"Aunt Himeko..."

"How so..."

After seeing Kiana being attacked like that by 'herself'.

Kiana's whole face turned pale.

Directly collapsed on the ground.

Looking at the picture in the light curtain in disbelief.

Bud Yi and Bronia were also round eyes at the moment.

The eyes are full of incredulity.

In their impressions.

Himeko has always been a very powerful Valkyrie.

The three of them have also always grown up under Himeko's teaching.

I didn't expect the Void Law to be so powerful.

In the case of an all-out shot.

Himeko, who also possesses the power of a lawyer.

So vulnerable.

Even the chance to fight back.

And so it was shot through.

Fu Hua clenched his fists.

The plan in the heart for Otto.

Otto's order.

There is growing disagreement.

It seems that before that.

Otto is deceiving himself.

"Otto, you're using me!"

At this moment, Fu Hua was not angry.

Just feel somewhere deep in my heart.

It was like being stung fiercely.

This feeling made Fu Hua very uncomfortable.

But it didn't show it.

So the other three did not find Fu Hua's abnormality.

Of course, the main thing is because the attention of the three royal families is on the light curtain at this time.

Look at the deep pit that was smashed out by the Law of Emptiness.

My heart couldn't calm down for a long time.

Kiana's tears fell out.

Because the person who hurt Himeko is herself.

Kiana doesn't care what kind of void lawyer she is.

That person is obviously himself.

"How so. "

"Bud Yi ..."

Kiana sobbed and looked at Bud Yi: "How did I become like that." "

Bud Yi immediately hugged Kiana from behind: "Kiana..."

"I don't know, but please believe me. "

"I'll be there for you no matter what. "

Bud Yi didn't know what to say.

Even just now Lynn roughly explained the cause and effect.

She still couldn't accept it.

Kiana will become like this in the future.

It is clear that Kiana is the one who cares about everyone the most.

I want to be with everyone forever.

But it is occupied by the consciousness of the lawyer.

And then do this to the people around you.

Bud Yi knew that Kiana must be extremely painful in her heart at this moment.

But I don't know how to comfort me.

At this time, Bronia's eyes narrowed: "Sister Bud Yi, Kiana, class leader." "

"Major Himeko, she's okay..."

As soon as these words came out.

Several people immediately looked at the game screen.

I saw it in the game screen.

The Law of the Void withdrew his Arkon Spear.

Turning away haughtily: "That's it..."


Yet just as she turned around.

The direction of the big pit behind you.

A small black longsword struck fiercely.

Fortunately, the spear of the Arkon behind him advocated a defense.

Use the power of the Law of Voidness to transfer it in another direction.

Smashed heavily on the meteorite.

The powerful force caused the meteorite to directly produce lava-like cracks.

If it weren't for the autonomous defense of the Arkon Spear defused this attack.

One blow can seriously injure the Void Lawyer.

The Void Lawyer's incredulous golden pupils turned back to look in the direction behind him.

Himeko dragged her tired body.

Slowly coming up from the pit, his hair was scattered.

The True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse armor on his body was also damaged.

Because of the erosion of diseased gemstones.

Avalanche lines have appeared on the body.

Once the collapse pattern spreads throughout the body, Himeko will also die completely.

But Himeko was undaunted by this.

With undiminished fighting intent in his eyes, he looked at the Void Lawyer in front of him: "Your attack... Is it over..."

"Well, now it's my turn!"

"No comments, huh?"

As Himeko walked up, the background music also sounded.

It adds a sense of sadness to the CG of the entire game.

The Void Law sneered angrily.

He failed to kill the ants in front of him again and again.



Around Himeko, countless small black holes appeared.

Countless Yakong Spears burst out of the black hole.

Shoot towards Himeko.

The long sword that shot out in the distance also flew back at this time.

and the sword in his hand were combined again to form the Great Sword of Yan.

A blazing flame erupted.

Sweep hard and empty all the Yakong Spears.

The eyes of the Void Law widened, and he attacked again: "Where is the less!"

"Get carried away!"

Background music sounds.

Himeko's fighting figure.

At the same time, there were also Himeko's words.

It was like Himeko's final explanation to Kiana in her heart.

It is also Himeko's last words.


"When you wake up, everything has changed..."

"The world is no longer beautiful..."

“...... Those ordinary daily routines will never be gone..."

Saying in his heart.

Himeko kept approaching the Law of Voidness.

At this moment, Himeko used all her strength.

No matter how Kiana unleashes her moves to stop her.

They were all cut off one by one by the Divine Fall Sword in her hand.

Himeko at this time is not an A-class Valkyrie of Heaven's Destiny.

Nor is it a lawyer of inflammation.

Rather, a student who wants to get lost.

Take home the teacher.

That's all.

The Law of Void used the power of the Law to create a huge black hole cone and stab towards Himeko.

I want to stop her coming in this way.


The Void Law felt fear.

And back then....

Face the fear of death!

And in the face of such a powerful attack.

Ji Zi still did not have the slightest fear, and the Divine Fall Sword slashed down with all his strength.

The powerful force directly distorted the attack of the Void Law.

The moment when the powers of the two lawyers.

A dazzling white light burst out to illuminate the entire game screen.

In white light.

Himeko saw everyone from St. Freya Academy.

Teresa, Nha Yi, Fu Hua, Bronia.

They are all the same as before.

Call your name.

It's as if none of this happened.

Finally, Kiana was smiling at her.

Her ears were calloused when she listened.

But I never got tired of hearing a word.

Kiana's sweet voice sounded in her head: "Aunt Himeko!"

"I want to be the strongest Valkyrie. "

That face with a smile.

Isn't that what she's always wanted to protect.

The most beautiful thing!

Fight for all the good in the world!

Ji Zihun's body erupted with incomparable power.

The blazing flames broke through the True Red Knight Moon Eclipse and transformed into wings behind her...

The background music also sounded loud lyrics at this time!



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