In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at what the Herrscher of Knowledge said on the barrage.

Extremely satisfied.

God assists.

With the foreshadowing made by the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Next, the audience heard the price Kevin paid.

There will be more sympathy and more discomfort.

These are all popular values!

Well, now this is the Herrscher of Consciousness.

It’s really becoming more and more pleasing to the eye.

Although... it has always been quite pleasing to the eye.


Lin En looked at the game screen:"Kevin, you said that Fu Hua would try his best every time."

"Why don't you try your best every time?……"

Kevin said before that in order to defeat Honkai.

Humanity can pay any price.

In the eyes of many people.

The price of the Stigma Project is humanity itself.

But in fact, this plan has only one final price.

That's Kevin himself.

From beginning to end.

What Kevin did was to make himself a springboard for mankind in the current civilized era.

Help them cross the threshold.

And this era.

In Kevin's opinion, it is also the onlyThis may be the end of the human era.

Because Alicia will never appear second.

May also said.

The hope of this era may lie in the Herrscher.

So Kevin also leaves all possibilities open.

It’s all in this era of civilization.

Linn shook his head gently

"Kevin, well deserved to be the savior of the world!"

In Thirteen Heroes, the one Linn admires the most is Kevin.

In the game screen, the two old comrades meet.

Compared to the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin, who started fighting each other when they met.

At this moment Both of them looked at each other very calmly.

The two strongest people collapsed.

It seemed that the war was about to break out.

But in fact, from the moment Fu Hua got Kevin's shadow,

Fu Hua knew that there was no reason for a war between them.

After getting this shadow,

Fu Hua also understood a lot of things at that moment.

Starting the artificial collapse.

It was not just about cutting off Kevin's shadow.

More importantly, if she did not maintain this state, she might really Will die!

Hua continued:"This time, it's just me"

"Just to perform the same duties."

It's talking about what Kevin did in the pre-civilization era.

This time it became Fu Hua.

Kevin delayed for a long time.

This time it was Fu Hua who delayed time.

Their purpose is the same.

They are both. For the future of mankind, and also to be able to completely defeat Honkai.

Kevin was silent for a while.

He couldn't think of anything to refute the comrades in front of him.

He remembered the first time he faced Hua with this attitude.

Fifty thousand years is a long span. So much so that now, Kevin needs to think for a while if he wants to recall the past. Kevin looked at Fu Hua, with a little more happiness in his eyes. Because Fu Hua was in front of him.. After entering the man-made collapse, he did not go berserk. For Fu Hua in this state, eliminating the collapse became a choice. It was not an instinct under the influence of Shenyin. In other words, Fu Hua changed Even more powerful. Kevin continued:"Hua


"The Lawyer of Knowledge and the Man of Tianyuan……"

"They're all a cover-up, right?"

Fu Hua said very directly:"Let's not care about the Law of Knowledge."

"She may really think that she can compete with you head-on and not fall behind.……"

【Kiana: Hahaha, the monitor is really knowledgeable.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Ahhhhh, you old antique, so you didn’t believe me in the first place, right?】

【March 7: I was still watching it seriously, but when Fu Hua said this, he made me laugh, hahaha】

【Xing: Sure enough, it must be Fu Hua who understands the Law of Knowledge.】

【Alicia: The relationship between Xiaoshi and Fuhua is really good.】

【Mei: Yes, maybe it’s because we both have memories of each other.】

【Padofelis: Hahaha, Sister Hua speaks directly, and there will be no change in the future.】

【Hua: Am I like this?】

【Su: A little bit】

【Sakura: Yeah, and sometimes it’s very direct.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: My relationship with Old Antique is not good at all!】

【Xier: But you guys obviously look very good.】

【Li Sushang: Yes, it’s okay to admit this kind of thing.】

【Otto: Red Mandarin Immortal really has a unique personality.】

【Youlandel: What’s even more rare is that both of them are very powerful.】

【Rita: Now it seems that Fu Hua is more powerful.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Isn’t it just the artificial collapse of perfection! Wait until I learn to feather. Definitely more perfect than an antique】

【Silver Wolf: Does this arouse the desire to win?】

【Kafka: It is precisely because of this that they have a good relationship.】


Lin En looked at the audience's comments on the relationship between Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua on the barrage.

Could it be bad?

That is my biological mother and biological daughter.

But this is a name that players jokingly call.

Lynn didn't say it directly.

After all, it would be a little troublesome to explain it.


If the Herrscher of Knowledge knew that she was his daughter.

So angry that you went crazy on the spot?

"Next, is the most important information to be revealed in this plot."

"I hope that after listening to you"

"Don't cry……"

I was playing this plot at the time.

After Lin En heard Fu Hua say the price Kevin paid.

My heart was extremely shocked!

But in the audience... there were Kevin's comrades.

Those partners who have been together day and night.

After hearing everything Kevin is carrying now.

What kind of feelings will you have? in the game screen.

Fu Hua continued to answer Kevin's questions.

The two of them still had no intention of taking action.

On the Luofu Immortal Boat.

Li Sushang looked at Fu Hua's appearance after entering the man-made collapse.

Keep looking.

The surprise in my heart is getting deeper and deeper

"There was still a little gap before"

"It's almost the same now"

"Marshal, I am now sure that Fu Hua is your peer in the collapsing world!"

Li Sushang praised her smart brain.

"If I tell the marshal this news in the future,"

"Will the marshal be happier?"

"And then tell me some untold secret moves?"

Li Sushang thinks a lot.

"But then again"

"The Herrscher of Knowledge is also very similar to the Marshal"

"Could it be that in our world, there is also a peer of the Herrscher of Knowledge, who looks very similar to the Marshal?"

"And he also has a very close relationship with the marshal?"

Li Sushang was thinking about the possibility of such a thing.

After thinking for a while,

Li Sushang decided to give up thinking.

Because she... couldn't understand what was going on.

Even now.

Although the content on the barrage is different from the one about the same position. Introduction to the body.

I have seen it many, many times.

But I still don’t understand.

What is this homoplasm all about?

And what kind of homoplasm is considered a homoplasm?

"It's better to wait until you have the opportunity to ask the gentlemen of the academy."

"I wonder if I will be knocked on the head by them again."(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Sushang was a little troubled. She didn't even remember whether the gentlemen in the Academy had ever talked about this kind of question. If so, she would have to ask it herself. She probably would have to do it again. They said he was Li Dazhen


Li Sushang sighed deeply.

Such a deep look.

Completely inconsistent with her character.

There are game screens in the live broadcast room.

The plot is still advancing.

Fu Hua also finished saying that their purpose was not to fight to the death with Kevin.

And they can't do it either.

Finish talking to Fu Hua.

Kevin looked at the torch in Fu Hua's hand.

That is the embodiment of power:"So, after several attempts……"

"Do not hesitate to use ordinary means to challenge the power of the end……"

"Just to get……"

"my shadow……"

Kevin understood a lot of things at once:"No wonder the Tianyuan people have no intention of doing their best.……"

The man of Tianyuan appeared twice in a row in Kevin's mouth.

Many viewers don't know who it is.

Lynn was also there at this time.

The explanation continued:"The person from Tianyuan that Kevin calls is the strongest S-class Valkyrie, Orlandelle."

"Because later Youlandale gained a new power and awakened the form of Tianyuan Knight."

"That’s why he is called a Tianyuan person!"

【Kiana: Hollandale will become stronger!】

【Teresa: Sure enough, when Linn mentioned it before, when Hollandale also joined the battle, I felt that her strength was not enough.】

【Honokai Himeko: Youlandel is already the strongest Valkyrie, isn’t she strong enough?】

【Hollanddale: Yes, now there is a lack of strength. Senior Theresa can still see it clearly.】

【Otto: It seems that a new Hollander class is really going to be set up for the Valkyrie.】

【Meiyi: Tianyuan? What a powerful title.】

【Hoshiko Himeko: A form stronger than the strongest】

【Padofelis: It’s a pity that we didn’t see the strongest battle between the two eras】

【Alicia: Even if I saw it, I wouldn’t be happy. Kevin himself said that the Tianyuan people did not fight as hard as they could.】

【Su: Yes, and it seems that since they can participate in the operation together, maybe the strength of the three of them will not be too far apart.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Tsk, there is definitely no one who can do it better than me.】

【Li Sushang: I really want to see what this Tianyuan man looks like】

【Silver Wolf: Is it equivalent to the strongest collision of the two versions?】

【Kafka: Really, you can use games to describe everything】

【Bronya: Bronya thinks this description is easier to understand.】


Destiny Headquarters.

Hollander's hands tightened unconsciously.

When I saw the battle between Herrscher of Knowledge and Kevin.

She knew it very clearly.

He is no match for Kevin.

He is no match for the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Even the Herrscher of Knowledge does not have the bonus of dreams.

That's the same thing.

I was still thinking about it.

How to enhance your own strength.

I didn't expect that my future self would actually have the power of Tianyuan.

Although I don't know what it is yet.

But at least there is a direction to become stronger.

Rita is Hollander's long-time teammate.

He is also Hollanddale's best and closest friend.

Even if Youlandale doesn't say it.

She could also understand what Youlandale was thinking:"Master Youlandale, do you need to redesign your daily training?"

"And those meals you normally eat."

Youlandale will not be polite to Rita.

"'Then I'm sorry for you, Rita."

Rita nodded with a smile:"Just leave it to me.……"

"Lord Hollandale……"

Otto joked but said seriously at this time:"Youlandale, do you really not consider redesigning a Valkyrie level?"

"That is the Orlandale level specially designed for your strength."

Youlandale said politely:"No need, Bishop."

"Because this name is really ugly."

Even if she is the strongest Valkyrie.

But Hollandale is a girl after all.

So in this regard, although there is not much demand at ordinary times, but if it is really unpleasant, she still can't accept it.

Regarding Otto's adoption Name.

Hollander could only shake his head helplessly.

At this time, Rita also said to the point:"Why is Lady Theresa's name……"

"Does it sound that good?"

Theresa's name.

Otto smiled faintly:"This name really sounds nice, right?"

Hollander and Rita nodded together.

It does sound good.

So how did Otto come up with this good name?


Also.It's a bit suspicious.

But that's not the focus right now. in the game screen.

The exchange between the two fusion warriors continued.

The exchange between the two.

Reviewed the entire plan.

At the same time, another important information was revealed.

The holy sword in Youlandale's body... also seems to be a product of the pre-civilization era.

However, the two did not elaborate.

Kevin continued:"What really surprised me, though, was……"

"You seem to understand its nature? Fu Hua did not deny:"

Indeed, this has never been my area of ​​expertise.""

"At least at this level, I haven’t changed much compared to the Hua you are familiar with."

"I'm just following other people's instructions"


Fu Hua looked at the torch in his hand:"After the lead is separated from you, it will actually turn into the form of a torch.……"

"This also surprised me……"

"But this era……"

"There are also genius minds."

Having said this,

Fu Hua took a deep breath and looked at Kevin.

The look in his eyes suddenly became complicated.

"With bits and pieces of information……"

"They are enough to figure out your flaws and let me……"

"Know the price you pay……"

Kevin's expression did not change.

Still very bland.

But Fu Hua's pupils have changed slightly.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

Already holding his breath and concentrating.

Finally mentioning the price Kevin paid?

Fu Hua continued:"Kevin, when you control the power of the end, you are not as relaxed as it seems on the surface, right?"

Kevin did not answer.

Fu Hua:"At the beginning, they thought those shadows were after the completion of the Stigma Project."

"The embodiment of your own dreams"

"But I know that's impossible"

"Because of the existence of commandments, as early as tens of thousands of years ago"

"You lose the objective ability to dream."

Kevin asked:"So? Fu Hua:"

So... there is a guess"

"Although it sounds whimsical"

"But when you deny that you are the Herrscher of the End, it becomes extremely possible. Fu

Hua looked at Kevin seriously:"Your current situation is the same as the outcome caused by my forced use of artificial collapse when I had the divine sound.""

"I'm afraid there is no difference, right?"

Then Fu Hua expressed his guess.

He obtained the Power of Finality without being a Herrscher.

He will withstand the pursuit of the Power of Finality and his body will be continuously destroyed.

But because Kevin has Chimera's Characteristics, incorporating the genes of almost all Honkai Beasts.

This includes Fu Hua's Garuda.

Therefore, Kevin also has the characteristic of self-healing damage.

Coupled with the characteristics of Chimera, it can allow Kevin's self-repair His ability has reached its peak!

So at this time, Kevin is enduring the constant destruction of the Final Power.

At the same time, his body is trapped in an endless loop of constant self-repair...

At this moment, all the viewers also know.

Kai What price did Wen pay...Father…


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