Himeko will die!

Viewers watching the live broadcast in front of the light curtain.

All guessed this possibility.

Because Himeko finally walked against the flow of people.

And those last words.

It's all like a last word.

Although with the God Killer Gun.

By giving up the power of the Valkyrie.

to achieve self-help.

But apparently Himeko didn't plan to do that.

Because her battle is not over.

When she heard an enemy attack, Himeko dragged her body covered in scales.

Continued to be thrown into battle.

Because on the Hyperion at this time.

People who can fight.

She's the only one left....

In the Star Dome train.

Walter pushed his glasses and looked solemnly at the light curtain.

"Himeko, is this the path you chose?"


It also made others guess Himeko's ending.

March 7: "But Uncle Yang, can't the God Killer Spear save Ji Zi?"

"If she injects now, won't there be nothing?"

Several others looked at Walter in silence.

Walter shook his head: "Because of Himeko, she has not brought back her favorite student." "

"How could it be so easy to give up? "

"The God Killer Gun, from the time Himeko got his hand..."

"It's not for yourself. "

"It's for Kiana!"

At Walter's side, Himeko reacted immediately.

I don't know if it's her brain fast.

Or being an isotope.

I understood Himeko's thoughts in another world.

Walter: "yes. "

"I didn't really see this fight. "

But then Kiana and they always remembered Himeko. "

On the report of reverse entropy, Tesla also focused on describing this scene. "

"Take a good look..."

It was as if he had been influenced by Walter's emotions.

A few people from the stars, quietly looking at the light curtain.

The barrage went quiet.

Lynn didn't explain either.

All looked at the game screen.

At the sound of the alarm, Himeko put away the God Killer Gun in her hand.

Hold your own Divine Fall Sword.

At this time on the upper deck of the Hyperion.

A dragon-shaped beast broke through Hyperion's defenses and descended here.

Dragon Claw grabbed a gun battery and threw it towards Hyperion's main control room.

Lynn explained to the audience: "This is the family of the Void Law. "

"Judgment-level Honkai Beast Benares!"

The battery smashed into the main control room.

Himeko also walked out of the elevator.

The Divine Fall Sword resisted on his shoulder, with a confident face.

The Divine Fall Sword in his hand swung hard.

Directly smashed the battery back.

Smashed heavily on Bebelon's body.

The powerful force directly smashed Beibeiron to the ground.

When Himeko was still trying to take advantage of the victory to pursue, a dazzling light erupted from Beibeiron's body to cover Himeko.

Wait until Himeko stands firm.

When you open your eyes.

I found myself in a strange space.

[Kiana: Aunt Himeko, where did this go?].

[Fu Hua: It looks like the light just now is ghostly. 】

[Bronia: It's dangerous. 】

[Teresa: What is this place? Why are there so many meteorites?]

[Honkai Himeko: Is this space?].

[Silver Wolf: No, it's not. It was as if it had been teleported to another area at that moment. 】

[Walter: This is the imaginary space of the Void Lawyer, and Himeko was caught by the Void Lawr. 】

[March 7: Is the Void Law going to be singled out one-on-one with Himeko-sensei?]

[Danheng: In this kind of space, the owner of the space will have an advantage, right?


[March 7: Isn't that too despicable?


[Star: It's hard to say this kind of thing...].


Lynn continued: "It's not mean, imaginary space is originally one of the powers of the Law of Emptiness. "

"And the Law of the Void will choose to fight this way. "

"It's also because of the fear of the moonlight throne on the Hyperion. "

"However, this also happened to hit Himeko's plan..."

The audience noticed.

Lynn's tone became a little melancholy.

And that's understood.

The result of this battle............

In the game screen.

Before Himeko could react to what was going on.

Behind him came the standard laughter of the Void Lawyer.

Himeko immediately turned away.

I saw Kiana, the Law of Emptiness, step by step down from mid-air.

It's like the queen of Honkai.

It's like coming to the dust.

Condescending slowly walked down.

At the same time, he said in a haughty tone: "Do you think you can escape?"

See the appearance of the Law of Emptiness.

Himeko not only didn't have any worried looks.

Instead, he put on a posture and smiled faintly: "I've been waiting for you for a long time." "

Kiana, the Void Lawyer, landed in front of Himeko and slowly raised her hand: "Ready for death?"

Without waiting for Himeko to react.

I was suddenly sucked by Kiana.

And then you get pushed hard.

The whole face arched directly in pain.

"Do what you can, struggle..."

Himeko flying upside down behind her.

It was immediately blocked by a purple wall of space.

Under the power of the Law of Void, Himeko was surrounded by a spatial wall.

Then it twisted like a Rubik's cube.

Kiana looked indifferent.

It's like doing something inconsequential.

Followed by.

The Yakong Spear behind him slashed at the cube formed by the space wall.

Finally, it goes straight to the ground.


Himeko didn't even have a chance to resist.

It's completely different from the previous battle.

Is this the true power of Kiana the Void Law?

In front of the screen.

Silver Wolf and Kafka's faces became a little ugly.

Yinlan gritted her teeth and lowered her voice: "Hey, hey, it's clear that the posture was so good just now." "

"How could it be over so quickly. "

"Stand up, Himeko!"

Kafka said expressionlessly, "Silver Wolf." "

"The show has just begun..."


I have been asking for data, and readers are also annoyed by it.

This is the last time to ask for data.

Readers, give me a big point.

Next is the all-out codeword. !

Rush rush !!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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