Starry universe fairy boat.

Li Sushang listened to Lin En telling the story of the second collapse

"Why does Fu Hua's Taixu Sword God have such side effects after using it?"

Li Sushang is a little confused.

It seems that Taixu Sword Technique will not have side effects.

"The marshal never mentioned this either......."

Li Sushang recalled it.

Neither his mother nor Marshal Xianzhou ever mentioned this matter.

"In this way, it should be related to that Yu Duchen"

"Is it at the expense of memory in exchange for more powerful attack power?"

Thinking about it.

Li Sushang felt that this was very possible. After all, there are many such moves in Xianzhou. By sacrificing something, the evolution of the moves became more powerful. But losing memory. Li Sushang really It's the first time I've heard of it

"Could it be that the marshal also has such ability?"

"It’s just that none of us are suitable to learn, so that’s why we didn’t say anything?"

Li Sushang used her clever little mind to think for a moment.

She thought of many possibilities.

Each of them was unconstrained.

"Forget it, now we have basically found the reason for Fu Hua’s amnesia."

"Then Kiana and the others should have to worry about it next."

Li Sushang thought for a while:"I feel that the Taixu Grasp of the Law of Consciousness is more handsome!"

The Taixu Sword God gave Li Su Chang a shocking feeling!

And it was performed by his own counterpart.

At that time, it was the biggest shock to Li Su Chang.

But after seeing the way the Herrscher of Knowledge used the Grip of Taixu.

Li Sushang changed her mind.

If you want to learn, you still have to learn the Grip of Taixu!

"Wait until the live broadcast here ends"

"I'll go ask the marshal and the others who can master Taixu's Grip!"

That aura of domination in heaven and earth.

It is indeed cool!

Li Sushang continued to look at the live broadcast room.

Compared to others, he was infected by Cecilia's righteousness.

Obviously Li Sushang cared more about various moves and fighting.

Otherwise, There will be no more nicknames like Li Dazhen.

It’s just because he often practices martial arts and fights. He starts sleeping when he arrives at the academy.

That’s why he was nicknamed Li Dazhen by the gentlemen.

But it has to be said.

These gentlemen on the fairy boat There are two brushes.

Give your students a nickname.

You can make a pun!

In the Valkyrie dormitory of St. Freya Academy


Mei looked at Kiana worriedly.

Afraid that Kiana would be exposed to such truth again.

What negative emotions arise.

But Kiana looked at Meiyi firmly:"I'm fine Meiyi, although this truth is indeed very hurtful.""

"But from the beginning, I was Mama Cecilia’s daughter."

773"Xi Lin and I are both......"

"I'm proud of my stinky dad and my mom Cecilia."

Bronya and the others saw Kiana's look.


Anyone who has such parents would be proud.

What's more, Kiana now is also walking on the path that Cecilia once walked. on.

You can better understand the choice Cecilia made at that time.

Bronya breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Fu Hua:"Squad leader, now I finally understand when your memory was lost."

"Maybe we can find a way to get it back. Fu

Hua nodded:"If you want to get it back, you should probably only start with Yu Duchen.""

"I really didn't expect that I lost all my memory in this situation."

Bronya:"The Taixu Sword God directly chopped the Honkai Consciousness into pieces."

"This move appears to be more powerful than we thought at the time"

"The move Li Sushang used might not be as powerful as the squad leader's move to crush Honkai Consciousness."

For this kind of flattery,

Fu Hua didn't appreciate it:"It's just a little awareness of 30%."

"It took Kevin's full blow to shut down the Herrscher of the End."

"And my full blow was obviously much worse than Kevin's."


Kevin doesn't seem to have paid any price.

But he has paid all his memories.

Although I don't know whether this is a side effect of excessive use of Yu Duchen.

Or it is some kind of exchange of power.

But from this point, we can Discovered how powerful

Kevin was in the pre-civilization era. Kiana continued:"Monitor, I really didn't expect that you actually knew my mother.


"If only you could remember now"

"I can ask you what kind of person Cecilia's mother is. Fu

Hua said with an apology on his face:"I'm sorry Kiana, but I will tell you after I recover my memory."

Bronya:"But shouldn't we ask the principal about this kind of thing?""

"If I remember correctly, the principal is Cecilia-sama's best friend."

Mei Yi nodded:"The principal of the academy is on the barrage, and he is particularly excited when he mentions Lady Cecilia."

"I remember the principal once said that she and a good friend planned to build this academy together."

"I think that person should be Lady Cecilia."

Kiana:"Auntie is right, she never told me the whereabouts of my smelly dad."

"And more about Cecilia’s mother."

Bronya:"Maybe it's because I'm afraid you'll be sad."

"And she would be unhappy if she mentioned these things herself."

Kiana nodded understandingly.

After all, if it were her, her best friend would have left her.

It would also take a long, long time to recover.

And in the future, when she mentioned it, she would become Not happy.

But Bronya changed the subject:"But, if the Herrscher of Knowledge is here now,......"

Several people's expressions darkened.

Suddenly there was a picture.

After the Herrscher of Knowledge saw this scene and heard Kiana's question.

I will definitely be happy to tell you what happened back then.

How Fu Hua trained with Cecilia.

And how Cecilia mastered how to deal with the environment.

I will definitely sit down and tell Kiana carefully.

Mei:"Forget it, let's not talk about the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Bronya:"Same feeling."

Kiana:"Sympathy +1"

Ah Sneeze!!!

On the top of the mountain, the Herrscher of Knowledge sneezed directly


"Who is scolding the great Herrscher Lady of Knowledge?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked around suspiciously, and then a gust of mountain wind blew by.

She used the God's Key as her body.

Of course, she had no sense of temperature.

But she still looked at her hands in confusion:"Am I catching a cold? Already?"

"Bah bah bah!"

"I am the great Herrscher of Knowledge, how could I catch a cold?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge continued to look at the light screen:"These guys finally know where the old antique lost his memory."

"Having said that, Otto is still to blame for this matter."

"If he hadn't been pestering the god to ask questions, Old Antique wouldn't have directly used the Taixu Sword God to cut off his consciousness at the end."

The memory came to this point.

The Herrscher of Knowledge sighed softly:"I have pity on that good young man Cheng Lixue."

"Old antique, old antique"

"But I can’t blame you for this. You have your own reasons for not wanting to be a master."

"It’s just that the child Li Xue cried in the end"

"If not, with her talent and growth, she will not lose to that little guy Li Sushang."

The Herrscher of Consciousness said these things in a tone like an adult.

He has all the memories of Fu Hua.

He can also regard himself as an outsider.

So when the Herrscher of Consciousness said these things, he spoke with force!


"Forget it, forget it, these are all the old antique's own business."

"I'm too lazy to get involved."

"I am the Lawyer of Consciousness, not Fu Hua."

The Herrscher of Knowledge seemed to have forgotten.

Who was it that wanted others to admit that he was the real Fu Hua? The real

Red Kite Immortal!

For this reason, he returned to Taixu Mountain. After the Herrscher of Knowledge finished complaining, he continued to look at The game screen in the live broadcast room.

I didn't see this scene at first.

So the Herrscher of Knowledge doesn't want to miss it now.

In the game screen, after Kiana finished saying that sentence.

Just like the previous windmill and the display screen, the square It was also divided into two streams of energy.

One stream entered Kiana's body.

The other stream opened a new door of light. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Proving the consciousness of Sirin, the Herrscher of the Sky , also recognized Kiana.

He truly entrusted his power to Kiana.

At the same time, he opened the door to the next power consciousness space for Kiana.

Kiana took her firm steps towards Go to the light door.

When she was about to enter the light door, Kiana gently smelled the fragrance of the flowers around her.

She said slowly:"Flowers"......"

"It really smells good……"

"mother cecilia……" in tone.

Anyone can hear it.

That's Kiana versus Cecily(baej)’s thoughts.

After saying that, Kiana stepped into the light door.

The picture changed again.

Kiana came to a long red bridge.

Kiana recognized this place at a glance:"Changkong City……"

Kiana and the three people in the live broadcast room also recognized this place.

This is where the Yusan family first met.

It's also where it all started.

There are many viewers who don’t know this place.

But Kiana in the game screen has already begun to slowly recall and introduce this place.

"Here, I met Mei Yi and Bronya……"

"Happy thing……"

"sad thing……"

"There are many……"

"After everything is over, let's go back to Changkong City with them."

"Perhaps by then, this city will regain its vitality with a different look."

A door of light appeared on the bridge.

No need to think about what it was before.

Kiana and the Herrscher had to communicate more.

The door of light appeared.

【March 7: Why does it feel like there is some kind of special ritual missing?】

【Theresa: I think it’s because this is the space of the Herrscher of Thunder】

【Alicia: Mei’s consciousness space?】

【Mei: I was transformed into a law in Changkong City, and then I was rescued by Kiana】

【Honkai Impact: Yes, I was really scared to death at the time. I was no match for him.】

【Bronya: This is also where Bronya met Sister Mei】

【Xi'er: That is to say, the starting point of Sister Bronya's new life in Changkong City】

【Walter: I'm sorry, Cocolia did too many wrong things because of my absence.】


Lin En looked at the long bridge in Changkong City.

Although this is not the beginning of the game.

But it is the starting point of the entire Honkai Impact 3 story.

Lin En smiled faintly and continued to explain to the audience:"The consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder in Mei Yi's body is the same as Mei Yi's thoughts."

"Everyone wants to protect Kiana"

"So Kiana doesn't need to say anything here, the Herrscher of Thunder consciousness will hand over her power."

"Open the passage to the next consciousness space for Kiana."

With Lin En's explanation, the audience all understood.

In the game screen,

Kiana slowly walked towards the light door. She looked around from time to time.

A look of reminiscence flashed in her eyes.

She remembered what happened in the sky before. All kinds of things in the city.

At that time, she, Mei and Bronya were still very young. They were still very noisy.

Himeko and Theresa were helpless.

It was completely different from now.

Kiana picked up these scattered memories

"After everything is over……"

"Let's go back to Changkong City with them and have a look.……"

"maybe then……"

"This city will regain its vitality with a different look……"

There was a flash of white light.

What appeared in front of the audience this time was a completely unfamiliar space.

The entire space presents a quiet blue.

There are white flowers blooming on the ground.

It gives people a heavy and cold feeling.

There was a raised piece of ice in front of Kiana.

There seems to be a necklace sealed inside the ice cube.

Basically, everyone in the live broadcast room didn't know this place.

At this time, the role of Lin En as the anchor is revealed.

"This is the consciousness space of the Ice Herrscher"

"To be more precise, it is the space belonging to Herrscher of Ice and Herrscher of Rock."

"They were originally a couple, but due to various reasons, they eventually became the Herrschers."

"But they couldn't be together. Later, the Herrscher of Rock gave his power to the Herrscher of Ice in order to save the Herrscher of Ice."

"And then created the Herrscher of Fallen Ice who has two kinds of powers."

"Later, with the cooperation of Mei and Hollander, they were successfully defeated and prevented a disaster from happening."

"At the time of the cooperation, Mei Yi was already the Herrscher of Thunder and joined the World Serpent."

"Youlandel represents destiny"

【Padofelis: It’s such a miserable story no matter what.】

【March 7: Yes, it’s all a tragedy no matter what】

【Star: Because everything brought about by the collapse is a disaster, and the disaster itself is a tragedy】

【Walter: I have only seen a brief introduction to this paragraph in anti-entropy materials.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: No wonder Mr. Walter didn’t know just now】

【Youlandel: After Mei becomes the Herrscher of Thunder, there will still be opportunities for us to cooperate.】

【Rita: Cooperation between World Snake and Destiny……】

【Teresa: Maybe they just happened to appear in the same place at the same time, and neither Mei nor Youlandel wanted them to hurt other people.】

【Alicia: The Herrscher of the Fallen Ice, this time represents love.……】

【Mei: Although it’s selfish, it’s the right thing to do, isn’t it?】

【Mebius: I never thought you would say such a thing, Dr. Mei.】

【Velvet: Dr. Mei’s thoughts have also changed a lot.】

【Li Sushang: Falling ice? It sounds like he can fight very well.】

【Eden: The combination of the powers of the two Herrschers... is already twice as powerful as an ordinary Herrscher, right?】

【Sakura: The combination of Yulandel and Mei is not bad at all.】

【Hua: Mei itself is a Herrscher, not to mention Youlandel.】

【Honkai Impact: The two of them will stand together and fight side by side. This is something I would never have imagined before.】

【Teresa: Yes, me too】

【Silver Wolf: This boss sounds very strong.】

【Xier: I feel so pitiful……】


Although Linn didn't tell the whole story.

But everyone looked at the necklace that was frozen.

You can probably guess a lot of things.

And Kiana in the game screen.

I also know this.

Slowly walked towards the frozen necklace

"This is Mei and her sister"

"The story they witnessed."

Kiana took a deep breath and gently raised her hand and placed it on the ice.

She seemed to feel the unwillingness of the two Herrscher consciousnesses.


They were originally innocent.

It was because of the collapse that they could not walk. Together.

It is a tragedy in itself.

Kiana slowly said:"People who have been tricked by fate"

"Please rest in peace!"

"Even if tragedy is inevitable, we will fight hard"

"Keep fighting."


The ice cube and the necklace shattered together.……


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