"In the future, Mei Yi will join forces with Youlandel"

"It would have been better if we could have seen that battle."

Kiana looked at Mei Yi with bright eyes.

Mei Yi had never thought that one day she would join forces with Youlandel to fight against the enemy.

Fu Hua continued:"This also means that in the future, becoming Lei The law-the bud clothes of the person"

"In terms of strength, he should be almost the same as Youlandel."

"If there is too much difference in strength, such a cooperation will become a burden. Bronya agreed and said:"

Yes, it seems that the future sister Meiyi is really powerful.""

Kiana:"Of course, this is Mei!"

Mei Yi:"Mainly because the power of Herrscher of Thunder is still much inferior to that of Youlandel."

Mei Yi at this time is still not very able to accept the personality of the Herrscher of Thunder in her body.

That's why she said such words.

Moreover, Mei Yi now doesn't know.

In terms of protecting Kiana, the Herrscher personality in her body and She had the same idea.

Otherwise, she would not have cooperated with Mei to advance to Feathering later.

In the consciousness space of Herrscher, she directly handed over her power to Kiana.

To a certain extent, the Queen of Thunder and Lightning She even doted on Kiana more than Mei Yi.

Kiana looked at Mei Yi and said,"Mei Yi, whether it's you or the Herrscher of Thunder,"

"They are all you"

"It’s just that you are different in different times"

"As long as it's Mei Yi, I like it."

Listening to Kiana's words, Mei Yi's face turned red.

Bronya looked at the two of them and sighed softly.

Then she looked at Fu Hua.

Fu Hua sighed helplessly.

Kiana When he and Bronya were arguing,

Mei Yi looked at herself.

When Kiana and Mei Yi were having sex with each other,

Bronya looked at herself.

For a moment,

Fu Hua felt like a tool.

But no Waiting for Fu Hua to speak,

Bronya spoke first and said:"If we continue in this order, it should be the turn of the Herrscher of Knowledge soon.

Fu Hua nodded:"Yes.""

"It should be soon"

"Or maybe it’s the next one."

Kiana said with some anticipation:"So what will Xiaoshi's Herrscher Space be like?"

Bronya:"The character of the Herrscher of Knowledge is indeed a bit curious."

Mei Yi:"Judging from the consciousness space of the Herrscher that appeared before, they are all very important places for the Herrscher."

"I think even the Herrscher of Knowledge will not be an exception."

Qiana:"So what is the important thing for Xiaoshi?"

Pre-Civilization Era.

Alicia fiddled with her fingers:"The Ninth Herrschers have appeared."

"It’s almost Xiaoshi’s turn next."

Padophilis:"It's strange, Sister Aili."

"Why is there no consciousness of the Lawyer of Reason?"

It's not just Padofelis who is confused.

Others also have similar doubts.

It seems that from just now to now, the consciousness space of the Herrscher of Reason has really not appeared.

Alicia explained:"Because the Herrscher of Reason has never appeared. Since the first generation, the consciousness of the Herrscher has been passed down"

"No other situation occurred"

"So Bronya only had to do it once."

Vilwei:"To put it simply, the Lawyer of Reason has no other consciousness space."

"Bronya is the only leader"

"Correct answer, Velvet!

Alicia replied with a smile. Mei:"

The Lawyer of Reason, whether it is the power of power or the core,"

"No matter in which era of civilization, they are the most special existence."

Mebius:"Yes, when the Void Manzo was refined into the God Key, there was an endless space.

Su:"This also allows us to store the knowledge of this civilization era in it."

Sakura:"Speaking of which, who will hold the Void Manzo in the next civilization era?""

"It seems that no one in the live broadcast room is using Void Manzo.

Mei:"It may not be used by anyone.""

"Void Manzo has his own artificial intelligence consciousness. Maybe he has other ways to obtain a body or something."

"His duty is to help mankind completely eliminate Honkai"

"So don't worry about what else this guy will do."

Hua:" I hope so."

Padophilis:"Ignore the Void Manzo for now."

"Look, Kiana is about to enter the next Herrscher consciousness space."

"I don’t know what Herrscher will be next. Alicia

:"I feel like Xiaoshi will be next!"

Su:"Judging from the order, it's almost her turn.""

Aponya:"It seems that the consciousness of the Herrscher of Death has not appeared either. Alicia:"

Didn't the captain just say that?"......"

"The core of the Herrscher of Death is also in Siren, so she is also the Herrscher of Death."

"The follow-up should be because the consciousness of the second Herrscher of Death did not appear."

"So it is bound to Xilin's consciousness."

Gratius:"The pattern of Herrschers appearing in the next civilization era seems a bit chaotic.

Mei:"As long as the general direction and authority are correct, it means that our plan has been successful."

Mebius:" Yes."......"

All the heroes continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room. in the game screen.

As the ice cubes break.

Get a necklace and the same things that represented the Herrscher consciousness before.

Became two forces.

A new door of light has opened.

Kiana stepped into the light door with ease.

Another burst of white light flashed.

The scene that appeared this time was also unfamiliar to most people.

But the moment this scene appeared.

Almost everyone has the same idea in their mind.

That is beauty!

Absolute beauty.

There are mountains and rivers, beautiful mountains and clear waters.

The water surface is also covered with lotus flowers.

It adds a different color to this landscape painting.

On top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looks here.

I immediately understood that this was my own conscious space.

And this place is no other location.

This is the dojo of Immortal Red Kite!

Taixu Mountain!

It was also the place where she was defeated by Kiana and Fu Hua.

Apart from being angry.

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Taixu Mountain in the Yuyu Lake:"Speaking of which, I haven't been back for a long time."

"It's no wonder that Old Antique stayed in one place for so long."

"Otherwise, follow the original planned route"

"We should be getting closer to China now."

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Taixu Mountain.

A lot of memories were also evoked.

But these memories were not hers.

They were Fu Hua's.

The memories of Fu Hua in China.

When the memories came back, the Herrscher of Knowledge The lawyer couldn't help but clenched his fists

"Old antique, your memory is really profound."

"Looking back now, I can feel pain all over my body"

"But it's a blessing, not a curse. If it weren't for them, the divine voice would always be in your head."

The Herrscher of Knowledge shook his head.

Get rid of those strange thoughts in his mind.

Then he continued to look at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

"after me"

"It should be soon."

The other side.

Destiny Headquarters.

After Otto saw this place, his distant memories were also touched.

"here it is......"

"Taixu Mountain!"

Youlandel and Rita immediately looked at Otto.

Rita:"The location of the Taixu Sect in China, the dojo of the Red Kite Immortal? (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Youlandel:"Looking at it this way, this should be the consciousness space of the Herrscher of Knowledge."

Otto:"Yes, it's Taixu Mountain.""

"I've been there, of course I won't admit it."

"This place is really not much different from what it was five hundred years ago."

Rita:"The scenery of a place, if no manpower or external force causes any changes to it."

"Things in this world that can change it"

"Maybe it’s just the baptism of time."

"In the face of time, more than 500 years is not a long time.

Otto nodded:"It's just a little emotional.""

"I saw exactly the same scene as five hundred years ago."

Otto looked at the Taixu Mountain in the game screen.

He didn't know if he thought of any other memories.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

The two of them, Hollander and Rita, had heard the story of what happened on Taixu Mountain. Otto said it.

So when I saw Taixu Mountain at this moment,

I was just surprised by the beauty of this place.

I had no other superfluous thoughts.

And Lin En, who was in front of the computer

, couldn't help but look at Taixu Mountain. He sighed:"Sure enough, the natural scenery is the most beautiful."

"if you have time"

"I also want to take a look at Taixu Mountain."

I have to say.

The original Fu Hua and the former Chi Yuan were good at choosing places. But at this time, more viewers didn't know this in the barrage.


【Theresa: What a beautiful scenery, this is the consciousness space of the Herrscher】

【Honkai Impact: There is such a place in this world. I really want to visit it during my vacation.】

【Kiana: Yes, it’s really beautiful】

【Xier: I also want to go to this place with Sister Bronya】

【Silver Wolf: The scenery design in this game is really good.】

【Kafka: Silver Wolf, you are a real game fan.】

【March 7: Uncle Yang and I have been to so many places, but there are really not many places that can compare with this place.】

【Alicia: This place looks a bit like a place in China】

【Su: Yes, that mountain gate is very Chinese-style.】

【Hua: Could it be?......】

【Fu Hua: It really feels like China.】

【Meiyi: Could it be that......】

While watching the barrage, Lin En continued to explain:"Yes, this is the consciousness space of the Herrscher of Knowledge."

"When the Herrscher of First Consciousness was first born"

"The original idea of ​​Honkai Consciousness was to take advantage of Fu Hua's perfect fusion warrior physique."

"Coupled with that powerful combat power, a powerful Herrscher was created, second only to the Herrscher of the End."

0request flowers

"However, the Honkai Consciousness himself did not expect that the moment the Herrscher of Knowledge was born, all his thoughts would be wiped away by Fu Hua's huge memory."

"In the place where the Herrscher of Consciousness was born, she thought she was Immortal Red Kite and Fu Hua"

"After making a big fuss, we returned to Taixu Mountain"

"It was also here that the Herrscher of Knowledge was defeated by the combined consciousness of Kiana and Fu Hua."

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Captain, just tell me to come to Taixu Mountain. There is no need to say anything else.】

【Kiana: That’s it. No wonder Xiaoshi’s consciousness space is Taixu Mountain】

【Alicia: So that’s it, I wanted to be Fuhua since I was born.】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: That was because I was deceived by the old antique’s memory.】

【Fu Hua: There should be no problem with my memory.】

【Otto: So in the later period, I should have fallen into the depression that I am a Herrscher instead of Fu Hua.】

【Mebius: After slowly accepting that he is the Herrscher of Knowledge, he also has Fu Hua’s desire to protect human civilization.】

【Weiwei: It’s really all kinds of accidents caused by a combination of circumstances.】

【Eden: Sure enough, reality is often more exciting than the script.......】 in the game screen.

As the barrages rolled by.

Kiana has reached this point in the game plot.

I have already been to Taixu Mountain.

So she recognized this place at once:"It's Taixu Mountain."

The place where she fought with the Herrscher of Knowledge before.

Although that time was also a space of consciousness.

But it was also fought on Taixu Mountain.

At that time, they were still enemies with the Herrscher of Consciousness.

In order to regain Fu Hua's body.

Help Fu Hua fight to suppress the consciousness of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Kiana walked towards the mountain and said with a smile:"After experiencing so many things,......"

"The Herrscher of Knowledge, she is also our partner."

And he's not just a partner.

He's also the most arrogant of all the partners.

Kiana continued walking up the winding path up the mountain.

"That problem you've been struggling with in the past......"

"There’s no need to look for answers anymore, right?"

"You are not Fu Hua......"

"Because you don’t need to be Fu Hua!"

At the mountain gate at the top of the mountain.

A door of light appeared just like that.

It emitted a soft light.

It seems that the Herrscher of Consciousness is competing with other Herrschers at this point.

Even the door is better than the others. The person is bigger and the position is higher.

Only in this way can it fit her character of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

Kiana looked at the light door in front of her.

She smiled again.

She walked to the light door and continued:"Xiaoshi, you will always just yourself"

"It is our partner - the Herrscher of Consciousness......"

Just when Kiana was about to step into the light door.

There was a sudden pause on my feet.

She seemed to feel something:"That's it after you walk in."

Then Kiana walked in without hesitation.

On top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge wiped his nose:"Kiana, I guess you can speak."

"You were like that just now"

"The next people we are going to encounter should be those guys from the rabble, right?"

"That was also the place where you and Himeko said goodbye......."

It wasn't just the Herrscher of Knowledge who guessed it.

The special emotion shown by Kiana.

Audiences in the live broadcast room.

I have basically watched the plot of Xin Yan Yongran before.

【March 7: It’s the Herrscher of Domination, right? The next power】

【Hoshi: It should be the place where Kiana and Himeko say goodbye and reconcile with the past.】

【Xier: Come on Kiana!】

【Honkai Impact: In the future, if I know Kiana’s growth, I will be extremely happy, just like me at this time.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Yes, Kiana, don’t be afraid, just go on firmly.】

【Teresa: Go back to that place again and let Himeko see your growth again.】

【Youlandel: Kiana, your growth is enough to make everyone who knows you feel proud of you.】

【Otto: Yeah......】

【Walter: Otto, you have no right to be proud.】

【Alicia: After the Herrscher of Domination, all that remains is restraint】

【Padophyllis: Herrscher of Restraint......】

【Mebius: Put it this way, I am really curious about how they will deal with the Herrscher of Restraint in the next civilization era.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Speaking of which, this matter should be attributed to Otto.】

【Teresa: Grandpa?】

【Otto: Does defeating the Herrscher of Binding have anything to do with me?】

【Hollander: Did the bishop finally do something good?】

【Rita: It’s so rare......】

【Walter: Although I hate to admit it, this most troublesome Herrscher was indeed solved by you from another level.】

【Kiana: Summon the captain to answer our questions!】.....What...

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