"I didn't expect..."

"The Void Lawyer is really Kiana..."

Although Lynn said that just now.

But Teresa's heart was still a little unwilling to believe it.

After all, Kiana is for Teresa.

It has a different meaning.

Himeko's brows were also tightly furrowed.

"In the future, will Kiana really become the Law of Emptiness?"

Teresa wasn't sure: "If it's really like Lynn said." "

"This game shows our story. "

"Then Kiana will really become..."

"The Law of Emptiness!"

Himeko: "But didn't the Void Law appear once back then?"

"How can there be two identical Void Lawyers?"

"Didn't it say in the database of Mandate of Heaven that the power of the lawyer will only appear once. "

Teresa nodded.

Agreed with Himeko's statement, and then looked at the light curtain.

Say a fact that made Himeko's face change greatly: "Himeko, how do you feel she gives you." "

"Is it Kiana, or Celine?"

Himeko's face suddenly became ugly.

Seeing that Himeko did not answer, Teresa could guess a rough idea: "Grandpa, you really do a lot." "

"Even Kiana has been touched by you. "

Teresa clenched her fists.

Staring at Kiana in the game.

I can't let go of my heart for a long time.

Because in Teresa's opinion.

Kiana would become like this.

It's all because he didn't take good care of Kiana.

will lead to the game screen.

The confrontation between Kiana and Himeko of the Void Law.

"Kiana, you must overcome your lawyer personality. "

"Like Walter, become a lawyer who fights for humanity. "

"I believe that Celine can't beat you!"

Although it's just game graphics.

But Teresa's has been completely substituted into it.

And began to cheer for Kiana.

Himeko is the same.

Constantly in my heart for myself, the most boisterous student.

Pray silently.

In the dormitory.

Kiana looked at herself who had completely changed in the game screen.

I couldn't accept it for a while.

What she couldn't accept even more was that.

Kiana the Void Lawyer.

I actually planned to fight Himeko.

And it seems that he intends to kill Himeko.

Kiana's whole body was desperate: "Why, I became like this." "

"How can I make a move on Aunt Himeko. "

Bud immediately put her arm around Kiana's shoulders.


For a while, the other three didn't know how to comfort Kiana.

This scene in front of you.

It has surpassed the understanding of the three.

Kiana becomes the Law of Emptiness.

Before really seeing it.

There are still some flukes in the hearts of everyone.

When the lawyer Kiana appeared in front of everyone.

Several people still have some unacceptable in their hearts.

Even if you know a little about the Fuhua of Otto's plan.

It's the same.

For the first time, she doubted in her heart what Otto had done.

Looking at Kiana's slightly helpless back.

Fu Hua fell into deep thought.

Bronia said at this time: "Teacher Himeko now also has the strength of a lawyer. "

"So Kiana, don't worry too much. "

"The battle has begun. "

In the game screen.

Himeko's battle with Kiana the Void Law begins.

This is evident from this UI interface.

This battle is controlled by Lynn.

Lynn's handling is also perfect, and it can be said that it is almost injury-free.

Even the game master Bronia.

I couldn't help but say: "Lynn's game is so good!"

The same.

In the Star Dome World.

The game maniac Silver Wolf holds various game records.

He also couldn't help but say: "The game strength of this anchor is comparable to mine." "

"If I have the opportunity, I have also played with him online on the game of 'company'. "

Kafka: "Maybe there will be a chance in the future?"

Silver Wolf: "Who knows?"

"But the power of the lawyer is really strong. "

"Although it is not as powerful as those Star God's envoys, it is also much more powerful than ordinary people. "

Kafka: "Well, it seems that Walter can stand out in previous worlds. "

"It's also extraordinary. "

Silver Blue: "After all, he is now one of the leaders of the train set. "

Kafka: "And this Himeko, although it is an isotope. "

"But the two really have a fate. "

Silver Wolf: "I don't believe in this kind of thing. "

Kafka smiled.

Without saying much, he continued to look at the game screen in the light curtain.

On the Star Dome train.

When seeing the battle between the two lawyers.

March Seven couldn't help but say, "Both of them are so strong now!"

"Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang, the lawyer was in your previous world. "

"Is it so powerful?"

Walter pushed his glasses, and there was a hint of pride in his eyes: "Well, actually..."

"I used to be a lawyer too!"

As soon as these words came out.

The trainset looked at Walter in surprise.

March Seven complained: "Uncle Yang, in fact, you are also very powerful. "

"So you don't have to say that you are a lawyer because you are powerful, right?"

Danheng nodded.

Star: "Uncle Yang, it's okay. "

"We don't dislike you. "

Himeko looked at Walter and said with a smile: "Mr. Walter, is the power you are using now the power of the Lawyer?"

Walter: "..."

"No, but I'm sure you asked the streamer that he should be able to prove it. "

"I used to be the law of reason!"

March 7 sent a suspicious barrage.

[March 7: Anchor anchor, Uncle Yang said that he used to be the law of reason, is this true?


[Teresa: Well, it's true. 】

[Honkai Himeko: This is really true!].


When Lynn saw the barrage, she replied, "Well, it's true. "

"Walter Young was the Second Actor and later passed the core of the Law of Reason to Bronia Zajček. "

Later, he lost the power of the Law of Reason, and now Walter uses the Star of Eden as his weapon. "

Bronia is the ??? of the Law of Reason

The people who broke the world....

Shocked again!


Seek data, all kinds of !!

Four more !!! tonight

After work, fierce! Boomer!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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