In the Star Dome train.

Himeko and the others all looked at Walter with eyes full of gossip.

Walter's head grew up for a while.

This streamer.

It's really all about it....

March Seven asked excitedly: "Uncle Yang, Uncle Yang, who are you Tesla?"

"And what is reverse entropy?"

Star: "The alliance master of anti-entropy, it seems that Uncle Yang was in the Collapse World before, and he also has his own organization. "

Danheng: "So, do you want to explain?"

Himeko: "Mr. Walter, sure enough, no matter where you are, you are not an ordinary person. "

Walter pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache.

"This is a long story, how can I explain it to you?"

"Let me use some analogy in this universe. "

"Honkai is equivalent to the destruction of Nanuk, and reverse entropy is one of the organizations that fight Honkai. "

"And I was the one who led this organization, known as the anti-entropy ally. "

"Kiana and the others on the barrage belong to another organization that fights against Honkai, called Heavenly Destiny. "

Under Walter's explanation.

Everyone probably understood what was going on.

March 7 directly grasped the point: "But Uncle Yang, you still didn't say that this person named Tesla is you." "

Star: "I feel like you're skipping the point. "

Himeko: "Mr. Walter, I still know how to tear off the topic." "

Danheng: "The point has not been said. "

Walter: "You guys..."

"In short, this matter is very complicated, I will talk to you slowly when I am free." "

"There's also a source of my strength. "

"It's a long story. "

Star: "That's a long story short. "

Walter: "..."

It's not going to go away, is it?

Abominable anchor!

Everything shakes out.

Well, the gossip hearts of several people in the train crew were hoisted.

Walter was helpless.

Because this matter really can't be explained in a while.

"Let's watch the live broadcast first. "

"Let me organize the language and tell you this story. "

March Seven: "Okay, wait for you, Uncle Yang." "

Star: "I didn't expect to find something unexpected." "

Danheng: "Is this considered to be shaken out of black history." "

Walter was speechless.

Continue looking at the light curtain.

Speaking organizational language is also only a stopgap measure.

What follows the live stream.

Walter believes.

Can let Himeko a few people.

Forget what just happened.

And March 7 is also jumping: "Great, Tesla is going to start talking about humiliation." "

Walter: "..."

How do you feel weird?

Lynn's game live stream.

Tesla gritted his teeth angrily.

Clenched his fists.

The whole person was visibly irritable.

Himeko looked puzzled.

It is clear that Tesla is unscathed.

How do you get angry like this?

Tesla clenched his fists and gritted his teeth to explain: "She kept bowing her head to apologize when she tied me..."

"Saying something 'I'm sorry, it might be a little uncomfortable, it's offended'..."

"Then you let me go!"

Himeko's face suddenly became a little strained.

What's going on with a little funny?

Tesla continued to complain: "The most excessive!"

"She also thoughtfully sprayed perfume on the sides of the scarf..."

"Is this deliberately playing on me!"


Lynn was the first to laugh.

This plot, no matter how many times.

It's all so funny.

"It's really excessive, hahaha..."

The barrage was also filled with laughter at this time.

[Kiana: Hahahaha, that's too much. It's just bullying, no wonder Tesla is so angry. 】

[Nha Yi: Well, it's really excessive. It's not like tying people, it's like tying gifts?].

[Bronia: It's really hard for Dr. Tesla. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, obviously very miserable, but I want to laugh about what's going on, and I sprayed perfume intimately. ] 】

[Star: Killing, and Murder!].

[Star Dome Himeko: It's really excessive, you can see that Tesla is really hot now. 】

[Walter: She's always had this temper. 】

[Fu Hua: It's really excessive. 】

[Teresa: I'm right to worry. 】


In front of the light curtain.

Teresa held her forehead.

A look of embarrassment.

Himeko asked, "Teresa, do you know who did it?"

Teresa: "Well, this battleship is obviously a battleship of destiny. "

"And in the destiny of heaven, I can only think of one person. "


Himeko was shocked: "The vice captain of the Immortal Blade of the strongest Valkyrie Squad of Heavenly Destiny, Rita Lothwiser?"

Teresa nodded: "Well, just now I felt that the method of tying things was very familiar." "

"Sure enough, I guessed right..."

Himeko: "I've heard about her specialty. "

"I didn't expect it to be so special..."


Himeko suddenly looked at Teresa in surprise: "Destiny? anti-entropy? Rita?"

"Teresa, can we say that we in the future are against destiny?"

Teresa snorted: "Judging from the current situation, it should be like this." "

"It doesn't matter, I left the headquarters in the first place. "

"It's also because of the confrontation with my grandfather, and now it's just doing something that wasn't done before." "

Teresa said lightly.

It's like a trivial thing.

But Himeko was shocked.

No matter what, the Far East Branch is still a branch of the Mandate of Heaven.

How can this be said to be the opposite....

Isn't it a little too exciting?

Himeko looked at the game screen: "It seems that a lot must have happened in the future." "

"You have to go down this path again. "

Teresa shrugged indifferently.

Didn't say much.

Instead, continue to look at the game screen....


Today's second change, (2/8).

Keep looking for all kinds of data

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Immediately recharge(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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