Starry universe.

Silver Wolf listened to Lin En's explanation.

She is also a game fan.

I immediately understood what this meant

"It is equivalent to the captain providing certain help to Kiana and the others through Aiyi."

"In fact, it is similar to an agent"

"But an independent character.

Kafka:"So it's also for the captains' experience when playing the game?""

Yinlang nodded:"It can be seen that people from the captain's world"

"I put a lot of thought into designing this game."

As a game enthusiast.

This is Silver Wolf's highest praise for developers.

Kafka looked at Silver Wolf:"It seems that you also want to play this game.

Silver Wolf replied directly:"Of course, as long as it is a fun game"

"I would like to play it again"

"I just don’t know if the captain will share this game in the future."

There was a trace of expectation in Silver Wolf's eyes.

Expectations for Honkai Impact 3.

Kafka continued:"Watching the captain's live broadcast like this"

"Isn't it equivalent to playing the game again? Silver Wolf shook his head:"

No, Kafka, you don't understand.""

"Playing games is a kind of fun in addition to playing games itself"

"Feel the plot of the game, read the game guide, discuss the plot with fans, and watch the master's operations......"

Kafka listened to Silver Wolf list these.

It gave me a headache to hear it.

Just playing a game.

Are there so many twists and turns?

According to Kafka.

It feels good to experience these stories with the anchor Lin En.

After Silver Wolf finished speaking, he looked at Kafka.

Then he said dissatisfiedly:"Kafka, didn't you listen to me just now?"

Kafka replied:"I just listened."

"Maybe it’s because I don’t like playing games"

"So I’m not particularly clear about a lot of what you said."

Yinlang waved his hand:"Forget it, this kind of thing can only be communicated with people who also like games."

"Only she will understand."

When Silver Wolf said this, he looked towards the live broadcast room.

His eyes stayed on Bronya's barrage.

From the beginning of the live broadcast to now, she has always had a very good impression of Bronya. 10.

Especially In terms of games, the two can be said to be completely consistent

"Is this also because of the same body?"

Yin Lang thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, Bronya, who was in the dormitory of St. Freya Academy and was not on the same timeline.

Naturally, she couldn't feel Silver Wolf's attention.

She was in the dormitory of St. Freya Academy at this time. Enjoying the praise from another person,

Kiana happily said to Bronya:"Bronya, you are so amazing!"

"Sure enough, you and Heavy Rabbit analyzed everything correctly."

Bronya nodded as usual. She was still very proud in her heart.

Looking at Ai Yi in the game.

Bronya said thoughtfully:"Maybe in my own game in the future"

"It is also possible to add such a bridge"

"To improve players’ sense of participation in the game and make the game’s story more realistic"


"I just don’t know if this will constitute a crime of plagiarizing code."

"Still need to think carefully about it."

Throughout the whole process, Bronya did not pay too much attention to Kiana's compliments.

Kiana:"Bronya, I have praised you like this."

Bronya:"This is just Bronya's basic operation."

"So Kiana doesn't need to show too much excitement."

Kiana:"Mei Yi, look at Bronya's appearance of not being modest at all."

"How infuriating. Meiyi smiled, and then said:"Kiana, shouldn't you be more curious now about what the captain's gift is?""


"The captain also asked Aiyi to bring us gifts"

"What will it be......"

Kiana thought carefully.

But I can’t think of the specific content of the gift.

If you didn't know who the captain was before.

Maybe you can even imagine it according to your own thinking.

But after Linn appeared.

Kiana knew that the captain was from another world.

Still a player of Honkai Impact 3 game.

So Kiana really couldn't imagine the content of this gift.

Then Kiana looked at Bronya:"Bronya, what kind of gift do you think the captain will give us?"

Bronya looked at the picture in the live broadcast room.

He thought about it carefully, then shook his head:"I can't imagine......"

Kiana suddenly became distressed

"Mei, can you guess what gift the captain wants to give us?

Yayi shook her head in the same way:"I can't guess.""

"But I believe that the gift the captain gave us must be very special."

Kiana cast her eyes on Fu Hua again.

Fu Hua replied:"I'm sorry Kiana, I can't guess it either."

Bronya:"It's normal. Captain, they are not from this world after all."

"Our relationship with the captains is between the game and the players."

Kiana immediately asked:"Bronya, if it were you"

"What would you say to the characters in the games you play?"

Bronya thought for a while, and then said:"If it were me, I should have a lot to say to them."

"After all, a game can bring me more than just the joy of winning and losing."

If Silver Wolf hears Bronya say this here at this time, he will definitely be very happy to finally find his soulmate.

Bronya continued to look at the live broadcast room:"So, I think the captain's gift"

"That's probably what he wanted to say to us."

Kiana:"Didn't you just say you couldn't guess it?"

Bronya:"Just now I was standing from the perspective of a different world, but this time I am standing from the perspective of a gamer."

Mei Yi:"So let's wait and see what the final answer is."

【Li Sushang: The captain’s gift must be a magic weapon or something to prepare for the next battle.】

【Xing: I think it should be some super-destructive weapon, like a bug in this game!】

【March 7: What kind of weapon is that of yours?】

【Kafka: Silver Wolf guessed a lot just now】

【Kiana: Bronya seems to have guessed it too】

【Mei: I think it must be something very meaningful.】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Yes, it’s particularly meaningful.】

【Teresa: If even Xiao Shi says this, then what Ai Yi will bring next is worth looking forward to.】

【Youlandel: I also became curious.】

【Xier: Is this meaningful gift the captain’s intention?】

【Walter: It should be considered the most meaningful thing in the world.】

【Alicia: If that’s the case, it’s really exciting.】

【Padofelis: Yes, yes, what will the captain send?】

【Su: I’m really curious.】

【Gratius: Kosmo, what do you think it is?】

【Cosmo: Sorry, I couldn't guess】

【Mebius: It’s not some anatomy data about the end, right?】

【Velvet: You should be the only one who likes that kind of thing, right?】

【Mei: It would be nice if there were any】

【Eden: The doctors think very differently from us.】

【Dan Heng: Gifts from another world are just like what we do every time we arrive at a place. 】

The audience looked at Ai Yi in the game screen curiously.

Aiyi stood in front of the three people.

Bronya looked at Ai Yi, and then said:"Xie'er told us about you...."

"but why?"

Lynn also spoke at this time and added:"When Xier fled Theresa with her dream,"

"Ai Yi has already appeared once."

Obviously, it was also later.

Xi'er told Bronya something about Aiyi.

So after Aiyi introduced herself just now,

Bronya confirmed the identity of the other party.

But Bronya has always been She is a very vigilant person.

So she didn’t think that someone suddenly appeared......There are no conditions for people to do this.

There is no request to choose to help them. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now the final battle with Kevin is about to begin.

So it's better to be careful.

As the saying goes, sail with caution and sail for thousands of years.

Bronya still understands this.

If it is because of a moment of negligence.

And if there is a major change in the final battle.

Bronya would never forgive herself for being like this even if she died.

So even though Aiyi had helped Xier before.

Bronya still had to ask clearly about the other party's purpose. otherwise.

There is no way to rest assured.

And Aiyi had better give her a convincing answer. otherwise.

She also didn't let Ai Yi come to help them.

Aiyi Hyperion looked at Bronya as if she were an old friend.

This made Bronya very puzzled.

It was obviously the first time they met.

Including Kiana and Mei and everyone present.

But why does Aiyi seem to know them very well?

Aiyi directly pointed out the doubts in Bronya's heart:"Why can you suddenly appear here?"

"Why choose to help you?"


"I am obviously more similar to the dream, but why do I have to side with humans?"

Regarding what Aiyi said,

Bronya continued to look at her with a calm expression.

Others also looked at her curiously.

Aiyi Huberian smiled:"To be honest, this is all my willfulness......." capricious? this answer......

Hard to convince.

It sounds like she's acting like a young lady.

Same as Kiana before.

Everyone present continued to wait for Aiyi Hyperion to continue.

Aiyi Huberian began to explain:"In the pseudo-time crystal, I witnessed everything about you."

"I saw all your past and future"

"Although this is indeed just a one-way emotion......"

"But unconsciously, I have regarded myself as your partner"

"So, as this story comes to an end, I want to join this story"

"I want to be your helper......"

"Everything I do starts from this simple idea."


Aiyi Huberian slowly raised his head and looked at the sky.

Under everyone's surprised eyes.

He opened his mouth and said:"You who are in another dimension......"

"......There must be some people who think so, right?"

Everyone looked at Aiyi Huberian with great curiosity.

Bronya asked directly:"Did you just......"

"Who are you talking to?"

Aiyi Huberian did not answer Bronya's question.

Instead, he continued:"Since I will witness your stories countless times in the future,......"

"At this moment, I hope you will listen to my story."

When hearing Aiyi Huberian's sincere words, everyone present fell silent, waiting for Aiyi Huberian to tell the story she wanted to tell.

At least her tone was sincere.

What was revealed All are well-intentioned.

So everyone is willing to choose to believe in her for a short time at this point in time.

Aiyi Huberian looked at everyone.

He began to tell in a story-telling tone:"Once upon a time, there was a lonely boy......"

"Or a girl?"

"The girl lives aimlessly, not knowing what she wants or who she will become."

"She wandered around the world like this and met many people"

"I experienced a lot of partings"

"Girls keep growing......"

"She did a lot of wrong things and stupid things. hurt some people"

"He also did more right things and, wisely, saved more people."


Aiyi Huberian talked a lot.

The story is fascinating.

It also feels very 803-like.

After hearing this, Kiana looked at Ai Yi in confusion:"What did you say?……"

Meiyi said directly:"Are you really not talking about us?"

Aiyi Huberian replied with a smile:"If you must say it like this, then this is your story."


"This is also the story of thousands of other people"

"I don't care who the protagonist of this story is, because it could be your story, my story"

"Stories belonging to many people"

"After all, I am just a person recording the story."

Aiyi Huberian was walking and talking. Her gentle words touched the thoughts of everyone present.

And her words were also very simple.

She was like a person who recorded every story.

Then she told these stories Shared with others.

Others gained many things from these stories. They also saw themselves in these stories.

And she also passed on the stories of Kiana and the others.


【March 7: Oh~ I understand, Ai Yi was talking to the captain just now】

【Silver Wolf: The so-called constant witnessing of Kiana and the others’ stories is that when every captain is playing games, Ai Yi also accompanies the captain to experience these stories.】

【Kafka: The power of stories will indeed affect everyone who reads this story】

【Kiana: So our story also taught the captains a lot?】

【Meiyi: So in our world, Aiyi plays more of a role in conveying stories?】

【Bronya: The so-called pseudo-time body does not refer to the game itself, right?】

【Teresa: It’s amazing, I can’t believe our story has been made into a game.】

【Honkai Impact: Haven't you seen it many times before? What you see now is also a game】

【Star Vault Himeko: What Theresa means is that the story can also be made into a game and then be liked by so many people.】

【Star: Will our story also be made into a game?】

【March 7: Then I must be the protagonist】

【Walter: I feel like it’s me, after all, I exist in both worlds】

【Otto: According to what you said, doesn’t Void Manzo also have a share?】

【Alicia: The inheritance of stories is itself a kind of spiritual inheritance.】

【Padofelis: Just like Mei in the future, she will also tell our story to more people】

【Mei: Yes, it’s really meaningful.】

【Su: This is also the first time I feel that games have such a role】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: To put it bluntly, Ai Yi is more like a time traveler.】

【Xi'er: Although I don't understand it very well, I'm really touched.……】


Lin En watched the discussion on the barrage and participated in it:"Actually, Ai Yi looked at the sky just now."

"He wasn't looking at the sky, but at the captain who was playing the game and going through this scene."

"It was also from this time on that Kiana and the others learned about the existence of the captains."


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