Grandpa is dead? ? ?

Theresa was completely confused.

Although many things I saw happening before were inseparable from Otto.

Many things were even caused by Otto.

But Theresa cannot deny that Otto really cares about her.

It’s also really good!

This point is unique in the entire destiny, if there is anyone who can compare it.

Then there is only Youlandale.

But Hollandale is only a little bit special.

I really want to compare with Theresa.

The gap is still too big.

Jizi saw Theresa's disappointed look and comforted her:"Don't be anxious yet, Theresa.""

"How the bishop died, the captain did not say."

"And according to what the captain said, I think the bishop must have fulfilled some wish he had had for more than five hundred years before he died."

"That's why I left in such a happy way."

With Ji Zi's persuasion, Theresa also began to think calmly:"That's right, after all, grandpa is not that kind of perverted person."

"A wish of more than five hundred years?"

Theresa looked at the live broadcast room.

She always thought that Otto's wish that supported his life for more than five hundred years was to fight against Honkai.

But now, judging from the various things Otto has done, it seems that it is not not like that...

Theresa:"Jizi, what do you think it is?"

Jizi thought for a while.

Finally he shook his head.

In her opinion, this archbishop was destined.

Has the greatest power in the world.

The world's strongest combat power against Honkai Impact.

As a human being, he has reached the pinnacle.

Look at all of human history.

As long as he doesn't make a wrong move.

He will also be the greatest hero in human history.

It was he who led the destiny and fought against Honkai for more than 500 years. It was also he who improved many technologies to defeat Honkai.

Let mankind face collapse.

Have the strength to fight.

That's the kind of person.

Ji Zi really couldn't figure out what other unfulfilled wishes he had.

It’s not just Himeko.

The audience didn't understand.

Except for a few insiders.

And this insider includes Otto himself.

Although Otto has not experienced such a future yet.

But after hearing Linn say that she would die happy. 06 immediately smiled with satisfaction.

It's just that his smile is a little bit eye-catching.

Rita and Hollander looked at Otto with great confusion.

Rita was a little worried about Otto's mental state:"Master Otto, are you okay?"

Hollander:"Are you really the kind of person who has a special hobby about death?"


"I just thought of happy things."

Otto's heart felt like something had been untied.

The future revealed by Lin En undoubtedly affirmed his efforts for more than five hundred years.

It also made him realize what he had always wanted to do. Know the answer......

Otto said nothing more.

Hollander and Rita are not the kind of people to break the casserole and ask the truth.

Otto continued:"I am not the one who experienced this story."

"Just wait for the captain to decipher it for you."

On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge shrugged his shoulders and waved helplessly:"Really, a guy who has tricked Honkai Impact."

"He actually sacrificed himself for a woman"

"I really don’t know what he really thinks."

"It's a pity, if he could also participate in the final battle, it would definitely be exciting."

In the heart of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Although Otto is very annoying. He wants to beat him up when he sees it, but the Herrscher of Knowledge has to admit.

This guy is also an admirable man.

Unfortunately, in the end, For a woman.

I gave my life away.

"Forget it, I’d better not talk too much on the barrage."

"It's better to leave this kind of matter to the captain himself."

The Herrscher of Knowledge suppressed the heart that wanted to spoil the story.

"Speaking of which, after I threw Kevin’s shadow to Theresa,"

"I don’t know what happened next."

"I just know that Theresa entered the artificial collapse, and the appearance of her artificial collapse"

"He won't become like Kosmo, right?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness feels that this is very possible.

After all, the Honkaiju factor in Kos Demon's body is also Vishnu.

"How miserable!"

"Teresa will become like that"

"But fortunately, I can change it back in the end."

The Herrscher of Knowledge was regretful, but also a little lucky for the final result.

At least Theresa was able to change back to her original self in the end.

At first, Kosma wanted to change back to her original self.

But it was such a big blow to cripple Mebius. After a lot of effort, they found a lot of Honkai beasts and fed them to Kos Mo. They forcibly fed the emperor-level Vishnu directly to the Mo Dharma level.

Later, Kos Mo turned back into a human.

It just had a growth on its head. Side effects of two pairs of horns.

Teresa's final appearance.

In the eyes of the Herrscher of Knowledge......


No problem.

The Herrscher of Knowledge continued to look at the live broadcast room:"Theresa, I hope you will see what you will look like after artificial collapse......."

"Don't collapse......"

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Just when Theresa and Xier were waiting for something.

A voice came from the direction of the void.

The audience will know it as soon as they hear it.

This is the voice of the Herrscher of Consciousness!


"You two!"

"Now is not the time to be in a daze!"

When Theresa heard the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge, she immediately raised her head and responded:"Herrscher of Knowledge, have you succeeded?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge said with great pride:"Of course, you don't even see who I am!"

"The things are handed over to you."


As soon as she finished speaking, a torch fell from the sky.

Theresa didn't hesitate at all. She immediately rushed forward to catch the torch.

The viewers in the live broadcast room all knew how terrifying this torch was.

But Theresa didn't know.

She only knew that this thing was the key to their next victory.

So they had to catch it.

Then they could continue with the next plan.

Then the moment Theresa held the torch in her arms, there was a biting coldness, as if It can be smashed together with the body and soul.

Incomparable horror!!!

In an instant, Theresa's face turned extremely pale.

Theresa said tremblingly:"Is this the real power of the end?

Seeing Theresa's painful look, Xier immediately rushed up and asked worriedly:"Theresa, how are you?""

At this time, another fierce voice sounded, warning:"Idiot, don't touch her!"

"Do you think you can't die quickly enough?"

"If we approach rashly, we will only be assimilated by that force!"

With Lynn's previous introduction, the audience in the live broadcast room all know.

This is another personality in Xi'er.

That is, another Xi'er.

She is protecting Xi'er.

【Bronya: So this is another Xier’s voice?】

【Kiana: Auntie, is she okay?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Oh, don’t worry, the captain won’t be released if something happens.】

【March 7: How do you explain what happened to Teacher Jizi?】

【Lawyer of Knowledge: I......】

Linn looked at the discussion in the barrage.

The explanation continued:"Xie'er's other personality is the embodiment of stigma consciousness."

"At the same time, it is also the participation of the power of the Herrscher of Death in the pre-civilization era."

"Therefore, her performance in terms of strength is different from that of Xier. She is wearing a black and red skirt."

"Her name is also Xi'er, but to differentiate, I suggest we call her Hei Xi'er, or Hei Xi'er......."

In some scenes at this time,

Xi'er looked at Theresa and said worriedly:"But......"

Theresa forced herself to regain consciousness and said comfortingly:"Xie'er, don't worry."

"I'm fine......"

Theresa looked at the torch in front of her.

Although the body was suffering huge injuries, it was as if it had been cut into pieces by a thousand knives.

But his eyes were still very firm. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She knew clearly that it was before her!

Many people are already suffering this pain.

And 1 each of them not only endured this pain.

He also completed his task satisfactorily......

How can you start to fall off the chain when you get here?......

I must have no problem myself......

At this time, the projection of the Herrscher of Knowledge appeared in front of the two of them.......

Seeing Teresa's extremely painful look.

The Lawyer of Consciousness wants to speak words of comfort.

But the Lawyer of Knowledge is not very good at comforting people.

Instead, he was extremely surprised and said:"Huh?"

"This little pain is nothing!"

"Can it compare to Kevin's full blow?"

"Today’s juniors are really......"

The audience in the live broadcast room can hear the concern in the words of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

This is also the special way of expressing emotions of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

So there was no one. Suddenly, the eyes of the Lawyer of Knowledge changed.

Looking at the space outside with some horror, his tone became anxious.

"Wait, something's wrong!"

"You two, be careful!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge had just finished speaking.

Various roars sounded in the space around the platform.

They began to gather towards the platform.

A group of pitch-black Honkai Beasts. They immediately surrounded Xi'er and Theresa. got up.

The situation suddenly got worse.......

The three of them looked at the large number of Honkai beasts that were rushing towards them.

His face became a little ugly.

Theresa was unable to fight at this time.

The Herrscher of Consciousness is only a projection.

In other words, Xi'er will have to face these tidal waves of Honkai beasts alone next!

What's more important is the strength of these Honkai Beasts.

Still very powerful......

It is completely different from ordinary Honkaimon.

It is also a Honkaimon that can participate in the final battle.

It’s definitely not an ordinary Honkaimon!

Facing the heavy siege of Honkaimon.

Xi'er rushed forward with the Death Scythe.

The Herrscher of Knowledge said very unhappy:"I actually chased you over there."

"These guys are really haunting!"

Xier asked: What is going on?

The Herrscher of Knowledge continued to explain:"They are coming for that fire."

"I thought the three of us had gotten rid of them by relying on the graveyard."

"Unexpectedly, I followed you there.

Theresa said tremblingly:"Xier, it may be up to you to eliminate them!"

The Herrscher of Consciousness continued:"That's right!""

"The two people from Anti-Entropy said that if the surrounding Honkai Beasts are not eliminated in time,"

"The fire will be filled with their dreams and may disappear. Theresa was stunned.

"Such an important thing......"

"You should tell me earlier next time."

Xie'er, who was dealing with the Honkai Beasts, also said with some difficulty:"But their number seems to be increasing."

The Lawyer of Consciousness:"Don't worry about so much for now!"

"Aren't you trying to locate that cocoon?"

"Then don't let this fire be extinguished!"

Hei Xi said at this time:"Okay, Xi'er......."

"Come on, let me do it!


In an instant, Xi'er's whole body was wrapped in a red Honkai energy.

When the Honkai energy dissipated,

Hei Xi appeared directly.

The weapon in his hand, the Death Scythe, also turned into a pair of sharp claws at this time.

And Hei Xi's The fighting method is simpler and rougher than Xi'er's. He rushes directly into the pile of Honkai beasts and turns on the mowing mode.

Hei Xi:"They are really a group of guys who are not afraid of death."

"Just like ants after the rain, stupid, weak and pathetic."

Hei Xi directly chopped up several Honkai beasts in front of him.

Then he looked in the direction of Theresa.

He saw several more Honkai beasts trying to get close to Theresa.

He rushed over and killed them.

"It's a pity that the more you come, the faster you die."

"I won’t let you get close to Teresa!"

"They all disappear completely for me!!!"

Theresa watched Xi'er's battle.

She squeezed the torch in her hand tightly.


"This is useless."730

Teresa found

Although Hei Xier can destroy most of the Honkai Beasts.

But the number of Honkaimon is still too many.

They kept coming from all directions.

More or less, a few came to Teresa's side.

And then absorbed by the torch in his hand.

Flame on the torch.

Compared to when the Herrscher of Knowledge was first given to him.

Although not obvious.

But Teresa kept watching.

It can still be discovered.

The flames have dimmed a bit.

If this continues.

It's only a matter of time before the flame goes out.

If the flame goes out.

Then everything everyone has done will be in vain.

All hope disappeared without a trace.

The world will also completely plunge into darkness.

Quantum Sea

"Another me, great!"

"We can finally help others too!"

Xie'er saw that she and Hei Xi could help others through fighting. Not to mention how happy she was in her heart.

Even if it wasn't Bronya, she would be very happy.

Xi'er has always hoped that she would be useful. She didn't want to drag anyone down.

Now this dream has finally come true.

And Hei Xi is completing Xi Er's idea.

And she herself is enjoying the pleasure of killing.

After all, it is Xi Er's personality.

So in terms of behavior and dealing with things, she is completely different from Xi Er. On the contrary.

At the same time, Hei Xi is also more careful than Xi'er.

What Xi'er sees is that she can help everyone, but Hei Xi finds that no matter how hard he fights, there are still too many Honkai beasts.!

So many fish that slipped through the net ran towards Theresa.

When they were close to Theresa, those Honkai beasts disappeared.

You don’t need to think about it. You know that they have entered the torch.

Hei Xi He told Xi'er about this situation.

Xi'er asked anxiously:"The other me, what should I do now?"

Hei Xi shook his head helplessly at this time:"There is no other way, unless Theresa can join the battle now."


Needless to say.

This is basically impossible.

What Theresa looks like now.

Just being able to hold on is amazing.

Not to mention her strength, there is a big gap compared to Kevin.

The same goes for the three of them who want to compare with Fu Hua.

The Herrscher of Consciousness can escape with this thing and get rid of Honkaimon.

Fu Hua can confront Kevin with an expressionless face.

As for Teresa, she could no longer move and could only hold on.......

It’s not just Kuroshie.

Many people have found this problem

【Kiana: Auntie, you must hold on!】

【Fu Hua: Principal, come on!!!】

【Rita: Lady Teresa!】

【Otto: My lovely granddaughter, your potential is much more than that.......】

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