On the Star Dome Train.

March 7 continued to use his gossip potential:"Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang!"

"Is the Herrscher of the End Kiana?"

"I feel like it should be, after all, Mei and Bronya have completed their own advancements."

"It should be Kiana's turn next."

Yuyueqiu's eyes shone brightly.

Xing, Danheng and Jizi on one side also looked at Walter at the same time.

The answer was obvious in everyone's minds.

But guesses are just guesses after all.

What everyone wants to know more is.

Walter’s official certification.

After all, Walter is a real person who has experienced these things.

Walter watched the scene gradually light up in the live broadcast room.

Then nodded:"Yes, Kiana is among the few Under the Doctor's plan to create the Herrscher of the End"

"Successfully became the Herrscher of the End.

Xing continued to ask curiously:"What are the conditions for becoming the Herrscher of the End?""

Walter:"It's not difficult to say, but it's not simple either."

"In general, all the laws and powers you can see now are actually the power projection of the Cocoon of Finality."

"The power of the Cocoon of Finality is the collection of all abilities."

Dan Heng:"The Herrscher of Finality has all the power of the Cocoon of Finality."

Walter:"Yes, from another aspect, the Herrscher of the End can also be said to be the human incarnation of the Cocoon of the End. Ji Zi:"

In other words, as long as all the powers of the Herrscher can be gathered,"

"From another level, it is the Herrscher of the End."

March 7:"If I remember correctly, Kiana now has the power of the Herrscher of Space and the power of the Herrscher of Fire."

Walter:"Not only that, Kiana still has the power of the Herrscher of Death at this time."

"In addition, the powers of the Herrscher of Consciousness, the Herrcher of Origin, the Herrcher of Truth, and the Herrcher of Thunder are interoperable among them."

"Just like the previous game plot of Herrscher of Fire."

March 7:"Kiana used the power of the Herrscher of Reason and the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Walter:"That's right, it's equivalent to after successful interoperability."

"Kiana already possesses more than half of the Herrscher's powers."

Himeko:"In this way, Kiana is indeed the most suitable candidate to become the Herrscher of the End. Dan

Heng:"The cocoon of the end also has its own consciousness. Will he agree to do this?""

Walter:"That's not the case. The purpose of the Final Cocoon is to embrace human civilization."

"And what Kiana did was exactly in line with his expectations."

Xing:"If you put it this way, Kevin also has the power of finality."

"Then he......"

Walter:"So this is also the purpose of the Cocoon of the End. It also wants to see who of these two can win in the end.""

"It doesn't matter who becomes the Herrscher of the End"

"What matters is whether it can successfully embrace human civilization."

March 7:"This cocoon of the end is really strange."


"Who could have imagined that human civilization on earth would continue to fall into the final cocoon of disintegration and reincarnation."

"It's actually just a creation of a more advanced civilization."

March 7:"Uncle Yang, if you say so"

"I'm becoming more and more curious"

"What does this creation of a higher civilization look like?"

Xing:"Maybe it looks like the cocoon of the end."

Dan Heng:"......"

March 7:"You are not talking nonsense!"

Jizi:"The cocoon of the end"......"

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

Everyone has different ideas.

Continue to watch the game plot in the live broadcast room.

Silver Wolf saw this:"So the Cocoon of Finality is not the last boss of this game!"

"Kevin is the one who also has the power of finality.

Kafka:"If I remember correctly, the captain should have mentioned this before.""

Silver Wolf:"Yes, but at that time I thought that there might be another battle after taking care of Kevin."

"Now it seems that I thought too much"

"Kafka, what do you think of Cocoon of the End? Kafka shook his head:"If it is the previous model, it is just to destroy human civilization.""

"Maybe I'd think it would have something to do with Nanook"

"But now it is obvious that the purpose of the Cocoon of the End is not this."

"According to the information on the barrage and some fragments of words revealed by the captain, this cocoon of the end is more like a shackle."

"A yoke that constantly guides the development of human civilization in a given direction."

Silver Wolf:"Once human civilization does not develop in a certain direction, it will be destroyed."

"Such an approach is indeed inconsistent with the ideas of the Antimatter Corps and Nanook."

"After all, they only have one thing in mind, and that is complete destruction.

Kafka:"Yes, so it doesn't seem to have much to do with the Star God.""

"Maybe it’s really what Dr. Mei guessed"

"It's just a more advanced civilization that's lonely in the universe"

"I want to create a civilization like my own. Yinlang didn't answer this.

Because she always felt that something was not right.

Kafka also saw Yinlang's doubts:"This is just Dr. Mei's guess.""

"There is no actual evidence to support it."

Yin Lang:"It doesn't matter, I'm just curious."

"What does this cocoon of the end, created by a more advanced civilization, look like? Kafka

:"I'm also very curious, and what surprises me most is that"

"This civilizational creation can actually absorb energy directly in the imaginary space, and even give this power to human beings......"

Silver Wolf:"It's like the Star God giving the power of his destiny to the apostles......"

Kafka:"Yeah, so I'm even more curious."

Silver Wolf:"Me too."

The two continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Just then I heard the confident words of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

After expressing my confidence and strength.

The Herrscher of Knowledge then looked at the three people

"Long story short, what exactly are you going to do?"

"Don't tell me you're going to spend an hour or two doing deep integration, we're in a hurry. Bronya began to explain:"

No, judging from recent experience"

"The state we need to achieve is similar to the situation when fighting the Herrscher of Dominance."

"more specifically......"

"It is to let Kiana become the medium for everyone to connect with each other."

Kiana nodded, then looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge:"It's just that this time, except for the three of us,"

"What is needed extra is not the squad leader......"

"But you know the Lawyer!"

Law of Consciousness:"Well......"

"As you wish"

"As I said, time is precious!"

"Who comes first!"

Under the urging of the Herrscher of Knowledge,

Mei walked to Kiana's side with a smile:"Besides the Herrscher of the Origin, is there any better choice?"

The Herrscher of Consciousness:"Then you start."

Mei opened her palms, and the tachi transformed from Siyuan's power slowly appeared.

It was suspended in front of the two of them.

Mei Yi faced the tachi with one hand, then looked at Kiana and said,"Kiana......"

"Hold this knife and close your eyes"

"After that, you just have to do whatever you want"

"Just leave the rest to me."

Kiana nodded. She never doubted anything Mei Yi said. She put her hand on it very directly. After Kiana's hand held the sword, they both closed their eyes at the same time. Eyes closed. The consciousness was immediately linked. The game screen also changed. As Kiana opened her eyes, she had arrived at the bright origin of the galaxy. The inheritance of Mei and Alicia before.The audience has seen it before. So the audience recognizes this land of origin at a glance.

【Alicia: Connecting with the power of the origin, I really miss this place.】

【Padofelis: Sister Ellie, this place is really beautiful. Can we go and see it too?】

【Mebius: Obviously, if you are not a Herrscher, you will not be able to enter this kind of place.】

【Alicia: Yes, it’s really a pity】

【Velvet: By the way, do other Herrschers also have this kind of Herrscher space?】

【Alicia: I don’t think so.】

【Su: The Herrscher of the Origin, is he so special?】

【Mei: Judging from the name, you can tell it’s unusual.】

【Kiana: No matter how many times I see this place, I will always be surprised.】

【Bronya: Yes, it’s obviously a starry sky, but it’s more like an endless ocean.】

【Xier: It’s so beautiful】

【Youlandel: It would be great if there was a place like this in the world where you can travel】

【Otto: It shouldn’t be difficult to achieve using virtual reality technology. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Teresa: Grandpa, it wouldn’t be the scenery anymore.】

【March 7: Agreed! The actual scenery is the best】

【Silver Wolf: There may be such a place in the universe. 】

In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at this land of origin.

I have also been shocked many times by the beauty here.

"It would be great if the Origin was not a special space, but an independent world."

Lin En complained a little in his heart.

Because if the place of origin was the world, he would have a way to get there.

After all, the ability to travel through the world is not a joke.

After complaining, Lin En continued to explain. :"The Place of Origin is more like a special space that exists within the power of the Herrscher of Origin."

"So if you want to see it, I guess you can only see it like this"

"Of course, the universe is huge and full of wonders"

"Maybe there really are equally beautiful places in the universe?"

"It’s up to us, the Star Dome Train crew, to explore this."

【March 7: Dan Heng, is there such a place in the train records?】

【Dan Heng: I don’t know. Many train records are incomplete.】

【Xing: Maybe there will be】

【Silver Wolf: We star core hunters have never found such a place.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: This place is nice to look at, but you can’t stay there for too long, it’s not interesting. 】

Not just the audience.

Kiana in the game screen also came to the Origin for the first time.

She was so surprised by the sight in front of her that she subconsciously said:"It's so beautiful here."......"

Then Kiana seemed to feel something.

A slight smile on the corner of the mouth

"Mei Yi, are you guiding me?"

There was no extra thought.

I immediately walked deeper.

From stepping slightly at the beginning to running quickly later,

I kept walking towards the deepest part of the Origin.

In this process,

Kiana Learned a lot of things......

Understand Meiyi more deeply......

Follow the guidance of Mei Yi.

Arriving at the deepest part of the Origin.

Then Kiana's eyes closed again.

Slowly lay down.

Then the screen changed.

Back to that chaotic space.

Kiana, who was touching the knife, slowly opened her eyes.

Stars in pupils.

There seems to be something different.

Meiyi asked with a smile:"How do you feel?"

Kiana organized her words to answer:"It's amazing......"

"It's just like......"

"I walked through the path Mei Yi walked again and experienced the emotions Mei Yi felt.

Yayi smiled and said,"I'm asking about your current state.""

Kiana clenched her fists, showing a sense of strength:"Of course that's good, there are one hundred and one of her own powers in her body."

Seeing Kiana praising Mei's Herrscher of Origin's power like this, the

Herrscher of Knowledge projection on the side immediately became unhappy.

I'm obviously very strong too, right?

"what is this"

"If it were me!"

"Kiana has at least a thousand other powers of her own"

【March 7: Hahaha, Xiaoshi looks jealous, does he want to laugh me to death?】

【Teresa: This should be the so-called honest reaction.】

【Honkai Impact: Hahaha, this kid is so funny】

【Fu Hua: So is there anything to argue about?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Damn it, that’s not what I meant. It’s obvious that I am more powerful, okay?】

【Star: Yes, yes, long live the great Herrscher of Knowledge!】

【Alicia: Hahaha, the Herrscher of Knowledge is really different.】

【Mei: So the Herrscher also has such emotions?】

【Mebius: Even though he has the body of Hua, his personality is completely opposite.】

【Dan Heng: That’s the most honest reaction.】

【Qiana: Hahaha, Xiaoshi, you are really serious】

【Mei: Didn’t she just say that time is precious?】

【Teresa: Alas~ You kids are less threatening than the last one, and Bronya is still more reliable.】

【Xier: Sister Bronya seems very helpless......】

Bronya looked at the reaction of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

The expression on his face became very helpless, he shook his head and said:"Oh......"(Well done)

"Is it really important to add a few more Kiana?"

"Lawyer of Knowledge, don’t you yourself still believe that time is precious?"

Ignoring the Herrscher of Knowledge's complaints,

Bronya looked at Kiana and opened her hands directly:"Kiana, let's come directly."

Under Bronya's guidance, the picture also changed accordingly.

It was different from witnessing the place of origin.

The consciousness pictures conveyed by Bronya were all daily scenery.

Things that can be seen everywhere..

And these scenery came and went quickly.

Before Kiana could react,

Bronya retracted her hand and said:"It's already healed."


Kiana let out a confused sigh after waking up.

Still in a somewhat dazed state.

Is this the end?


"Is it surprising that the true nature of the Lawyer is so simple?"

Kiana thought for a moment, recalling what she just said and what Bronya wanted to convey.

"Not so much simple......"

"It's better to say there's nothing there......."

Bronya nodded in agreement:"Well, because the power of the Herrscher of Reason is originally a castle in the air."

"Just like math."

Bronya explained it again.

But Kiana still didn't understand and replied:"But……"

Bronya continued:"It doesn't matter, you have already received Bronya's power."

"that's enough."

Kiana heard Bronya say this.

She smiled and nodded.


As long as their powers are integrated together, that is enough.

But several viewers in the live broadcast room did not understand.

【March 7: What, why didn’t I understand?】

【Patrophilis: Doctors, please explain.】

【Alicia: That’s it……】

【Silver Wolf: I understand... Claw】

【Kiana: Why don’t I understand?】


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