Pre-civilization era. in the previous barrage.

Ying Jie and Mei understood a fact.

The pre-civilization era was destroyed at the hands of the Herrscher of the End.

Even with Kevin's current invincible strength.

It only barely allowed Herrscher of the End to be down for 12 hours.

If it weren't for the powerful power of the Herrscher of the End.

Mei believes that with the strength of Zhuhuo Thirteen Yingjie, he can hold on for a while longer.

But obviously.

In the end, they will not be given the opportunity to continue to develop.

Mebius smiled faintly, and then looked at Alicia:"Alicia, regarding the birth of the Herrscher of the End"

"Is there anything you want to say? Alicia thought for a moment, then looked at Mebius:"I'm so sorry, Dr. Mebius.""

"I started from coming into this world and having my own will"

"He is already the Herrscher of the Origin."

"So I don’t know how I was born"

"But one thing is certain, the birth of Herrscher is basically the choice of Cocoon of the End"

"As for the rules he chose, I don't know. Mei

's brows wrinkled slightly:"If I guess correctly, the law of selection of the cocoon of the end is"

"It should be aimed at the current stage of human civilization"

"Just like back then, our team of fusion warriors has expanded to a certain extent."

"The Herrscher of Restraint appeared."

Vilwei:"Including Mirai Sakura's younger sister.

Sakura:"Well, I feel that way too.""

Eden:"Three doctors, do you want to watch the process of choosing the Herrscher of the End by watching the Cocoon of the End?"

"Then also learn from the people of the next civilization era."


Mei and others didn't answer.

It was considered acquiescence.

Kevin asked:"Can we do it without the coordinates of the Cocoon of Finality?

Hua:"The people of the next civilization era will be through the efforts of the two civilization eras.""

"Just got to this point"

"If it were up to us alone......"

Mebius:"It's not that it can't be done"

"It's just that it will be much more difficult to achieve this step.

Velvet:"Dr. Mebius, do you mean you have anything you can do?""

Mebius smiled slightly and then looked at Mei

"Dr. Mei, did you think of something just now? Mei glanced at Mebius, and then replied:"Well, I did think of another way just now.""

"But I don't want to use it"

"In the past, I put the continuation of human civilization first and ignored many things."

Hearing what Mei said, both Hua and Kevin couldn't help but look at Mei.

Mei also glanced at them, and then continued:"So Dr. Mebius, you'd better tell me what you think."

Mebius smiled faintly:"You are really heartless, Mei."

"My thought is, now that we know who the next Herrscher will be"

"Maybe we can take advantage of this"

"Mei, you must have been thinking the same thing just now.

Sakura's expression changed:"Use Ling?" Mebius looked at Sakura:"Yes, I believe that the Cocoon of Finality cannot directly fill Suzu's body with Herrscher-level Honkai energy.""

"There should be an indoctrination process involved."

Sakura:"So, just keep an eye on Ling."

"What if Suzu's Honkai energy reaction shows strange changes?"

"Can we follow this change to locate the Cocoon of Finality?"

Mebius:"Theoretically, that's right......."

Mei said nothing.

It proves that what she just thought is the same.

Padofelis:"But is it really okay to use Ling like this?"

Hua:"I don't agree with it either."

Kevin:"What we did before was to protect Ling or Ling would become the Herrscher of Corrosion."

"Is that going to change now?"

Gratio:"If this happens, Sister Ying will be angry.

Cosmo:"Yes, I don't agree with that either.""

Aponya:"But among our plans, there is also a plan to protect the bell."

"Because we don’t know at all whether Cocoon of the End will really choose Ling in the end."

"Therefore, the bell must be protected first."

Sakura:"During this protection process, if Suzu becomes the Herrscher of Corrosion, it will not be activated as long as she is not killed by others."

"And Suzu became the Herrscher of Corrosion.

Mei:"We can try to reversely locate the location of the Cocoon of Finality.""

Vilwei:"Nothing can appear out of thin air, and the same goes for the Herrscher.

Alicia:"In other words, while protecting the bell, we need to find a way to locate the cocoon of the end.""

After saying this,

Ying felt much better.

She looked at the three postdocs.

Ying finally fixed her gaze on Mei:"Dr. Mei, how sure are you of success? Mei thought for a moment.

Then she shook her head:"I don't know yet.""

"We need to first see how they became Herrschers of the End in the next civilization era."

"Then explore the process again."

Mebius:"It's so bad. I was made to do all the bad things."

"This plan came out of my mouth"

"But Sakura, no matter what, we must protect Ling first, if the Cocoon of Ending does not choose her in the end."

"That's a good thing, right?

Sakura:"A win-win situation?""

Kevin:"If it is based on protecting Sakura, I can agree to this plan."

Sakura looked at everyone present. She held her hand on the handle of the knife.

Mei looked at Sakura.

She knew that Sakura would not be able to make this decision for a while.

After all, there is still a certain degree of danger.

Mei continued :"Don't think about it now."

"Let’s continue watching the game plot"

"All theories depend on their results."

Ying nodded vigorously.

Everyone looked at the live broadcast room.

At this time, Lin En had already selected a new chapter and was ready to play it.

In front of the computer,

Lin En continued to delay the reward distribution and popularity value calculation for the new task.

Drag for a while. Hold on.

Maybe some good stuff will come out next.

"I want to take advantage of this system"

"It’s really not easy!"

Lin En sighed, and then continued to look at the live broadcast room.

The plot of the chapter has been selected.

The next step is to explain the story before and after to the audience.

Lin En coughed twice and drew everyone's attention to himself.

"Everyone, let me sort out the plot for you first."

"Previously, the people from Fu Hua's team cut off the shadow from Kevin's body."

"Then the Herrscher of Knowledge escorted her to Theresa's location. After Theresa stabilized the shadow, she began to pursue her through the power of the end."

"Reverse positioning of the Cocoon of Finality"

"The people who accomplished this great feat were Walter Young’s good partners in Anti-Entropy, Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein."

"The plot to be played next is the connection."

"After the location of the Cocoon of Ending was located, it was conveyed by the Herrscher of Knowledge to the next team to perform this task......."

"As for who this team is, I’ll give it a try first."

"And the next Herrscher of the End will also be born in this team."

Lin En smiled slightly.

【March 7: Captain, why are you so sleazy as a teacher? You’re just like a businessman.】

【Dan Heng: Have you followed Xing for a long time and learned her way of speaking?】

【Star: Repeater, you】

【Silver Wolf: It should be Kiana and the others. They are the only ones who haven’t appeared yet.】

【Kafka: I think so】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You’re dumbfounded, Captain, you guessed it so quickly】

【Fu Hua: Isn’t it easy to guess?】

【Kiana: That means one of me, Mei, and Bronya will become the Herrscher of the End.】

【Walter: Yes】

【Honkai Himeko: Among my students is the Herrscher of the End!】

【Teresa: Let’s change the name to Herrscher Academy】

【Xi'er: I always feel that she won't be Sister Bronya】

【Hollander: No matter who it is, this is a very difficult task.】

【Rita: Yes, the future of these three little guys is really heavy.】

【Alicia: It shouldn’t be Mei, because she has inherited my power of origin.】

【Bronya: I feel like Kiana is stupid】

【Padofelis: I think it’s Kiana too!】

【Eden: Yeah, she's so different. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Gratius: I really want to draw a picture for Kiana. 】

In the Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana looked at Bronya in surprise:"Bronya, why is it me?"

"I feel Mei Yi is more likely."

Mei Yi:"No, I think it's Kiana too."

Fu Hua:"Although I don't know why, butMy intuition also made me think it would be Kiana."

Bronya:" Bronya thinks so"

"In the previous plot, Bronya became the Herrscher of Truth, and sister Mei became the Herrscher of Origin."

"Among the Yusan family who fought against Kevin before, only the idiot Kiana has not been upgraded in terms of strength."

"From a game perspective, since it’s the final chapter"

"Then the location for Kiana's upgrade should be right here." The three of them were stunned when they heard Bronya's analysis. They had just thought of many possibilities. But they didn't expect that Bronya's analysis was so simple and crude. Just thinking about it from the perspective of the game. Bronya Ya looked at the three people and added:"But Bronya also thinks in her heart


"The idiot Kiana is suitable to become the Herrscher of the End."

Kiana smiled slightly:"It doesn't matter, as long as it can protect everyone"

"I can do it all!"

"Right, Mei!"

Yayi nodded:"Yes."

"As long as we fight for all the good in the world"

"Even if you use the identity of the Herrscher, it doesn't matter."

Bronya:" Bronya supports what Sister Mei said.

Fu Hua:"Yes, there is no right or wrong in power itself.""

"It still depends on the person who uses this power.

Bronya:"Look, the captain has clicked on the plot.""

In the game screen in the live broadcast room.

As Linn's mouse moves, a new game plot begins to play.

At the beginning of the plot screen, it is the dark green space where Theresa was before.

Three people from the Yusan family.

Truth, Xin Yan, The three Herrschers of the Origin were standing on a platform to rest.

The platform was surrounded by corpses of Honkai beasts. They were piled up like mountains.

It was obviously solved by the three of them.

With the current strength of the three of them, these Honkai beasts It was obvious that they were here to deliver food.

While the three of them were still resting, the voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge came from the direction above their heads.

"Hey hey!"

"can you hear me?"

"The little guys who have been waiting for so long?"

When Kiana heard this voice, she immediately stood up and shouted excitedly:"Xiao Shi!"

Then the projection of the Herrscher of Consciousness appeared on the three of them reluctantly.

Then the Herrscher of Consciousness said with a look of disgust:"Don't shout so loudly!"

"My head hurts."

If it were another person calling Xiao Shi like this and shouting so loudly, the Herrscher of Knowledge would be angry now.

Of course, he's not really angry.

He's just arrogant.

Kiana apologized seriously. :"I'm sorry, are you okay?

The Lawyer of Consciousness:"What can happen to me?""

"Okay, okay, raise an army for a thousand days, use it for a while"

"You guys cheer me up quickly!

Bronya took a step forward:"Could it be that?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge nodded and said,"You should have already chosen who will take action, right?""

"Don't delay, we don't have much time."

With Lin En's previous plot explanation, the audience all understands.

The meaning of the words"The Herrscher of Knowledge" is that among the three people, who should go in front of the Cocoon of Finality.

To interfere with the choice of Cocoon of Finality.

In the Cocoon of Finality Under the witness of Cocoon, he became the Herrscher of the End.

In other words, the three members of the Yusan family in 453 were all candidates to become the Herrscher of the End.

After the three of them looked at each other, they all agreed. Head.

The absolute tacit understanding developed from the beginning...

Even without speaking.

At this moment, the three of them all reached an agreement.

Bronya looked at the Herrscher of Consciousness and said:"No problem, Consciousness Herrscher"

"We will achieve this together."

The Herrscher of Consciousness let out a confused sound.

I don't understand what they are talking about. What does this mean?

The Herrscher of the Origin, Mei Yi, explained:"Since Kevin can control the power of the end,"

"Who stipulates that there can only be one person who can be responsible for the law of the end?"

"As long as our ideological spaces are connected to each other, how many people will the power of the Herrscher be concentrated in?......"

"This shouldn't matter."

Kiana walked up to the two of them and clenched her fists:"If you really need to consolidate everything into one person,"

"Then of course I will do my part"


"We have always been a team"

"If possible, of course everyone would hope to complete this important mission together"

"Okay, I don't care."

The Lawyer of Consciousness said nonchalantly:"Whether it's lending power or connecting the space of thought."

"At least for the Herrscher of Consciousness, it makes no difference at all."

In this kind of matter, the Herrscher of Knowledge is always so confident.

But it does not make the audience find it annoying. On the contrary, the Herrscher of Knowledge looks a bit cute.

【March 7: Xiaoshi, you are so confident!】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: How many times have I told you not to call me Xiaoshi?】

【Fu Hua: Can only Kiana be called?】

【Silver Wolf: Are you so partial to Kiana?】

【Padofelis: It seems that there is a reason why Kiana became the Herrscher of the End. Even Xiaoshi likes her so much.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Who likes that guy?】

【Bronya: You, it’s very obvious】

【Qiana: Is it true? It turns out that Xiaoshi likes me so much.】

【Alicia: Xiaoshi is so cute】

【Lawyer of Consciousness: Are you all sick?】

【Xing: Oh, why don’t you feel like you are cursing?】

【Lawyer of Knowledge:.......】

【Walter: Just stop playing.】

【Mei: Actually, I think the name Xiaoshi is quite nice. 】

Above the mountain top.

The Herrscher of Knowledge who originally wanted to have an attack. do not know why.

After seeing Mei's barrage at the end.

Only then did he loosen his clenched fists:"Forget it, forget it."

"Don't bother with these little guys!"

"Just a little knowledge!"

"Anyway, I know everything about it!"

"You are all targeting me one by one, right? I won’t tell you."

"Let you see for yourselves!!!"

The arrogant voice of the Herrscher of Knowledge came out from the mountain............

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