Pre-civilization era.

Cosmo looked at the live broadcast room.

The barrage of the doctors just now, and what Lin En said.

Then Kosmo looked at Mebius:"Theresa, will you definitely become like me?"

As someone who has experienced this.

Kosma knew that.

After becoming like that.

How inferior and uncomfortable you will feel inside.

How much I don't want to see my former comrades.

If Mebius hadn't told Kosmo that he could help him regain his human form.

Kosma may never return to the Fire Chaser Moth in this life.

But continue in that place.

Devouring those Honkai beasts.

Mebius looked at Kosmo and smiled slightly:"If you ask this, I can't give you an accurate answer."

"Everyone knows that the man-made collapse of fusion warriors is uncertain."

"So far......"

Mebius glanced at the heroes

"The most perfect man-made collapse is probably Kevin and Hua."

Kevin didn't answer.

Hua then said:"I'm not the one I am now."


The current Hua still has the existence of Shenyin.

It is indeed not a perfect man-made collapse.

As for the remaining Yingjie who did not speak, when they enter the man-made collapse, they will abandon the human body..

Completely transformed into a Honkai beast.

Velvet continued:"If Theresa was willing just now, there would be no need to enter the artificial collapse."

"I'm afraid there is no other way now.

Mei:"Yes, I don't want to directly swallow the dreams of ordinary people.""

"All Theresa can do is sacrifice herself."

Padophilis:" Principal......"

Alicia:"No wonder he can teach outstanding students like Kiana. He is really a great principal.""

"He is also a great leader."

Eden:"Yes, people in the next civilization era"

"Not much worse than us."

Aponya:" The thread of fate has risen again."

Gratius:"Don't worry, Kosma"

"Theresa and the others will be fine. Alicia:"

Yes, Kosmo"

"After all, in the next era of civilization, I believe there will be smart people like Dr. Mebius."

"Even Teresa became like Vishnu, and she will eventually change back to her original form."

Listening to everyone's comfort,

Kosmo's eyes were always in the live broadcast room.

He nodded slightly and said yes.

He is also a fusion warrior with Vishnu's Honkaiju element.

Kosmo still hopes in his heart.

Theresa doesn't go up. The same 780 path as him.

And all the heroes also hope so in their hearts.

Because on this road of fighting against Honkai,

Theresa is not only their descendant, but also a descendant recognized by them.

So they hope that

Theresa will have a good ending in this battle.

Instead of turning into Vishnu in the end.

The audience in the live broadcast room.

After seeing Theresa let Xier put all the dreams together After they were all taken away.

While admiring Theresa's decision, they couldn't help but become worried.

What will Theresa do next?

And Linn, who was in front of the computer, had a slight smile on his face under the mask. Smile:"Theresa, surprise yourself next"

"Surprised all the viewers in the live broadcast room"

"Let all the viewers in the live broadcast room see your awareness as the Archbishop of Destiny."

Lynn believed it.

What Theresa was going to do next was enough to shock all the viewers in the live broadcast room. At the same time, they were deeply shocked by Theresa's decision without hesitation! In the game screen, Xier was in After getting Theresa's order, she did as Theresa hoped. She fled Theresa's range with all her dreams. Theresa looked at Xi'er's back away from her, and forced a smile on her lips.. And those Honkai beasts began to surround Theresa without Xi'er to restrain them.


"Let me go to the front line now"

"Xier! Theresa picked up the Oath of Judas and killed the nearest Honkaiju in front of her. You must know that Theresa was the S-class Valkyrie of Destiny before she became the principal of St. Freya Academy. And she is still a fusion warrior. Her strength is obvious to all. Even if she is being pursued by the Final Power at this moment, it does not mean that Theresa is easy to handle. Besides, Theresa is not just an S-class Valkyrie. She is still a Valkyrie who can hold Judah's oath. Under such terrifying strength, most Honkai beasts can be smashed into pieces alive. After finishing several Honkai beasts in front of her, Theresa looked into the distance. Xi'er had disappeared. She said with great relief:"Xier, she really did it."


"Now, even if I want to become stronger by devouring dreams, I have lost anyone to devour......."

"Rather than making a cowardly decision in a life or death crisis......"

"Is it better to be like this now?......"

Just a few words.

All the viewers in the live broadcast room understood what Theresa was thinking at this time.

This completely cuts off his own escape route.

It is also to prevent myself from swallowing those dreams due to my survival instinct.

Protect every ordinary person to the greatest extent.

She learned this from Cecilia.

This is what she wants to do at this time

"It's really difficult to protect everyone......"

"I am neither strong nor strong......"

"He is neither a qualified leader nor a qualified warrior......."

"When mankind reaches the crossroads of destiny......"

"I don't want to hurt anyone, but I can't save them all"

"So I could only hesitate and hesitate!"

"But even if you force yourself to make a decision"

"That is also a decision......"

Theresa dragged her extremely tired body.

After getting rid of all the Honkai beasts that want to get close to the torch.

Theresa finally lost her strength and knelt on one knee on the ground.

While enduring the pursuit of the ultimate power.

I can still do this and kill several Honkai beasts....

To some extent.......

The fighting power Theresa displayed at this time was already quite remarkable.

At least Theresa in the live broadcast room.

This is not possible yet.

This proves that Theresa has become much stronger in the future.

But only to this extent.

It's like protecting the torch from being filled up by Honkaimon and extinguished.

It's obviously impossible.

At this moment, more and more Honkai beasts have gathered.

Theresa was completely surrounded.

The surrounding area is impenetrable.

This time, there is no Xi'er cleaning up the Honkaimon.

The Honkai Beasts directly formed a huge beast tide circle and attacked Theresa.

The situation is becoming increasingly critical.

Theresa looked at the torch in her arms.

Then he looked fixedly at the Honkai Beast attacking from the front.

He said with an extremely firm tone:"I will not give up on anyone!"

"No one will be sacrificed!"

"This is me as Teresa......"

"A decision made as the Bishop of Destiny!"

"So, it’s time to use your last bargaining chip!"

Although Theresa's tone was very weak, the audience in front of the light screen were all infected by Theresa's emotion of despising death.

This is also the biggest difference between her and Otto , who is also the Archbishop of Destiny.

【Rita: Lady Teresa......】

【Fu Hua: Principal, we have seen your thoughts.】

【Teresa: In the future, you will definitely be able to do it. If you couldn’t do it back then, you must do it now.】

【Otto: Granddaughter, don’t you blame grandpa for leaving these responsibilities to you?】

【Walter: Of course she won’t, and she can do many things better than you.】

【Hollanddale: Senior Teresa, you must be safe and sound!】

【Silver Wolf: Do these guys really like to sacrifice themselves?】

【Kiana: Come on, aunt! You can definitely protect these torches. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Honkai Impact: Theresa, you have always been the strongest person in my heart. You must get through it!】

【Alicia: Everyone in the next civilization era will be different from each other.......】

【Mebius: Are you trying to say idiot?】

【Padofelis: I find that I like you more and more. You are all so foul.】

【Kosmo: It must be done successfully!】

(agbd) [Xier: Come on! Principal!】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: Can’t you do this? Teresa!】

【March 7: Come on, principal!】

【Star: Get stronger and eat them all】

【Dan Heng: But in this situation, what else can Theresa swallow to become stronger? 】

Lin looked at the barrage of the audience.

Then he continued to explain:"Vishnu has the swallowing attribute of infinite growth."

"The reason why Theresa can't directly use Vishnu's devouring attribute to devour these Honkai beasts now"

"The fundamental reason is that the Vishnu-Honkaimon factor in Teresa's body is not strong enough."

"So as long as there is something that can make the Honkaimon factor in Theresa's body grow instantly,"

"This will allow Theresa to start devouring these Honkai beasts endlessly."

After Lin En explained Theresa's situation, he continued:"Everyone, watch what happens next."

"As a leader and Headmaster of St. Freya Academy"

"This is a lesson that Theresa herself taught all the viewers in the live broadcast room!"

Under Lin En's explanation, the barrage started to stop scrolling.

Everyone looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room attentively.

What exactly is Theresa going to do next? What makes Lin En so serious?

Game In the picture,

Theresa said firmly in an extremely weak tone:"This fire will never go out!"

"I will use my own strength......"

"Block these residues!!!"

When Theresa said these words, bright red gas still appeared under the Valkyrie's armor.

The gas filled all around the body at this moment.

Theresa opened her arms and shouted loudly:"Blood Knight Moon Brilliant!"

"Limit contact!"

"Please give me my sinews and my flesh and blood!"

"Let it all be your food......"


There was a loud bang.

A burst of terrifying blood mist erupted around Theresa's body!

And spread out at an extremely terrifying speed. In just a short time, it was covered all around Theresa.

Put the torch All are included in it.

Those Honkai beasts that have just approached will let out painful wails in an instant as long as they touch the bloody mist. Then they quickly merge into Honkai energy and are swallowed by the bloody mist. With Honkai The energy of the bad beasts was replenished. The blood-colored mist expanded even more rapidly. In a short time, it filled the entire platform. But those Honkai beasts had no thoughts and thinking of their own at all. Their only purpose of appearing here was to fill the dream. Let the torch go out. So even if the blood mist will swallow them, they still rush forward like moths to the flame. And Theresa's last chant made all the viewers in the live broadcast room widen their eyes. Chang She opened her mouth. Everyone understood what Teresa meant. She didn’t want Vishnu to swallow the purest dreams. Then the purest energy was herself. She would sacrifice her own flesh and blood to her own. Vishnu's Honkaiju Factor! This is the body of a destined S-class Valkyrie. The Honkai energy contained in it is also extremely terrifying. And Theresa's sacrifice like this also allowed Vishnu's level to rise instantly Vishnu came up. Devouring Teresa's flesh and bones, Vishnu. Then swallowing these Honkai beasts to protect the dream is not a problem at all. And as the number of Honkai beasts increases, Vishnu's strength will continue to increase. It will rise. Theresa will become more and more relaxed holding the torch. At this time, the audience in the live broadcast room clearly knows. Theresa has no idea at all. Sacrificing flesh and blood and devouring oneself. This is what almost everyone wants A plan that I didn't expect. But Theresa thought of it and did it without hesitation. The pre-civilization era. All Yingjie's faces, including Mei's, suddenly became heavy. Pato Felice just heard that Delis Sha's words made her hair stand on end. The devouring of the Honkai Beast factor and the pursuit of the final power are completely different things. The pain of being eaten from the flesh and blood. Padofelis didn't even dare to think about it.. Mebius smiled faintly:"This Valkyrie named Theresa is really desperate. Mei:"Is this the solution she thought of?"" Vilwei:"Although it's a little messy, it's the most effective method at the moment. Alicia:"Doctors, didn't you think of this method just now?"" Mebius said honestly:"No, because I really didn't expect Vishnu's Honkaiju factor.


"Can actually devour the owner of the body in turn"


Kosmo shook his head:"I never knew that Vishnu could be used in this way."

Sakura:"This is not surprising at all. After all, you have been devouring Honkaiju from the beginning."

"If you were in a situation like Theresa's, just turn on artificial collapse."

Gratio:"Kosmo, the principal will be fine, right?"

Kosmo looked at Graciu's sincere eyes.

He knew clearly that it was basically impossible to be fine in this situation.

But he still comforted Graciu and said,"Don't worry, she will be fine.."

Eden:"Yeah, a fool who sacrifices himself for everyone."

"I also believe she will be fine.

Alicia:"Yes, I believe so too.""

At this time, the Herrscher of Knowledge on the top of the mountain also felt his scalp numb:"No wonder everyone asked Theresa later."

"Teresa said nothing about how she entered the man-made collapse."

"turn out to be......"

The Lawyer of Consciousness only has to think of it.

That feeling of your body being destroyed from the inside out.

I just felt uncomfortable all over.

This is comparable to Kevin's strongest blow.

Any pursuit by the ultimate power would be thousands of times more uncomfortable.

The Lawyer of Consciousness is not an arrogant person.

So she admits she can't do it

"Well done, Teresa!"

"No wonder that guy Otto, when the plan started to be implemented"

"Let’s just say that the position of Archbishop Tianming has been passed on to you!"

"From now on I recognize you too!"......

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