Quantum Sea

"Another me, I seemed to have seen your blessing just now"

"But it was quickly covered up by other blessings.

Hei Xi:"That kind of thing doesn't matter.""

"And I also discovered a few myself"

"This kind of blessing is probably written by the captains for fun."

Xie'er:"But the other me"

"You were obviously looking for me very seriously just now."

Hei Xi's face turned red when exposed.

He defended loudly:"I didn't do it!"


"I was clearly there just now......"

"Yes, I'm looking for onee-sama.

Xi'er:"Is that really the case?""

Hei Xi said stiffly:"When......of course!"

"Weren't you looking for onee-sama just now? Xi'er shook her head:"No, Sister Bronya and Qiana have many.""

"I'm looking for yours and mine.

Hei Xi was stunned:" Really?"......"


Xie'er:"Well, because I know"

"The other me will care about this matter"

"So I'm looking for yours"

"But it’s probably because we don’t have that many stories."

"So the captain doesn’t have a lot of hair. Hei

Xi smiled faintly:"Judging from the fact that Kiana and onee-sama were able to save the world in the end,"

"When the game Honkai Impact 3 was being produced,"

"Obviously the narrative is based on the three of them as the protagonists."

"So the two of us are more like supporting characters"

"So a few of them are already pretty good. Xi'er nodded understandingly:"But you also found a few, and I also found a few.""

"That means the captains and adults also like us."

Hei Xi did not refute this time, but nodded lightly.

"There should be many people looking for their own blessings at this time."

"The Herrscher of Knowledge guy should be the one most actively looking for him.

Xi'er smiled and said:"The other me, you really know the Herrscher of Knowledge very well."

Hei Xi:"I didn't!""

On the top of the mountain.

The Herrscher of Knowledge confirmed that he really looked at every barrage:"My, old antique."

"And Kiana and the others"

"Why do Kiana and the others have so many!"

The Herrscher of Knowledge was not directly involved in this matter before.

It was later that Fu Hua shared the memory with the past.

He also met Aiyi after the final battle.

So now the Herrscher of Knowledge is looking at those blessings That's why I searched for it so seriously.

It turned out that the number of blessings belonging to me was far less than that of Kiana and the others.

"But fortunately, the number of old antiques and me is about half."

It's almost the same as Fu Hua.

The Herrscher of Knowledge is already very happy."

"With these blessings from the captain, will they help attack Kevin later?"

The Herrscher of Knowledge remembered the last scene.

But it was just a guess.

"Then again, those guys from the pre-civilization era"

"I received a lot of blessings, too."

"It seems that the captains also liked those guys during the plot of the past life."

"Especially Alicia.

Herrscher of Knowledge:"That guy is indeed very likable.""

"Just thinking about her ending makes me a little uncomfortable."

In the memory of the Herrscher of Knowledge.

But I clearly remember that Alicia was later investigated by the top management of Fire Chaser Moth.

Isolated from everyone.

In order to reunite the Thirteen Heroes, she also exposed her own As a Herrscher, he is willing to be killed by his own people.

Thinking of this, the Herrscher of Knowledge could not help but clenched his fists:"In the pre-civilization era,"

"If it weren't for those trashes at the top of Fire Chaser Moth!"

"Compared with them, Otto is kind."

The Herrscher of Consciousness has Fu Hua's memory.

He also has a fiery temper that Fu Hua doesn't have.

So when he recalls the operations of the Fire Chasing Moth's top management, he doesn't get angry.

But now the anger is gone..

After all, those things have passed.

Herrscher of Knowledge:"I hope that after watching the captain's live broadcast, they"

"Can you find a new solution?"

"The Herrscher of the End from the pre-civilization era is the biggest enemy."

The Herrscher of Knowledge is very clear about this.

In her memory, there is the despair of Fu Hua and other heroes when they fought against the Herrscher of the End.

Some of them were just touched during the Battle of the Moon. When he encountered the Herrscher of the End, he was instantly killed.

The Herrscher of Knowledge took a deep breath and calmed down his mood.

"I hope the captain will show up this time"

"Can change their destiny and create a new world line"

"Just like what Otto did back then."

The Herrscher of Knowledge sincerely hopes that they can take a completely different path in the pre-civilization era.

At this time, in the pre-civilization era,

Padofelis's cat ears kept shaking:"Cat, it's me!"

"Sister Ellie, look, the cat the captains are talking about must be me. Alicia:"

Yes, it must be the lovely Phyllis.""

"Eden, I saw your blessing just now"

"And Dr. Mebius's. Mebius smiled:"That kind of thing is not interesting at all. I thought the captain could bring some information about the end.""

Everyone knows one thing.

That is that Mebius's mouth is harder than soul steel.

It will never change no matter what time.

Velvet:"Almost every one of us has it, even Qianjie."


"This kind of thing doesn't matter.

Mei:"I have mine too. It seems that these captains have also been in contact with me."

Su:"Does it mean that you also went to the next civilization era?""

Aponia:"Probably not, otherwise Kevin would not be without Mei by his side in the end."

Mei said easily:"Maybe through other channels or something."

"It doesn't matter"

"As long as your story can continue to be told"

"Humanity finally succeeded in defeating Honkai"

"That's enough."

Mei was focused on this matter.

Kevin looked at Mei and didn't say much. He still maintained his cold look.

But his eyes had become different.

In fact, Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire And Mei.

In this live broadcast, it has been changing.

Padofelis continued to find everyone's blessings.

Alicia also joined in happily.

Gratius:"Kosmo, I found you Yes.

Kosmo:"Is there one for me too?" Xuguang Boy?

Sakura:"I saw Hua's, and Fu Hua's."

Hua:"Essentially, we are one person."

Su:"I saw mine too."

Padofelis:"Brother Su, I saw you first."

Qianjie:"You are so boring."

Velvet:"It seems like we are playing a game."......." in the game screen.

Those blessings in the sky are like the waves of the ocean.

There are many.

Everyone present.

Never experienced anything like this.

So I was loved by this hand.

I was so surprised that I couldn’t open my mouth from ear to ear.

Kiana and the others seemed to be looking at the stars in the night sky.

Carefully look for your own blessings.

Just like the audience in the live broadcast room just now.

Aiyi looked at them happily.

There was also a happy smile on his face.

Like the winter sun.

It feels warm and familiar.

Aiyi also looked at the blessings in the sky:"This is me, the reason why we are here"

"Please set out bravely......"


"Be with you!"

Ai Yi clenched her hands and put them on her chest as if praying.

That made Theresa jealous. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Those suspended The barrage of blessings in the air seemed to turn into golden streams of light that shot straight into the sky in Aiyi's prayers. They all gathered together and erupted into dazzling golden light.

The golden light continued to gather and turned into a huge air battleship. Shape.

The shape of this battleship.

Everyone on the playground of St. Freya Academy is very familiar with it.

The same people who are collapsing the world in the live broadcast room are also very familiar with the shape of the battleship.

The shape of the battleship is determined After coming down,

Bronya recognized it almost immediately:"It's the Hyperion!"

Ai Yi looked at the Hyperion in the sky:"Yes, our battleship that travels through different worlds and times is also the Hyperion!"(bbae)

"Every captain is also the captain of the Hyperion"

"And I am the artificial AI on the Hyperion"

"Let me introduce myself again, my name is Aiyi Huberian!"

As he said that, Aiyi also turned into golden light.

Then it turned into a golden light pillar and shot up into the sky.

It rushed towards the Hyperion in the sky.

The moment Aiyi merged into the Hyperion.

Hyperion. The number bloomed with a bright but not dazzling light.

The light exploded violently and turned into countless light points falling.

Hyperion's appearance completely appeared in the sky.

Theresa stepped forward and looked at the three of them.:"Go, Kiana, Bronya, Mei"

"We are waiting for your good news on Earth."

The three of them nodded to each other and walked forward together.

The Hyperion emits light and led the three of them to the Hyperion.

In the elevator of the Hyperion, Kiana said with a smile:" Mei, Bronya"

"There is one more thing I want to do."

As partners, the two people immediately understood what Kiana wanted to do at this moment.

They both smiled and nodded towards Kiana.

Then they left first.

Kiana raised her head slightly:"Thank you, love clothes……"

"And you standing behind her……"

"Ha ha……"

"Since you learned about and witnessed all our experiences from Hyperion"

"Then it's okay for me to call you that, right?……"

"Thank you, Captain of Hyperion."

As Kiana's last words fell,

Hyperion's elevator also arrived at the bridge.

Kiana looked at the bridge in front of her that had changed greatly.

From before A small platform has turned into a large platform.

And it seems to be equipped with more, more complex and more powerful weapon systems.

Kiana:"The bridge seems to be different from usual."

What Kiana means is that it is different from the Hyperion in her impression.

Bronya answered:"Since we want to use Hyperion to fight, Bronya has modified it."

"Also included - the new Glow-in-the-Dark Throne Main Cannon!"

At this time, a miniature version of Ai Yi appeared in front of the three of them. Her small figure was almost the same as before.

If the Ai Yi just now was Sister Yu, then the Ai Yi now is a little loli..

Looks smaller than Theresa.

The only connection between the two seems to be the two green cabbages on their heads.

Kiana was startled by her appearance:"You are?"

"Where is Aiyi?"

"Where has she gone?

Xiao Aiyi replied:"What are you talking about?""

"I just love clothes."

In the live broadcast room at this time, except for Herrscher of Knowledge and Walter, everyone else was also confused.

Where is Aiyi?

Where did Aiyi, who was so big just now, go???

【March 7: Could it be said that Aiyi will become smaller after integrating into the Hyperion?】

【Star: In that case, wouldn’t it be just the opposite of Teresa?】

【Theresa: If it were me, I would never change back to the Hyperion】

【Honkai Impact: Under Bronya's transformation, the Hyperion has become completely different.】

【Bronya: My future self is really powerful】

【Kiana: So where did Aiyi go? Why can’t this person say that she is Aiyi?】

【Youlandel: If they are the same person, the gap would be too big.】

【Rita: Yes, even my temper has changed a lot.】

【Silver Wolf: Is it another AI?】

【Kafka: Do we need two AIs on a spaceship and battleship?】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: She is also Ai Yi, this is correct】

【Walter: To be more precise, her name is Aiyi. This expression is more correct.】

【Otto: So it’s really two AIs?】

【Li Sushang: This is amazing, right?】

【Alicia: Aiyi, who was so big just now, suddenly shrank.】

【Padofelis: Sister Ellie, they are not the same person】

【Weiwei: It’s interesting, two love clothes】

【Mei: Two artificial intelligences are used, sharing the same name. It seems to have the same idea as ours.】

【Mebius: Like Prometheus】


Lynn:"Yes, just like Prometheus in the pre-civilization era."

"The two Aiyi share the same name, but they are different"

"To put it simply, the Royal Sister Aiyi you saw before is more like the spokesperson of the captain."

"Will accompany Kiana and the others in the game to experience some stories"

"Sometimes some words will be conveyed."

Lin looked at Loli Aiyi in the game screen at this time, and then said:"And this Loli Aiyi"

"He is responsible for the driving and fighting of the spacecraft."

"Next, on the way to the moon, it will definitely not be smooth sailing, and there will be some obstacles from Honkaimon on the way."

"Because now Kevin is like the center of a Honkai energy vortex"

"Around him, more powerful Honkai beasts will continue to be born."

"So you need to use Loli Aiyi at this time."

After Lynn's explanation, most of the audience understood

【Bronya: But obviously these tasks only need one Ai Yi to complete, why do we need to design two Ai Yi?】

【Alicia: It’s not like the captain has any special treasure, right?】

【March 7: Hey, how good are you, Captain?】

【Honkai Impact: It turns out the captain likes this.】

【Xingqiong Jizi: Oops, I seem to have discovered some incredible secret.】

【Herrscher of Knowledge: Hahaha, why didn’t I think of that before?】

【Velvet: Maybe I want to use different ideas to solve one thing】

【Xier: What are you talking about?】

【Li Sushang: Yes, I can’t understand it either.】

【Kiana: Captain, how bad are you!】


Lin En looked at the barrages.

The corners of his eyes twitched under the mask.

This was all designed by Mi Huhu.

It's not my business?

But it was no longer possible to distance themselves from each other at this time.

But fortunately, this kind of thing comes easily.

Lynn is still very good at it.

So he continued to make up the explanation:"Because sometimes I have to ask Sister Aiyi to go out to perform some tasks, and the Hyperion cannot stop at this time."

"So I made two love clothes"

"This allows you to complete more tasks simultaneously"

"These are all necessary measures to better help everyone in the game."

"You believe me!"


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