
In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy.

Kiana clenched her fists.

The fusion warrior's artificial collapse.

What will become in the end is uncertain.

The four people in the dormitory also know it.

Therefore, everyone has high expectations.

Theresa will not artificially collapse into Vishnu in the end.

After all, the appearance of Honkaimon does not match their impression of Theresa at all.

Bronya:" Principal, what will happen in the end?"

Mei Yi:"I hope it's the same as the squad leader, the perfect man-made collapse."

Fu Hua:"Although the chance of that is very low, I still hope to see the perfect man-made Theresa collapse."

Under the expectant eyes of the four people.

As Theresa slowly opened her eyes in the game screen, a gleam of light began to appear in the originally dark live broadcast room.

It was like her eyes were opening.

Soon. , a brand new screen appeared in front of the four of them. When the four of them saw this scene in the game screen, they were stunned on the spot.

After a while, Kiana shouted in surprise:"Eh? ? ?"

"Is this aunt?

Bronya:"Is this the principal's artificial collapse?" Is the change too big?"

Mei Yi:"This is absolutely the case......."

Fu Hua:"Why do I think the principal will be happy this time?"

As Theresa's eyes opened.

What it will look like after man-made collapse.

It was also broadcast in front of every audience through the live broadcast room.

【March 7: This, this, this......This is so cool!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Perfect!】

【Mei: You can actually do this!】

【Kosmo: It’s also Vishnu, isn’t the gap a bit big?】

【Rita: That's great, Lady Teresa.】

【Youlandel: It’s really been worrying me for a long time, Teresa-senpai"140"】

【Seele: That’s great, the principal didn’t directly turn into Honkaimon. 】1

【Silver Wolf: This result is really a happy reunion.】

【Padofelis: This is also the first time I have seen such a man-made collapse】

【Sakura: Yeah, me too】

【Kevin: I didn’t expect that the appearance after man-made collapse could be so perfect.】

【Honkai Impact: I worry about her for nothing】

【Star: This should be considered the most perfect man-made collapse, right?】

【Alicia: The captain is really bad. So this is what you meant by disappointment.】

【Eden: Yeah, I was almost scared】

【Kafka: He is really an anchor who likes to play word games. 】

Lin responded with a smile:"I'm not wrong, you all think Theresa will turn into a Honkaiju.""

"This is what it looks like now"

"I am just letting you down."

Said, Linn looked at the game screen on the computer

"The most perfect man-made collapse, Teresa’s lifelong dream"

"Perhaps this is fate's reward for those who sacrifice themselves."

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

As the screen lit up,

Theresa, who everyone expected to turn into the appearance of the Honkai Beast Vishnu, did not appear.

Even Theresa looked completely artificially collapsed.

There was nothing about Vishnu. The characteristics of a wet slave.

But she has grown up!

That’s right!

Theresa has grown from a child to an adult.

Holding the torch in both hands.

This is what Theresa looks like after entering the man-made collapse.

There is no ferocious face.

There are no sharp claws.

Instead, he has completely transformed into an adult.

His eyes have become more pure.

【Kiana: Is this what my aunt will look like when she grows up?】

【March 7: After the collapse of man, he actually grew up. This is different from what you said before!】

【Mebius: What a surprise. This is a more perfect man-made collapse than Kevin and Fu Hua.】

【Velvet: Yes, the human shape has been completely maintained, and the strength has also been absolutely increased.】

【Mei: It’s unimaginable that there are actually fusion warriors who can enter the most perfect man-made collapse.】


【Gratius: Kosmo, you will definitely be able to do it in the future.】

【Alicia: Maybe, this is a little reward for Theresa. 】

Pre-civilization era.

The three doctors looked at the live broadcast room screen.

The hands holding the torch are the grown-up version of Theresa.

His eyes were full of excitement.

This was also the first time the three of them saw the most perfect man-made collapse.

Kevin and Fu Hua.

This is on the basis of maintaining the human form.

There is an element of Honkaimon.

In the past, the three of them thought that this was the most perfect man-made collapse.

But I never expected it.

There is actually someone as perfect as Theresa.

Almost from Teresa.

Can't see any side effects on fusion warriors.

Mei:"I really didn't expect that Otto would optimize the super-transformation surgery to this extent."

Velvet:"Yes, this latecomer did it much better than us."

Mebius:"Although I don’t want to admit it, but Teresa is perfect like a work of art at this time."

Padofelis:"Sister Snake, I feel so horrible every time you say that."

Alicia:"Mebius is like this, you have to get used to it, Phyllis."

While others were discussing.

Kosmo stared at Theresa on the game screen.

Although I feel lucky for Theresa.

But you have to say that after seeing this man-made collapse, Kosmo.

It would be a lie if I didn’t feel envious.

If Theresa wants to change it to a Honkaiju factor.

So forget it.

But Teresa was just like him.

All are Vishnu.

The same is Vishnu.

Why is the gap so big?

When I lost control and entered a man-made collapse.

I almost couldn't go back.

Graciu next to her comforted her:"Kosmo, don't be sad."

"Your appearance after the artificial collapse is also very beautiful."

Kosmo didn't answer.

Aponya looked at Kosmo and said slowly:"Everyone's physique is different, which will also lead to great differences in the appearance after the man-made collapse."

"It seems that Teresa's genes are particularly compatible with Vishnu's genes.

Mei nodded:"It should be, but it's still surprising.""

Eden:"I'm so envious of what Teresa looked like after the collapse of humanity.

Padofelis:"Yes, before I was envious of Boss Kevin and Sister Hua, but now I am envious of Theresa."

Alicia:"Theresa herself should be stunned now, she didn't even send a barrage.""

Just like Alicia said.

At this moment, Theresa was stunned in place.

Looking at the game screen, how she would look like when she grew up, she was petrified. Jizi beside her was also petrified.

She said nothing and kept waiting for Theresa to come out of the shock.

After a while,

Theresa still swallowed in disbelief:"Is this me?"

"Me when I grow up?

Ji Zi smiled and said:"It's an unexpected surprise. You don't have to worry about it now.""

"I never thought that when you grow up, you and Kiana will look a bit alike."

"You're not really Kiana's aunt, are you?"

In Jizi's opinion,

Cecilia and Theresa are the sisters with the best relationship.

But they are not related by blood.

Theresa doesn't feel much like this now.

But when she grows up, she is really like Chizi. Yana is somewhat similar.

Theresa tried hard to calm down her mood.

She had fantasized about growing up countless times.

The scene appeared countless times in her dreams.

It was actually in this situation.

Theresa explained:"Himeko, it's not surprising that you feel this way."

"After all, I was created by my grandfather using Kalyan Kaslana’s genes and Vishnu’s genes."

"Kallen is Kiana’s ancestor more than 500 years ago."

"Also the original Valkyrie"

"No wonder......"

Himeko understands

?Theresa looked at herself on the game screen.

Then he looked at Jizi with a proud face:"Jizi, how are you!"

"I entered what it would be like after the man-made collapse!"

"Isn’t he handsome? Ji Zi nodded:"

Yes, I have really grown up.""

Theresa crossed her arms on her chest. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Very good"

"As long as I have this kind of power, I will be able to protect the torch that everyone brought back in the future."

"In this way, it can be regarded as living up to everyone's expectations.

Jizi:"Yes, you did it.""

The eyes of both of them showed different colors of relief.

This result is really great for everyone.......

At this time, inside the Tianming headquarters.

Otto was not calm at all.

After seeing Teresa's artificial collapse.

The whole person froze in place



This face had disappeared before his eyes for more than 500 years.

A face that only existed in his memory.

This time he appeared in front of Otto again.

Otto resisted his impulse:"No, this is Theresa"

"What Teresa looked like after the anthropogenic collapse"

"I really didn't expect it to be like that when I grow up. Otto smiled bitterly and said to himself:"Theresa should be very happy to see this scene now.""

"She has always been thinking about growing up."

It was also the first time for Rita and Hollander to see Otto acting like this.

They looked at each other and decided not to ask Otto too much about this matter.

Karen Kaslana.

That was destiny. He lived more than 500 years ago.

Judging from Otto's reaction, the two of them could guess it.

Probably Otto and she had a very different past.

Rita followed Otto's words and continued:"Yes. Ah, Theresa-sama must be very happy now"

"It's really great that he won't turn into Honkaimon."

Youlandel:"I was thinking just now, what if Teresa-senpai will turn into a Honkaiju in the future?"

"How should I react when I see her0......"

Otto:"The most perfect artificial collapse, it seems that my experiment in super-change surgery"

"It has surpassed the pre-civilization era."

Otto smiled proudly.

This is a victory for him as a scientist.

But Otto also understands in his heart.

There are still many uncertainties in the artificial collapse of fusion warriors.

"It seems that this time, it is the blood of the Kaslana family that has made great contributions."

Otto thought of Siegfried.

At the same time, he looked at Hollander in front of him.

A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

He didn't know what he was thinking.

Then Otto continued to look at the live broadcast room:"Karen, we have been together for a long time. Gone......"

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked by the appearance of Teresa after the artificial collapse

?Theresa herself in the game screen.

He was also shocked by his own appearance.

After all, even she thinks so.

He will turn into a Honkaiju form.

In the end, it turned out to be what he looked like when he grew up.

For any Theresa.

These are the greatest wishes in my heart.

Then this wish was realized under such a strange combination of circumstances.

The originally blood-red mist around me.

It also turned dark purple.

Wrapped Theresa.

Protected inside


"Have you grown up?"

"Does this count?......"

"What about my transitional protection?"

In Theresa's opinion, she can become like this because of the friends who appeared in her memories just now.

Everyone in her memories.

Maybe it's because of their presence and encouragement.

Everything she went through with them.

Only then did Theresa find her true self at the last moment. She would not be transformed into a Honkai beast.

Instead, she became what she wanted to be most.

What she wanted to be when she grew up.

But there was no time for Theresa's thoughts. Reacting from his own man-made collapse, the roars of large numbers of Honkai beasts could be heard outside.

Extremely dense.

You can tell it just from the roars.

There are more and more Honkai Beasts appearing outside.

This time Theresa said with great confidence:"Come on!"

The torch in her hand would no longer dim.

Theresa looked at the torch in her hand with firm eyes

"No matter how many times I try, I will devour you all!"

"I am——"

"Teresa Apokalis!!!"

The words fell.

The mist filled the game screen again.

Then the screen went black, and the live broadcast room reflected the faces of every audience member.

The story of Theresa's most perfect person collapsing ended here.

Lin En said:" How to get to know the Herrscher and others"

"Whether it is feathering or a perfect man-made collapse, they are all forces born to protect"

"So there is no distinction between high and low, strong and weak."

"Because everyone wants to protect others' hearts the same way"

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Tsk, Captain, you are teaching me a lesson, right?】

【Fu Hua: No, the captain is just stating a fact to you.】

【March 7: Hahahaha, Fu Hua blocked the Lawyer of Consciousness early in the evening. 5.6】

【Alicia: But the captain is right, these powers are not strong or weak.】

【Eden: Yes, we want to protect everyone the same way】

【Teresa: It’s for this reason that we’re on the same path, isn’t it?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: The captain’s summary is really spot on】

【Xing: Yes, there is no need to fight over man-made collapse and emergence.】

【Silver Wolf: This is a speech with high emotional intelligence】

【Kiana: Yeah!!! Auntie is fine!】

【Bronya: Yes, it’s great that the principal is okay in the end.】

【Honokai Himeko: By the way, Captain. Will Teresa stay like this forever?】

【Dan Heng: So next we need to use that shadow to locate the location of the Cocoon of Finality?】

【March 7: What does the cocoon of the end look like!】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Just a cocoon】


Lynn:"No, because this is a perfect artificial collapse, so Teresa will become like this only when it is turned on."

"Reference Fu Hua and Kevin"

"Do you want to see the Cocoon of Finality?"

Lin asked after asking.

Those who have not seen the Cocoon of Finality expressed their desire to see it.

Only Herrscher of Consciousness and Walter did not express their opinions.

Although these two people have not really seen the Cocoon of Finality, there are hints. Bronya and Mei's description.

Lin En saw that everyone's interest was so high.

It was just right

"Okay, then I will reveal to you what the cocoon of the end looks like."

"At the same time, I will also take you to witness the birth of the Herrscher of the End!"


【Padofelis: The birth of the Herrscher of the End?】

【Mei: That’s really worth watching again.】

【Mebius: Is this the final step of the plan to get Kevin’s shadow?】

【Velvet: It’s really exciting. What does the guy who brought us all the disasters look like?】


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