In front of the computer.

Lin En looked at the questions from the audience on the barrage.

He sighed softly.

Bronya's explanation is indeed abstract.

Mainly, the person Bronya faced who needed to explain was Kiana.

So Bronya did it without explaining.

Just try not to explain it.

It is also the easiest to understand.

But there are still many viewers in the live broadcast room who can't understand.

Why did Bronya end it so soon?

And what do the last few sentences mean?

I don't understand it at all.

Linn began to explain:"Actually, what Bronya just said is easy to understand."

"The power of the Lawyer of Reason is easy to say but difficult to say."

"The power of the Lawyer of Reason comes from human’s natural exploration and discovery."

"Without human imagination and creativity in nature, the power of the Lawyer would not exist."

"Therefore, it is not difficult at all for Kiana to receive the power of the Herrscher of Reason."

"Because the imagination of human beings is the basis of the power of the Lawyer of Reason."

"It is precisely because of these wild imaginations that those things can be realized."

After Linn finished speaking, he continued to look at the barrage.

After Linn's explanation, several viewers who didn't understand probably understood it.

Besides, the doctors around them would also explain this to them.

【Padofelis: In other words, everyone has the possibility of becoming the Herrscher of Reason?】

【March 7: I understand, everyone can become a Lawyer, but the strength depends on the person’s imagination.】

【Silver Wolf: That’s roughly what it means, and what Bronya possesses is the power of the Herrscher of Truth, which she uses to imagine the future.】

【Walter: Yes, as long as you understand everything, you can use the power of the Lawyer.】

【Mei: The power of the Herrscher of Reason has the lowest entry threshold among all Herrscher powers, but it also has the highest upper limit.】

【Velvet: It’s a pity that the Herrschers of Reason in this era cannot fight for humanity.】

【Alicia: Yes, it’s really a pity】

【Su: Bronya’s explanation is really easy to understand for Kiana.】

【Star: Next it should be the turn of the Herrscher of Knowledge, right?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Humph! My power is accepted much faster than Bronya's, and it's easy to understand】

【Bronya: Do we have to fight over this?......】

【Meiyi: You should be used to Xiaoshi’s character.】

【Rita: It’s really cute.】

【Teresa: It took me a while to figure out what was going on.】

【Youlandel: So the smarter the person, the more powerful they are when they use the power of the Herrscher 817?】

【Alicia: You also need to be imaginative!】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Okay, okay, it’s useless to discuss this, only Bronya can use it.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Let’s look at mine next. 】

The Herrscher of Knowledge on the top of the mountain is very anxious

"What a hundred Kiana, how can I be stronger?"

"And Bronya, integrating a power connection is so troublesome."

The Herrscher of Knowledge said proudly:"I have to do it!"

"You all just wait to see me perform."

No one else could see this scene before.

The Herrscher of Knowledge was still a little unhappy.

Now it's better.

Everyone can see it.

The Herrscher of Knowledge felt a little satisfied.

At the same time,

Xing On the Qiong train.

March 7 laughed and said:"Hahaha, this little knowledge"

"You really have to be better than others in everything."

Xing:"This is her character, others can't compare with it. Ji Zi:"

Yes, this character is like that of a child." Dan

Heng:"Didn't I say it before? Although he has all the memories of Fu Hua, he is actually just a child who was just born.""

March 7:"The memory of adults, the way of thinking of children"

"In the end, we got such a cute guy"

"It's really interesting.

Xing:"Actually, you can do it too." March

7 was about to nod, then looked at Xing angrily:"Why do I feel like you are teasing me?""

Xing:"I was discovered by you."

March 7:"Okay you! Xing saw that March 7 was going to be angry, and immediately looked at Walter:"Uncle Yang, will Kiana integrate other remaining powers next?""

"Then become the Herrscher of the End."

March 7 forgot Xing's teasing just now.

He immediately looked at Walter.

But this time.

Walter, who knew everything before, shook his head in surprise.

March 7:"Uncle Yang, you shake your head. I mean I don’t want to say it"

"Want us to watch it ourselves?

Walter:"No, I shook my head to say I don't know.""

Don't know?!

March 7:"But Uncle Yang, haven't you experienced all these things?

Ji Zi:"Mr. Walter is not a person who has experienced it personally.""

"More things depend on the final mission report."

Walter:"That's right."

"At that time, as supporters on Earth, we stayed on Earth and did not participate in (agba) actual actions."

"The only people experiencing this scene are the Herrscher of Knowledge and Kiana, a total of four people."

"Wait until they return to Earth and launch the final challenge to Kevin"

"He has already returned as the Herrscher of the End."

"What happened in the middle process, the four people did not describe too much.

After hearing this, March 7th immediately asked his own question:"That's not right!""

"According to the little knowledge"

"You should tell everything that happened here after you come back, right?"

"So how could you not know?"

Walter pushed up his glasses, and then said:"For this matter......"

"She is the Lawgiver of Knowledge......"

Walter thought for a while:"I don’t know how to explain"

"You will know after reading it"

"Anyway, the Lawyer of Consciousness has been manipulated."

The Herrscher of Knowledge has been manipulated?

March 7 immediately looked towards the live broadcast room.

This is so fun.

Xing looked at Walter and said with some understanding:"It's a method to stimulate generals."

Walter nodded.

Ji Zi chuckled:"Sure enough, only the provoking method can stimulate her."

March 7:"Don't make any noise, don't make any noise, I want to see how Xiao Shi is manipulated."


"It will be fun to wait."

In the game screen in the live broadcast room, after seeing the completion of Bronya's power integration, Herrscher of Knowledge immediately said impatiently:"So, it's my turn now?"

Mei Yi nodded:"Indeed, as long as Kiana can successfully integrate with the Herrscher of Knowledge,"

"All the powers of the Herrscher have been generally communicated with each other."

Kiana said with some worry:"In other words, the power of the Herrscher outside this......"

Mei:"Well, maybe we have to challenge them one by one to master them."

"Although no one is sure what kind of medicine Cocoon will sell in the gourd."

Hearing the chat between the two, the Herrscher of Knowledge looked at the two of them as if they were fools:"Huh? Are you all idiots?"

The three looked at the Herrscher of Consciousness curiously.

What did the Herrscher of Consciousness mean by saying this?

Is there something else they haven't discovered?

The Herrscher of Consciousness was too lazy to explain to them.

What's more important now is, let them see. Look at the speed of integration between yourself and Kiana

"OK OK." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Kiana, stand still for me and don't move around."

After a while, under the gaze of Bronya and Mei, the projection of the Herrscher of Knowledge actually turned into an entity during the process of integrating power. Then Kiana opened her eyes in surprise:" This is?" The Herrscher of Knowledge said proudly:"It's over.


"He even helped me complete a teleportation......"

"How are you, Kiana?"

"Now you have ten thousand and one strengths of your own."

【March 7: Hahaha, Xiaoshi really likes to be more serious about this kind of questions.】

【Bronya: So she is so anxious to prove that she is faster than me?】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Of course, your integration speed is definitely not fast. After all, that is the strength of Herrscher of Consciousness in this aspect.】

【Fu Hua: I really like to be pushy.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Old antique! Can you say that again!】

【Silver Wolf: Because just now Kiana said that she has the power of a hundred】

【Theresa: Yes, Xiaoshi is really serious in this regard】

【Honkai Impact Himeko: Maybe she’s jealous of Kiana. 】

Lin looked at the Herrscher of Knowledge in the game screen.

He also let out a faint laugh.

This character of the Lawyer of Knowledge.

It won't cause others to dislike it.

On the contrary, this is a straightforward way of getting along.

On the contrary, it will make people relax a lot.

That's why the Herrscher of Knowledge later became very good partners with everyone.

It's just that she doesn't want to admit it.

Lin En continued to say to the audience in the live broadcast room:"Okay, so far Kiana has integrated most of the Herrscher's powers."

"It’s been so long since I became the Herrscher of the End"

"Everyone can guess what Kiana will look like after becoming the Herrscher of the End."

"Of course, those who know the answer should not tell them yet."

【March 7: Uncle Yang, what about you?】


【Herrscher of Knowledge: Look, this is what the captain said, so I won’t share it with you.】

【Bronya: It seems that Kiana will have the same big changes in appearance as Sister Mei.】

【Alicia: I’m really looking forward to the appearance of Kiana, the Herrscher of the End.】

【Padofelis: I’m also looking forward to what the Cocoon of the End will look like. We’ll be able to see it together later.】

【Mei: Herrscher of the End......】

【Mebius: Is he finally going to show up?】

【Youlandel: I don’t know why, but I feel proud at this moment】

【Rita: It should be because Kiana has always been targeting you.】

【Teresa: I am also proud to be a Valkyrie and their principal.】

【Otto: That’s not necessarily the reason】

【Kiana: I wonder if I can become as beautiful as Mei】

【Mei: It’s definitely possible, Kiana】

【Fu Hua: I feel like Kiana from Herrscher of Fire is already pretty good.】

【Silver Wolf: After the version update, there is also a costume update】

【Xing: You really can move closer to games in every aspect.】

【Silver Wolf: Because this is just a game】

【Honkai Impact: But this is also our story】

【Xier: Yes, it’s the story of all of us! 】

The barrage floated by one by one.

The game plot did not press the pause button, but continued to play.

After hearing those words spoken by the Herrscher of Consciousness.

Bronya shook her head helplessly.

Did you say that time is valuable?

However, she still loved the Herrscher of Knowledge and praised her:"Bronya originally thought that the integration speed of Kiana and herself was fast enough."

"Unexpectedly, the Herrscher of Knowledge was actually faster."

The Herrscher of Knowledge put his hands on his hips and said proudly:"I could have gone faster."

"As for the reason......"

"Raiden Meiyi should know best, right?

Yayi thought for a while and then said:" Because......"

"Here is a giant web woven by billions of consciousnesses"

"And you happen to be the Herrscher of Consciousness? The Herrscher of Knowledge was stunned, looked at Mei Yi and said in a questioning tone:"Thunder and Lightning Mei Yi, are you pretending to be stupid?""

"It was obviously you who asked me to take this ride."

"Now I ask again deliberately, what is your intention?"

Ya Yi still had a puzzled look on her face.

She didn't understand what the Herrscher of Consciousness meant at all.

Looking at Mei's reaction, the Herrscher of Consciousness was speechless.

He immediately explained:"If your power as a protector is not Unicom All other powers of the Herrscher......"

"Then those are the things you were discussing just now!"

"How could it be attacked involuntarily from all directions like this?"

As soon as the words fell, the whole space suddenly trembled.

After a burst of dazzling white light, the four people immediately came to another place.

It was like the platform of a subway station.

In front of the computer.

Lin En explained with a smile:"I I know everyone is confused when they see this."

"Why don't we let Alicia explain it?"

"Questions about the power of the original source."

On the barrage.

Alicia, who heard Lin En speaking, immediately posted a barrage.

【Alicia: The captain really likes to leave problems to others. This is very bad.】

【Alicia: But let me explain it. The power of the origin is the beginning and the end of all powers.】

【Alicia: When the Herrscher of the End is about to be born, the power of the origin will issue a summons and begin to connect the powers of other Herrschers.】

【Alicia: All the powers of the Herrscher will follow the call of the power of the origin and go to the place of origin to combine.】

【Alicia: The subway station where Mei and the others are at this moment is the embodiment of the starting point of the Source of Power.......】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: That’s it. Raiden Meiyi didn’t seem to know this at all at the time】

【Mei Yi: Maybe it’s because I had just obtained the power of the origin at that time.】

【Bronya: I think so. Sister Mei won’t pretend not to understand on purpose.】

【March 7: Does this mean that from here on, Kiana will become the Herrscher of the End step by step?】

【Padofelis: Why does it sound so troublesome?】

【Alicia: Yes, Kiana will integrate the powers of other Herrsters step by step until she becomes the Herrscher of the End】

【Alicia: In this process, Kiana also needs to be recognized by the consciousness of other Herrschers】

【Mei: Is it so troublesome to become the Herrscher of the End?】

【Velvet: Or is Kiana a special case?】

【Alicia: I think it’s because Kiana is a special case. If the Herrscher of the End is directly selected by the Cocoon of End, the power should be directly gathered on her body.】

【Su: In this way, this process is still a bit dangerous. 】

Lin continued:"Kiana is indeed a special case, because she will be a man-made Herrscher of the End."

"It will also be the first successful embrace of the cocoon of the end."

"Next, Kiana will meet opponents or friends she has met before."

"With their testimony and approval"

"Finally became the Herrscher of the End!"

"Let's wait and see......"......

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