Padofelis looked at this scene in the live broadcast room in disbelief. done!

The Herrscher of Knowledge really did it!

Even Alicia, who has always believed in Lin En and the Herrscher of Knowledge.

I was a little confused at this moment.

Because everything - it happened so fast.

Su:"Could it be because this is the cause of the dream?"

"Were all the injuries Kevin suffered, in fact, a dream?"

Aponya glanced at Kevin, and then said calmly:"Kevin, you don't know how to dream."

"Have you forgotten, Sue?......"

Only then did Su remember.

For the better and to protect everyone around you.

Kevin asked Aponya to impose the commandments on him.

The commandment not to dream!

So Kevin is hurt at this moment.

It's not a manifestation of a dream.

But real harm.

As an old friend of Kevin.

Sue's strength against Kevin.

Have absolute confidence.

He didn't expect that the Herrscher of Knowledge could actually hurt Kevin.

And in this era of civilization.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was killed by him...

After a while, Su took a deep breath and finallyAccepting the scene in front of him:"The Herrscher of Knowledge really did it"

"hurts kevin......"

Alicia:"Yes, I was shocked"

"I really didn’t expect that the Herrscher of Knowledge would actually hide such a trick"

"Grip of Taixu......"

"Is it Taixu swordsmanship again?"

Alicia threw this question to Hua.

Hua thought for a moment.

Then he shook his head:"Maybe it's a move extended from Taixu Sword Technique."

"At least I don't know how to do this now"

"Moreover, this move is far from Taixu Sword Technique."

Sakura:"The domineering aura of this move"

"Perhaps it is only suitable for an arrogant person like the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Padofilis:"I'm so confused. It's obvious that the boss Kevin lost this time."

"But I really want to jump with excitement!"

"Boss Kevin, I don’t mean anything else, I’m just so happy."


Eden:"Phyllis, you better not explain."

"The more you explain, the worse it gets."

Qianjie:"Tie, this Lawyer of Consciousness"

"Guess she has some skills."

This is also the first time Qianjie has recognized the strength of a Herrscher.

Before that,

Qianjie simply sneered at the Herrscher of Knowledge's challenge to Kevin.

He believed that the Herrscher of Knowledge was overestimating his abilities in this way.

But one after another The two battles.

It also made Qianjie recognize the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge to a certain extent.

At least crush Kevin's horn.

I can barely do it with all my strength.

Kosmo:"It's really unexpected. An unexpected move."

Gratius:"The color of the Herrscher of Knowledge is so deep."

At this moment, the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge has truly been recognized by all the heroes in the pre-civilization era.

You know, that is Kevin.

His strength is not only the first among the thirteen heroes.

It is also the first in the fault line. One. Everyone knows how powerful Kevin is. So from the moment they saw that the Herrscher of Consciousness could hurt Kevin, everyone understood. Maybe they are not the Herrscher of Consciousness. Opponent. Of course. Under the conditions of dreams or consciousness space. Outside the outside world. Not necessarily. But even so, it is the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge. Kevin rarely said:"This round, It is the Herrscher of Consciousness who wins. Alicia suddenly understood:"It turns out that the captain said 50-50, and that's what he meant!" Padofelis:"What do you mean?"" Mei said with a smile:"In the first scene, Kevin entered the Karma Demon and defeated the Herrscher of Knowledge.


"The second time, the Herrscher of Knowledge shattered Kevin's horn with the full power of the Herrscher."

"In both games, each caused a certain degree of damage to the other."

"Isn't this a 50-50 split?"

Gratio:"So, that's what it means."

Hua:"The strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge is indeed terrifying."

Padophilis:"I understand!"

Sakura:"Fortunately, such Herrscher of Knowledge is not the enemy of mankind."

"But fight against Honkai together with humanity."

Su:"Yes, if our civilization era encounters such a Herrscher of Knowledge,"

"Maybe I......"

Maybe he didn't defeat the Herrscher of Consciousness that time.

But he died at the hands of the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Of course, there are no ifs in this world.

Su still fought to death with a mortal body, the Lawyer of Consciousness.

From this point alone.

There are many people who are beyond the reach of Su.

However, in Thirteen Yingjie.

There are still such people.

Alicia smiled slightly:"Xiao Shi is really a very cute guy."

"It would be a pity not to go to the next civilization era to get to know each of them."

"No wonder Hua from the future can become such good friends with them.

Sakura:"Yes, I want to go to the next era of civilization with you.""

Gratius:"I want to go too. Cosmo:"

You've already gone, Gratius.""

Hua looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge in the game screen in the live broadcast room:"The future......"


On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge jumped three feet high in excitement:"Okay!!!"

"You have all seen it!"

"Kevin is not invincible!"

"With one win and one loss, Kevin and I can really go 50-50."

"Everyone is dumbfounded!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was extremely swollen at this moment.

Those guys who didn't believe in her just now were severely slapped in the face, right?

The Herrscher of Knowledge raised her head and chest proudly.

It was as if she was standing on the stage at this moment.

Accepting the praises of the audience below.

Incomparable pride.

Of course.

The Herrscher of Knowledge is not the kind of person who will be dazzled by pride.

The pride at this moment is at this moment.

It is limited to this moment.

In the heart of the Herrscher of Knowledge I still know very clearly.

There is a huge gap between myself and Kevin.

What's more, Kevin's condition at this time is not as good as everyone imagined.

And Kevin also has a more powerful form that is not used.

That is all in the end. What was shown in the decisive battle.

It was also after that form came out.

The Herrscher of Knowledge deeply felt the power of Kevin.

But these are not important now.

The Herrscher of Knowledge felt very happy at the moment.

"Praise me!"

"Great Lady Herrscher of Knowledge!"

"Long live!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge is so happy now.

So many people didn't believe what he said on the barrage just now. If you don't believe it, forget it.

I still don't believe what the captain said.

Now it's better. Are you all slapped in the face?

The Law of Knowledge The reporter touched his nose proudly.

Then he looked at the barrage

【March 7th: So handsome, Taixu Zhi!!! So handsome, Xiaoshi!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Of course, I didn’t lie, and neither did the captain.】

【Xing: I never thought that that feather was just a cover. I thought you were beaten back to your original form.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You are the key to God!】

【Walter: It seems that when you were in the dream space, you were really serious about holding Kevin back.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: What's holding you back? I just went there because I wanted to fight him.】

【Theresa: Yes, yes, we all understand】

【Youlandel: I see, this is your trump card】

【Rita: Although she is very arrogant, her fighting consciousness is still top-notch.】

【Otto: Unexpectedly, I guessed wrong this time】

【Li Sushang: So handsome! Is this move also part of Taixu Sword Technique? Then I want to learn too!】

【Kiana: So handsome, Xiaoshi!】

【Fu Hua: Well done, Xiaoshi. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: Cut! Do you even need to say this, old antique! I've been doing pretty well, okay?】

【Bronya: I always thought that the Herrscher of Knowledge was more neurotic, but I didn’t expect that her combat IQ was actually higher than Kiana’s.】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: I can hear what you are talking about me. 】

Starry universe.

Silver Wolf saw the final result.

He could only shake his head helplessly:"Unexpectedly, the results analyzed based on the facts are not correct."

"Kafka, you win this round.

Kafka:"I just believe in the captain.""

Yin Lang glanced at Lin En in the live broadcast room.

"I feel like you trust the captain very much."

"They trust the captain more than Kiana and the others."

"Kafka, can you give me a reason?"


Kafka smiled slightly and looked at Linn:"I don't know the reason either."

"Anyway, it started when I entered the live broadcast room"

"I have always believed every word the captain said and everything he did."

"It's weird anyway, I just believe him……"

Hear Kafka's answer.

Silver Wolf continued to look at Linn.

Then his eyes became a little strange.

I don’t know what I’m thinking about.

Finally, he slowly said:"Kafka, do you think he looks like Elio?"

I thought I would get Kafka's approval.

However, Kafka shook his head:"No, there is a big difference between the captain and Elio."

"Anyway, Silver Wolf, maybe this is a woman’s intuition."

Silver Wolf didn't like hearing this as soon as he said it.

He looked at Kafka with some complaints:"Isn't she also a woman? Kafka smiled slightly

"Silver Wolf, don’t you know"

"The more mature a woman is, the more accurate her sixth sense is?"

Yinlang was speechless for a moment.


Compared with Kafka, she is much younger.

But Yinlang still counterattacked:"It seems that I am younger."

"It's better to learn about this kind of thing later."

"Otherwise, it will affect my judgment."

Kafka smiled slightly.

He didn't say anything.

Instead, he continued to look at the live broadcast room.

Linn, who was in front of the computer at this time.

After watching the Herrscher of Knowledge shatter one of Kevin's horns, he thought:" I also have the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge"

"I also know how to use Taixu swordsmanship"

"Did I also use the Grip of Taixu in the consciousness space or dream space?"


"Maybe, if I had the power of space"

"You can even use Taixu's Grip in reality!"

Lynn's eyes suddenly lit up.

The power of this move is very huge.

Although it seems that Kevin was not hurt.

But it is important to understand.

At this time, Kevin has the final power in his body. Yeah!

In this case, one of the horns can be shattered by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

If this trick is used in the real world,

Lin En is sure that not many people can be recruited.

"When you get a chance, you must give it a try"

"Then let’s try it with the Antimatter Legion!"

This move is a bit wasteful to deal with one person.

Lin En has thought about it.

When the time comes, he will directly drag the anti-matter army in.

Then all the Taixu Grip will be smashed!

This way, the effectiveness of the Taixu Grip can be maximized. melted

"If I add the power to destroy my life……"

Lynn's ideas are getting bolder and bolder.

What he didn't know was.

Mirai has a terrifying move that makes even the Star Gods tremble.

It was in the rudiment of his idea that he was born. in the game screen.

Kevin didn't show any anger or other emotions because of the cracks in his horns.

It seems that all this happened as a matter of course.

Instead, he said to the Lawr of Consciousness in a teaching-like tone:"If I were you"

"Terror will not use this difference just for a sneak attack.

The Lawyer of Consciousness retorted:"Can you care?""

"Besides, can it be used for a better purpose than it is now?"

"It's not easy to make you feel weak."

Kevin analyzed:"In other words, you still cut off the relationship with her.……"


"……The connection with Fu Hua"

"Otherwise, you shouldn't be able to use this level of power."

The Herrscher of Knowledge sighed:"Although it is true that I dislike old antiques more.……"

"But she broke the chain"

"If her disciple hadn't come here to remind her, I wouldn't have known."

After explaining, the Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Kevin.

He said proudly:"How is it?"

"This power is real and perfect"

"Feathering or not?"

"It's not that important anymore."

Kevin understood.

No wonder the Herrscher of Knowledge can use such powerful power without Fu Hua.

"I see……"

"Someone has recovered the core of the Eighth God's Key on Taixu Mountain, allowing you to live in it"

"Or is your consciousness itself such a substance?"

Then Kevin seemed to feel that his metaphor was not appropriate enough.

He also added a sentence.

This directly made the Herrscher of Knowledge angry.

"But it seems that no matter what……"

"The tone says that you are now the complete Herrscher of Knowledge."

"It would be better to say that you are a conscious God Key."

The Lawr of Consciousness immediately became angry:"Bah!!!"

"Guess the key to God!"

It seems that he realized his gaffe.

The Herrscher of Knowledge coughed twice to relieve the embarrassment:"Anyway, whether you can beat me or not is up to you.……"

"But I told you earlier, why don’t you talk about me now?"

"Do you believe it now?……"

Kevin fell silent.

The plot ends here.

The game screen slowly faded into darkness.

Lin En followed his usual practice and began to say:"Look, you still don't believe it?"

"I just said that the Herrscher of Knowledge can be evenly matched with Kevin."

"But everyone has also seen that it is limited to the dream space or the consciousness space."

"But this is also a manifestation of the strength of the Herrscher of Knowledge."

"Does everyone believe it now?"

【Herrscher of Knowledge: That’s right, even if you don’t believe me, you still have to believe in the captain, okay now?】

【Bronya: Why does Bronya feel that Herrscher of Knowledge’s attitude toward the captain has changed a lot?】

【Kiana: I feel the same way】

【Fu Hua: Maybe it’s because the captain played her highlight moment this time and still stood by her.】

【Xing: So it was so easy to be bribed?】

【March 7: Herrscher of Knowledge, what if the captain lets you do something bad again later?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: Cut! The captain would definitely not do this】

【Alicia: Anyway, you did a great job, Xiaoshi】

【Silver Wolf: I thought I could see the captain’s operations, but it’s a pity】

【Youlandel: The last move is indeed very clear】

【Otto: It seems that he has surpassed Red Kite Immortal】

【Xi'er: The Herrscher of Knowledge is really powerful!】

【Li Sushang: This battle is really cool. Are there any more?】

【Padofelis: Next live broadcast, Captain! Next live broadcast, Captain!】

【Kiana: Let’s start the next chapter, I can’t wait】


Lin En looked at the audience on the barrage and couldn't wait.

I just thought about it:"Then let's play this section next."

"Everyone, the next plot will be even more exciting."

"Are you ready?"

"Let us witness Fu Hua’s story this time"


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