana: Xiaoshi, did you really lose?】

【Silver Wolf: Is it really too much?】

【March 7: So is the captain lying again this time?】

【Xing: Now I’ve been knocked back to my original shape.】

【Sakura: How can the Herrscher of Knowledge turn into the God's Key Yu Duchen?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You are the key to God, and your whole family is the key to God!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: The fun has just begun!】


Lin En looked at what the audience said on the barrage and followed the words of the Herrscher of Consciousness and said:"Yes, the fun has just begun."

"Don't be anxious……"

"Although the Herrscher of Knowledge is indeed inferior to Kevin in terms of hard power,"

"It can even be said that no one in the entire Honkai World can fight Kevin with hard power."

"But don't forget, this is a dream"

"It is the space of consciousness"

"The home of the Herrscher of Knowledge, if it could only do so much"

"I wouldn't say that she and Kevin had a romantic relationship!"

"Everyone, it’s time for the Herrscher of Knowledge to perform next.……"

"The real trump card!"

Lin finished speaking.

Kevin in the game screen looked at the dark red feather in his hand.

He also showed doubts:"She should still have some strength left.……"

"Yu Duchen?"

The dark red feathers in his hands were floating quietly.

While Kevin was thinking, the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge sounded throughout the space:"Wrong!"

"This is the genuine and complete power of the Herrscher!!!"

With the emergence of the voice of the Herrscher of Consciousness,

Kevin's dream space continued to shrink.

It kept turning into a small sphere.

Dark red feathers floated in the entire space.

Finally, the entire dream space shrank to the level of consciousness. In the hands of the Herrscher.

The huge body of the Herrscher of Consciousness holds the dream space in its hands.

And the person in the dream space is Kevin.

This time the offensive and defensive momentum is abnormal.

Countless dark red chains come from the Law of Consciousness. The Herrscher of Knowledge flew out of the black void around him and entangled the sphere in the dream space.

The Herrscher of Knowledge squeezed his hand hard:"Grip of the Great Void!!!"

There was a bang.

The entire space collapsed and exploded.

After the light of the explosion, the dream space returned again.

The Herrscher of Knowledge stood in front of Kevin with a proud face.

And Kevin also stood before the Herrscher of Knowledge as if nothing was wrong. In front of the audience.

The audience in front of the screen thought that the blow from the Herrscher of Knowledge did not cause any harm to Kevin. There was a click!

The crisp sound seemed to have magic power.

At this moment, it was conveyed to everyone. In the ears of the audience.

The source of the sound was the two horns on the head of the Karmic Demon Kevin.

The cracks that appeared at that moment were directly shattered by the Herrscher of Knowledge!

The audience in the live broadcast room.

Unbelievable Looking at this scene, the Herrscher of Knowledge really hurt Kevin.

Especially the heroes.

At this moment, they were all stunned.……


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