"Red kite?"

"Fu Hua Shangxian?"

"When did Fu Hua have so many strange nicknames?"

Himeko looked curiously at the game screen of the light curtain.

Interaction between himself and Fu Hua.

"And it seems that Fu Hua and I in the game are a little bit unsympathetic. "


Himeko shook her head and dismissed the strange thought.

He is Fu Hua's teacher.

How can a teacher have a temper with a student?

It's weird.


Himeko looked at Teresa: "Teresa, don't you think the name 'Red Kite' is a little familiar?"

And Teresa at this time.

The face has changed.

"Fu Hua is a red kite?"


"How is this possible?"

Himeko's brows furrowed: "I just said that the name 'Red Kite' is a little familiar." "

"Teresa, do you remember something?"

Teresa still nodded in disbelief.

"Red Kite Immortal, Guardian of Shenzhou!"

"Countless legends circulating in Shenzhou have the figure of the Red Kite Immortal. "

was reminded by Teressa.

Ji Zi also remembered: "More than 500 years ago, the Mandate of Heaven crusaded to Shenzhou. "

"Because of the use of the Honkai energy to make a reagent, the Red Kite Immortal made a move. "

"The entire Mandate of Heaven Far Eastern Army, including the strongest Valkyrie at that time, Karen Kaslanna, was defeated by the Red Iris Immortals!"

"In the end, only two people escaped. "

Teresa nodded: "That's right. "

"This is the only record of the Red Kite Immortal strike in the Heavenly Mandate database. "

"Could it be that Fu Hua is the Red Kite Immortal?"

Himeko: "How is this possible." "

"According to the legend of Shenzhou, the red kite is an immortal, right. "

"Fu Hua doesn't look like an immortal who has lived for thousands of years..."

Himeko couldn't believe this conclusion either.

People who have lived for more than 500 years.

Destiny also has it.

But for thousands of years, it's a little too weird.

Teresa shook her head: "I don't know. "

"Let's wait for Lynn to decrypt it for us. "

"I used to think that Fu Hua was not ordinary, but now it seems that this is indeed the case..."

Himeko did not deny it.

Relative to most of their peers.

Fu Hua is indeed very different.

For a long time, Himeko believed that it was Fu Hua's relationship that often practiced martial arts alone.

Now it seems....

It doesn't seem to be the same thing.

All answers.

Maybe only this anchor named Lynn will know.

Teresa continued: "Not just Fuhua, but Walter to another world. "

"What a headache. "

"I finally had a good leisure moment, but I still encountered this kind of waste of brains. "

Himeko: "Keep watching." "

The two continued to look at the game screen.

A conversation between Fu Hua and Himeko.

Obviously, Fu Hua planned to let Ji Zi protect himself first.

But Himeko is not that kind of person.

Resolutely chose another path.

Under the control of Lynn.

Himeko opened the hatch and ran in the direction Fu Hua said.

In this huge space.

Quickly explored.

Soon we came to another hatch.

Through the glass window of the hatch.

Vaguely, a man could be seen tied to a chair.

You can also hear the whimpering of people inside.

Himeko immediately recognized the owner of this voice: "This voice is?"

Himeko immediately opened the hatch.

A girl with red hair.

After seeing Himeko.

The whimpering was louder.

Himeko yelled, "Tesla!?"

Although it was miserable to be tied up.

But the audience in front of the light curtain at the moment.

After seeing the appearance of Tesla being tied up.

All of them laughed immorally.

[Kiana: Hahahaha, what's going on?


[Bud clothes: Obviously tied up, but why is the direction of the rope wrapped and the knotted bow so delicate?]

[Fu Hua: That's right, this kidnapper seems to have obsessive-compulsive disorder. 】

[March 7: Hahaha, and the handkerchief stuffed in my mouth is really exquisite.] 】

[Teresa: How do you feel that where have you seen this knotting technique? 】

[Honkai Himeko: This... It's a little bit familiar. 】

[Walter: It turns out that Tesla was tied up like this at that time....].

[Xing: Uncle Yang, your tone seems to have changed slightly. 】

[Silver Wolf: Walter seems to know this guy named Tesla. 】

[Kafka: Well, and the relationship seems to be pretty good. 】

[Bronia: Of course, Mr. Walter is the ally of reverse entropy, and Dr. Tesla is one of the leaders of reverse encoding. 】

[Kiana: But aren't destiny and anti-entropy mortals? 】

[Teresa: Interests are such things, and sometimes they can cooperate when interests are aligned. 】

[Kiana: I don't understand. 】

[March 7: I know, I understand, every pioneering trip to Danheng has said this kind of thing. 】

[Danheng: But you didn't listen to it every time. 】

[Star: Or don't team up with March in the future. 】

[March 7: Hey, hey, I can see the barrage you sent.] 】


Lynn looked at the barrage, and was also amused by Tesla's binding posture: "Hahaha, not only that." "

"Walter Young's relationship with Tesla is much deeper than you think. "

"Hahaha, though. "

"It's really funny that Tesla is tied up. "

"I'll untie Tesla first, and guess who did it?"

In the game screen.

Under Lynn's control, Himeko came to Tesla.

Untie Tesla.

As soon as he untied himself, Tesla's violent temper suddenly came up.

"The maid !!"

"Don't let me see her again!"

Himeko looked at Tesla's angry look and thought something had happened.

Nervously, he asked, "What did she do to you?"

Tesla: "She! How dare you humiliate my !!."

Himeko in the game screen.

And the audience in front of the light curtain.

His eyes suddenly became calm.

??? humiliated by the maid

So exciting....


Is it so excessive???


It was Rita who tied Tesla up

You guys drop!

Data, more drops to small authors.

Shibuto !!

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