Pre-civilization era.

All Yingjie including Mei.

After seeing the Lawyer of Consciousness, he said that the Lawyer of Restraint was killed.

It's Otto's credit.

If this sentence is said by someone else.

People may also think that the person is being modest or something else.

But these words come from the mouth of the Lawyer of Consciousness.

The credibility immediately went up a notch.

Because of the character of the Lawyer of Knowledge.

If this was done by someone else.

There is definitely no credit due to Otto.

Since it is said that it is Otto's credit, then it must be explained that the Herrscher of Restraint.

It was very likely that he was killed directly by Otto.

And the law of restraint.

Damage caused by previous civilizational eras.

It is immeasurable!

Mei looked at the live broadcast room:"How did this guy Otto do it?"

Alicia:"What a surprise. We always thought that"

"As the Archbishop of Destiny, Otto’s greater advantage lies in his overall perspective and wisdom."

"Unexpectedly, he was able to take out the Herrscher of Restraint with his own abilities."

Padophilis's hair stood up.

Even now, the incident of the Herstor has passed.

But when she thought of it,

Padofelis still felt scared.

Mebius seemed relatively relaxed:"The Herrscher of Binding who can suppress all energy and directly kill Honkai"

"But they killed almost all of our fusion warriors"

"As a result, it seems that there will be no disturbance in the next civilization era.

Velvet:"Yes, it troubled us for a long time at first.""

Mebius:"Yes, it's also because of the existence of the Herrscher of Restraint."

"Only then did Dr. Mei think of that extremely bold guess.

Mei:"It's just a possibility based on reality and various situations.""

Sakura:"So how did Otto defeat the Herrscher of Restraint? Alicia thought for a moment,"877" and then shook her head.

"Could it be that he invented some technology that can resist the restraint barrier?"

"Can a Valkyrie or a Fusion Warrior be allowed to move for a short period of time under the power of the Herrscher of Restraint?"

Weilwei:"I don't rule out this possibility."

"The only trump card of the Herrscher of Restraint is his power. Once his power fails,"

"Then it is a lamb to be slaughtered.

Su:"Let's see if the captain is willing to explain this matter to us.""

Aponia:"Yeah, I'm curious too."

Gratius:" Kosmo, are you curious?

Kosmo nodded:"After all, the power of the Herrscher of Restraint is very important to those of us who use Honkai energy to fight.""

"There is also a Valkyrie who uses Honkai energy to fight."

"are fatal"

"He is also the only alien created by Honkai."

In the conference room of St. Freya Academy.

Theresa was also a little unbelievable:"The Herrscher of Restraint was killed by grandpa? Jizi:"

Theresa, if I remember correctly"

"The Oath of Judas is the Key of God made from the Herrscher core of the Herrscher bound in the pre-civilization era, right?

Theresa nodded:" That's right."

Ji Zi continued to ask:"Then what is the power of the Herrscher of Restraint?" Theresa took a deep breath:"The power of the Herrscher of Restraint is an absolute disaster for everyone in this world.""

"Especially us, the Valkyrie who use Honkai energy to fight! Jizi narrowed her eyes.

Theresa continued to explain:"The power of the Herrscher of Restraint is to open a barrier within a certain range."

"In this ending, except for the Herrscher of Restraint himself"

"Any energy source will be restrained, especially Honkai energy."

"In the barrier of Herrscher of Restraint, Honkai energy will be directly destroyed, and biological energy will be suppressed."

"A Valkyrie who uses Honkai energy to fight will be turned into a cripple and die from exhaustion after entering the barrier."

"Ordinary people will slowly lose their strength and die in the barrier of the Herrscher of Restraint."

After hearing this, Jizi's eyelids jumped wildly.

Honkai actually created a Herrscher who can directly kill Honkai?

This is a bit too abstract!

Jizi:"Theresa, what about Judas's oath?

Teresa nodded:"Judas's Oath, Zero Rated Power Divine Grace Barrier, this is the move.""

"But after all, I am not the Herrscher of Restraint, and I have a fusion warrior physique."

"He has the Honkaijutsu factor in his body, so he will be absolutely suppressed in the Divine Grace Barrier."

"So for me, Divine Grace Barrier is also a move that will lead to death.

Ji Zi:"So, how did you contain Xilin back then?"......"

Teresa:"That's right, it means opening the divine grace enchantment."

"But unfortunately, Siren was not killed, but was revived by the power of the Herrscher of Death."

"If at that time I......"

I think about this every time.

Theresa felt a little guilty.

After all, if he could successfully defeat Xilin back then.

Maybe not so many things will happen in the future.

Ji Zi consoled her:"Theresa, I can't blame you for this.""

"You also tried your best"

"And the kind that sacrifices his own life"

"I think if Cecilia had been here at that time, she would have prevented you from using this move. Theresa didn't say much.

Instead, she said curiously:"The Herrscher of Restraint showed great power.""

"It's the kind of absolute suppression"

"Grandpa, how did he do it?"

Himeko is also very curious.

Judging from Theresa's description, this kind of power is a disaster for everyone who uses Honkai energy to fight! Both of them looked curiously towards the live broadcast room. Inside the Tianming headquarters. The three of Otto are also full of doubts. After all, Otto at this time has not experienced these things yet. There is no way to deal with the Herrscher of Restraint. So the answers are all in the live broadcast room. Lin En in the live broadcast room also started to talk How did Otto do this? In front of the computer. Linn saw Kiana's barrage and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly.

"this little guy"

"You treat me as a tool, right?"

"Also summoned!"

For a moment, Lin En had the urge to rush to the collapsing world, catch Kiana and spank her.

When the kitten's butt was spanked, it should make a very pleasant sound.

But for now, the live broadcast is more important.

Since The audience has asked questions.

Then as the anchor, you have to answer them properly.

This is not only Lin En's professionalism as an anchor.

It is also because in such a situation, you can gain more....

Popularity value!

Linn coughed twice, drawing the attention of the audience in the live broadcast room to himself.

"The Herrscher of Restraint was indeed killed by Otto."

"But before I explain the Herrscher of Restraint, let me first tell the audience how powerful the Herrscher of Restraint is."

"The Herrscher of Restraint can be said to be the most unique existence among all Herrschers."

"Its power is not to control a certain energy, nor is it the power of a certain element or rule."

"But suppress! Absolute suppression of Honkai energy and all energy......"

"In the previous civilization era, all the fusion warriors except the Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo died in his hands......."

With narration from Lynn.

Audiences who don’t understand.

Finally, I know the power of the Herrscher of Restraint.

On the Star Dome Train.

March 7 looked at Walter

"Uncle Yang, is the Herrscher of Restraint really that scary?"

It's not that she doesn't believe Lin En's words.

It's just that she wants further confirmation.

How powerful the fusion warriors are.

The three that have appeared so far prove their strength.

Even if the other fusion warriors are weak, they will not be so weak. Where to go.

But even so, they were still wiped out by the Herrscher of Restraint.

This sounds a bit too scary.

Walter nodded and nodded.

"It cannot be described as terrifying." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It should be said that it is weird"

"If we rely purely on hard power, the real strength of the Herrscher of Restraint is not that strong."

"Its real power is the restraint barrier"

"Except for the Herrscher of Restraint himself, even if a robot enters it, it will be suppressed until it decomposes and dies.

Xing:"Is it the same even for us?""

Dan Heng:"Mr. Walter's power can be used in this world."

"That means that the power of the Herrscher of Restraint can also be exerted in this world."

"In other words, we will definitely die if we enter it."

Himeko:"Honkai has created something that can kill Honkai."

"It’s really unbelievable."

Walter:"To be more precise, it was created by the cocoon of the end."

"In the pre-civilization era, it was a power projected specifically to target fusion warriors."

"In the current era of civilization, the Valkyries still rely on Honkai power to fight"

"Therefore, the power of restraint is still valid."

March 7:"In this case, if Kiana and the others meet the Herrscher of Restraint,"

"Wouldn't it be certain to fail?

Xing:"Didn't I say that it was finally solved by Otto?""

Walter pushed up his glasses:"It's not right to say that Otto solved it."

"Anyway, let’s just listen to what the captain has to say."

"If there's anything missing I'll add it."

March 7th glanced at Walter with disgust:"Can't you say a few more words?"

Himeko:"Maybe it's something related to Otto."

"Uncle Yang will be in a bad mood if you say that."

Xing:"How disgusting you are towards Otto."

Walter:"Very annoying!"

In the live broadcast room,

Lin En finished talking about the terrifying power of the Herrscher of Restraint.

Then he said:"The last one is the Herrscher of Restraint in the current civilization era."

"Compared with the damage caused by previous civilizations,"

"The Herrscher of Restraint in the present era of civilization died without causing much damage."

"And the one who defeated the Herrscher of Restraint was none other than Archbishop Otto Apocalypse of Destiny"

"Of course, you don’t have to think too hard about how to solve the Herrscher of Restraint."

Lin En smiled.

At this time, speculation had already begun on the barrage. 0

【Kiana: Isn’t it just another experiment?】

【Teresa: With Grandpa’s strength, could he have used some insidious tricks?】

【Alicia: I think some high technology must have been invented.】

【Youlandel: Could it be that they are using some kind of ultra-long-range strike weapon?】

【Velvet: Obviously this is impossible. If it were possible, we wouldn’t have lost so much combat power.】

【Mebius: Could it be that some special weapon against the Herrscher was developed?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Oops, it seems like you can’t guess this solution.】

【Star Vault Himeko: Shaniyat’s holy blood can also directly eliminate Honkai energy, so it won’t start from this aspect, right?】

【Honkai Impact: There are indeed similarities between these two points】

【Su: Apart from doing it hard, I really can’t think of any other way.】

【Sakura: Defeat the Herrscher of Restraint in an instant with absolute strength and absolute speed】

【Rita: Obviously, Lord Otto can't do this】


【Bronya: Maybe it’s some kind of targeted long-range strike weapon.】

【Kiana: I think it should be absolutely powerful】

【Theresa: Kiana, this can be ruled out, there is no such thing】

【Otto: My dear granddaughter, if you say this to Grandpa, Grandpa will be sad.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hahaha, it’s really fun to see if you can’t guess it.】

【Walter: After all, that simple method is really unexpected. 】

Lin looked at everyone's guesses.

Two people who knew what was actually going on.

It was not revealed directly.

However, Otto's way of solving the Herrscher of Restraint was also very unexpected.

Lynn continued:"Otto's way of solving the Herrscher of Binding......"

"It is he himself who becomes the lawgiver of restraint"

"After you die, the Herrscher of Binding will no longer appear again."

"To put it simply, Otto obtained the power of the Herrscher of Restraint from the Honkai Consciousness."

"Then he wants to die to fulfill his other goals"

"There will not be two Herrschers with the same power in an era, so as long as Otto does not use restraint power"

"then die"

"The Herrscher of Restraint also disappeared from this era of civilization."

Lin continued:"In other words, Otto has a bug in the Cocoon of the End."

"The Herrscher of Restraint is stuck."


The whole live broadcast room was filled with barrage.

There was silence.

The pre-civilization era.

All the Yingjie and Mei.

They were all dumbfounded.

They had thought so hard just now.

They didn't even think of this step.

Can they still play like this?

Padofi Liz:"It’s hard to believe that we can actually do this.

Mei:"This step is indeed unexpected for us.""

"But in the next era of civilization, there is the one percent possibility opened by Alicia"

"This step is possible.

Mebius:"That's true. Become the Lawyer of Restraint.""

"Then he wanted to die for other purposes, and he used his own wisdom to defeat the Herrscher of Restraint."

"There won’t be two identical Herrschers in 3.7 in an era."

"This is really a BUG."

Sakura:"We all think about this matter too complicated.

Hua:"Yes, the captain keeps saying it's simple, but we think it's complicated."

Alicia:"Hahaha, it's really unexpected, but it's also reasonable.""

Eden:"This is also thanks to Alicia. Alicia shook her head:"No, it's all their own doing.""

"Really happy for them"

"I didn’t expect that I would be able to help them in the next civilization era. It’s really great."

Kevin:"The power of restraint will not even cause much damage in the next civilization era."

"It's over."

Kevin's eyes narrowed slightly.

At this moment, he realized in his heart that he seemed to have underestimated the Archbishop of Destiny before.

Being able to do this can be described as more than just smart.

Mei understood. Kevin's thoughts:"Yeah, Otto Apocalypse"

"It is more powerful than any of us imagined."

Aponia:"He is really a complicated person."

Gratio:"I feel that Otto's colors are very complicated. If you want to paint, you will use a lot of colors.

Cosmo:" Yes."......"

"I feel like this person is really extraordinary."

Padofilis:"Look, Kiana has returned to the Dominion Theater."

Everyone was discussing Otto just now.

So they didn't pay attention to the content in the game screen.

Under Pato Felice's reminder, everyone looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room again.

Kiana stepped forward and held her head high. Walking in the dark Domination Theater with his chest held high.

This posture is completely different from the way he walked into the Domination Theater in Xinyan Eternal Burning.............

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