Inside St. Freya Academy.

After seeing Fu Hua in this state, the three members of the Yu San family.

All three of them were stunned by Fu Hua's appearance.

According to the three of them's understanding of fusion warriors.

Fu Hua at this moment.

Isn't it just the same man-made collapse as Kevin's karma demon form?

Suddenly Kiana's behavior suddenly changed.

At this moment.

What she was thinking about was not how powerful Fu Hua was after entering this state.

But after entering this state.

The dire consequences that will occur.

Side Effects of Divine Sound.

It will cause Fu Hua to enter after artificial collapse.

He began to attack anything related to Honkai in front of him indiscriminately.

After destroying everything related to Honkai in front of you.

Just start destroying yourself

"Damn it, the monitor will go berserk in this state."

"Wait a minute, Kiana"

"Don't be anxious yet"

"The squad leader obviously seems to have his own consciousness."

"It doesn't look like a rage at all."

Bronya's observation was more detailed.

Suddenly she saw something else in Fu Hua's eyes.

It was not a mania that wanted to destroy everything.

Instead, there was a kind of clarity.

It seemed that everything in the world had been destroyed. It was like seeing everything through.

Mei Yi immediately said:"Does it mean that the squad leader will no longer be affected by the divine sound in this state?"

Bronya:"It's very possible."

"Otherwise, there is no way to implement the plan the captain mentioned......."

Bronya thought for a moment.

I feel more and more that this is a possibility.

Then he looked at Fu Hua:"Squad leader, please confirm"

"Is this normal for you?

Fu Hua looked at it twice and nodded:"Yes, it's normal.""

"So is this what I will look like after entering the man-made collapse?"

Fu Hua himself was a little unbelievable.

Kiana even said excitedly:"Great, this way the squad leader will not fall into the end of self-destruction."

"Such a monitor looks good......good......"

Kiana thought for a moment.

I can't think of any adjectives to describe the squad leader at this time.

It is different from the divinity that Mei Yi exuded when she entered the Herrscher of the Origin.

At this time, Fu Hua felt even more powerful and independent.

Just like her former name, Red Yuan Immortal.

And the concept of immortals.

Obviously it is incomprehensible in the eyes of Kiana and Bronya.

But because of the culture of the country where she is located, Mei Yi.

I have some understanding of the concept of immortals.

But in their country.

There are so many names for immortals.

So Mei Yi couldn't think of a better adjective to describe Fu Hua in the game screen at this time.

That's it anyway.

After making sure that Fu Hua would not go berserk.

The three of them were stunned. beautiful! handsome! cool!

All kinds of adjectives are used without exaggeration.

Fu Hua himself was surprised.

There is such a powerful force in his body.

Regarding the external aspect.

She was quite open-minded.

In Fu Hua's view, this is just an external manifestation of an energy that is too strong.

To put it simply, the original body can no longer support such a powerful force.

So the physical body changes together with the force.

Fu Hua looked at the three members of the Yusan family.

I really don't understand the stunned look of these three little guys.

However, the first reaction of the three people just now was to care about their own safety first.

This fact made Fu Hua's heart cool for a long time.

I felt a warmth.

During these days of living in St. Freya Academy.

She seems to like it here more and more.

Sometimes he even forgets the tasks Otto gave him. of course.

Ever since I learned the truth about this mission.

Fu Hua had no intention of continuing this mission.

Let's show him off later.

At this time, Otto was at the Tianming headquarters.

I don't know what Fu Hua is thinking.

It doesn't matter to him even if he knows.

Because now Otto already knows the truth about the Herrscher retaining his will.

So it seems Siren plans.

In the coming days, whether it will be implemented will be up for debate.

And Otto at this time.

Although more than five hundred years have made him well-informed.

But it’s precisely because the more I see...

Only then can I realize my own insignificance more and more.

When I traveled to China.

Otto is a legendary immortal.

Later, when I found the Red Yuan Immortal, I discovered that the Chiyuan Immortal was just a transformed human being.

Human beings left over from the last civilization era.

Because they have mastered stronger science and technology and powerful power.

That's why he was called an immortal by those ignorant people in China.

Therefore, the existence of immortals in Chinese legends has been questioned until now.

Thinking that they were just humans from the past.

The fear of facing the unknown.

An awe-inspiring fantasy.

So immortals don’t exist at all.

And this is indeed the case.

But today I saw what Fuhua looked like after its collapse.

For the first time, Otto had a more concrete image of immortality.

"It seems that Fu Huahui was not a fabrication when he was called the Red Yuan Immortal."

"This posture is no different from the powerful immortal described in ancient Chinese mythology."


Landale and Rita looked at Otto curiously.

Otto then explained:"In Chinese legends, a powerful human being who has mastered extraordinary power."

"They are independent and unpredictable"

"Every breath and every breath conforms to the laws of the movement of heaven and earth."

"In short, it is a very powerful and mysterious existence."

"What Fuhua looked like after the collapse"

"It is the existence closest to the legendary immortal."

Rita and Hollander understood what Otto meant.

It was like God in human fantasy.

He suddenly came to the world.

It's just that the visual effects brought by Fu Hua were even more shocking.

If it weren't for knowing Kevin's strength Under the circumstances.

Maybe everyone will think that

Fu Hua is the real strong man at this time.

The flame flowing around him.

The torch in his hand.

It was also at this moment that a few people understood a more important thing.

That is those people there. The flames were not erupted from the Heavenly Fire Saint in Kevin's hand.

It was Fu Hua's flames!

Youlandale:"Fu Hua in this state"

"How powerful should it be?"

Otto:"Can't confirm, maybe even more powerful than the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Youlandel gently clenched her fists.

At this time, she knew very well.

She is not the Herrscher of Knowledge now, nor is she Kevin.

She is not Fu Hua's opponent.

"It seems that I still need to become stronger."

It's been a long time!

It's been a long time since Youlandel has had this idea of ​​needing to become stronger urgently. No one knows when this kind of future will come. So Youlandel must maintain her best condition at all times. This is her Demands on herself. Because she wants to protect the people she likes. She also wants to protect everything they like! Fu Hua is like an immortal descending to earth. It is destined to leave an indelible impression in everyone's heart. Pre-civilization Epoch. Kevin and the three doctors have all seen Hua's appearance after the collapse. See you again. So they don't think it is very strange. But other fusion warriors are surprised by Hua's collapse. At the same time, they are also full of China's appearance. Envy. Yes! Just envy. Alicia:"Hua, he should be considered the second fusion warrior to maintain his human form in a state of man-made collapse, right? Padofelis:" And Brother Jie!" Qianjie:"At most, I can be there like a human being.""(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The current meaning is that I don't count. Because Qianjie has entered after the man-made collapse. It is basically a humanoid monster wrapped in flames. And other fusion warriors are more Miserable. Once you enter the artificial collapse state, you basically turn into a Honkaimon directly. In addition, most of the fusion warriors are girls. So it is basically not a last resort. No one wants to enter the form of artificial collapse. And An artificial collapse in the form of a Honkai Beast will make it easier to go berserk. There is even a risk of not being able to change back. For example, Kosma. It was originally because he could not change back after entering the artificial collapse. However, there are exceptions to this. But There is only one. That is Mebius. Because the brain circuit of a genius scientist is completely different from that of a normal person. Therefore, compared to his own human form, Mebius prefers his appearance after the artificial collapse. He will even go so far as to pursue a better life. The perfect appearance. Constantly experimenting on yourself. In her words, it is the pursuit of:"Infinite!" Alicia continued:" If Hua in the future can continue to maintain this state,


"Then Fu Hua should be the most perfect fusion warrior, right?"

Mebius said with a faint smile:"You are indeed the guinea pig I have fallen in love with."

"Your physique is different from others."

As for Alicia's statement,

Mei nodded in agreement:"Yes, as long as the influence of Shenyin can be eliminated,"

"Then Hua is the most perfect fusion warrior"

"The appearance of man-made collapse is even more perfect than Kevin's."

Except for Mebius, what others think of as a perfect man-made collapse should be that one can not only maintain sanity in that situation, but also maintain a human appearance.

The closer it is to a human appearance, the more perfect the man-made collapse is..

On Fu Hua’s body, except for the hair and eyes that changed color and the flame energy emanating from his body, there are almost no other characteristics related to the Honkai Beast.

Velvet:"It's really enviable, Hua"

"Unexpectedly, in the future, you can not only maintain this form"

"It even eliminates the influence of the divine sound on you. Hua looked at himself in the live broadcast room.

He looked at Dr. Mei and the other three:"But, how is this done?""

Hua wanted to know.

But the three doctors shook their heads.

If there was a solution, they would have helped Hua solve it long ago.

But now they cannot eliminate the influence of Shenyin on Hua.

Mei said:" Hua, you must have encountered something more important in the future."

"That’s why the divine sound was eliminated"

"And perhaps the only people who know about this matter are......"

Mei looked towards the live broadcast room.

The meaning is very obvious. captain!

Hua immediately made up his mind

"I'll ask as soon as this live broadcast ends."

Before, Hua could ignore this matter.

But now he knows that the final outcome of civilization is failure.

So Hua also wants to become stronger.

Even if he cannot reverse the final decline, he must try his best.

Yingjie also understands Hua's idea.

Moreover, the lifting of Shenyin is of no harm to Hua.

So if it can be lifted, it is best to lift it as soon as possible.

Everyone followed Hua and looked at the game screen in the light curtain live broadcast room.

They wanted to know

Will Hua and Kevin fight in this state?

If they do, how powerful will Hua Hua be in the future after he collapses?

In the game screen,

Kevin is watching Hua Hua collapse. Finally.

Regarding this former comrade,

Kevin still said with some emotion:"Hua, you don't always have to be like this......."

"Give it your all......"

Kevin looked at the torch in Hua's hand.

There was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Fu Hua replied:"……It's not about risking everything……"

"Kevin, you staked everything on you"

"Won half a day's respite for the future."

Lin En explained in a timely manner at this time:"The warriors of the pre-civilization era, when facing the Herrscher of the End,"

"There is little room for resistance"

"Kevin tried his best and used the most powerful blow at the time to shut down the Herrscher of the End for 12 hours."

"Let people from the pre-civilization era have the opportunity to come to the 760 modern civilization era……"

There was no need for Lynn to continue.

The audience can almost feel the despair at that time.

Tried his best.

In the end, the other party was down for 12 hours.

In the end, only four heroes came to the modern era of civilization.

The rest were basically buried with the pre-civilization era.

At the same time, let the audience.

I once again understood the power of the Herrscher of the End.

If only Linn hadn't said it himself now.

Many viewers thought that the pre-civilization era was finally destroyed after a full struggle.

Now it seems.

That's not the case.

Instead, he lingered for the last half day.

【March 7: Isn’t the power of the Herrscher of the End so terrifying? It’s even more terrifying than the Doomsday Beast!】

【Walter: Yes, almost no one can compete with the power of Herrscher of the End.】

【Silver Wolf: Under such circumstances, you can still get another 12 hours of free time. Kevin is also good.】

【Bronya: The title of the strongest in the pre-civilization era is really well deserved!】

【Teresa: It's a pity that she was defeated by the Herrscher of the End in the end.】

【Otto: And this time, Kevin was able to obtain part of the power of the Final Cocoon】

【Mei: Maybe this was finally achieved after many years of planning and a heavy price paid.】

【Mebius: So what's the price?】

【Padofelis: Boss Kevin looks the same as usual, and he can’t see the cost.】

【Velvet: There is no free lunch in the world】

【Xier: Kevin is really too powerful】

【Fu Hua: There is no free lunch in the world. I don’t think the final power is so easy to obtain.】

【Li Sushang: Teachers from the Academy often say this, and they say that the people on the Immortal Boat are the best examples.】

【Kafka: Yes, if you want to get something, you need to pay a certain amount. This is what Elio often talks about.】

【Xing: I'm curious now, will these two people fight in the end?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: Finally... No, this is a live broadcast broadcast by the captain. I can't spoil it. You will know it later.】

【March 7: Just a little spoiler for me.】

【Kiana: Yes, Xiaoshi, the captain won’t be angry if you say a little bit.】

【Fu Hua: Xiaoshi, tell me.】

【Alicia: Xiaoshi, tell me quickly】

【Mei: I believe the captain is not such a stingy person.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I believe that too. Oh well, let me tell you a little bit. You will know the price Kevin paid later. It’s just miserable anyway. ]

Very miserable?

The audience in the live broadcast room was immediately dumbfounded.

Will Kevin be miserable?

Was he beaten by Fu Hua?

But this is wrong!

The price of Kevin as told by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

It has nothing to do with Fu Hua at this time.

With the help of the Herrscher of Knowledge, he only picked out the key points.

The audience looked at the live broadcast room with more concentration.

Everyone wants to know.

At this time, it seems that there is nothing in the worldHigh-spirited Kevin.

Why did it become miserable in the mouth of the Herrscher of Consciousness?……


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