In front of the computer.

Linn finished talking about how Otto blocked the Herrscher of Restraint.

"If it weren't for Karen"

"Perhaps in this civilizational era where Kiana lives, Otto can achieve a level that surpasses that of previous civilizational eras."

"Even the Tree of Imaginary Numbers and the Cocoon of Ending fooled him."

You know.

In the end, Otto was not only the Herrscher of Restraint. He was also the Herrscher of Dominance.

At the same time, he also gained the power of imaginary authority. He directly advanced from a mortal to the level of a false god.

If not for Otto in the subsequent battles If you want to die and choose to let go, the world may change in the future.

"What a pity......"

Lin En shook his head helplessly:"A guy with such a powerful mind turned out to be a love brain plus a pure love god of war."


Linn had a second thought.

If it weren't for the two points of love brain and pure love god of war.

Maybe Otto won't go to the final step of becoming a false god. same.

If Otto hadn't been looking for a way to resurrect Kallen and then use soul steel to extend his life.

Maybe Otto died more than 500 years ago.

It is impossible to lead the new destiny to this point.

It is no exaggeration to say that destiny is in Otto's hands.

Only then did it become truly brilliant.

As for the archbishops in front.

Everyone who understands understands.

Linn didn't think any more.

Instead, he looked at the game screen:"We have arrived at the Domination Theater, and we are about to become the Herrscher of the End."

"Watching the growth of Yusanjia again"

"There is really a different sense of accomplishment."

This reminds Lin En.

When I played Honkai Impact 3, those Valkyries and other characters were all cultivated little by little with my own efforts.

In the game screen.

Before, in Xin Yan Yong Ran In the plot of".

When Kiana walked into the Domination Theater, she dragged her body. Her heart and body were hurt.

But this time it was different.

Kiana walked over with her head held high.

Everything in the past was gone There is no way to restrain her anymore.

Instead, it will become a push on her way forward.

And in the center of the theater of domination, there is a broken sword inserted there.

The audience also recognized it. 10

That was the last lesson before Inside.

The sword of Himeko that was shattered.

The Fallen Sword of God!

Countless puppet threads were connected around it.

It was like the entire Domination Theater was sealed off.

There were also some broken puppets with broken threads on the ground.

Those threads were all blocked. In front of the Fallen God Sword.

And that is also the only way for Kiana.

It seems to be to stop her from moving forward.

But the Kiana now is no longer the Kiana who just entered the Domination Theater.

Kiana. Yana looked at the center.

The broken Divine Meteor Sword was inserted there.

This was the biggest weapon used by the Herrscher of Dominance to attack Kiana's heart.

Kiana also once faced this broken sword. Collapse.

Because in Kiana's view at that time,

Himeko died by her own hands.

And because of this period of inner trauma, she was almost defeated by the mob.

But now......

When Kiana went through everything.

Get out of your own heart.

I said my final goodbyes to Ji Zi.

So when I saw this broken sword again.

I have been able to face it if it happened.

Although there are fluctuations in my heart.

But it wasn't an obstacle that stopped her from moving forward.

But it was the driving force that pushed her forward.

Kiana firmed up her steps and walked slowly towards Himeko's broken sword.

There were still flames on his body.

Those ragtag puppet lines along the way.

When coming into contact with Kiana.

It was burned directly.

It can't stop Kiana from moving forward at all.

At this time, Bronya's prompt sounded in the space:"The cocoon of the end is getting closer."


Bronya is also worried.

Will Kiana be here at the Domination Theater?......

Stopped because of the past.

Mei Yi’s voice also came out at this time

"Don't worry!"

"Kiana is no longer a child who only chases light."

Kiana's body exuded a faint flame.

The puppet threads were burned off one by one by the power of the Herrscher of Fire. She slowly came to the broken God Meteor Sword.

Kiana stretched her hand to the sky.Under the power of power... his Xinyan sword condensed and appeared in his hand.

The Xinyan sword burst out with strong and dazzling flames.

Then Kiana inserted it beside the broken Shen Yun sword.

Two of them Sword.

One has lost its former light.

It is dim and dull.

It is all gray.

But the other one bursts out with a brighter light than before.

There is also the heart-warming and inherited fire.

This is It was Kiana's answer to Jizi.

Letting go of the attachments in her heart.

It was a symbol of starting anew.

Then Kiana stepped out of the Domination Theater.

This scene reminded the audience of when they watched Xinyan Yongran.

Jizi The figure of Zi smiled in the fire.

And Kiana was reborn in the fire.

Everything corresponded

【March 7: I am almost moved to tears. Kiana, please move forward bravely. Teacher Jizi will definitely see it.】

【Honkai Impact: I’m really happy to see my students grow up.】

【Bronya: The future Kiana has grown up】

【Mei: Yes, Kiana……】

【Kiana: Future teacher Himeko, you will definitely be able to see it, right?】

【Silver Wolf: A bit touching……】

【Star: This time, there is no need to say anything to the Herrscher of Domination, but he chooses to directly surrender to his power.】

【Alicia: There is really no need to say anything. After all, he has a complete Herrscher consciousness and only wants to destroy】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: That guy died quickly, otherwise I would have beaten him too】

【Youlandel: This method of provoking inner emotions is the most disgusting.】

【Theresa: It seems that the name of the crowd is really not in vain.】

【Walter: Yes, the Thousand Herrscher is indeed annoying.】

【Li Sushang: If you have the ability, just fight. I hate such scheming people the most.】

【Padofelis: Come on, Kiana!】

【Eden: Kiana, move forward bravely】


Next, in the game screen.

Kiana walked to the back of the Domination Theater.

Came to a dilapidated church.

Although this church is a little dark.

But it is completely different from the previous feeling of dominating the theater.

No need to ask questions on the light screen.

Linn continued to explain:"This is the place where Otto and Kiana fought in the end."

"That is the consciousness space of the Herrscher of Constraints."

The audience also understood.

In the game screen, as Kiana entered the ruined church, the voices of Mei and Bronya sounded again. It seemed like they were guiding Kiana in the direction. It also seemed like they were guiding Kiana.

Kiana felt happy.

Mei:"Now you are a flame that can light up others.""

"Those seemingly unbearable past events……"

Bronya:"……It will only become your strength."

Kiana continued to walk deeper into the church.

As she stepped into the church, stone pillars began to rise.

The statues on the stone pillars were different Ottos.

There was also the only compassionate statue... a girl..

And the audience also recognized it.

It was clearly Theresa when she grew up. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【March 7: Is that Theresa?】

【Theresa: No, that shouldn’t be me】

【Otto: That’s not Teresa, but Kallen Kaslana, the Saint of Destiny Kallen.】

【Youlandel: The legendary first-generation Valkyrie】

【Mei: So Teresa was created using her genes?】

【Bronya: As expected, she looks exactly the same as the one in the academy】

【Star: Is this cloning technology?】

【Velvet: To be more precise, it should be considered the category of super-transformation surgery.】

【Rita: Lord Otto, it seems that Saint Karen has a very high status in your heart.】

【Alicia: That's right. Since it is the Herrscher's consciousness space, many things will be the embodiment of the heart.】

【Walter: She is indeed someone worthy of everything you give her】

【Xier: Are you also from the Kaslana family?】

【Su: It seems that Kevin’s descendants will also inherit his power in the next civilization era.】

【Eden: To a certain extent, the final battle between Kiana and Kevin is a bit like the battle between ancestors and grandchildren.】

【Kevin: I don't care about that.】

【Dan Heng: Shouldn’t we show mercy to future generations?】

【Sakura: This doesn’t sound like something Kevin would do at all.】

【May: Yeah, Kevin wouldn't do that.】

【Hua: In Kevin’s view, any battle requires full strength】


When Kiana walked to the middle of the church.

A statue of Otto kneeling on one knee appeared.

After Kiana arrives.

The statue began to disintegrate.

Slowly turned into a golden light, and the golden light turned into the shape of an airplane model.

Start flying into the sky.

Fly to the statue of Kallen.

Kallen's statue was then lit up, bursting into a dazzling golden light.

Golden light shot up into the sky.

It pointed out the way forward for Kiana.

Kiana smiled slightly when she saw this scene.

Then follow the guidance of your heart. and the direction of the golden light.

Continue walking towards the depths.

When she walked out of the church.

The surrounding scene changed again... and became even more gorgeous.

The audience recognized it.

This time Kiana came to the place.

It's the place of origin... the gorgeous place of origin of the galaxy... in the video of Mei inheriting the Herrscher of the Origin.

It left a very deep impression on all the audiences.

There is simply no way to forget.

Kiana felt the power of origin coming from Mei.

Then continue walking towards the depths of the Origin.

For Kiana.

This is the second time coming here.

The first time was when he entered Mei Yi's consciousness space.

Kiana walked forward firmly and confidently.

The water beneath his feet rippled... as if to tell Kiana.

Proof that a person is alive.

When the stars in the sky are flowing.

More than a dozen streams of light flew quickly from one direction behind Kiana.

It flew around the place of origin for a week.

Kiana stopped and looked towards the horizon.

Those shooting stars leaped towards her...

Those streams of light were of different colors.

【Alicia: These are the powers of the Herrscher, and they all recognize Kiana】

【March 7: So beautiful, I have never seen such a scene in the universe】

【Xingqiong Jizi: It’s so beautiful, I can’t believe it at all】

【Star: Do you want to record it first and play it on a loop next time?】

【Bronya: Are Sister Mei and I included in this?】

【Kiana: There must be some】

【Walter: It seems that it’s the last moment for Yu】

【The Herrscher of Knowledge: It turns out that when Kiana became the Herrscher of the Origin, the process in between was so ink.】

【Fu Hua: Why, was it difficult for you to resist those Herrscher consciousnesses at that time?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: You old antique! I am the Herrscher of Consciousness, what’s so hard about dealing with a few dead guys!】

【Padofelis: Hahaha, Sister Fu Hua, you really have a venomous tongue.】

【Sakura: Rather than being a poisonous snake, it’s better to say it’s a blunt statement.】


【Youlandel: Will we finally see Kiana become the Herrscher of the End?】

【Teresa: So excited!】

【Honkai Impact: Yes, I’m so excited】

【Li Sushang: What does the Lawyer of the End look like!】


St. Freya Academy.

Kiana looked at the scene in the game screen.

She looked vaguely at Bronya and Mei Yi beside her, and Fu Hua behind her.

"Am I about to become the Herrscher of the End?"

In words.

Kiana still felt like she was dreaming.

Fu Hua:"According to the captain's reaction and statement, it should be right.……"

"And Kiana......

487"In the future, your responsibilities will become more and more important.……"


"Will you feel tired?"

Fu Hua looked at Kiana and asked this fatal question.

The Herrscher of the End.

In this era of civilization, it is no longer synonymous with destruction and end.

Instead, it has been given a new meaning.

Hope. And Mirai!

Mei and Bronya also looked at Kiana with the same eyes.

Kiana looked at the three of them with a heart-warming expression:"Monitor, I don't know how to do it.""

"Because I still have you by my side!"

"I'm never alone, there's Mei and Bronya"

"There is the monitor, teacher Jizi, and aunt……"

Kiana looked at the different version of herself in the game screen

"And I believe that I will definitely think the same thing in the future."

"So I will choose to become the Herrscher of the End without any hesitation."

"I will fight for all the good in the world"

"I will work hard to turn the imperfect story into what we expect!"

"And you are all my beauty……"

Kiana's eyes.

He looked firmly at the three people in front of him.

Fu Hua was stunned for a moment, and then replied with a smile:"Yes, all the beauty in the world is not just the various things around us."

"It’s also everything we experience in this world.

Mei Yi:"Yes, Kiana!""

"You are also all my beauty."

Bronya looked at Mei Yi in confusion.

"Sister Mei, you haven’t met Alicia yet"

"You can already say something like this"

"It seems that you will learn bad things soon."


Meiyi was speechless for a moment.

Don't know how to answer.

He was so deeply in love that he blurted out such shameful words directly.

A little shy...

Kiana immediately hugged Mei Yi:"I knew Mei Yi was the best for me."

"What Mei Yi said just now was really lovely."

"Can you say it again?"

"I want to hear it again……"

Bronya looked at Kiana.

He shook his head helplessly, as if he was watching a child.

"Sure enough……"

"Kiana, who will be sensible when she grows up, is not here, but in the future.……"

"Kiana is still an idiot now."

Kiana stuck out her tongue at Bronya.

Fu Hua said with a smile:"This is the truest side of Kiana."

"I believe that after everything is over……"

Fu Hua looked at the game screen.

The Herrscher of Shining Flames is about to become Kiana, the Herrscher of the End.

Although that is the future, in the game screen.

But Fu Hua could still see the weight on Kiana's back. if you can.

She hoped that Kiana wouldn't have to bear this.

But at the same time, Fu Hua also understood that Kiana had to bear it.

But Fu Hua can still believe it...

When everything is over...

Fu Hua:"Kiana will definitely change back to what she is now."


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