All viewers in the live broadcast room.

Before hearing Ai Yi’s introduction.

Basically everyone knows about the existence of the captain and the game Honkai Impact 3.

So what Ai Yi said.

The audience will understand it easily.

And there are still things I don’t understand throughout the whole process, including Lin En’s explanation.

So the audience in the live broadcast room.

It is basically barrier-free viewing.

In the quantum sea.

Xi'er said to Hei Xi in her consciousness:"Another one, do you think this way of telling stories is really touching?"

Hei Xi said arrogantly:"Sorry, I don't like listening to stories."

"Those are things that only children will like"

"I'm not a child."

Xie'er looked embarrassed.

For a moment, she didn't know how to continue talking to Heixi.

Instead, Heixi continued:"But I believe that the stories of Kiana and the others will definitely be liked by the captains."

"Otherwise, Aiyi wouldn't have appeared anywhere.

Xi'er:"Is there a story about us in this?""

"There is also someone who likes you, hiLove me, love sister Bronya."

Hei Xi's face turned slightly red.

She snorted arrogantly.

Then she continued:"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore."

"Hurry and complete the mobilization before the war."

"I can't wait to see Kevin and onee-sama fight."

"It must be one sister and the others who completely defeated Kevin."

Xie'er:"But Kevin also has the power of finality and is also very powerful."

"Instead, I was a little worried that Sister Bronya would be injured."

Hei Xi:"It is definitely possible to get injured."

"After all, it’s Kevin we’re facing this time."

"This is no ordinary opponent."

Although Hei Xi is arrogant and arrogant, she will look down on others.

But she also knows clearly.

Kevin's power...

It's her character to be tough and unforgiving.

In battle, Hei Xi will never be ambiguous.

Xi'er:"But I also believe that Sister Bronya and the others will win the final victory."

Hei Xi:"Yes."

"Sister, you will never let us down."

Hei Xi's eyes looked at Bronya who became the Herrscher of Truth in the live broadcast room.


"In the future, Xier and I will grow to the same height as you"

"Don't need your protection"

"But to be by your side"

"Just like Kiana and Mei, we will fight side by side with you!"

Hei Xi secretly swore in her heart.

In her heart, Bronya's weight is equal to that of Xi'er.

Also in this world, they are the only two people she cares about.

Suddenly Hei Xi looked at Xi'er:"That's right. , Xier, have you discovered something?

Xi'er looked at Hei Xi curiously:"The other me, what do you mean?"

Hei Xi:"Didn't you notice?""

"In every barrage, as long as it is related to Kiana"

"Youlandel will look very different.

Xi'er thought about it for a moment, then nodded:"That's true.""

"I think it’s Youlandel who prefers Kiana."

Listening to Xi'er's guess,

Hei Xi couldn't think of any other possibilities for the time being.

He could only nod lightly.

"I hope I really just like Kiana more."

Hei Xi always felt that there seemed to be some other relationship between the two.

"Maybe the captain knows?"

While Hei Xi was thinking this, she also looked at Lin En, who was wearing a mask in the live broadcast room. She looked forward to Lin En being able to answer her questions in the next live broadcast. At this time, Hollander was at the Tianming headquarters.. She didn’t know that she was already interested in Hei Xi. And she herself didn’t know why she had such strange feelings for Kiana alone. Otto didn’t mean to say anything. At this time, Otto slowly spoke. Said:"Yes, I also want to put this interactive method into my game


"In this case, people who are supposed to play the game will also feel more involved."

"Defeat the evil Eastern Fox together."

Youlandel shrugged:"Bishop, if I remember correctly,"

"In that game's ranking, you have always been at the top."

"It seems like no one can challenge your position, right?"

"Because you designed this game yourself, did you open a backdoor for yourself?

Otto smiled slightly:"Of course not.""

That's like saying.

Do you think I am someone who would do such a thing?

Rita suddenly smiled, and then said:"Master Otto did not open a back door for himself."

"And Lord Otto has not always been in the first place. Youlandel was startled:"Is there anyone else whose performance exceeds that of the bishop?"

Rita nodded:"It's Lady Theresa."

Youlandel was stunned:"Senior Theresa?""

"I remember there was no Theresa-senpai’s name in the rankings at the front of that game."

Otto coughed twice in embarrassment at this time.

He signaled Rita not to continue talking.

But compared to Otto, Rita was obviously listening to Hollander's words.

So she continued to answer Hollander:"When Lady Teresa was playing this game,"

"The total score has surpassed Lord Otto"

"Then he was banned by Lord Otto for cheating."

"What? ? ?"

Youlandel looked at Otto in disbelief.

Good guy.

You really didn't open the back door.

This is the administrator's permission to directly use it.

Otto said shamelessly:"It's not me."

"It was the game that detected Theresa cheating."

"What I hate the most is cheating in games, so the punishment is very severe."

"Not because she is my lovely granddaughter"

"This rule is broken."

Rita continued to reveal:"Ms. Teresa even had a quarrel with Master Otto because of this matter."

"And he said angrily that he would never play any of Grandpa’s games again."

"I was depressed for a long time afterwards."

Youlandel joked:"The so-called cheating means that the score is higher than yours, right?"

Otto smiled and said nothing.

He looked like a dead pig who is not afraid of boiling water.

Hollander was also used to Otto's behavior.

She turned her head and continued to look at the live broadcast room:"Next, Ai Yi should be revealed. A gift from the captain.

Rita:"Yeah, I guess so.""

Otto saw that the two of them did not continue to struggle with this issue.

He also looked at the live broadcast room together.

At the same time, he couldn't help but think:"I don't know, Captain, these guys"

"Have you ever played my game?"

In the picture in the live broadcast room at this time,

Aiyi Hyperion looked at each Valkyrie in front of him.

Then he continued in a gentle tone:"Similar stories attract similar people."

"Maybe it's just a moment, a word, maybe an experience, a long conversation......"

"They find themselves in each other's shadow."

Everyone present followed Aiyi Huberian's tone and were immersed in her narration.

Aiyi Huberian:"So, the story is no longer just a story, but has become a mirror."

"In this vast world, we have never met"

"But a close friend......"

"They are happy because of the happiness in the story and sad because of the sadness in the story......"

"These emotions are like droplets of water, converging into a stream and a vast ocean."

Speaking and speaking......

Behind Aiyi Huberian, dazzling golden lights appeared......

In every ray of light.

Everyone discovers.

There seems to be some writing in it.

Even the viewers in the live broadcast room discovered it.

Those seem to be very similar to the barrages in the live broadcast room.

It looks very magical. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It is neither projection technology nor display technology.

And these words emit this golden light.

Even across the live broadcast room.

It can also make people feel a warm feeling.

Flows directly to the deepest part of the soul.

Makes you feel extremely at ease

【Padofelis: Sister Ellie, do these look like the barrage we are playing now?】

【Xingqiong Jizi: These are the gifts brought by Aiyi. In other words, are they the blessings of the captains?】

【Xing: It seems so. There are a lot of blessings and there seems to be a lot of weird and risqué words.】

【Walter: Your vision is always so unique】

【Kiana: Look at Mei, there are each of our names on it】

【Bronya: Me and Xier also have it】

【Xier: I also found sister Bronya’s name.】

【Alicia: What a surprise. I didn’t expect it to be mine too.】

【Padofelis: Sister Ellie, do you have mine? Do you have mine?】

【Eden: It seems that the captain also followed Mei and experienced our story in the Paradise of the Past.】

【Sakura: It’s amazing. It feels so warm.】

【Kafka: This is a blessing from another world, which makes people feel very at ease after reading it.】

【Silver Wolf: Yes, it’s really a special experience】

【Otto: How is such technology implemented?】

【Youlandel: I’m so touched.......】

【Rita: Lady Hollander, I seem to have seen your name.】

【Li Sushang: Do you have mine?】

【The Lawyer of Consciousness: You are not the Li Sushang of our world. 】

In the game screen.

Kiana, who had become the Herrscher of the End, looked at the blessings rising behind Aiyi Hyperion with shining eyes.

It seems that I can feel a magical power from there.

It does not belong to the collapse, nor does it belong to the end.

Kiana looked at Mei Yi curiously:"Is this?"

Bronya and Mei Yi, who were beside Kiana, also looked at it with great curiosity.

The same goes for everyone else present.

In the plot of this gameeveryone.

These are all original plot developments that have not been included in the live broadcast room.

So I love Hyperion’s hand.

Far beyond their imagination......

Aiyi Huberian explained:"This is their blessing and my core key......."

"Please believe in every story, every smile, and every tear of yours......"

"There are people who will remember you firmly in their hearts."

【Beng 3 is an integral part of my youth!】

【The best love in the world!】

【I will always like Honkai Impact 3 and fight for all the good in the world】

【Humanity will eventually defeat Honkai! No matter what the cost!】

【I always like Kiana Mei Yaya Aili Eden and Maomao】

【Six years, thank you for accompanying me】

【The world is never beautiful, but there are always people who want to move towards beauty!】

【Valkyrie, I love you】

【It's my honor to just meet you......】

【Silly Goose, Silly Goose, I love Silly Goose the most!】

【Sister steps on me!】

【Chongchong, I will always be by your side] dense blessings.

They kept popping up from behind Ai Yi.

Golden rays of light shot up into the sky.

Then spread out in the air.

It's like a barrage of bullets.

The sky was instantly transformed.

All rendered into a sea of ​​barrages.

This moment was like breaking down the barriers in the world.

Everyone is completing the conversation seamlessly.

In the Star Dome Train.

March 7 looked at the game screen in the live broadcast room.

Those overwhelming barrages.

My eyes are dizzy

".It's so touching"

"Uncle Yang, is this the scene when you first met Ai Yi?"

Walter:"Absolutely, although I was not on the playground of St. Freya Academy at the time."

"But I also experienced this"

"Those lights can be seen by each of us.

March 7:"It's really touching.""

Xing:"What did you feel when you saw those slanderous words?"

Dan Heng:"In any world, people who are looking for fun are indispensable.

Ji Zi:"After all, you can become a star god if you have fun."

March 7:"Damn it, you guys, don't you guys feel very moved?"

Xing's hands puddled:"No."

"Because these barrages above are all for Honkai Impact 3 World"

"It doesn't seem to have much to do with us.

March 7 also reacted immediately:"It seems so, the captain is also the captain of Kiana and the others.""

"It does seem to have little to do with us.

Walter:"But it's still quite touching, isn't it?""

March 7 nodded. She was indeed very moved.

But when Xing said this just now, the touching atmosphere disappeared immediately.

"You really ruin the mood. Xing looked like he was in trouble:"It's my fault.""

March 7th continued:"But these barrages should be the captains' feelings for Kiana and the others. Ji

Zi nodded:"Yes, you can feel the sincere emotions in every one.""

"Each one is full of different emotions"

"It seems that the captains really experienced a lot from the stories of (Zhao Mo Hao) Kiana and the others.

March 7:"It seems that I will have to play more games in the future.""

Xing:"You are just playing games......."

The other side.

Li Sushang, who was in her room, also found several messages about Li Sushang.

But it's a pity.

This Li Sushang is not her.

Li Sushang hugged her with both hands.

Dragging his big pillow up:"It would be great if the captain could also control me."

"Maybe in the future, I can see such a magical scene"

"Really touching."

No matter what, there is still a little difference between watching it live and watching it in the live broadcast room.

Li Sushang began to torture herself like a soul

"Will it be my story?"

"It will be like the story of Kiana and the others"

"Does it affect many people?"

"I don’t know if our world has also been simulated into a game by people from the captain’s world."

"If so, I'm really looking forward to it."

Li Sushang looked at the live broadcast room with expectant eyes.

At the same time, in St. Freya Academy,

Kiana excitedly followed the barrages about all of them.

But she found that there were really many such barrages.

She just found it. One line was covered by another line.

"Mei Yi, look there is something over there"

"Over there, over there......"

Bronya:"Jumo Rabbit has recorded everything related to us."

Kiana:"Jumo Rabbit, you are really great!"

Mei:"These words are really filling. It has gained strength."

Fu Hua:"I didn't expect that there were so many captains."

Bronya:"That means our game is very popular in the world of captains."

Kiana:"Sure, you can see it."

"Everyone likes us very much."

Mei Yi:"Yeah, then the pressure will be even greater."

"In the future, we must not let the captains down......."......

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