"Bronia, also a lawyer ???"

Teresa after hearing Lynn's words.

People are directly numb.

He looked at Himeko with a resentful expression.

Himeko was stunned, and said a little innocently: "Teresa, why are you looking at me with such eyes?"

Teresa: "Are you okay with that?"

"You were asked to go out on a mission, and the three people who picked it up were all lawyers!"


Bud Yi is the Law of Thunder.

Kiana is the Law of Emptiness in the future.

Bronia is the Law of Reason.

And these three little ones were all picked up by Jizi from outside.

"How did I know that by the way, I picked up three lawyers..."

Of course.

Teresa said.

This kind of thing is replaced by Teresa's words.

He will not hesitate to bring the three of them back to St. Freya Academy together.

"There are only a few lawyers. "

"As a result, our St. Freya Academy came out of three at once..."

Teresa didn't know what to say for a while.

Himeko opened her mouth and comforted: "The law of reason has always been on the side of mankind. "

"So the future Bronia. "

"You shouldn't have to worry, she'll run away like Kiana." "

Teresa: "Exactly. "

"But I'm still worried about Kiana and Nha Yi. "

"When this is over, I will definitely give both of them a full body examination." "

Himeko nodded in agreement.

In the game screen.

The battle between himself and the Void Law continues.

But for such a powerful.

Himeko frowned.

Fu Hua said it before.

The use of True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse comes at a cost.

But for Himeko.

As long as you can bring Kiana home.

Such a price....

No need to be afraid!

Whether it's the current Himeko or the future Himeko.

The belief is consistent.

Teresa looked at the battle above.

His face gradually became solemn.

Although the two seem to be equal.

But the lawyer of emptiness is always the complete lawyer.

And Himeko .


It is the power obtained at the cost of life.

After dozens of rounds.

Kiana's arm was grazed by Himeko's great sword, bleeding and bleeding.

Kiana looked at Himeko in disbelief.

"What, that armor...?"

Himeko smiled with satisfaction, "You're bleeding..."

"So God can hurt too?"

Kiana looked at Himeko, "Why?"

"It's time to kill you dozens of times tomorrow morning. "

Himeko raised the Divine Meteor Sword in her hand and pointed it at Kiana: "That's really sorry." "

"I'm just a bit difficult!"

Kiana, the Void Lawyer, said angrily, "Rude human!"

Himeko: "Isn't it troublesome for human beings to shout?"

"I have a name, give me a good memory!"

"What you're going to face... It's Limitless Ta Himeko!"

The battle between the two began again.

At this moment, the Hyperion in mid-air condensed a beam.

[Teresa: What is that? The Hyperion obviously doesn't carry that type of weapon. 】

[Himeko: As the captain of the Hyperion, I have never seen this thing. 】

[Bronia: What does it look like a decomposition device?]

[Walter: That's the 'Moonlight Throne' that Tesla and Einstein added to the Hyperion, right?


[Fu Hua: Moonlight... Throne?].

[March 7: The name sounds very domineering. 】

[Star: Are you going to use this to deal directly with the Law of Void?].


Lynn: "That's right, this is the moonlight throne on board the Hyperion." "

"It can directly decompose and convert the collapse energy in the attack target's body. "

"It is the ultimate killer against the Law and the powerful Collapse Beast!"

And this time his target was Kiana, the Void Lawyer. "

"By the way, Major Himeko, I'm also a Hyperion's captain. "

[Honkai Himeko: You're also the captain of the Hyperion?


[Kiana: Isn't the captain of the Hyperion always Himeko?


[Bud Yi: Is there also a Hyperion in your world?


[Silver Wolf: Is it named after the Hyperion in the game?


Lynn: "Probably. "

"Okay, the climax is coming. "


At Lynn's reminder.

In the game screen.

Beams of light poured down from the Hyperion.

Attacking Kiana's body as the Law of Voidness, the collapse on Kiana's body can be quickly decomposed and transformed.

Rapid loss of collapse energy.

The Void Lawyer wailed in pain.

But she still found a little opportunity and directly used the power of the Void Law to escape from this place.

Played here.

Lynn's hands left the keyboard: "Everyone..."

"Himeko-sensei's 'last lesson' begins..."

Lynn's tone.

Unconsciously, it became a little heavy.

Even if you played this chapter in the first place.

Playing again, Lynn's heart still felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, Himeko is in this chapter.

It was too tragic to leave.

I don't know if I was infected by Lynn's emotions.

Or the audience in front of the light screen also substituted into the game.

After Himeko defeated the Void Lawyer.

The crowd showed no excitement.

Instead, watch nervously.

Everyone knows that Himeko's current body is also the end of the strong crossbow.

If you don't inject the God Killer Gun to neutralize the collapse energy in the body.

It is only a matter of time before death is reached.

After some settling of the game screen, it moved to the CG scene.

Himeko walked alone on the Hyperion, watching every busy figure.

Everyone here.

Some she knew, some she didn't.

Some people know her, some people don't.

In her hand was the god-killing gun that Tesla gave her.

Himeko leaned on the railing alone, the wounds on her body showing no signs of healing.

Himeko sighed: "This time, it's really big." "

Himeko then walked in the opposite direction of the flow of people.

He said to himself: "Although they are all guys who don't grow up. "

"But I still like this place. "

"There's still a long way to go. "

"Good luck to you..."

Himeko alone, retrograde.

"I really want another drink..."

Everyone on deck was busy with post-war restoration.

At this time, the siren on the Hyperion sounded again: "An unknown heat source is approaching rapidly." "

"400 km!"

Himeko immediately rushed into an elevator and headed for the upper deck...


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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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