"Ha ha ha ha......"

On the top of the mountain, the Herrscher of Knowledge watched Lin En being told by Kiana and the others.

I couldn't help laughing loudly

"This must be the first time the captain has been so embarrassed.~"

"Killing me"

"But whether I should mention it or not, the captain’s reasons are really refreshing and refined."


The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at Ai Yi in the game screen and touched his chin with his hand.

Slowly I remembered it

"So, it was this guy at the beginning"

"Mobilize everyone to attack Kevin"

"I always thought that these two Aiyi were the same person"

"It's just because he entered Hyperion that he changed his appearance."

"I didn't expect that these two guys are actually two people"


"If the two of them hadn't brought the captain's blessing and worked together with everyone,"

"It’s really hard to say who will win in the final battle."

The Herrscher of Knowledge looked at the barrage in the live broadcast room.

There was no barrage sent by Kevin on it.

"This guy is still as cold as ever"

"But I have to admit it"

"He is really strong and perverted"

"It was clear that Kiana also had the power of finality at that time, but she just couldn't use it like him."

"What if Kevin had chosen not the Stigma Project but to be on the same front as us?"

"Maybe we have a super strong guy here now."

The Herrscher of Knowledge said with some pity.

In fact, the Herrscher of Knowledge unfortunately did not decide the outcome with Kevin.

At that time, for the sake of planning, he could only forcibly give up his position to Youlandel.

For the Herrscher of Consciousness, it doesn’t matter if you lose.

The most important thing is the result.

In the space of his own consciousness.

The Herrscher of Consciousness admits that he is not Kevin’s opponent.

But he won’t be far behind.

Thinking of this, the Herrscher of Consciousness The Herrscher sighed

"What a pity, I hope the next opponent will appear"

"It can make me excited."

The Herrscher of Knowledge clenched his fists.

He was worried before that after crossing the end, the earth would become boring.

Unexpectedly, Lin En said it in the live broadcast before.

Next, there will be people from the Quantum Sea. enemy

"It’s getting more and more interesting"

"Wait until the live broadcast is over, then tell Lao Guzi these things."

"Make arrangements here first, and then ruthlessly deceive the enemies in the Quantum Sea."


Obviously, the Herrscher of Knowledge has gradually become worse after watching the live broadcast.

He has begun to think about how to get rid of Yin Ren.

On the other side, on the Star Dome Train,

Xing looked at Hyperion where everyone was. No.

Then took another look at their Star Dome Train.

March 7th noticed Xing’s little movement and asked:"Xing, do you think the Hyperion is better than our Star Dome Train.

Xing shook his head:"There isn't even a sofa on the Hyperion.""

"How can it be better than ours."

As he said this, Xing pointed to the seat behind him.

It was a sofa on the train.

Since it is a train, the various facilities inside are no different from ordinary trains.

The only difference is that this train It was made by the Star God.

Ji Zi smiled faintly.

"After all, the properties of the two are different"

"The Star Dome Train does not have weapons systems like those on the Hyperion."

March 7:"What if we went to destroy the universe that day?"

"By bringing Bronya here, will she be able to use the power of the Herrscher of Reason?"

"Come help us transform the Stardome Train"

"Load him up with some super cannons"

"Next time you encounter the Doomsday Beast, just blast it to pieces!!!"

"There are also those anti-matter legions, all of them can be eliminated with one shot."

The experience in the space station last time made March 7 now have a lot of resentment towards the Doomsday Beast and the Antimatter Legion.

Xing:"I was the one who almost died at that time."

"Why are you more angry than me?"

March 7:"If you hadn't protected me, I would be just dust in the universe now."

"And if it weren’t for the existence of a star core in your body,"

"Both of us must become cosmic dust"

"I'm furious!

March 7 looked at the live broadcast room:"I will become stronger in the future.""

"Those doomsday beasts!!!"

"I'll kill one if I see one.

Dan Heng said:"Then you probably have no chance."

March 7:"Dan Heng, why do you speak like a star?""

Walter looked at March 7th:"Maybe your idea is going to go to waste."

March 7:"Uncle Yang, even you......"

Walter:"No, March"

"I'm not talking about the fact that you want to defeat the Doommon, but the fact that you want Bronya to arm the Star Train."

March 7:"Is it possible that Bronya is stingy and doesn't want to help us?"

Xing:"Obviously, Uncle Yang didn't mean this. Jizi thought for a while, then looked at Walter:"Mr. Walter, in the previous plot where future Bronya and Mei joined forces to fight against the enemy,"

"We all ignored one thing"

"That is Bronya in the future, and her attack methods seem to have changed."

"At first I just thought she was not legalized"

"Now you say this......"

Walter:"Just as you guessed"

"In the future, Bronya no longer has the power of the Herrscher."

March 7:"This....."

"why is that? Xing

's eyes narrowed:"It's because Kiana has become the Herrscher of the End. The essence of the Herrscher of the End is the collection of all powers.""

"Therefore, the power of the Herrscher on the earth has basically returned to the Herrscher of the End. March 7:"

In that case, even Yayi......"

Walter:"After Kiana becomes the Herrscher of the End, Honkai energy and Herrscher power will produce a siphon effect."

"Honkai energy and Herrscher power will be slowly recovered by her"

"Until she gathers all her power again."

March 7:"In that case, wouldn't it mean that we can only let Kiana help us arm ourselves?

Dan Heng:"Do you think Kiana can reconstruct the same weapon as Bronya?""

March 7th thought for a while.

It seems so.

Kiana doesn't seem to be as smart as Bronya.

March 7th:"Oh, it seems that I will have to do it myself in the future."

Walter:"You don't want that kind of weird idea, and you can't guarantee that the power of the Herrscher will be effective on the Star God's creation."

March 7:"It seems so"

"In terms of strength, the Star Gods, their apostles and envoys are much stronger than the Herrschers."

In the game screen in the live broadcast room,

Aiyi also explained a little about the differences between herself and another Aiyi.

In short, both of them are Aiyi.

But they are different.

Next, Aiyi will lead them to Kevin The location.

In the eyes of everyone on the ground, the Hyperion turned into a stream of light and rushed directly into outer space.

On the bridge, Bronya also introduced her transformation to Kiana again.

Xiao Aiyi He looked at Kiana very proudly and said:"Why, our core key is very strong, right?"

"Even the power of the Lawyer of Reason can be included. Yayi looked at Xiao Aiyi and expressed her doubts:"So, what exactly is the core key?""

"It almost sounds like a treasure chest."

Xiao Aiyi's proud little eyes showed everything at a glance, and she said in a very proud tone:"This is a source of power that belongs to the outside world."

"I can’t tell you casually!"

"The secret must not be revealed!"

Mei Yi looked thoughtful.

Bronya took over what Mei Yi said and said,"Bronya probably understands what that kind of power is."

"However, if I really had to explain it here, it would be a bit disgraceful."

"To put it romantically, it is a depiction of a dream......"

"The description of the so-called civilization of the Herrscher of Harmony is pretty much the same, isn't it?"

Xiao Aiyi smiled softly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He did not answer Bronya's words.

It was a kind of acquiescence.

Then Xiao Aiyi continued:"Okay, The power of the core key is very precious!"

"If you keep stopping here, you will use up precious resources."

"That seems to be putting the cart before the horse."

Ai Yi looked at the three of them:"If you don't have any other questions,"

"Are we just thinking about Kevin's position?"

Kiana glanced around curiously, then looked at Xiao Aiyi and asked:"However, since there is such a big battleship,"

"Why not bring someone else with you?"

Xiao Aiyi continued to explain:"If you just need cheerleaders, then Huberian can indeed bring more people."

"But from another perspective, because the core key is used"

"This place can only support a combat team with an upper limit of three people!"

"This is the protection mechanism at the bottom of the world!"

Xiao Aiyi's explanation was very mysterious and incomprehensible.

Even Bronya was a little stunned.

She couldn't understand what it meant.

Xiao Aiyi had no intention of continuing to explain.

The three of them So they didn’t continue to ask to the end.

After all, this was not a house or a picnic.

It was the final battle with Kevin.

It was the answer they brought to Kevin.

People on Earth.

Just stay on Earth for the time being.

Just wait for the news of their triumphant return.

Instead, Mei is curious about something else:"Protection mechanism?"

Ai Yi nodded:"Even if you lose, on the premise that it is only for this one time......."

"Ahem, I seem to have leaked some great news."

To say too much is to say that the person I am talking about right now is Ai Yi.

Ai Yi immediately covered it up and said:"In short, the unsinkable ship of eternal reincarnation is not just a lie!"

Then Ai Yi explained many concepts.......

Please give me flowers 00 in the live broadcast room at this time.

Many viewers were also a little confused after hearing this.

【Kiana: Captain, can you come out and explain?】

【Bronya: Bronya doesn’t understand what it means either.】

【Alicia: The protection mechanism at the bottom of the world? It sounds very powerful】

【Mei: It seems like some kind of special rule or something】

【Herrscher of Consciousness: Yes, why didn’t we go there together?】

【Fu Hua: With their strength at that time, we would only be holding them back.】

【Li Sushang: But watching this kind of battle at close range is also a good choice to improve your strength.】

【Youlandel: But if you’re not strong enough, you won’t be able to get very close.】

【Otto: I’m also curious, what is this protection mechanism?】

【Silver Wolf: Is it also related to the game?】

【Kafka: I also think it’s possible】

【March 7: Captain, please explain. 】

Lin looked at the barrage, and then explained:"It's actually very simple, because in the game Honkai Impact 3"

"The Hyperion used by the captain, every time the dungeon mission is completed"

"Only three Valkyries can be sent"

"And that protection mechanism is, to put it mildly, called time backtracking."

"To put it bluntly, it is a chance for players to try and make mistakes."

"Translated into the Honkai Universe, Aiyi can help Kiana and the others go back in time and challenge Kevin again"

"It's like having one more chance to save the world."

Lin finished explaining.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were all dumbfounded.

The words"love" are not meant for Kiana and the others. They are meant for the captains who are playing games.


Lynn looked at it Barrage, smiled and said:"This protection mechanism is for those rookie players."

"A guy like me who can get through the game without any damage"

"This protection mechanism has never been triggered"

【Bronya: The captain game is really good.】

【Silver Wolf: I admit this too】

【Kiana: The captain is always so confident when he brags about himself.】

【Kafka: It turns out to be a game mechanism】

【March 7: Why does it sound like cheating?】

【Alicia: Isn’t this a bit unfair to Kevin?】

【Kevin: It doesn’t matter, as long as they can transcend the end】

【Mei: Actually, I feel that this is more like an opportunity the world gives to human civilization after so many human civilizations.】

【Weiwei: It’s really strange. I didn’t expect you, Mei, to have such an idea.】

【Mebius: It seems that after entering the live broadcast room, Mei’s thoughts have changed a lot.】

【Star: We don’t know if there is such an opportunity】

【Teresa: I also seem to be playing Honkai Impact 3】

【Honokai Himeko: Aren’t you going to play Homu’s Adventure?】

【What kind of game is Silver Wolf: Homu Adventure? 】

Looking at the barrage, the topic became more and more biased.

Linn put his hands on the keyboard:"Next, Kiana and the others will take the Hyperion to a base outside the moon."

"That base is like Kevin's throne"

"As long as Kevin is defeated, the first part of Honkai Impact 3 will be completely over."


Lin En's face under the mask smiled slightly:"On the road to the king"

"It's not that simple"

"The battle with the king is not that simple"

"Leave the next operation to me."

"You guys should watch my operations carefully. Don’t let me send you the game by then, and you won’t be able to play it."

When Linn said these words, the Hyperion in the game had flown into outer space.

Below was the blue planet.

The entire game interface also changed to look out from the main driving seat of the Hyperion. Scene.

The vast black universe.

The blue planet beneath your feet.

Xiao Aiyi’s voice also came from the radio:"System control, everything is normal."

"All engines started, let’s go!"

"The Hyperion's main battery, Moonlight Throne, is currently charging."

"But it doesn’t matter, we can use ordinary naval guns to fight first!"

At this time, several flying Honkai beasts appeared not far away. They attacked here.

Linn's hand clicked on the keyboard.

The Hyperion immediately fired out shells and began to attack those Honkai beasts. Beast.

Lynn:"This is the appetizer before facing Kevin.""

"It can also be regarded as a mini-game added to the game."

"These Honkai Beasts are essentially unable to pose any threat to everyone on the Hyperion."

"So I played faster in this scene."

"Because next Kevin is the highlight of this game!"

【Kiana: These Honkai beasts are a little different from what we usually see.】

【March 7: Like those guys chasing Teresa】

【Theresa: It should be because of Kevin......】.....zero..

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