In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at Fu Hua and Kevin on the game screen.

Although the barrage is very quiet at the moment.

But Lynn understands.

Everyone is impressed by what Kevin has done.

The heroes and warriors of the pre-civilization era also had Mei.

They are the group of people who feel it most deeply

"Thirteen heroes chasing fire, saving Kevin"

"The future will prove that everything you are carrying now is meaningful."

"If you hadn't been burdened with the power of the end, it would have provided a whole new possibility for this civilization era to fight against the end.-"

"Kiana can't become the Herrscher of the End"

"This era of civilization cannot successfully cross over to its end."

Lynn counted everything Kevin has done in this era of civilization.

And if it weren't for the good preparation made in the previous era of civilization, it would be impossible for humans in this era of civilization to cross the end.

The final result may even be worse than that of the previous era of civilization..

Thinking of this,

Lin En remembered the story of the thirteen heroes from the pre-civilization era.

If they were given a little more time, maybe they could cross the end.

They have the strongest warriors and the strongest science. Technology.

It’s a pity that there is not enough time.

When it finally comes, everyone must be desperate in their hearts. That’s why they put all their hopes in the next civilization era.

And Kevin also takes it all in On his shoulders.

To this day, Lin Endu still remembers the final plot of the final chapter.

Especially the lonely figure of Kevin sitting on the Void Throne....

If all the thirteen Yingjie people were by his side at that time.

Maybe that picture will become different.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing in this world.

Linn took back the regret in his heart.

Then he continued to the audience in the live broadcast room:"The leader of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire, Savior Kevin"

"Worthy of the name of savior, worthy of the name of Yingjie"

"He has always been the character I admire the most when playing this game."

The originally quiet barrage began to become active.

【March 7: I really didn’t expect that Kevin would suffer so much pain while fighting.】

【Kiana: I’m proud of the Kaslana in my name】

【Honkai Impact: We are all walking on the same road. I am proud to have such a pioneer.】

【Kafka: We are all the same. We have done so much and paid such a high price for a better ending.】

【Silver Wolf: Yes, it’s all for that happy ending】

【Walter: Even though I have gone through this, as a person who is also collapsing the world, I am proud to have a pioneer like you.】

【Padofelis: Boss Kevin must be in pain (tears) (tears) (tears)】

【Alicia: We promise that we won’t let Kevin bear all this alone in the future.】

【Sue: That’s right. Kevin shouldn’t take these things as his sole responsibility.】

【Eden: Yes, he still has us.】

【Hollander: From now on, I regard him as an opponent and as a shadow on the road ahead.】

【Rita: I will become Lord Hollander's assistant and help Lord Hollander realize this ideal.】

【Li Sushang: Woohoo, the people in your world are so great.】

【Xier: This is everything Kevin is carrying, it’s really heavy】

【Mei: Yes, it’s so heavy. But he never told me, like an idiot】

【Kevin: Me......】

【Star: Aren’t all heroes like this?】

【Theresa: Yes, isn’t a hero synonymous with a fool? 】

In the game screen.

Fu Hua also told another fact about himself.

That is, she must maintain the form of artificial collapse in order to withstand the ultimate pursuit.

And the pain she was enduring at this moment was the same.

But it is precisely because there is a final pursuit on the shadow.

So they want to cut off Kevin's shadow.

The purpose is to reversely locate the location of the Cocoon of Finality.

Then send the right person to the cocoon of the end.

Before it chooses who will become the Herrscher of the End.

Help Cocoon of the End complete the choice in advance.

This is their plan to create the Herrscher of the End.

And after Kevin heard Fu Hua's plan.

He also agreed to give Fu Hua time.

It ended peacefully.

The audience was still struggling before, two perfect people collapsed.

Who will be stronger.

But now I know the game plot is over.

The audience also forgot about it.

They were all immersed in the shock that Kevin had just brought.

Although this video tells the story of Fu Hua.

But it’s also all Kevin carries.

Under double impact.

Linn believes that the popularity will definitely be higher this time.

After Linn returned to the main interface of the game.

I also saw a new pop-up system prompt

"Just now I deliberately didn't settle it once. I didn't know that the two settlements would be added together."

"What effect will it have?"

After Lin En played the 50-50 video of Herrscher of Knowledge before,

Lin En had a sudden idea.

There was no settlement of popularity points rewards.

Instead, he directly entered a new live broadcast.

When the new settlement interface popped up.

Lin En There was a joy on his face:"It's true, there is a new mechanism hidden!"

"Settlement of the 16th and 17th live broadcasts"

"Popularity rewards will be settled for both live broadcasts at the same time"

"Required to reach the target popularity value: 136666"

"Current popularity value: 111177"

"The two live broadcasts gained a total popularity value of 31665"

"Total popularity: 142842/136666"

"Because of the second live broadcast, the anchor had empathy with all the viewers and developed a similar respect for Kevin."

"Extra rewards!"

"Optional rewards for combining two live broadcasts:: Obtain three random rewards

: Reward an ability upgrade"

"Ability upgrade: Upgrade existing abilities. Non-permanent abilities can be directly upgraded to permanent abilities; permanent abilities can be upgraded to equivalent higher-level abilities."

After seeing the system prompt.

Lin En was slightly curious:"Similar respect?"

"To Kevin?"

Then Linn immediately reacted.

What Kevin did and everything he shouldered deserved respect from everyone.

There is no doubt about this.

The audience in the live broadcast room and the path they embarked on basically all It's the same.

The Pioneers, the Valkyries and the two Star Core Hunters.

They all want to make the ending better and fight for all the good in the world.

So after seeing Kevin sacrifice himself and endure such a Painful.

All filled with respect from the bottom of my heart

"It seems that it is not only the emotional fluctuations of the audience that lead to different rewards for popularity points."

"So will my emotions."

Is this another system mechanism that he has figured out?

However, compared to this system mechanism, what excites Linn more is the second item in the optional rewards.

Now one of his skills is one-time..

And it’s very practical.

When I got it before, I complained that the system was stingy.

It actually has a one-time use ability.

That ability is world travel.

You can travel to the opened world at will.

Even the world Bubble.

Unfortunately, when I first got it, I only had one chance to travel through time.

That is to say, if Lin En had traveled through time at that time, he would not be able to come back. In that case, he would have to live broadcast in another place.

But now......

Lin En smiled faintly:"Upgrade world travel!"

"Tip: Upgrade world shuttle (once) successfully and obtain world shuttle (permanent)"

"World shuttle: Leave coordinates in the world that has been opened, and you can travel there at will."

"Worlds have been opened: the Collapse World and the Starry Universe. Lin

En looked at the upgraded new skills and smiled with satisfaction:"In this way, I will have all the world travel abilities.""

"Including the quantum sea and imaginary number space."

If this trick is used well. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even if you don't have the invincible strength of the Star God now, no one in the entire Star Universe can catch you.

And there is After this ability, there will be more cool operations that can be played

"Give it a try then......"

"New mission: Gain popularity points 158888"

"Current popularity: 142842/158888"

After the ability upgrade was completed, a new system task prompt popped up.

After Linn closed the system prompt, he looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room again.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were originally discussing Kai Wen and Fu Hua's contribution.

Later, for some reason, they started to talk about Fu Hua's combat power after entering the artificial collapse. Needless to say, it must be the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Lin En immediately identified the culprit.

There was no one except her. I will discuss this issue.

【Herrscher of Knowledge: I admit that Fu Hua’s artificial collapse is very powerful, but my bricks are no joke.】

【Kiana: Xiaoshi, you don’t have bricks yet, but the squad leader has man-made collapse.】

【Bronya: Yes, little knowledge, the monitor’s overall strength is still higher than yours】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Fart, she has artificial collapse, I have feathering, as long as I know how to feather......】

【March 7: But you still don’t know how】

【Walter: Yes, you still can’t】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Damn it, you guys, aren’t you just a man-made collapse? If the perfect man-made collapse occurs, I will also emerge perfectly!】

【Alicia: For the Herrscher, Feathering is a high-level use of power.】

【Mei: But in our civilization era, Herrschers don’t have the concept of becoming immortal.】

【Su: Because the Herrschers in our civilization era are all puppets of the collapse.】

【Hollanddale: After becoming a Herrscher, she can gain more powerful power. There is indeed a big gap between Bronya's performance before and after.】

【Teresa: The Herrscher has the Ascension, and the Fusion Warrior has the Artificial Collapse. It is indeed fair.】

【Honokai Himeko: If you keep talking, the Herrscher of Knowledge will become even more powerful.】

【Li Sushang: This kind of comparison is meaningless. Otherwise, the two of them will have a fight. 】

And in this discussion.

Obviously he won't take Kevin with him.

After all, this is a warrior who knows how to collapse.

Far beyond common sense.

Except for the Herrscher of the End.

There is basically no Herrscher who is his opponent. in short.

Kevin explodes and kills all the Herrschers.

The Herrscher of the End kills Kevin.

Lin En saw that there would be no result if this continued.

In addition, the Herrscher of Knowledge thinks about everything, both high and low.

If they continue to argue with the Herrscher of Knowledge.

It's endless.

Lin En interrupted their discussion on the live broadcast:"Everyone, arguing like this will not lead to anything."

"Why don't we take a look at the next video?"

"I believe the following video can help you stop arguing."

Looking at the barrage, the attention has been attracted.

No longer discussing the emergence and artificial collapse with the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Lin En continued to attract:"We just witnessed the story of the Valkyrie, the pre-civilization era. The story of the fusion warriors"

"The next thing I want to live broadcast to you is the story of a leader"

"To be more precise, it is a story of the growth of a leader"

"The story of Teresa Apokalis, founder of Santa Freya Academy"


Theresa heard her own story.

She was suddenly stunned.

Why is it still related to me?

Jizi looked at Theresa with a smile:"Principal, have you been waiting for this moment for a long time?"

"After seeing so many people’s stories, do you really want to see yourself on a live broadcast?"

That's what Theresa really thought.

After all, so many people came to the live broadcast room.

But when Lin really previewed her story,

Theresa became a little nervous.

After all, not everyone wants highlights. Time.

For example, Mei responded to me that time. Alicia is a classic social scene..

Theresa didn't want to have such a scene of social death.

After all, he is also the principal of St. Freya Academy.

If such a social death scene occurs.

Then how will I manage these naughty students like Kiana in the future?

Doesn’t that mean there is no dignity at all?

Originally, I looked like a 12-year-old girl because of my appearance.

I have been misunderstood more than once when I went out.

If it were to happen again.

The majesty I have built up over the years has been completely wiped out.

"I'm wondering whether I should suggest something to the captain, or maybe forget it."

"Use other people’s stories instead of mine. Ji Zi was reluctant at once:"

Why, we also want to hear the story of you, the principal.""

"However, what the captain plays is not necessarily a story from the past, it may also be a story from the future."

"Theresa, don't you want to know something about your future?"

Theresa was indeed a little moved when Jizi said this.

Graciu had grown up before.

That was her long-cherished wish of Teresa.

But when she thought that it took Graciu 50,000 years to become like that.

Theresa was a little scared in her heart.

Because Theresa is a fusion warrior, her lifespan is already very long.

But these people around her.

Let’s not talk about how long the lifespan of Kiana and the three Herrschers will be in the future.

Jizi also There are Rita and others.

But they are all ordinary people. Not only are their lifespans not long, they may even be shorter than ordinary people due to Honkai energy or frequent fighting. So Theresa is very worried. From now on, she will be alone. So Theresa is both afraid and looking forward to her future, especially after seeing Gracie.

"my future words......"

Theresa struggled for a while.

You always have to know whether you will grow up in the future, right?

Theresa gritted her teeth:"Let's see!"

Jizi nodded:"That's right."

"If it was in the past, please give me a spoiler of the plot."

"The two of us also acted as insiders for once"

"If it is the future, we will make money."

Theresa nodded, feeling that it made sense. She had been quite envious of the Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter before.

If it had happened in the past, she would have had the pleasure of being a spoiler.

I want to make an appointment.......

Teresa felt that the most worthwhile appointment would be multiple scenes of social death.

Mei, please answer me, Alicia.

Give me one more reply, Otto Apokalis.

It doesn't seem impossible.......


Teresa looked at Himeko:"Then I won't make any demands to the captain."


Ji Zi nodded excitedly:"Yes, just look at it!""

"do not be afraid!"

Himeko and Theresa turned their heads together.

They were looking forward to the next live broadcast content............Death..

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