After hearing Fu Hua tell the price Kevin paid.

The barrage was still passing by in the live broadcast room.

It's like the delete button was pressed for a split second.

All gone.

Because the audience is in this moment.

They were all deeply shocked.

I heard before that Fu Hua would go crazy and hurt himself because of man-made collapse.

Everyone already sympathized with Fu Hua.

But now Kevin and Fu Hua actually have the same price.


Even Kevin is more terrifying than Fu Hua.

According to Fu Hua's description.

Kevin at this moment.

Every minute and every second, the body is constantly being destroyed by the final power.

Then Garuda's characteristics allowed his body to continuously repair.

So Kevin seems calm and relaxed on the surface.

It's just an illusion.

And the real situation should be.

Kevin is equivalent to being stabbed to death with a knife.

Make every other cut.

The wound will heal again.

And then separated again.

Everywhere on your body.

This process is repeated every minute.

Just thinking about this scene.

It's enough to make one's scalp tingle.

Trembling all over.

But such a thing actually happened to Kevin.

Kevin could even stand in front of Fu Hua like a normal person.

I could still fight like that with the Herrscher of Knowledge before.

There was also a fight with Tianyuan's people.

Such willpower...

What kind of willpower is it?

To support a person.

To do such a thing?

St. Freya Academy.

Just thinking about it made Qiana and the others feel their scalps numb and their whole bodies cold.

But Kevin is actually experiencing such pain.

Although it is inappropriate to say this.

But Kiana still couldn't help but said:"Is he really still a human being?"

Bronya originally wanted to say something.

But when the words came to his lips, he took them back.

At this moment, the smartest Bronya.

I don’t know how to describe the complicated feelings in my heart.

Not to mention what Kevin's purpose is.

Just this moment of Kevin's steely willpower.

It was enough to make Bronya, who was once a soldier, feel sincere admiration.

Not to mention that Kevin is still like them.

They are all warriors on the road to fight against Honkai.

Think again of what Kevin said before.

Only at this moment did Bronya completely understand Kevin's determination to completely defeat Honkai

"Stupid Kiana, Bronya finally understands"

"Where did your stone-like persistence come from?

Yayi nodded with a complicated expression:"Yes."......"

"Kevin deserves the admiration of all, whether he is enemy or friend."

Fu Hua focused his attention on Kevin in the game screen.


"Is it all the price you pay, including yourself?"

Fu Hua seemed to understand Kevin's determination. She couldn't calm down for a long time.

For Fu Hua, even if she no longer has the memory of the pre-civilization era,

Kevin is still her former comrade.

After seeing Kevin When I was like this, I felt an indescribable feeling in my heart.

The warriors of the Honkai World fought against the Honkai.

After knowing the price paid by this pioneer, they could not calm down in their hearts.

Theresa took a deep breath:"Himeko, Kevin, he......"

For a while.

Theresa couldn't think of what she should say at all.

The shock that Kevin gave her.

It has far exceeded Kevin's own strength.

Ji Zi slowly said:"Perhaps this is his determination to fight against Honkai"

"As a pioneer, you are a role model for those who come after you."

"At the same time, they also have things they have to do"

"And Kevin is just doing what he should do now"

"In his opinion, it is a normal thing. To get these powers, you have to pay a price."

"In order to completely overcome the collapse......"

"what has to be paid......"


As a teacher, Himeko unexpectedly feels the same way as Kevin at this moment.

Because they are both accomplishing what this identity has to do.

The price they have to pay.

Just as Himeko can endure Honkai in order to bring back Kiana, The erosion of energy.

In the end, he paid his own life.

And in order to lead mankind to cross the end, Kevin completely defeated Honkai.

He could endure the pursuit of the power of the end.

Even his own life in the end.

After Himeko finished speaking, Theresa Another person came to mind.

Her former best friend Cecilia Shaniat.

She was also this type of person.

In response to this behavior, Theresa could only blurt out:"It's all It's a fool......"

Ji Zi nodded:"Yes, maybe it's because of such a stupid ancestor."

"There must be such idiotic juniors as Kiana.

Theresa:"Everyone is an idiot.""

"Can't you just leave some things to your friends?"

"Is it really necessary for one person to sacrifice and bear all this silently?"

"Cecilia is like this, you are like this too"

"So does Kevin!"

Theresa was very angry.

The purpose of her creation of St. Freya Academy was to teach

Valkyries who cherish their lives more and not to sacrifice casually.

Cecilia also had this idea at the beginning.

But later , Cecilia still died.

Jizi did not argue with Cecilia about who was right and who was wrong in this matter.

Because she also hated this kind of person.

She sacrificed herself to gain the safety of others.


Himeko looked at the game screen.

Two warriors from the pre-civilization era were confronting each other.

Two pioneers who came to this era of civilization


"Some things just have to be done by us"

"we are not dead"

"Cecilia didn’t, because you are carrying on her legacy, so that more Valkyries don’t live for missions, but fight for all the good things in the world."

"I didn’t, because Kiana walked on my path and made all imperfect stories become what we expected."

"Neither does Kevin. In the future he achieved, more humans will live ordinary lives and no longer have to be afraid of the collapsing road."

"Is it not?"

Jezi looked at Theresa.

For a moment, Theresa's vision became blurry.

It was as if at this moment, she saw the shadow of Cecilia.

It's not that Theresa didn't understand this. It's just that Sometimes, she really missed her best friend.

But then it was Himeko. So Theresa began to doubt something in her heart. But at this moment, all these things disappeared. After witnessing everything Kevin had to bear, the price he had to bear, and everything Jizi said just now. Theresa's eye circles were slightly red. Then a tear appeared. Theresa wiped it away gently. :"Really, I am obviously the principal of St. Freya Academy.


"I should be the one to hold a meeting for you"

"It turned out that you were teaching me a lesson.

Ji Zi:"This kind of thing is not important.""

"After all, I am a teacher......"

Theresa:"Okay, don’t lecture me."

"Save your tirade and teach it to Kiana and the others."

Theresa looked at Kevin on the game screen.

"In such a state, he can still fight against two powerful men in succession."

"How terrifying is Kevin's strength?"

That kind of pain.

Just imagining it for a short while.

Theresa felt her scalp numb.

But Kevin could actually fight with others despite such injuries. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

More importantly Yes.

Kevin didn't show anything wrong from beginning to end.

This is what makes Theresa feel the most terrifying.

This can no longer be achieved simply by willpower. Jizi shook her head:"Maybe for For Kevin, compared to everything that comes next. Theresa nodded:"No matter what, even if it is a future enemy"

"But at this moment, I have nothing but admiration for Kevin."

This is the first time Theresa has shown such an attitude towards the enemy.

Compared with other people's admiration for Kevin.

Jie and Mei, the Thirteen Fire Chasing Heroes of the pre-civilization era.

After hearing the price that Fu Hua said After that, everyone was stunned.

Everyone's expression was different.

But what was revealed in their eyes was concern for Kevin.

Among them, Mei covered her mouth in disbelief. Her eyes were full of astonishment, and she was completely distraught. He knew what to say.

He just said with a trembling voice:"Kevin......"

Alicia:"Kevin, this is the price you pay for gaining the power of the end, but is it worth it?"

Eden:"This kind of sacrifice is not just physical anymore."

"It is an endless torture in the spirit."

Su"The only way to escape this torture is death. Sakura shook her head helplessly:"But Kevin has done this, will he still be afraid of death?""

Gratius:"Kevin is like this.......Will it hurt?"

Graxiu's confused eyes revealed his concern for Kevin in the game screen.

Pat, click, click.......

Padofelis's tears began to fall uncontrollably.

There were times when there were shortcomings before.

It’s her who laughs the happiest.

And this time, she cried the most sadly.

On weekdays, Kevin has always been taking care of her like a big brother.

Although there is no very direct explanation.

But Padofyllis always knew.

So when Patophilis called Qianjie and Su.

The title is brother.

This was a habit left over from her previous interactions with others.

But she only calls one person boss.

That's Kevin.

Not just because Kevin is the first member of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

Also because Padofyllis recognized Kevin in her heart.

For someone like her who used to live in a small neighborhood.

Boss is the most noble title.

This shows Kevin's position in Padofelis's heart.

And Padofelis herself is very afraid of pain.

So when I heard that Kevin was being chased by the final power all the time.

Heartbroken tears fell down.

Padofelis said with a trembling voice:"Boss Kevin, are you in pain?......"

"If it hurts, just say it, Boss Kevin......"

Everyone was silent for a while.

At this moment, all the heroes finally understood one thing.

Kevin, who carries out the Stigma Project as a pioneer. in the next era of civilization.

What a heavy responsibility.

Kevin is working hard to fulfill his promise to his former partners.

No matter what the cost.

They must completely defeat Honkai.

And all the Ying Jie and Mei understood the price. including herself


It was the first time that Mei said these two words so loudly.

Kevin was originally indifferent to his own experience.

Because he understood everything that his future self would bear.

When he heard Mei shout out this sound.

Everyone was stunned.

Mei continued:"You idiot, you've always been like this."

"If you have to bear all this alone, I clearly gave you the worst plan."

"You can obviously work with them to find a better way to deal with Honkai in the next civilization era."

"Why do you still have to carry all this on yourself?"

"Just because we leave everything to you."

Mei's words seemed to be spoken to Kevin on the game screen.

They also seemed to be spoken to Kevin in the conference room.

Mebius was silent and didn't say much.

Velvet looked at Kevin.

Su also looked over, as an old friend for many years.

Su knew very well what kind of person Kevin was over the years. He was completely different from what he was like now when he was studying.

Ever since Mei took over the responsibility of fighting against Honkai.

Kai Wen also took it.

Although everything Kevin did at the beginning was to protect Mei

It was Su who understood.

Since being with these people, Kevin's mentality has been constantly changing.

So far.

Kevin really wants to be there for everyone.

To completely defeat Honkai.

So he went back to receive further research from Mebius on the Fusion Warrior experiments.

Implant more Honkaijuu factors into the body.

In order to obtain more powerful power.

To protect Mei.

Protect many people in Fire Chaser......

Kevin never said any of these things.

He just silently carried all this on himself.

Sue put her hand on Kevin's shoulder.

At this time, Su's hand began to continuously emit mist.

Since undergoing the fusion warrior surgery.

Kevin's side effects didn't show on his appearance.

Instead, his body surface temperature dropped to an extremely low point.

Anyone who comes near him will be frozen.

So in order to protect others, Kevin would stay away from crowded places.

That's why.

In the eyes of many people, Kevin's character is withdrawn and cold.

Kevin looked at Su:"Su......"

Su said slowly:"Kevin, sometimes you should also trust your friends."

"We need your protection because you are strong"

"But equally, we can also be relied upon by you"

"I'm so sorry for entrusting such a heavy future to you in the future.

Alicia:"Yes Kevin, we won't be so irresponsible this time." Mebius

:"You guys just like to sensationalize, but I won't let you go until my operation is over.""

Padofilis:"Boss Kevin, although I am weak, I still want to help you a little bit from time to time."

Hua:"Hua in the next civilization era will take a different path from you, but I believe she doesn't want to see you alone either."

Aponya:"Sometimes you have to properly trust the strength of your comrades. I don't just impose discipline.

Qianjie:"I don't want to lose an opponent I can chase.""

Kevin looked at the heroes.

Then he looked at Mei.

It had been a long, long time.

Kevin didn't smile.

At this moment, the corners of Kevin's lips couldn't help but raise again.

Then he said softly:"Thank you everyone......."

Destiny Headquarters.

Hollander, who was originally sitting, stood up from his seat.

Rita behind her also stood still.

Their eyes were full of respect for Kevin. at this moment.

Audiences in the live broadcast room. no matter who.

They were all looking at Kevin on the game screen.

Even a few people in the star world are the same.

His eyes showed the same emotion towards Kevin.

The three members of the Yusan family stood in a row.

Theresa and Himeko also stood up straight.

Several people on the Star Dome Train paid Kevin the highest respect.

Kevin at this moment. use your own actions......

Gained respect from everyone......

All audiences are paying their highest respect to the hero!......

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