
Kiana looked into the live broadcast room.

After taking over the torch, Theresa curled up.

There was an extremely worried look in his eyes.

Although Theresa often takes care of Kiana.

But in Kiana's heart.

Theresa is her elder.

He was also the first relative he met after arriving at St. Freya Academy.

So after seeing Theresa like this.

Kiana also became nervous.

Fu Hua had already described it before.

The pain of being chased by the final power is so terrible.

At this time, Theresa is in the game plot screen.

I am suffering from this pain.

Mei opened her mouth and comforted her:"Don't worry Kiana, I believe the principal will be fine."

Bronya:"Yes, Kiana"

"The principal will not take on something that he is not sure about"

"Now that the plan has reached this stage, it is up to the principal to accept it."

"I believe that the principal of the academy will be able to complete this task."

Fu Hua looked into Theresa's eyes.

A trace of anxiety flashed in his eyes.

But he still comforted Kiana and said:"Believe in the principal, Kiana."

Kiana nodded vigorously:"I believe aunt"

"But seeing my aunt like this, I still feel a little bit......"

Mei:"Kiana, I understand what you are thinking."

"But now all we can do is trust the future principal."

"We are also very sad to see the principal of the academy like this."

The people in the Valkyrie dormitory at this time all have the same mood.

After all, he is their principal. Although he is always very strict in St. Freya Academy, everyone understands.

Germany Lisa loved everyone so much in her heart.

She doted on every student in St. Freya Academy.

Several people anxiously watched the plot in the game screen.

The attack of Honkaimon once again captured everyone's hearts. The top point was mentioned.

Then Xi'er started fighting and Hei Xi appeared.

Bronya was surprised to see the strong fighting power shown by Xi'er and Hei Xi.

At least they were much stronger than themselves now.

"Unexpectedly, the other Xi'er was so strong."

Kiana:"Bronya, is that Xi'er's personality?"

Mei Yi nodded:"According to what the captain said just now, it should be right."

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the stigma consciousness of the Herrscher of Death from the pre-civilization era."

Fu Hua:"Well, Hei Xi'er's combat performance is completely different from Xi'er's."

"While more powerful, it is also more crazy."

Bronya:" Yes, but it's okay"

"She will only protect Xi'er and will not hurt Xi'er"

"Otherwise, it will be difficult to end this matter."


An inner personality that will hurt the main personality.

In any case, it is quite a troublesome existence.

Because if you have to deal with her, it will hurt the main personality's body.

So the way Xi'er and Hei Xi get along now.

In Buluo Nia seems to be the best solution undoubtedly.

But now several people did not pay attention to the two Xi'er for too long.

Instead, they continued to look at Theresa anxiously.

The most important thing now is, Theresa How to withstand the pursuit of the final power?

Only in this way can we proceed with the next plan!

Suddenly Fu Hua's expression changed:"Oh no!!!"

A few people looked at Fu Hua in confusion.

Fu Hua immediately said:"Look, there are too many Hesitant Honkai Beasts."

"No matter how much Xi'er can kill, there is no way to kill them all."

"A fish slipped through the net and escaped!"

Under Fu Hua's reminder, the three of them also saw that many Honkai beasts passed through the gap between Heixi's attacks and rushed towards Theresa.

Finally, they filled themselves into the torch.

Although there was only one Little by little.

But many viewers noticed that the flame of the torch began to dim.

Even if it was not obvious, none of the viewers in the live broadcast room was an ordinary person. How could they not see it?

【March 7: Oops, the flame is starting to dim. If it goes out, it will be over.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Was the situation so dangerous at that time?】、

【Teresa: What’s next?】

【Honkai Impact: What will happen if Teresa can't hold on anymore?】

【Walter: According to the situation at the time, there are two consequences if you cannot hold on. Either the torch goes out and Theresa is seriously injured, or Theresa is killed by the power of the end before the torch goes out.】

【Star: There is no third outcome?】

【Mei: There is no third outcome】

【Silver Wolf: Although according to the logic of the game, Theresa will not fail, but I am still a little worried when I see her like this.】

【Kafka: Is this the sacrifice that must be made?】

【Alicia: Maybe if Theresa can enter the artificial collapse like Fu Hua, she might still have a chance.】

【Padofelis: Teresa and Demon have the same Honkaijutsu factor, which means they will both turn into Vishnu?】

【Teresa: Wait! Will I become Vishnu?】

【Mebius: If you follow Kosmo's logic, it's true, and it can't be changed back.】

【Otto: But isn't the Kosma from the pre-civilization era sitting next to you as a fusion warrior?】

【Cosmo: Thanks to Professor Mebius, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to change back.】

【Mebius: The way to change back is not difficult, that is to let Vishnu grow to the final level, but it's almost the end, can we still find so many Honkaimon?】

【Sakura: In other words, the only solution is for Theresa to enter an artificial collapse.】

【Hua: Then guard the torch and devour all the approaching Honkai beasts.】

【Kiana: My aunt will turn into a Honkaimon......】

And after Lin En saw the audience thinking about this.

It was also appropriate to explain aloud:"You guessed it right."

"Next, Teresa will indeed enter an artificial collapse."

"Finally, he successfully completed his task."

In front of the live broadcast room.

After hearing Lin En's confirmation, Theresa did not appear very depressed.

Instead, her eyes became more determined.

Jizi looked at Theresa:"You in the future, maybe will turn into a monster"

"Are you really not afraid?

Theresa smiled bitterly:"Say you're not afraid."......"

"That's false. After all, I'm still a girl."

"Who can accept being as ugly as a Honkaimon?"

Theresa looked at the scene of the game in the live broadcast room.

Hei Xi was fighting with all his strength.

There were also the Herrscher of Knowledge and Fu Hua before.

Waiting for everyone.

Then she continued:"But there are some things, even if you are afraid Do it too"

"Right, Himeko!"

"Not because we are trying to be brave, but because we need to do this. Jizi was stunned.

Unexpectedly, Theresa taught her a lesson with what she just said.

Jizi smiled and said,"Yes, some things need some people to do it."

Theresa:"Well, do you know Jizi?""

"I have always had a dream of growing up"

"Unexpectedly, one day, this dream would actually come true."

"At least when I turn into Honkaimon, no one will call me a child anymore."

There was a hint of bitterness in Theresa's voice.

If possible.

She really didn't want to be like that.

But it's like Himeko said before.

Some things are your turn.

You have to do it.

So. Theresa also accepted this fate.

If you become Vishnu, just become Vishnu.

If you can completely defeat Honkai, then all this will be worth it.

The worst thing is that after defeating Honkai, you will become a Monsters, please don't appear in this world from now on.

Jizi looked at Theresa. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) She smiled faintly.

She said with admiration in her heart:"It's precisely because there are I got rid of an idiot like you, the principal."

"We are the only ones with stupid teachers and students like us."

In the headquarters of Destiny.

When Rita heard that Teresa would turn into Vishnu, she immediately looked at Otto anxiously:"Sir Otto, will Teresa really become like that?" And Otto also fell into deep thought after seeing what the people from the pre-civilization era said on the barrage. The fusion warrior technology used by Theresa was an improvement on the fusion warrior technology from the pre-civilization era. Come from. And it’s Kallen’s genes. Coupled with Vishnu’s special characteristics. In order to prevent Theresa from using this devouring power as much as possible, Otto never told De Lisa's terrifying power is called artificial collapse. She even created a Valkyrie armor that can suppress Vishnu's Honkaiju factor. Blood Knight Yuehuang! Orchid

Er and Rita.

He looked at Otto anxiously.

Although she had often said that Theresa was not doing her job properly and was a bit lazy.

But in Hollanddale's heart.

I still respect this senior very much.

Otto thought for a while and then said:"Not necessarily."

Not necessarily?

The two continued to look at Otto curiously.

Otto continued to explain:"The essence of the Fusion Warrior is to allow ordinary humans to possess the special abilities and physique of Honkaimon."

"In this way, you can improve your combat effectiveness and vitality."

"Then to achieve the purpose of fighting the Honkai Impact"

"This is the core of pre-civilization era fusion warrior surgery"

"And when the fusion warrior's strength reaches a certain level, he can release his own Honkaiju factor."

"Make the effectiveness of the Honkaijumon factor manifest in his body"

"This is man-made collapse"

"There are two extremes in man-made collapse. One is to completely transform into a Honkaimon, and the other is to add some factors related to Honkaimon on the basis of the human form."

"According to records left over from pre-civilization eras"

"All fusion warriors are basically in animal form, and only a few can maintain their human form."

Rita:"For example, Kevin and Fu Hua.

Otto nodded:"Except for these two extreme forms, the rest are basically in between.""

"Therefore, after the collapse of the human race, Teresa may not necessarily become Vishnu like Kosma."

Youlandale:"I just want to say that the probability of becoming Vishnu is the highest. Otto nodded:"Yes, so at this moment we can only pray.""

"I hope that after the artificial collapse of Teresa,"

"Can there be a good result?......"

As a research scientist.

Otto knew clearly.

There are no absolute results in this world.

What will it be like after the artificial collapse of Teresa?

It still depends on luck.

He has no control over this.

If you can control it.

He had already asked Theresa to use this power.

Devouring of Vishnu.

But there are infinite possibilities for growth.......

Otto continued to look at Theresa on the game screen.

Looking at Theresa's pain.

Also very distressed

"`You must work hard! Teresa......"

Otto silently cheered Theresa on in his heart! in the game screen.

Theresa huddled on the ground in pain.

The body is shaking constantly.

His face was extremely pale.

In the end, Teresa couldn't hold it any longer.

How terrifying is the pursuit of the ultimate power.

Fu Hua has already said it before.

Theresa said tremblingly:"As long as I can become stronger!"

"Even just a little!"

At this moment, countless white shining light spots appeared on Theresa's hands.

Theresa looked at these white light spots with a complicated look in her eyes:"This is what ordinary people see. dream......"

"If I swallow these dreams"



"Do I still need to do this to you?"

There was sadness in Theresa's eyes.

She had obviously just saved them.

Now she wants to use them again....... to complete the next step of the plan.

Theresa's heart didn't want to do this.

Because if you do that.

Everything becomes meaningless!

But he looked at the increasingly dimmed torch in his hand.

Time is running out!

"What I hold in my hands is the future of mankind......"

"It may also be the last hope of mankind......"

"This is the only chance they have to risk at all costs"

"It must not be broken in my hands!"

A difficult choice was placed in front of Theresa.

Should she swallow these dreams and become stronger to resist the pursuit of the final power.

Or continue to maintain the status quo and rely on her will to support herself?

Theresa had a hard time Stand up from the ground.

Look at Xier who is fighting not far away

"Xi'er, please do me a favor."

Hei Xi turned around and looked at the huge platform that had cleared a space.

After glancing at Theresa, he returned the body to Xi'er.

Xi'er looked at Theresa nervously:"Theresa. Li Hao)....."

Teresa continued:"I remember, like you tried when you first came in here"

"You have the ability to perceive and guide dreams"

"So, can you lead more dreams?"

"That is to say......"

"Keep all dreams away from the range of Honkai Beasts!"

Lynn continued:"These dreams in Theresa's hands are the dreams of ordinary humans in the original world."

"It is also an important part of the Stigma Project"

"It is the dream of countless people on earth"

"In order to destroy the Stigma Project, the Valkyries had previously taken back human dreams from the dream space."

"That's what Theresa has in hand."

Lynn pointed to the white light spots around Theresa.

"As long as Theresa swallows these pure dreams"

"can be transformed into the purest power to help Theresa resist the pursuit of the Cocoon of Finality."

"The price is these humans whose dreams were swallowed by Teresa, even if Honkai is defeated in the end"

"The earth has returned to its original appearance"

"These people will also become zombie-like existences"

【March 7: It’s too much. Why is this happening?】

【Mei: In such a dream, what Vishnu swallows is completely a person’s soul.】

【Gratius: Does Vishnu still have such power?】

【Cosmo: Yes. Vishnu can theoretically swallow anything】

【Silver Wolf: This is a bit cheating!】

【Kafka: Such an ability is really terrifying】

【Kiana: Is there really nothing that my aunt can do?】

【Bronya: Not necessarily. In the end, the principal asked Xier to lead the dream away from this place.】

【Otto: Could it be that......】

【Star: Teresa was afraid that she would not be able to control herself from devouring these dreams, so she asked Xier to leave with the dreams.】

【Mei: In this case, what should the principal do?】

【Theresa: It doesn't matter, the worst thing is that it will just turn into a huge Vishnu Honkaimon......fire】.....

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