Star Dome Train.

On March 7, everyone had their mouths opened.

At this moment, the game screen shows the pain that Lisa is suffering.

Although they have never experienced it.

But this feeling of eating back flesh and blood.

Just thinking about it can make people feel scared -.

It was even more terrifying than the previous pursuit by the Final Power.

But Theresa was able to resist it.

To protect those dreams.

The purpose is not to let everyone’s previous efforts go to waste.

At this moment, Theresa has done everything she can do as the Archbishop of Destiny.

And did the best.

March 7:"Isn't it really painful for Theresa to do this?"

Xing:"It will definitely hurt, but at this moment, the belief in her heart has surpassed everything else."

"Think about protecting everyone’s beliefs"

"Faith as Archbishop of Destiny"

"At this moment, Theresa Apocarles truly grew into Archbishop of Destiny."

Dan Heng:"I'm beginning to understand why Mr. Walter just said that Theresa surpassed Otto.

Jizi:"Yeah, I'm starting to understand what Mr. Walter said.""

Walter pushed up his glasses:"Actually, I didn't know that Theresa would do this."

"After the original plan is completed, everyone returns to Earth"

"We all asked Theresa how she did it in the end, and she just answered lightly that she entered an artificial collapse."

"No one knew at the time that Teresa entered the man-made collapse"

"It actually paid such a high price."

A few people were silent for a while.

After a while, March 7 said:"Great!"


"It’s because of a principal like you that we were able to teach students like Kiana and the others in the end."

"And there are teachers like Himeko."

Xing:" More accurate teacher, the relationship between them is more like mutual influence"

"Let’s grow together. Walter nodded:"Yes, Theresa before this was occasionally a bit childish.""

"He's so careless about what he does"

"But it is undeniable that she established the best Valkyrie Academy"

"Also conveyed better views together"

"Destiny is in her hands, and she will become great again in the future.

Jizi looked at Walter curiously:"Isn't it considered great in Otto's hands?""

Walter thought for a while and replied:"That's right."

"But Otto still has too much selfishness after all."

"If he could focus more on dealing with Honkai"

"Maybe the ending for many people will be different. Xing

:"Yes, from what Uncle Yang said"

"Otto is definitely the smartest person in the current civilized era of the Collapsed World, right?"

Walter:"The smartest is not considered the most intelligent one.""

"But it is definitely the most almighty existence"


Walter shook his head helplessly.

Even if he hates Otto.

But Walter also had to admit it.

Otto's contribution in leading the Destiny against Honkai in those 500 years.

Even if he has his own selfish motives.

Even he did a lot of wrong things.

But these things must also be calculated separately.

Walter had fantasized about solving Otto with his own hands countless times before.

But as one of mankind's greatest selfless heroes.

Walter had also fantasized about it.

If Otto's purpose from the beginning was for mankind.

Will many things become different?


Walter looked at the blood mist on the game screen.

This is from another aspect.

It can be regarded as Otto's masterpiece.

Combined with the DNA of Saint Karen and the Honkaijumon factor of Vishnu.

The fusion warrior was born.

Teresa Apokalis.

And the name Teresa.

Walter only found out later.

It was prepared by Otto for his and Kallen's child.

Later it was given to Teresa.

This is enough to show Otto's love for Theresa. how great

"I hope that after you see Teresa like this"

"Can you wake up a little?......"

Think of this.

Walter couldn't help laughing at himself:"If you can wake up"

"You wouldn't be Otto Apocalypse."

As Otto's enemy,

Walter obviously understands Otto's character better than anyone else.

Destiny Headquarters.

After hearing Theresa's chant, Hollander immediately made a sound and learned from his own actions. stood up


Youlandel never expected.

Sacrifice yourself.

This was Theresa's final solution.

Rita's face also became extremely ugly.

Since becoming an S-class Valkyrie, this is still Rita's first Showing such an expression for the first time

"Lady Teresa......"

"Lord Otto, is there no other better way?"

At this time, Otto faced Rita's questioning.

Although his face was very calm, the hands under his sleeves were already clenched into fists. His nails penetrated deep into the flesh.

If it weren't for the special characteristics of Soul Steel's body.

Blood was already flowing out at this moment.

Otto's eyes were fixed on the mass of blood mist that was constantly devouring Honkai Beasts in the game screen.

At the same time, it was also growing.

In the blood mist, there seemed to be some terrifying monster. Those Honkai beasts regarded them as the best delicacies in the world.

They devoured them bit by bit.

Otto shook his head:"Maybe this is the best solution for Theresa at the moment."

"In order to prevent Teresa from overusing the power of Vishnu, I"

"That's why the Blood Knight Yuehuang was created for Theresa to retain the physical strength of the fusion warrior while also suppressing Vishnu's devouring instinct."

Youlandel:"So this is the first time in so many years that Senior Theresa has swallowed the Honkai Beast! Otto nodded:"

Well, because I'm worried that Teresa will overdose and turn into Vishnu.""

"And for someone who loves watching so much, Theresa will definitely not be able to accept being turned into a Honkaimon."

"So I......"

In Otto's words.

It's all about doting on Theresa.

However, at this moment, Otto looked at Theresa sacrificing herself in the game plot screen.

But there is nothing we can do.

This force is powerless.

It's exactly the same as back then.

Otto stared at the game screen with red eyes.

"Teresa, Grandpa promises!"

"What if you become Vishnu next?"

"Then in the next few days, I will do my best to research the potion that can turn you back to your original appearance."

"I will not let you take over the position of Archbishop Tianming again."

Otto secretly made a decision in his heart.

What he didn't know was that

Theresa would do this.

Not only because she is the Archbishop of Destiny.

But also because she is the principal of St. Freya Academy.

Qi Yana's elder.

Cecilia's good friend.

What supported her in making this decision was not just the role of Archbishop of Destiny that required her to take on everything.

It was also because of the other roles she played.

It was they that made up De Lisa.

In Theresa’s own opinion, she only did what she could do

【Kiana: Auntie!!】

【Bronya: Principal......】

【Seele: Principal Theresa......】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Silver Wolf: For the future, we will not hesitate to make sacrifices】

【Kafka: These guys are really making people cry more and more.】

【Mei: Principal, we must be able to think of other ways.】

【Theresa: I believe this was the best way at the time. It won’t hurt anyone, and it won’t cost anyone.】

【Honkai Impact: Don’t you know her yet?】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: No wonder the old antique turned out to be like that. It was all influenced by you.】

【Fu Hua: But this is also good, isn’t it?】

【March 7: Teresa is really great (tears) (tears) (tears)】

【Star: Okay, okay, let’s continue watching.】

【Alicia: Everyone around Mei can sacrifice themselves for others】

【Rita: No matter what you become in the future, I will take care of you, Teresa.】

【Padofelis: Principal Teresa, are you not afraid of pain like Boss Kevin? (Tears) (Tears) (Tears)】

【Eden: Sometimes, the belief in your heart can transcend many things】

【Mebius: Yes, human faith is really a very powerful weapon. 】

In the game screen.

The platform has been filled with blood-red mist.

But slowly a touch of black filled the entire picture.

Wait until the entire live broadcast room is filled with black.

A new picture appears.

That light yellow filter.

Let all the viewers in the live broadcast room understand one thing.

This is Teresa’s memory!

In a small European-style town.

Two unknown Valkyries were standing together talking.

One of the Valkyries said to the other Valkyrie extremely arrogantly:"So....."

"You encountered resistance from local residents and the mission was aborted?"

"snort! What a bunch of ungrateful guys!"

"Foolish people!"

Another Valkyrie said in a very contemptuous tone:"Don't say that......."

"For ordinary people who have no knowledge"

"The great deeds of destiny are indeed difficult for people to understand"

"The bishop always said that we should be tolerant of the general public."

At this time, Theresa walked over slowly from another direction.

The Valkyrie's expression immediately changed, and she said in a respectful tone:"Hello, Lady Theresa. Theresa looked at the Valkyrie very politely and responded:"Hello, Agatha."

The Valkyrie said with an embarrassed look on her face:"Did Lady Theresa admit the wrong person?""

"I am Helen from the first team of the Far East Branch."

"We just met last week."

Theresa apologized a few times and left the two Valkyries.

At this time, Theresa's heartfelt voice sounded in the game screen.

"no difference"

"Obviously have different names and different looks"

"But they are all saying the same words and doing the same things"

"Could it be......"

"As grandpa said, everyone is repeating other people’s history"

"like myself......"

【Padofelis: It’s so abominable. These two Valkyries are completely different from Kiana and the others.】

【Xing: This is normal. When an organization becomes bigger, there will be all kinds of people.】

【March 7: The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds】

【Kiana: Is there such a Valkyrie?】

【Mei Yi: Yes, it’s just that we haven’t met each other yet.】

【Rita: There are many such Valkyries even in the headquarters】

【Otto: I don’t care what they say in private, as long as they do things well for me on the surface.】

【Walter: Huh, it’s just because of your thoughts that this kind of thing happens.】

【Honokai Himeko: Maybe the bishop can’t do anything in this regard.】

【Hollander: Private words and deeds are indeed difficult to discipline】

【Teresa: Is this my last chance to maintain my human form?】

【Alicia: It doesn’t really feel like it, it’s more like Theresa is recalling her life.】

【Sakura: Is there a difference between the two?】

【Eden: One is passive and the other is active】

【Hua: Active recall proves that Theresa still has her own consciousness.】

【Mebius: Kosma also had his own consciousness when he became Vishnu】

【Cosmo: Yes】

【Mei: Can't you two hope for something good?】

【Velvet: That’s right, the charm of science lies in the unpredictability before the experimental results come out.】

【Kiana: Even if my aunt turns into Honkaimon, she is still my aunt! 】

Lin looked at the barrage and said:"Okay, next we will reveal the appearance of Theresa after the artificial collapse."

"Maybe it will disappoint everyone"

"But please continue reading patiently."


The hearts of the viewers in the live broadcast room sank.

Is it really what everyone thought.

Will Teresa turn into Vishnu in the end?

All the viewers watched the game plot attentively.

De Lisa's memories of the past continued.

The screen in the game plot jumped again.

They came to a rooftop.

Cecilia and Theresa looked at the lights of thousands of houses in the distance together.

Theresa said The lights in these ordinary homes are not as beautiful or as gorgeous as Destiny.

But Cecilia refuted her idea.

Instead, she told Theresa the meaning of these lights when they are lit.

It is also the meaning of her fight all the time.

1 A lamp is a family.

Different families have different stories. This is something that cannot be expressed in the lamp of destiny. The last scene is on the playground of St. Freya Academy. Theresa faces Himeko. Complaining, teaching these children is very tiring. Finally, the light curtain went dark again. There seemed to be the sound of burning torches. The roar of the Honkai Beast's bite could also be heard. After a while, Theresa's voice sounded again.. Not recalling anything. But asking and answering myself:"What were I thinking about at those times?"


"I can’t remember clearly"

"After all, I have changed a lot since those days"

"Thanks to them"

"It was they who took me to know the world again and let me know......"

"I am so the same and so different from everyone else"

"What on earth was I thinking? It’s not like I was really going to die. After a while, Theresa said with a worried tone:"After experiencing a complete man-made collapse,"

"I'm afraid I'm not what I used to be."

"I wonder if Rita and the others will still recognize me when I go back?"

"Oops, it seems that I want to be a good bishop who doesn’t make mistakes."

"It's not a simple matter either."

"I really don’t know how I will face my artificial collapse later. Theresa smiled bitterly:"But we still have to face it.""

As Theresa's wry laughter rang out. With the last sentence,

Theresa's tone became extremely firm.

No matter what, this scene must be faced.

After experiencing a complete man-made collapse.

Just Going to become Vishnu!

Teresa has accepted this fate.

So have all the viewers in the live broadcast room.

St. Freya Academy conference room.

Teresa herself took a deep breath:"Come on!"

"no matter what it looks like"

"I can accept sharp claws and fierce faces......." in the game screen.

It was as if Teresa's eyes were opening.

The entire game screen lights up again...........evening..

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