In front of the computer.

Lynn manipulated Himeko and Tesla after the conversation.

Ji Zi exchanged the information given by Fu Hua just now, and the two of them moved towards the place Fu Hua said with the same purpose.

Next is the content of the game.

This is the best time to explain the plot.

Lynn spoke, "Okay guys, I'm moving forward with the plot now." "

"While explaining the plot before and after to you. "

"Lest you wait and look a little confused. "

[Silver Wolf: This game looks good, can you send it to me to play with?


[Bronia: Since it is our story, then Bronia also wants to experience it. 】

[March 7: Me me me, I want to play if I can.] 】

[Kafka: It's really positive that you see the game. 】

[Walter: I've been through it all. 】


Look at the request on the barrage.

Lynn declined: "I'm really sorry, there is a lot of content I want to broadcast in this next game." "

"So I'm not going to play with you guys yet. "

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, I'll help you sort out the plot first. "

"To put it simply, Kiana's plan in Otto's headquarters turned into the Law of Emptiness. "

"Teresa leads the Valkyries of the Far East Branch and the Anti-Entropy Conservatives to bring Kiana back and stop Otto's plan. "

In the process, Himeko and Tesla are defeated by S-class Valkyrie Rita Rosewiser. "

So there is the scene we saw at the beginning. "

"Now what we have to do is to manipulate Ji Zi to the lower level of the laboratory that Fu Hua just mentioned. "

Tesla's next task was to assemble a potion called the God Killer Gun to dissolve the powerful Collapse Energy in Kiana's body that belonged to the Lawyer. "

"Himeko will find the prototype of the Valkyrie armor, the True Red Knight Moon Eclipse, under the guidance of Fu Hua, in order to gain the strength to fight the Law of the Sky. "

"And bring back Kiana. "

"The course of the game includes combat and some puzzle solving, and I am now speeding through these tasks..."

Lynn's explanation.

Let the audience understand the plot.

At the same time, it also brought the greatest shock to everyone in the collapsed world.

[Kiana: I became a lawyer ???].

[Bronia: It turns out that the lawyer mentioned by the class leader just now has awakened, referring to Kiana?


Why did Kiana become a lawyer?


[Teresa: Grandpa, you really don't die. 】

[Walter: Otto has never died. 】

[Honkai Himeko: I didn't expect that this time was actually my highlight moment. 】

[March 7: Wait a minute, I have a question, what kind of existence is a lawyer?


[Danheng: Same question...].

[Himeko Hoshidome: +1!].

[Silver Wolf: +1!].

Lynn: "You in the Honkai World don't need me to explain, let me make an analogy for everyone in the Star Dome World." "

"To put it simply, Honkai is similar to the fate of the Star Dome World, and the lawyer is equivalent to the Honkai Order. "

"Although the strength is not equal, the relationship is almost like that. "

Lynn explained.

Several people in the Star Dome World understood a rough idea.

Next, Lynn interacts with the audience on the one hand.

On the other hand, complete the story and operation of the game.

St. Freya Gakuen Valkyrie dormitory.

Kiana still couldn't believe it.

The fact that he will become a lawyer in the future.

Although Kiana's usual studies in the school are not in tune.

But what kind of existence is the lawyer.

Kiana was still very clear.

Fu Hua comforted: "Classmate Kiana, don't be so sad first. "

"Since this is a game, it should have been properly artistically processed. "

And from Lynn's words, it seems that it is not a big deal for you to become an Empty Lawyer. "

"Perhaps, there is some reversal. "

Fu Hua's observation is always so meticulous.

Bronia also said: "That's right, just now the anchor also said that this is our story. "

"When Lynn picked the chapter just now, it was only chapter nine. "

"There's a lot of plot ahead. "

"Yes, Kiana. "

"Don't worry too much about it. "

"Let's see how the next game plays out. "

Under the comfort of everyone, Kiana's face slowly eased.

Nodded and said, "Well, let's continue to watch together." "

In the game screen.

Under Lynn's control, everyone followed a lot of plots together.

Among them is the true origin of the True Red Knight Lunar Eclipse.

It is a legacy of the pre-civilizational era.

It is also inlaid with disease gemstones, and after wearing them, it can have a powerful power comparable to that of a lawyer.

And the price is that it will be constantly eroded by the collapse.

If you want to recover, you have to use the god-killing gun that Tesla tested with his own body.

After a stream-of-consciousness battle.

Himeko put on brand new armor.

The Fu Hua phantom beside Himeko was wrapped in light.

Relieved, he said, "It's over." "

"You have overcome the demons of your heart. "

"As a human being, he temporarily controlled the power of the Lawyer. "

"This way my mission with you is over, and it's great to help you in the end." "

In the light, Fu Hua bowed his head.

"Major Himeko, thanks to your teachings. "

"If there is a chance, we will meet again in the future..."

Himeko smiled slightly, holding a fiery red big sword.

Step out of the lab slowly.

"Thank you, Fu Hua..."

"Everyone, wait for me!"

Lynn explained, "Okay, next we have to face Kiana the Law of the Void!"

The voice is finished.

As soon as the game screen goes black, the scene switches to Hyperion's battleship.

Himeko's side lay full of broken beasts and dead soldiers.

Himeko herself, on the other hand, was gasping.

There were also wounds on the body dripping blood.

Blood dripped onto the floor and turned into a scarlet mist that dissipated.

Obviously, such a fight is a lot of load for her.

But it's also a thrill.

Everyone in the collapsed world couldn't help but pinch a cold sweat for Jizi.

At this moment, a playful voice sounded in the game screen: "Oops, it's actually blocked." "

"The performance is not according to the script, but it can't be..."

Himeko looked at the sky, as if the sky had been torn open a gap.

Kiana, who had long hair like a waterfall and a queen-like temperament, walked out from inside.

Kiana the Void Law appears!

Himeko said with some distress: "Kiana..."


The astringent diagrams in front are all harmonized.

Let's watch and cherish it....

Continue to seek data !!!

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